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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 167

by Ruby Raine

  "I'll always be looking out for you. In fact, I was lucky enough to get a glimpse of something headed your way. I think you're going to like it. You'll be stubborn at first. But try to keep an open mind. You've got a long life ahead, and I want you to live it. Fully." She reached up and caressed Courtney's cheek.

  "What's coming?" she mumbled shakily.

  "You'll find out soon enough. This moment here, right now, belongs to us."

  Courtney smashed her lips into Bree's in an impassioned goodbye, and with a silent plea that it last forever. She pulled away with caught breath.

  "I don't want you to go."

  Bree backed away because they both knew the reality was, their time was over.

  "Live fully, CJ. Don't spend every moment seeking revenge, or you'll miss out on the best thing that will ever happen to you."

  Courtney was too bowled over to question her meaning, but she got the point. Do what she needed, but don't let it steal away her chance to live.

  "I love you, CJ."

  Emily's head shook and cocked to the side as if control of her body was being released, and a second later a hazy wisp of white separated itself from Emily, who was blinking and shaking her head and taking in her surroundings in total stunned confusion.

  Bree's spirit glided to Courtney. She smiled. And reached out her ghostly hand.

  "Love you, Bree. Forever."

  Bree's eyes closed and her ghostly form morphed from a hazy wisp of white to a halo of gold and dissolved into nothing but air. Ten feet away, stared a befuddled Emily Morgan, back in control of her mind and body. Her last memory, mojitos with her aunt...

  "Courtney Jessup?" she whispered in confusion, seeing the vampire more clearly.

  The vampire didn't answer her, simply flashing away to find the others. She flew to a stop, freezing them in whatever conversation they were having. She aimed herself at Michael.

  "Emily is back there. You know, um, free and all that. Confused as shit I think." No one was quite sure what to say to the vampire. "I'll see you guys at the mansion."

  She flew away, needing some space to get herself together. A safe space, because she did not trust her judgement right now. In minutes, she was in the basement of the Howard Mansion, and in almost unseen speed, locked the basement door from the outside and darted through before it latched shut on her.

  She plunked down to the floor. A sudden very human defeat washing over her.

  She'd gotten a chance to say goodbye. It was so much more than many ever got.

  And whoever the fuck had murdered Bree and the rest of her coven would pay, as would Stricker for his part in it.

  In a flash of uncontrolled anger, she was on her feet and snarling and shouting and pounding on any surface her hands came into contact with. When her fit ended and she fell to her knees, she was glad she'd had the wherewithal to lock herself up. Because the idea of preying on some weak, pathetic soul, and sucking them dry, sounded pretty damn appetizing.

  "UM, YOU GUYS GO TAKE care of Emily. I'm going to go check on Courtney."

  They eyed Michael like he was crazy.

  "That's your girlfriend out there," Charlie needlessly reminded.

  "Who left me. And the Isle. And did not return by her own volition." He was trying to honor her wishes and be logical, but it was killing him to do it. "If she wants to see me, it has to be her choice."

  "C'mon," said Lizzy gently. Because as painful as it was, he was right. She, Charlie, Lucas, and Mathew headed back to Emily. Mack offered to give Michael a ride home so the others could use the jeep. She needed to check in the office anyway, even if it was a rare day off.

  The gang approached Emily like none of them were quite sure what to say, or how to act. Almost like they were approaching a stranger, not an old friend.

  She was leaning back against a tree—eating a sweet treat from a bag she'd found near their thermoses, from Grace.

  "Needed the sugar," she tried to smile. "Helps recover faster after a possession." She glanced, expecting Michael, her gaze less tense once she saw he wasn't there.

  "He's not coming," informed Charlie. "You didn't come here by choice, he's trying to—"

  "Be what I said I needed."

  Charlie nodded. "You okay, Em?"

  "Sure." Sounded more like a who the hell knows...

  Emily wished she had the wherewithal to go after Michael. But she wasn't ready, and that was the truth of it. She was impressed though, that he'd left without trying to see her, if even for a minute. He really had heard her and was trying to grant her wishes. Which just made the pain of not seeing him that much worse. But it could not be tonight. She was far too befuddled by what had happened.

  Lizzy patted her on the arm. "I'm sure you're still adjusting to the fact that you're here, from wherever you came from." They remembered they had no idea.

  "Georgia. Long story." Emily's head cocked. "What's that sound?"

  "Shit. On the ground." Charlie gently pushed Emily down with them. Another energy burst fled out of the direction of the Power Source and tossed them around the ground.

  When it was over they picked up their heads and seeing everyone was okay, let out a sigh of relief.

  "Let me guess," said Emily. "Trouble on the Isle?"

  "Always," Lizzy droned.

  They picked themselves up and dusted off. Nothing like a magical energy burst to get them back on task.

  Charlie approached Emily.

  "I realize it's not your choice to be here, but our home is still your home." He wasn't sure what else to say, and she was grateful for the effort. But not ready. But staying in her old house, where her father had been murdered was not going to happen either.

  Lizzy piped in. "Stay at the manor. There's plenty of space."

  Emily nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate that." Her eyes widened then. "Oh my God. I've got to make a call." Her aunt must be freaking out right about now.

  "Phone is in the jeep," said Charlie.

  Emily headed to go get it.

  "What about this?" Lucas waved at the direction of the Power Source?

  "We'd better keep watch. We need to know if the pulses get bigger, start happening faster, go farther," said Charlie. "It stretches us thin, but we need to do it."

  "Seems like you all have your hands full, so I'll take first watch." Mathew offered kindly.

  Lucas chewed his lip wondering what the right thing to do was. Go with the others and be rather useless, or stay here and still be rather useless.

  Lizzy smirked and made up his mind for him.

  "I'm going to go get Emily settled into the manor. Charlie can drop us off and I'll come to the mansion later." She winked at Lucas as they departed. She wasn't going to let him off the hook so easily. Her gaze ordered, life's too short, fix what's broken...

  But was that even possible?

  Could his heart handle the inevitable break?

  Could he live with whatever time Mathew had to offer?

  Lucas glanced his direction. He was crouched, cleaning up the thermos and other supplies that had been strewn about in the last energy pulse.

  Everyone else was managing to squeeze in real life in between the chaos. Refusing to give up on love just because the shit storm of life refused to relent. Hell, this Bree chick had stayed beyond death because of love. And here he was, with it staring him in the face. Shouldn't he take it in whatever form Mathew could give it?

  Somehow, he needed to stop being afraid of doing the hard, new thing. To not always need to stand still. To let life, move forward.

  So, Lucas Deane did the scariest thing in the world and pulled Mathew upward, knocked the stuff out of his hands, and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. Because for them, there might not be.

  Mathew gasped in shock, and found himself manhandled up against a tree trunk and sucking in every ounce of what Lucas was offering, and attacking right back with a rekindled hope for the future Lucas didn't even have a clue was possible.

  They broke apart with breath
y exhales, their eyes fixed on each other for a long moment. It was all there, the dream of, what if... it bloomed, but died just as fast. Because the break was inevitable when Mathew had to leave.

  But even in the full awareness it would come, Lucas was tired of fighting for life to hold still. But as if the ground decided to settle under his feet, he realized he'd rather have Mathew in his life even for a while, versus never.

  "If we only get a short time, then that's all we get," he whispered.

  Mathew could only stare with a dumbfounded grin on his face.

  What had brought on this change?

  Was this the pivot he'd been hoping for?

  Or would Lucas wake up tomorrow and revert back to same issues, old Lucas?

  Mathew didn't want to push the wrong way, so rather than do all the naughty things he was imagining, he wiggled out of Lucas' grasp, picked up the thermos and the empty mugs, wiped them off, filled one with coffee, and handed it to Lucas.

  He filled one for himself, slid down the tree trunk until his ass hit the ground, and patted the space next to him. Lucas joined him and their eyes met.

  "I'll take whatever time I can get with you," Mathew told him with a shy smile. But inwardly, he was hoping that someday, they might get forever.

  WILLIAM RETURNED TO consciousness with a penetrating and painful inhale.

  His eyes fluttered open to see the ceiling overhead.

  Ah. He was lying on the floor. Nice.

  Like that fucking mattered.

  He'd been flayed alive. Broken open. All his secrets freed for all the world to see.

  Not the whole world, but the only person in this world it mattered to the most.

  Everything about his world had just changed. Utterly and completely.

  His body was spent. Both physically and emotionally, as well as redly. Meaning, the human blood was gone from his system, completely. The worst was over. But a new worst was about to begin.

  His final sick attempt to make Melinda fear him had failed miserably, because she'd been too willing to see it all through. She knew him better than he wanted to admit.

  Everything he'd tried to hide was out in the open, in the mind of the one woman he never wanted to burden. And yet she had not shunned him. Only loved him. Which made it a thousand times worse because he'd weakened. And she'd chosen him even though he wanted her to choose someone else.

  How did he go home and pretend a second longer that he could live this life without her? And survive as she married another? Or had a family with anyone else? It would kill him, but that could not change.

  Perhaps—perhaps—he should not return to the Isle.

  If he was brave enough, and truly wanted the right thing, he'd end his life this moment and never return, thus freeing her to live out her human life. Alas, he was not brave enough. And even dared believe, didn't want to do it. That ending his life now would be a cowardly exit. He could at least remain alive and vigilant, as planned, through her life. Which would give him time to properly prepare for his own death, and the job he'd leave behind.

  And for all that's holy and precious on this earth...

  He hadn't thought of his dear Sofia and his lost child in more years than he could recall. Or the night he was turned. All the blood he'd drank. The people he had terrorized. Not killed, but stalked and preyed upon mercilessly.

  Tonight, was more than he'd ever shown anyone. More than he'd ever wanted to show anyone. Because what would it change? In the end, nothing. Not a god damned thing would change. It would only cause Melinda to suffer. To be consumed by guilt if she ever gave in and loved another.

  "Hello, old friend." It was a familiar voice, but not Riley's. However, when he lifted his head, he saw them both staring at him.

  "Aunt May. Riley. How long was I out?"

  "Quite a few hours," he replied. He held up a blood pack. "Hungry?"

  "Starving. And yet, not in the mood. And that is a good sign."

  "It's nice to have you back." Aunt May smiled in at him as Riley tossed in the blood pack.

  "I'd like to say it's nice to be back, however..." he clambered to his feet rather clumsily for himself.

  "Bad trip?" Riley guessed.

  "The worst." His gaze lingered on the young man for a moment. The truth was there in his eyes. William's planned out future unraveling bit by bit. "I talked in my madness." Not a question, an assumption.

  "Yeah. You talked a lot."

  William said nothing, instead, turning to Aunt May. "And what brings you my way?"

  "Checking in. And Mr. Deane over here wanted to ask me a question."

  "And did you answer him as vaguely as always?" retorted William, sounding worn out.

  Riley chuckled. "Actually, she did answer me. Not vaguely. It was a yes or no question."

  "And now that it's done, I have an appointment to make." She waved at William and nodded to Riley.

  When she'd gone, William said, "I never thought of making it a yes or no, only. I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever want a straight answer."

  Riley gave the vampire a clipped laugh.

  "I asked her if she was faking my current feeling. Seeing as you guys did that to get me here. I just wanted to make sure that wasn't what was happening."

  "You're getting a feeling?"

  "Yes." He eyed William. "I need to go home. I need to go to The Demon Isle."

  "Ah. I see."

  "And since it's not faked, I guess I have to put my other fears aside and get on the road as soon as possible. Question is, will you and Annie be returning with me?"

  William sank onto the edge of the messed up bed.

  Annie... he was hoping she might take over for him on the Isle. He supposed that he'd have to return if he wanted that to happen. He wouldn't just turn her loose and expect her to take over, just because. And he didn't want to leave the Howard's without the help they needed.

  He eyed Riley.

  "Yes. I suppose the time has come to go home."

  Riley nodded. "You good now? Can I unlock the door?"

  "I'm sober as shit." And the vampire was damn miserable about it.

  "Sounds like someone's going to end up going through rehab again—" Riley slammed his mouth shut. But then apologized. "Sorry."

  "I won't end up here again. I'm just—tired."

  And Riley understood it was not sleepiness, but of life in general. Things got quiet and awkward between them. But the detox was done, and so Riley unlocked the door and freed the vampire from his prison.

  William emerged in an apprehensive pace. Not because of fear that the detox had failed, but that leaving meant he had to face the future. Once out in the hallway, he refused to look at Riley, but had to ask him the question burning on his lips.

  "Were you alone when I got—talkative?"

  "No. Annie had come to check in on you. She knows your plans." No point in lying, even if they had wanted to try to grant the vampire's wishes, because Riley had a feeling William would guess he was lying anyway. And Riley just didn't have it in him to lie anymore. It was—exhausting—to live a lie. But he felt the sting of the truth in the defeat weighing down William, even from feet away.

  His gaze twisted to Riley. There was one last thing he needed to ask—Riley cut him off at the pass.

  "You don't need to say it, William. I already know I've lost Melinda."

  "It is not what I wanted. Or intended."

  "But it's the reality. And I think it's one you need to start accepting. Because as hard as it is to say, and give in to, she will always choose you. And I can't go into a relationship with someone who deep down, really wants someone else. Perhaps there's some other guy out there who can do this for you. But it's not me."

  And wasn't that the hardest fucking thing he'd ever spoken. And yet somehow, he felt better for saying it. Lighter, and yet stronger. Saddened by it. But it was owning his life. Taking control. And knowing himself. Freeing himself from this burden that had been weighing him down.

  "I'm go
ing to go clean up. We'll leave as soon as we're packed and ready." William walked away keenly aware of every step he took, every breath he held in, every ounce of heartache he'd caused. And felt.

  It would not be Riley Deane to win Melinda's affections. Perhaps there would be someone else. Or perhaps, with time, Riley would change his mind. Perhaps after some distance between what happened here, and the future, he and Melinda could find happiness together.

  Or perhaps he was being a gigantic idiot too stubborn to accept the truth.

  She'd chosen him.

  Even after all she'd seen of his past.

  Even after she'd seen his deepest desire, and his darkest imaginings.

  Young or not, she was so much stronger and wiser than he ever gave her credit for. Not because he'd never thought it of her, but because she'd chosen to use those gifts to love him. And until tonight, he'd not been able to understand or accept her love as genuine, versus some whim of a young woman who hadn't lived long enough to know what she wanted.

  The reality that it was unconditionally real, changed things.

  He had hoped to push her into the arms of another.

  Instead, he'd grabbed hold of her even tighter, and with a grip that might never release.

  A FEW MINUTES BEFORE pulling into the driveway, with the sun just starting to peek over the horizon, Lizzy let out a thoughtful intake that Charlie was quickly learning was her, "I've thought of something," breath.

  "What is it?"

  They'd gotten Emily situated at the manor. She was worried that she'd been unable to reach whoever she was trying to reach—someone she didn't explain, and they hadn't pushed the subject. Charlie and Lizzy would not be half surprised to stop in later and find out Emily had left again. She really didn't want to be here.

  "I have an idea," Lizzy explained. "One that would make things easier when it comes to the Power Source, and I can get started on it right away."

  "Okay. And?"

  "You know how magic was used to create portals in the lighthouses, to get other places fast? Well, I can make one from the Howard property, that steps right out in front of the Source."


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