The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 20

by Emily Bex

  Rissa never took her eyes from her work as she answered him. "I’m pleased he’s male. He won’t be bothersome or get up my ass like that bitch did. I feel a connection to him, but not what you’re implying. As for my body language," she sat back and crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him, "I was quite engaged with my body language in the chamber at Castello. Remember?”

  Alec smirked, "Oh, I remember quite well. But I don't recall you having much choice in that situation. Tread carefully. I’m forgiving in many things, and if you have an interest in a threesome to include another male, let me know. I'm sure I can arrange something for us. But one on one...without know the rules."

  Rissa smiled slyly and stood, sauntering slowly to him. She slid her leg up along his thigh and spoke in a low sexy voice close to his ear, "I know the rules. I’ve always followed them, but would you let me choose this third...the male? You’ve never given me such choices before and I’d gladly accept them."

  Alec looked down at her upturned face. "Have someone in mind, do we? By all means, I’d let you choose. Watching you get fucked could be quite entertaining. However, I can't make any promises on what happens to them afterwards. Not that I could imagine you’d care."

  Rissa purred, her excitement making her wet with anticipation. Alec had never offered her a threesome with a male, and she was beside herself. "I have no one in mind as we speak. But I’m sure I could find us something. So, you would just watch, not participate?"

  Pouting, she pulled back and kicked off her heels as she glided across the room, her hips swaying an invitation she only wished he would accept.

  "Rissa, surely you know me better than that. Of course, I’d participate. I would also direct and orchestrate. Don't plan on asking your new pet protector to join us. He’ll not be your appetizer. Understood? But you should make sure you pick an immortal, I'm not sure a mortal male would be able to keep up the pace of what I’ll demand from him."

  With her back to Alec, she unzipped her skirt from behind and wiggled it down to her ankles, stepping out of it and bending down to pick it up, taking her sweet time so he could take in the view of her stockings, garters, and panties. Standing up, she flipped her long blonde hair back and laughed.

  "Seriously, Alec, you cannot believe, for one moment, I’d choose Hyde over you. Have I ever given you cause to doubt me? You satisfy my every need. And I’d love to have you orchestrate my orgasms. He must be well endowed to pleasure us both."

  Spinning to face him, she unbuttoned her blouse and flung it to the vanity chair. "For some reason, Hyde ruffled your feathers, and I rather liked that display of jealousy. It makes me proud to be yours, because I am, and always will be. No one has ever touched this body without your permission. No one ever will."

  Alec watched her little game of strip-tease. "Jealous? I'm not sure I'd call it jealousy. But I know you well, my darling. I'm going to clone your phone, so I’ll know when you make a call, and to whom. I’ve already spoken with Hyde, and I’m sure with that fucking Medici code, he won't be a problem. But I guess I do owe you something. After all, you did get me an engagement gift. I guess it’s only fair I return the favor. Choose wisely, my darling... and make it soon before I change my mind."

  He knew he had her worked into a state, undressing in front of him, teasing, and making her intentions clear. And he would leave her to find her own pleasures and think about his offer. He slipped out the door, closing it behind him.

  Rissa threw her skirt at the closed door. "Clone my phone? Don’t think that will stop me, master. Damn it!"

  Heading to the bathroom, she drew a long hot bath and grabbed a bottle of Midnight. Tonight, she’d plan a fun evening for three, minus the hot luscious warrior that just left her house. She had no doubts she’d find someone even hotter and just as muscled for their threesome. In the meantime, she closed her eyes and thought about Hyde and all the nasty fucking he could provide her.

  Alec chuckled to himself as he walked down the stairs, and heard her rant, tapping into the nasty little fantasies in her head.


  Rissa came home from a long day of appointments. She had so many things to accomplish for the wedding and it was only adding to her already busy schedule. Her first day without the Amazon bitch was a great one and she couldn’t help but be overjoyed. Alec was still busy at the office, and she was rather grateful. She drew a luxurious bath filled with scented oils and poured herself a glass of Midnight as the tub filled and the steam rose. She slid down into the hot water with a sigh, laying her head against the back of the tub, and sipped at the wine as it took the edge off her hunger. She needed to find a male for this threesome, and he’d need to be a strong, healthy, well-hung immortal. It would be the only way to stave off her hunger, and the only way Alec would let her feed, unless she begged, and she was in no mood to beg.

  Alec had been very accommodating since their return from Florence and she wondered about the changes in him. He was still his self-absorbed, emotionally distant, workaholic self, but his demeanor toward her seemed a bit softer. He had gotten rid of Jacks, agreed to a male protector, and not insisted on a live-in, and now he was rewarding her with a threesome with another male. And on top of that, he was giving her the gift of her own horse.

  Rissa sat straight up in the tub. “The horse!”

  She yelled for Santos and instructed him to set up her laptop on a table beside the tub and bring her a fresh Midnight. She paid little mind to him, only barking out orders, after all, it was his job and he got paid well to cater to her every whim.

  She opened her email and found what she was looking for. The warrior had sent photos of a selection of his finest horses from Italy. As she browsed, she noticed he’d written a description with each photo about the horse’s lineage, size, age, as well as his assessment of each horse’s disposition and temperament. Once she’d scanned them all, she went back and clicked on each photo to study them more closely and read his wisdom on each horse.

  Rissa was excited. She hadn’t had a horse of her own for a very long time. She scrolled through the ten selections Shade sent her. Her heart stopped as she opened the picture of the Golden Palomino. Shade had suggested this was a great choice for her in his commentary. The horse had a strong pedigree, was broken in, extremely friendly and easily ready to ride.

  Her heart raced as she scrutinized the photo of the Palomino. Rissa could see herself riding this beautiful animal. She could be a good show jumper, but also, just a really good horse for pleasure riding. On the end of his note, Shade had attached a link to a video of this horse. Letting her fingers fly, Rissa clicked on the link and opened the video. Her heart melted as soon as she saw this magnificent creature. This was the horse she wanted! Her choice was made. She replayed the video again and heard a voice calling to the horse, and realized the volume was low on her laptop. She turned up the volume and heard a deep male voice calling to the horse… ‘Biondo.’

  “Biondo? What the hell does that mean?”

  She quickly clicked on Google Translate and threw back her head laughing. “Oh yes, warrior, this is definitely the horse for me. Blonde, how perfect.”

  Rissa sent an email to Shade, telling him her choice was made and to move as quickly as possible in getting her shipped here. She didn’t care how much it cost, Alec would foot the bill. She then forwarded the video and pictures of Biondo to Alec’s email, so he could see her choice. She was about to have some much needed freedom riding. And the sooner the better!


  Rissa was working from home after another busy day. Hyde was working out wonderfully, although he seemed resistant to her charms. She took a break from her work and stood up to stretch. It was almost nine and it was dark outside. She had a plan, and now she needed to put it into action. Pulling out her cell phone, she scrolled through and found Hyde’s number. The briefest thought ran through her head, that Alec was cloning her phone now.

  Hitting dial, the phone didn’t even ring once and his sexy v
oice answered. Walking to the window, she knew he was out there somewhere, protecting this grid, and the thought pleased her.

  “Hyde, this is Rissa. Could you meet me here, please, I need to be escorted to Annapolis? I have an appointment.”

  Hyde had just checked in to the Dead House when he got her call. As he listened to her request, he knew he had to go and told her he’d be there within minutes. He yelled out to Raven that he was on his way out to assist Canton’s mate. The cat-calls and whistling began from the other warriors. None of them envied him, that was for sure.

  He teleported directly to the Canton house and found her sitting in her sports car. Before he got close to the car, he watched her long legs swing out of the driver’s seat as she stood to wait for him.

  “Rissa. Good evening. I’m happy to assist you, but in the future, I must insist you wait for me inside. Now, where do you need me to escort you, this evening?”

  Rissa stood with her soft leather trench coat wrapped around her slender frame. She fluttered her hand at his suggestion. “Yeah, whatever. I have an appointment in Annapolis. I thought, perhaps, you could drive us, and then escort me inside and wait for me? It won’t take long.”

  Hyde didn’t miss how she purred out her words. What the hell is she going to Annapolis for at this time of night? It wasn’t his job to wonder, just do. “Of course, that’s my job and I’m glad to help.”

  She held out her hand, placing her hand in his as he walked her to the passenger side of the car. He opened the door and helped her into her seat. He noticed how she intentionally hiked up her skirt as she swung her long legs inside, a bit of red garter belt peeking out. She could try, and Canton said she would, but her efforts would go unattended. Getting in the driver’s side he fired up the Bugatti, glanced at her and smiled. “Where exactly are we going? The pilot needs some coordinates.”

  Rissa had him right where she wanted him. A good hour’s drive alone in the car with him and she’d go home happy. She laid her hand on the taut muscles of his thigh and squeezed gently, feeling the hardness beneath her hand. “Oh, I’m quite sure you know the location. There’s an underground club, for immortals and the gothic crowd. It’s called Incendiary. I have some business there.”

  Hyde felt her hand on his thigh. “You do realize the nature of this club? It’s an underground sex club for immortals. It can be dangerous. It’s one of a very few of its kind on the East Coast. It’s none of my business, but does Master Canton know you’re going there?”

  “Hyde, dear Hyde. Relax! Of course, he knows I’m going there, I have an appointment. And I’ve been there before, with Alec, naturally. I know the immortal I’m meeting. Now, let’s be on our way, shall we?”

  Walking her fingers up his thigh and toward his crotch, she was hoping to have a little fun on the drive. His scent captivated her, and she found everything about him attractive to her attention starved senses.

  Hyde couldn’t imagine she had any damn business in this club. He felt her fingers walking up his thigh, straight for the prize and his anger rose. The bitch sure isn’t subtle! Grabbing her wrist with his leather-gloved hand, he placed it back in her lap. He heard her soft gasp, as this wasn’t the response she was looking for. He’d teach her quickly, he was no toy, but a warrior and her protector. He got in her face and he could feel her tinge of fear mixed with excitement. “Let’s get one thing straight. No touching. If you have a desire to play with something, I suggest you play with yourself, I have no need for it.”

  Sitting back in his seat, he could feel her trying to regulate her breathing. “Now, my suggestion is we don’t drive but teleport there. The club is in a secluded area. If I need to get you out of there in a hurry, teleporting will be my option. It’ll save time and will be our safest alternative.”

  Rissa had to bite back her anger. “So, are you counteracting my orders? Because it can’t possibly be that confining to sit in this car and drive. I’m sure if I complained to Alec that you refused a direct request from me, you’d pay dearly for it.”

  Hyde laughed out loud. “Rissa, trust me when I tell you, your master will not care that I refused to drive you. Especially, if I tell him you wanted to fondle my cock while we made our way there. I think you’ll find he’ll side with me. But if you don’t think so, call him, and plead your case. Now get your ass out of the car and head toward the side of the building, we’re teleporting!”

  Rissa’s eyes widened. “How dare you talk to me like that! You’re not my−” Suddenly, the passenger door flew open, and he yanked her from the car.

  Hyde had had enough. He would show her who was boss, and she’d listen. She might be Canton’s mate, but he needed to set down some ground rules, and manhandling her was going to be the only thing this one understood. She would try to talk her way out of everything, if he let her.

  Pulling her from the car, he saw her hand go up to slap him and he gripped it hard. “Stop! Right now! You’re acting like a spoiled child. Do things my way and life will be much easier, I promise you, Rissa. Just do as I instruct, and behave. Now, we’re going to walk into the shadow of the building and teleport to Annapolis. Are you frightened?”

  Rissa was shocked. No one but Alec had ever handled her like this. “No, I’m not frightened, but I don’t teleport much. Will you at least hold my hand as we go?”

  Hyde backed up from her and took her hand. “Of course, I don’t want to spend half the night searching for you. Now come along, we’ve been arguing so long we could have damn near been there by now.”

  Walking to the side of the building, Hyde made sure there were no curious onlookers around and led her by the hand to the shadows. “You’re safe with me. I’ll protect you. Relax.” They took off and teleported around Incendiary until he found a safe spot for them to land.

  As they landed, Hyde decided it was time to make the rules clear. He didn’t want any incidents while protecting Canton’s mate. He could only imagine the chaos that would cause with Shade. He sure as hell knew, if anything happened here, there’d be hell to pay. Rissa probably shouldn’t be here in the first place. He was already wondering what he’d gotten himself into.

  Grabbing her arm lightly, he turned her to face him. “Let me make some things clear. You’ll not be alone at any time. I’ll be with you at all times. I’ll hear and see everything you do, not that I care, but if there’s danger, in any form, this is over. Do you understand?”

  “Of course, I’m no fool. I’ve been here before with Alec. And I’m meeting someone inside that knows me. Don’t worry, I’ll introduce you as my body guard, no one will think anything of it, trust me.”

  Hyde growled. “You’ll introduce me as what I am, your protector. You reek of Alec. They know you are mated to a master, so I wouldn’t get any ideas. Now behave and let’s get inside and get this over with.”

  Letting his hand slide to her back, he guided her to the double doors at the front of the nightclub. He could feel her smug attitude and knew how pissed off she was. Clearly, she didn’t like being put in her place, but she’d soon learn, this was how he rolled, and it was what Canton expected.

  Rissa wondered if he had any idea how damn sexy he was when he got riled up. As he commanded her, she laughed derisively. Before she could even respond, he was pushing her in the direction of the doors and she straightened her posture. A chill went through her from his touch. As they entered the club, they were immediately met by two brutes that were distinctly heavyweights. One of them bellowed out to them to state their business. Rissa stepped forward. “I’m Larissa Canton. Inform Colin I’m here. Now!”

  Her voice was stern, and she watched as her name immediately got their attention. They sent a runner hustling to get Colin for her.

  Hyde stayed on top of her. He hated the sex club scene, and this one seemed on the shadier side. He’d seen the inside of enough of them to know what went on, and he couldn’t fathom what the hell she wanted here.

  Rissa saw Elana gliding across the floor, her smile wide.
They embraced and kissed each other on the cheek. “Elana! You look simply delightful. I’m so glad you obliged me tonight. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you both.”

  Turning to Hyde, she casually gestured in his direction with a wave of her hand. “This is my protector, Hyde. He’ll be joining us. Please, lead the way.”

  As Elana looped her arm through Rissa’s, they strutted through the crowded club and Rissa paid no mind to the activities taking place around her. She could care less. She had one thing on her mind and one thing only. Hyde followed closely behind her, and Rissa rather liked having a puppet on a leash.

  Hyde kept his eyes peeled in the darkened atmosphere. This was a protector’s nightmare. His senses were on high alert. They were led to a small private room, decorated for sin and sexual pleasure, and he prayed she wasn’t about to make him sit through some fucking and feeding session.

  They entered the room to find Colin seated on a leather couch, practically naked. He stood and immediately came to her, kissing her hand. Colin had just finished his feeding session with a cute little blonde immortal. Colin eyed Rissa up and down. She was a delicious tidbit he’d love to fuck senseless for one night. Canton liked to play, but he’d kept this little gem to himself, so her request to see him this evening had Colin’s interest piqued.

  “Rissa, my beauty, I’m so glad to have your company this evening. I see Alec has put a tail on you. Care to introduce him?”

  As Rissa introduced Hyde, Colin chuckled. Canton was never going to let this piece of ass off the hook. “I would assume you’re one of Shade’s warriors. Who else would Alec hire for his beauty?”


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