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Wicked Good Witches- Complete Series Bundle

Page 187

by Ruby Raine

  Only one thing had been agreed upon by the Grand Coven: there was a powerful darkness rising across the globe, something the likes of which had never been seen before—and it had to be the demons. The Guardians were right when they believed that demons thought this was their time to rise and rule. Their dread and darkness was spreading...

  And though it had not been decided how to proceed, all covens agreed it was a global fight, and they'd do all possible to make sure demons did not take over. All covens were to take extra precautions when it came to safety, most especially witches seeing as the murdered covens were all witches. It was decided the Grand Coven would meet again soon, during which, the Howards hoped to provide the information needed as to why witches were being targeted.

  Meanwhile, daily life moved forward.

  Including Mack admitting she was dating local newspaper owner, Nethaniel Dante. But mainly only because she feared that since he was hanging around more lately, he'd find out about Courtney, or the supernatural, the hard way—more like, the dangerous or deadly way.

  But in dealing with the Courtney issue, they'd debated and concluded it was best to come clean—sort of. At least enough to get her old boss off the search for her. Something he'd persisted on, to his credit really. He cared about what happened to his employees and wanted to see her disappearance solved. So, Courtney had met with Mr. Dante and explained her sudden departure—claiming she'd gotten crazy ass spooked and had chosen to go into hiding and just finally dared to return.

  He seemed to buy it, sort of.

  In the end, they supposed it didn't matter, other than to officially and legally call off the search as Courtney was no longer missing. And though she greatly wanted to accept his offer to return to work, she wasn't ready for that quite yet. She was still a new vampire and even though she was getting more confident each day being out in the real world, around people, and not think about eating them twenty-four-seven, she wasn't quite ready to test her hunger just yet.

  Plus, she still needed to track down her assassinated coven's real murderer. Never mind that the longer Nethaniel Dante was on The Demon Isle, chances were strong he'd confirm that the supernatural world was real, anyway. Something he clearly already suspected, and whether that would prove a problem for the Howards was for their future selves to deal with. Mack would do her best to keep the exuberant man in check. And frankly, it was nice to see her happy, even if she did grumble about it like it was taxing her to insanity.

  All in all, even with the upsetting news that witches were being targeted and having the uncooperative Stricker locked in the basement, their personal lives were moving forward and going pretty damn well. Why was it that personal life and professional duty couldn't get on the same page? Even for a little while.

  Instead of debating that never-ending question, they decided to enjoy what good times life was offering, regardless of everything else. It's what their ancestors had done, and it would be no different for any Howard, or witch, anywhere. Love, life, duty... a constant mix that would never change.

  Annie was enjoying her time on the Isle and living each day growing more confident that William had moved past his death wish—his relationship with Melinda blossomed and he was fast becoming a more humanized version of himself. Annie was thrilled to report to her adopted vampire mother, Jean, back in Sorcier, with this news. They supposed anything could change as it was all so unfortunately dependent on the life of one human—Melinda. But they were more confident than they'd been in far too long, that he'd finally come around to wanting to live and love again.

  Even with the brutal appearance of Mina, William's sire, his newly found resolve didn't falter even a little. And it wasn't that they'd written off Mina as a problem, far from it. The bitch was in the back of their minds daily. But she hadn't made another appearance since the night of the last full moon. Of course, time moved differently for vampires, and weeks or months were a mere blink to someone like Mina.

  Regardless of this new menace, the impending demon war, or Stricker in the basement, the previous weeks had lightened them all and given them a sense of life moving forward in the best ways possible. So, when duty called them back into its ugly, witchy grasp, they'd be ready. The taste of that grasp lingered on their tongues, but they tried their best not to let it dampen the good things happening in their lives.

  But it was also why this particular night had everyone on edge, as with all that personal happiness surrounding them, they didn't want this night to go wrong or derail the trend.

  It was a first date.


  After weeks of waiting for the right time, William Wakefield was finally taking Melinda Howard on their first real date. The pair had been on edge for days as the date night approached, and being the evening of, they were both downright impossible!

  Which was silly and made no sense seeing as they were already in love. If all the hell they'd suffered and survived through together hadn't broken them up, it didn't seem possible anything could. So why get so darned worked up over a first date? Like it would really change anything between them.

  Unfortunately, however, this is a date on The Demon Isle...


  WILLIAM WAKEFIELD DIDN't recall the last time he'd been so nervous—make that a nervous freaking wreck who suddenly wasn't capable of remembering for the very long life of him how to accomplish simple things, like, get dressed—for a date.

  How nostalgically human it all was, to dress daily for hundreds of years, and tonight, find himself standing in front of a full-length mirror as if he'd never seen clothes before and had no logical clue what to do with them.

  And from the throaty sighs of frustration his vampire ears picked up through the walls into Melinda's bedroom, she wasn't having much more success than he was, and for reasons that made no sense, it brought a broad smile to his face.

  They were already in love, so why was this so hard? Wasn't the hard part admitting they wanted to have something more than friendship? That they were in love? It wasn't like this one date would change anything between them. If all they'd gone through together hadn't put a permanent wedge between them, he couldn't imagine anything in existence that could—other than himself. He was his own worst enemy and he freely admitted this.

  But he'd made a promise and he'd meant every word. And yet somehow, their entire lives together so far, as well as their entire future together, was pinned on standing in front of a mirror like he'd reverted to a gangly teenager with no decipherable clue as to what to wear. He would not have been half-surprised to look in the mirror and see zits breaking out on his flawless vampire skin.

  Feeling this self-conscious was so—human.

  Another smile, because isn't this what he wanted? To be human again and live one life with Melinda. He swore his dead heart was aching at the mere idea of such a possibility. To even allow himself to dream of such a thing being possible.

  William did not recollect a time in all his years as a vampire when he'd felt so vulnerable, and he supposed that was the most human thing he could feel. Allowing his heart to open and accept Melinda's love made him closer to being human than ever.

  And that might have to be enough because as endearing as her idea was to find a way to cure his vampirism, he did not for a minute believe it possible. And yet he was moving forward with them, as if it were. It was a strange and happy place to be living in. He only hoped, deep in the recesses of his mind, that it wasn't all for naught because they were trying to force a delusion or live in the illusion that they could make this work—a human and a vampire in a long-term relationship.

  He pushed any worry about the distant future and Melinda's inevitable human end out of his mind. He had fallen hard and let himself fall deeper with each passing day. There wasn't any going back now. Only moving forward, to whatever end.

  Twenty minutes later, as the sun lowered in a golden haze and only creases of light shined over the edge of the tree tops, William dashed to the front door and anxiousl
y waited for Melinda.

  And wait. And pace.

  And listen to whispers and distant chuckles.

  And wait a little more—until finally, footsteps padded down the stairs.

  But when he cast his gaze expectantly, it wasn't Melinda descending but Emily and Lizzy, huddled together trying to hold back a fit of laughter.

  They stopped in front of William, smiles tugging at their lips.

  "She'll be right down," said Lizzy, with a clearing of her throat.

  "There may have been a tiny incident," added Emily with a chuckle, "that required a complete shower and redo."

  William pursed his lips, worried that Melinda was either, way overthinking, or for some reason, wanting to back out. But Lizzy put him at ease.

  "Stop with the brain working too hard." She smacked him gently on the arm. "You know the woman is already crazy ass in love with you, so stop thinking anything else is even possible."

  A sentiment he'd just told himself and yet again, his humanity was showing in that he doubted her actions.

  Lizzy and Emily proceeded to skedaddle away in a fit of giggles which only made William wonder just what on earth they'd done to the woman he loved. She was already perfect and didn't need to fuss over a single thing.

  But when Melinda finally appeared at the top of the stairs in a nervous rush, she was exactly as he expected her to be. Perfectly Melinda, dressed for the cool autumn evening in a skirt that came to her calves and just covered the tops of her boots, and a tucked in shirt and an unbuttoned jean jacket to stave off the chill.

  Her eyes gleamed nervously as she descended the staircase, a pink flush painted her cheeks and it made the vampire shudder with anticipation of kissing those flushed cheeks.

  "Hi." Melinda wasn't able to form other words, her nerves getting the best of her.

  "Hi," he replied back lamely, suddenly at a loss for words as well.

  "Sorry, I'm running late. I, um," she shook her head in annoyance. "I had some human issues. Mostly in trying to wear makeup and instead, turned my face into a deluded clown—hence the extra shower, scrub, and do over. I've concluded I'm never going to understand how to apply makeup."

  William smiled. "I've said it a hundred times, but you don't need it. You're perfect as you were born, Melinda. But I won't hold it against you seeing as I had a few not so vampire issues myself."

  Melinda let her head drop and bit her lip from laughing.

  "Are we this pathetic, for real?" she asked when she finally managed to pick up her head and face the vampire again. "I mean, my God! It's just a date. With the vampire love of my life and holy shit, we're really doing this... and, dammit! I meant to say that in my head. But I suppose you could have seen it in there, too, if you'd wanted to." She slapped her mouth shut thinking she'd been babbling, but William merely grinned in good humor. He held out his arm and she slid her own through, and daringly inched as close as possible while still managing to walk without awkwardness.

  "You look lovely," he said again as they left the driveway to stroll downtown.

  "You look pretty darn yummy yourself," she responded in surprising openness. The vampire grinned at the ease of her statement, but it was strange to let their true feelings show so openly after hiding them for so long.

  "I could easily say the same about you." His gaze slid in her direction and she was shaking her head and smiling. A vampire saying she looked yummy had a completely different connotation. However, what really got her was that he was making a joke about their differences, and for once, not instantly guilt ridden over it.

  Really, though, Melinda would have been just as satisfied to sit and stare at her handsome vampire all night rather than spend a night on the town. It was something she was still getting used to doing without fear of getting caught in the act.

  It was a mild October night. Nights like this wouldn't be around for much longer though before the brutal winds of winter screamed across the ocean descending on the Isle for months.

  Unfortunately, though, the nervousness didn't magically go away, and the walk got quiet.

  Unsettlingly so.

  Why with all the awkward? Was it really going to be a simple first date that took them down... not being human and vampire, or witch and protector, or fighting in wars or a hundred other supernatural problems... nope, a first date was going to be the thing that ruined them.

  Seeing as William didn't eat normal human food, they'd opted for a movie instead. Although Melinda was hoping for smooching and had little concern for the movie itself. Well, and she was totally craving some popcorn too. Smooching, and then buttery popcorn. Ack, who was she kidding! Screw the dang popcorn if it meant lip action with her vampire.

  They stepped onto Fortune Alley seeing as it was the most direct street to get to the theater. And who did they happen upon but an old friend they hadn't seen much of this summer, Mystic Mona. A popular island psychic with tourists who'd admitted to the Howard's years ago she'd never had a real vision in her life. And yet her table was always filled up with eager tourists hoping for a glimpse into their futures.

  "Hello," the woman greeted upon seeing them. Her scarves flowed naturally around her body almost as if a natural part of her.

  "Mystic Mona, hi. How did your summer treat you?"

  "A bit better than I'd wager yours treated you," she replied with a wink. Didn’t need to be a real fortune teller to know the Isle had seen better days. "Let's just say the F. A." as businesses in the alley called it, "will live to see another season, and I put away enough to survive the long winter. And, of course, our most lucrative weekend is coming up." She spoke of Halloween. "That is if there's no trouble brewing?" she hinted goodhumoredly.

  "Doesn't trouble brewing mean extra good times for you?" returned William, with a wink.

  "Touché. Never mind. Don't tell me. I don't actually want to know the future."

  Melinda laughed at that. A psychic who didn't want to know the future, that was a new one.

  "You two have a fine night, now," she said, passing on by.

  "See you around," Melinda called out.

  Sadly, though, even this pleasant run in wasn't enough to get Melinda and William back to their easy going normal selves, and the niceties and small talk were almost too brutal as they neared the theater.

  A line had already formed of people waiting to get movie tickets and as Melinda and William were about to join the queue, a man came storming swiftly by and swiped Melinda's side without so much as a look or an apology. William's jaw ground and a low growl flared in his throat over the rudeness of the man, but what happened next had him whisking Melinda to a darkened alley about a block away, out of sight from the gathering crowd.

  Melinda had gone somewhat stiff, her eyelids closing but her eyes moving in obvious motions which he believed he recognized as a prophecy or vision—only, she wasn't sleeping or dreaming. It only took around ten seconds of time in real life, but in Melinda's mind many long minutes had passed.

  "Holy crap," she breathed out as William's frantic gaze searched hers for a clue as to what exactly was happening. "I think I had a vision. A death prophecy."

  "You're not asleep?"

  "No. But I'm sure, William. It was just like my death dreams, but I'm wide awake. That man—the rude jerk who bumped me—he's in trouble."

  "And rude jerk or not he's still technically an innocent," grumbled William.

  And exactly like Melinda expected, William did not question as he knew full well that magical gifts grew and changed with time and practice and personal growth.

  "What must we do?"

  "Find him, for starters. He's gotta be at least a couple blocks away by now, who knows which direction—wait—" she held up her hand, trying to recall something from her dream. "He was going to his car and it was parked on a steepish hill."

  "Near the ferry landing," assumed William.

  "Sounds right, yeah."

  "And after we find him?"

  "Make sure he checks the brake
s on his car. They fail, and he goes around a corner too fast, can't stop and lands in the ocean." Her face crinkled.


  "Not sure, something seems sort of off about the whole thing. Brakes, failing? Around the one sharpish corner we have with a ledge on it. I don't know. Just seems—odd." She shook off the nagging warning. They were on a timeline. "Can you find him?" She needed William to do so as time was short, and she would not be fast enough.

  "Stay here. I'll be right back... in time for our movie." His grin held a naughty promise that had Melinda shuddering against the darkened alley wall. He had no intention of watching the movie any more than she did.

  In a flash she was alone, catching her breath. Why wouldn't it sink in that she was on a date with William? That she had him all to herself? And that he wanted her all to himself?

  She should probably get back in line before a movie ticket wasn't even an option and they had to find some other excuse to snuggle up close in the cover of darkness. Heck, perhaps they should skip the movie and find some place to be alone—seemingly impossible with all the activity at the mansion.

  Even with Michael moving out, the place was bustling all the time these days. And she was embarrassed to admit that the idea of dragging the vampire back to her childhood bedroom seemed—silly.

  Like it somehow lessened the importance of their first time together. Which was silly, too, because it didn't. She'd had plenty of steamy dreams in that bed. And it wasn't like she had a bedroom packed with stuffed animals or other childhood things—those were all long gone. And it wasn't even that her room was small—she had a complete full bathroom and walk-in closet all to herself.

  Regardless, she didn't see herself getting over the silliness of the idea of she and William trying to be together on her too small, made for one person, bed. What they really needed was privacy and their own space. And how would that work seeing as William didn't sleep?


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