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The Medici Queen

Page 14

by Emily Bex

  “Si, I understand. I’m a Medici, all because of your leadership and guidance. No one ever gave me a chance. But you did. I know you think I never took it seriously, but that was just a front. I always feared my size would be a handicap and I’d never advance, that I might someday be dismissed, so I used my attitude as a shield. But in my heart, I knew I could use my size and speed to my advantage. I see what this country can do for me, where I can go. I belong here and not in Italy. I accept this position. I’ll be the Medici you expect and show you nothing will stop me in my duties. This means more to me than I have words to express.”

  Shade watched him closely. He could feel his emotions. They were strong, and he knew Raven had taken a big step forward. “Good. Once we get you setup officially, if there are some changes you need to make, schedules, grids…any ideas, come to me. We’ll talk them through and see how it goes. I’m letting you have some free rein in this. You have a good head on your shoulders, use that skill. As of right now, until we have the meeting for the new camp, things remain the same. I want no one to know of this. All of my changes will be announced at the meeting. If I find out anyone knows beforehand, this whole thing is off. I know I don’t need to say it, but I will because this is new for you, code of honor, warrior. Anything you want to ask?”

  Raven sat back down in his chair, still taking in all he’d heard. There was one thing he had struggled with since being in the States and he knew this was the opportunity to ask master and hope he wasn’t overstepping his bounds.

  “There is one thing. I struggle with the feeding. I know Marcello can hunt. The female feeders aren’t to my taste. I prefer something…different. I need more, master. I want to hunt, find my own kind in feeding. I’ll need my strength and need to feed more regularly to handle the job of SIC. I’m asking if that’s possible for me.”

  Shade smiled, he’d heard a few rumors among the warriors about Raven, but he never paid much attention. “Males are more to your taste? Is that what you are saying?”

  Raven raised his dark eyes slowly but with confidence. “Si.”

  Shade nodded. “Then we need to have that fixed. Hunt, do what you need to do, but the rules are the same. If you hunt mortals, seduce only, never kill. I expect you to be healthy, well fed, and ready to roll at any given time. If I call your ass while you are feeding, you respond immediately. I want you to be satisfied and happy. I need you to be at the top of your game. Anything we need to do to make that happen, you need to come to me. We can talk anything out. You don’t go to Marcello any longer. You report directly to me on a daily basis once you become SIC. Anything else?”

  Raven breathed a sigh of relief. He stood, ready to leave. “Grazie, master, grazie! I have nothing else at this time. Maybe some rogues to slice and dice tonight.”

  Shade stood and laughed as he walked around the desk and gave Raven a brotherly hug, pounding him on the back. “Congratulations. You have earned this, Raven, don’t let me down. Show me what you have. Now get your runt ass to work.”

  Raven grinned from ear to ear and walked to the door, looking over his shoulder. “Not a problem, boss-man. I got this.”


  Kate and Theresa had finished unpacking the steamer trunks that arrived from Florence. Shade had been up for hours, working in his home office. Kate loved knowing he was here and close by, even if they weren’t actually spending time together. After their argument last night, about Jacks and female warriors, she knew this was an inevitable part of her future and she’d given in to him, but it was still not an issue she’d come to terms with. There was still the issue of the Paris house to discuss. They never got around to that once she opened the powder keg of jealousy she always felt over other women, followed by his anger and her hurt. It was a viscous cycle that only pulled them apart and she needed to find her way through it, and she would.

  She left Theresa and headed down the stairs, passing Raven in the hallway. He was wearing leathers that were clearly custom made for him, with wide stitches up the sides of each leg exposing a lot of skin. He bowed deeply when he saw her, sweeping one arm out to the side in a grand gesture, bowing his head, his hair draping to the floor. "My lady."

  Kate stepped off the bottom step and giggled. "Oh, Raven, if I only had a fan."

  With a flourish, Raven willed a fan into his hand and presented it to her, bowing again. Kate laughed and took the fan, opening it with a quick snap of her wrist, holding it in front of her face, peering over the top of the feathers before giving him a curtsy. "A bow as dramatic as that deserves a fan, doesn't it?"

  Raven laughed. "Just one queen bowing to another, my lady."

  She could hear his laughter ring through the house, as he walked back to the warrior camp. Kate giggled at him and headed to Shade's office. She stood in the doorway, looking at him bent over the desk, and scratching notes. She hesitated a minute before tapping on the open door. "Is this a good time?"

  Looking up as she spoke, the smile on his face was soft and loving. "Any time is good when it comes to you, mi amore. And to what do I owe this honor?"

  Kate held the fan in front of her face, peering over it at him as she entered the room. "I was wondering, sir, if we might finish our conversation? There appears to be a house in Paris that has my name on it and it has Rissa in a very angry state." She dropped the fan on the desk and crawled into his lap. "Seriously, Shade, what’s she talking about?"

  Laughing at her antics as she curled in his lap, he made no move to stop her. "Where did you get that fan? Did you get it in Florence? I want to know if you have some dandy you see on the side who gives you expensive gifts." Tickling her until she giggled and begged for mercy, he snuggled into her neck, kissing and licking her ear.

  Kate squirmed to get away and picked up the delicate fan and whacked at him, laughing harder as the feathers floated free and tangled in his hair. "Your fashion warrior Raven gave me this fan. Don't make me have to call him back in here."

  Shade threw back his head roaring with laughter. "My fashion warrior. Now that is an understatement. By the way, he is now the SIC at the Dead House and Marcello the SIC here at camp. So, if it would please my queen, I would ask you to communicate to your animal brigade that these two fine warriors will be entering the house more often and they need to let them pass.”

  "I’ll will talk with Aegis, she’ll understand the Medici warriors on this property are no threat to me. I think she leads all the other animals. Now talk to me about this Paris house." Kate pulled the feathers from his hair.

  "Please make sure you get them all, mi amore. I would look quite the master addressing my warriors with pink and purple feathers in my hair."

  Squeezing her tight and kissing her cheek, he smiled then got down to business. "There is something in our culture called a Masters Agreement. It is followed in all countries, but especially, in Europe. If the vital enemy or source of the conflict is killed, in this case, Cuerpo, the warrior who makes the kill is granted a reward, as well as the credit for the kill. Since you killed Cuerpo, it is your due from Alec to be rewarded. Do you understand so far, bel?"

  "Yes, you’d mentioned something about a reward in Florence, but nothing about a house. And I know the warriors are very keen to have credit for the kill, it’s important for their reputation. I understand that part."

  "Si, very observant of you. Kills under their belt means a warrior can ask for higher wages, and become leaders within a coven, such as SIC's and Lieutenants. This is how warriors rise in the ranks. Now, normal rewards would be money. If another master makes the kill, the reward may be territory. I knew Alec had a place in Paris. We vowed to go to Paris every year to be together, and this will give us a place to reside, without using hotels. We can have more privacy. You love Paris, mi amore, and I thought you would appreciate the house as a reward much more than money, si."

  “Shade, I love the idea of a house in Paris, a place where we can go and be alone together. Where I can take the children, and have a safe place for them. B
ut if it’s Rissa's could he give away her house?"

  He kissed her gently on the lips. "Listen to me. The property never belonged to Rissa. It is Alec's. Hell, he could buy her twelve houses in France, and she would still want more. The house was being rented, so Alec has arranged to have the tenants move and he will present you with the deed. That is his duty. And you will accept it.”

  She nodded, adjusting her thinking to his culture. “If this is what you want. We’ll take this house in Paris, and I’ll fix it up for us, for our children. And now we have another house to visit. Speaking of which, have you thought about Reynaldo? And the bed and breakfast?"

  Stroking her crimson locks as her head lay on his shoulder, he never tired of her in his arms. "It is on my list, mi amore. Give me a little more time, I beg you. I have a lot of things that need to be done, and I still need to contact Alec with all the changes and get his ass over here to give you the deed. Alec has seen the head of Cuerpo, so he has no reservations about giving you this reward. You are quite the land owner, my queen."

  Kate nodded in recognition of their growing property as she stood to leave. "Take your time with the decision on the California house. I won’t mention anything to Reynaldo until you’ve decided. I just hate to see that property sitting vacant when I know it can be used productively. And I don't expect you to manage it. It’s something I can oversee from here. But I’ll let you get back to work. I know you're busy here."

  She cast a coquettish glance at him over her shoulder as she left the room, flaunting the fan one more time, a promise of what the rest of the night held for them.


  Shade adjusted himself in his jeans as he picked up his cell. His woman could drive him insane with passion. Her rose scent lingered in the air of his study and he closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled. Work, old man, work!

  Not bothering to even look at the time, he dialed Alec and waited for him to answer. There was a lot of news to share and one item in particular Shade wanted taken care of immediately, the deed delivered to bel's hand.


  Alec and Rissa had been back from Florence a little more than a day and were getting settled in their routine. After that little adventure in the chamber at Castello, Alec wondered how he could recreate some of that excitement right here. Clearly, he cannot create anything as elaborate. The houses here in G-town are close together, land is a premium, and he could not allow Rissa to scream out as she did in Florence. He knew Rissa would have no objections. She would in fact welcome it. He would think of something.

  His cell vibrated against the table and he picked it up. Shade was on the caller ID. Alec was expecting his call, knowing he was back in the States.

  "Brother, welcome to the life of a mated vamp. You'll have to figure out how to keep the sex exciting now, not that I don't think you have a handle on that already. I heard talk of your warrior camp, with a section just for females, a separate building away from your main house and your mate... And a valid reason to spend a lot of time there. Very clever."

  Shade laid his head back against the huge leather chair and laughed. Some things never change, and Shade had enough of the arguments. If it is not one thing it is another, at least Alec is consistent. Sick Son of a Bitch!

  "Mated life agrees with me very well, grazie. And exciting sex is never a problem with my mate. I do not need a Gorean sex chamber to make her happy, either. What the fuck, Alec? You had to go there? Cazzo, the whole damn palace heard you. I know Rissa is fine and back to her normal antics because she had my mate in one tormented outraged state last evening. You need to tame that blonde wildcat down!"

  Alec chuckled. "Taming Rissa is a full-time job, my friend. What has she done now to get your new queen in such a state?"

  "What hasn’t she done? My queen called to thank her for attending, she was a bit upset at the cold shoulder she received from Rissa at the Coronation, but Rissa made up for that in spades, brother. She went off about Kate taking her Paris house. But that isn’t all, not in the least. She fucking blew the roof off with her bitching about you and Jacks. Seems she is a bit ticked off you got your dick wet in that one. Then bel goes off on my ass because I sent Jacks over there. Cazzo, brother!”

  Alec roared with laughter. "That is the beauty of Rissa. Life is never boring with that one. We both knew once her initial fear of that attack was over, she would fight tooth and nail over a protector. And brother, like it or not, you are the one who picked Jacks. Hell, you could have sent Skelk over here, but not my brother in deviant play. Oh no, you send me the hottest ticket in town, and one I just happen to have a little history with, and you act like you don't know what's going down? Come on, Shade. But the Paris house, I am sorry about that. She went off like a firecracker when she heard that one. Not really surprised at her reaction.”

  He has a history with Jacks? Damn, why didn’t someone tell me about this? "Look, you wanted the best, someone who could handle her lifestyle, fit in and shut her ass down, Jacks was the one. Jacks is independent, makes her own deals. Look, I want the deed in Kate's hand and soon, brother, she earned that. And I never want to hear another word out of your mate's mouth about that fucking Paris house again. Cazzo, go buy her six more!”

  Alec lit up a cigarette. "The deed is ready, and the house is empty. You can have it anytime. Hell, Rissa never leaves her damn business. I had to drag her to Florence, even though she did enough shopping to single-handedly boost the economy of Italy. I'll get her another house in Paris if she wants it, but I guarantee it will just sit there, just like this one did. That is why I had it rented out. Hadn't used it in years. So, what do you need, brother? You want me to teleport my ass out there again?"

  Shade chuckled under his breath. "I do, brother. Check your schedule. Give me a call back when it’s convenient, I will work it out to suit you. But moving on to another subject, nothing happened in D.C. while I was away. With Cuerpo gone, whatever remained of his coven seems to have moved on. Boys are not spotting any activity at all. Tomas has stepped down and already moved on to the next job. He said everything had been settled up with you. I am going to bring in some of my boys from Florence to fill out the platoon. Skelk is the only original mercenary of yours left, and he has pledged allegiance to Medici and is on my payroll now. So, now we have all Medici warriors on board. We’ll need them with your campaign and the wedding coming up.

  “Since Tomas was my SIC at the Dead House, I have appointed another warrior. I will be here at the camp most of the time, it will take much work, but you will benefit greatly in the outcome. And if anything goes down in D.C., my ass will be there, so don’t worry."

  Alec stretched his long frame out on the sofa as he talked. "Yeah, I heard from Tomas. He said it was dead here while we were in Florence. Told me he was moving on. That comes as no surprise. So, who is in command now?"

  Shade has to hold back his laugh. Alec had met Raven once when he escorted him home from Bel Rosso, so this should be really good.

  "Raven. You met him once."

  Alec sits up on the sofa and shakes his head, did he say Raven? "That skinny runt in a kilt and a cape? Are you shittin' me? I know he's Medici, raised and trained in your camp. He told me his history. But I have to tell you, Shade, anybody sees that warrior will be asking for a dance not a fight. I hope you know what you're doing. My ass depends on it."

  “I have raised and trained these warriors, Alec. Most of them were trained by my own hand. Raven is one of the best. Never judge a book by its cover. My runt has a head on his shoulders and he is one street smart warrior. He is faster than even your eyes can see, he can slice and dice before his victims even see or smell him. His size can be an asset. I have seen him at work. He will represent Medici, and he will take care of you and your territory.”

  "Shade, no harm meant. I never question your warriors. No one does. Look, since I have to teleport out, it won't take long, how about tomorrow evening? Does that work for you? I'll bring the deed. Just don't expect me to

  Shade chuckled. "No bowing necessary, brother. Tomorrow evening is fine. We are both free and it should not take long. Appreciate it, brother. Anything else?"

  “Maybe you can show me the stables. Rissa said something about having a horse, and we sure the fuck can't have one here. Maybe I can get her a horse and you can board it?"

  "Not a problem, I have plenty of empty stalls. We can talk about some horseflesh as well. I can bring them over here from Florence. Medici has a whole stable of horses born and bred there. Best you will find. I can have some photos sent to her by email and she can pick out the one she likes. There is one more thing for you to keep in mind. I am having an open call for warrior camp. If you could spread the word to surrounding masters, it will benefit us both."

  Alec nodded as he spoke. “I'll talk to Rissa about the horse, and I'll spread the word about your camp, but I don't maintain much contact with the masters. I'll tell the few I stayed in contact with. See you tomorrow then."

  "Grazie, brother, see you tomorrow." Shade ended the call and stood up, stretching his legs. This will keep Kate busy, another house to furnish. And Rissa wants a horse? Shade knew she could ride Alec like hell, but he wondered if she could handle a horse. Pushing the cell into his back pocket, he walked to the stairs and took them two at time.

  "Mi amore! Where is my woman?" He heard her giggle and ran in the direction of the sound.


  Alec tossed the phone back on the table. Maybe getting Rissa a horse would give her something to do besides work out in the gym. She could be outside, get some fresh air, and get away from the press. Hell, nothing was getting on that property in Virginia with that army of warriors there now. This could be a way to appease her anger over the fucking Paris house she never used in the first place. He poured them both a glass of Midnight. She’d been working to get caught up from their trip and could probably use a break. “Rissa! Join me in the family room, please."


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