by Emily Bex
Hyde wanted to wipe the smug look off Colin’s face, but he knew better. Hyde was aware of the sexual exploits that took place in the underground clubs, and the clubs were frequently used by many masters and their mates, but he had a bad feeling with this whole scene. And like everyone else, he’d heard some very disturbing rumors about the Canton’s.
“Good to meet you, Colin.” Hyde shook his hand. “I’m indeed a Medici. I’ll be with Rissa the entire evening.” Hyde stepped closer to Rissa and hovered over her. He would make it perfectly clear nothing was going to go down while he was here.
Rissa stood silently while the men did their chatting. She rather liked the idea that Hyde was protecting her. She liked the feeling of having a young strapping warrior at her beck and call. “Are we done with the formalities, Colin? Because seriously, I’m anxious to get on with business. I must get back to Alec, as well you know.” She winked at Colin and he grinned wickedly.
“Please, Rissa, come sit yourself down and have a Midnight.”
As Rissa moved to sit on the couch next to Colin, Hyde directed her to sit on the far end, putting some space between her and Colin, as he stood guard over her. Colin handed her the Midnight.
“Now, I’ve lined up several males for you to inspect. They’re all immortal, and of course, they’re discreet. They’re all freelance and belong to no one. No master to call their own. I’ve selected them according to the descriptions you provided to Elana. Whichever one you choose, I’ll personally make sure they arrive on the date and time you provide me. Just relax and I’ll bring them all in. Take your time, and ask them to do whatever you wish, darling. They’re here just for you.”
Colin signaled to Elana to get the males and bring them inside the room. Rissa watched as four well-built young immortal males strolled in. She eyed each one carefully, envisioning her and Alec with them.
There was one that caught her eye. His hair was shoulder length and a beautiful chestnut brown, his eyes dark and his body was strong and muscular but not bulky. He appeared clean and well groomed. He wore nothing but a long V-neck knit sweater in a dark shade of blue that fell to mid-thigh, but was otherwise nude, all the way down to his bare feet. His posture was all alpha male and provocative and she wondered what was under that sweater.
Handing her glass to Hyde, she strolled over to all the males, walking around each one, inspecting them. They all stood still as she touched them, either on the shoulder or along their arm. When she came to the one she preferred, she walked around him several times, admiring his body. His head turned slightly as she walked around him, and he postured and flexed a bit to give her a nice view of his muscular legs.
Standing in front of him, she slid her hand down his cheek, and looked deep into his eyes. Oh yes, she could fuck this one good and would enjoy him abusing her body. “Name?”
As he smiled into her eyes, he answered simply, “Dalton.”
“Mmm, Dalton. I like how that rolls off my tongue.” Rissa leaned in to smell his neck, and his scent was intoxicating and all male. “Drop the sweater.”
Dalton pulled the sweater over his head and tossed it to the floor, as Rissa stepped back to admire the body he revealed. His cock was thick and long, his balls shaved and smooth. His abdomen tight and hard, the perfect six-pack, and his chest chiseled and rock hard. He was perfect for what she was looking for. “Turn.”
She watched him turn and his back was broad and well-muscled, his hips slender, and his ass was perfectly defined and tight. She licked her lips as her mind was made up. He was the one. Rissa turned with a smile on her face to Colin. “Do you think Alec will like him?”
Colin laughed. “Alec will find him quite perfect for both your needs. So, you’ve chosen Dalton then?”
Rissa turned back to Dalton and smiled. “Yes, it will be Dalton. Please inform him of my instructions. He’ll be paid handsomely. Make all the arrangements with me, Colin. No need to bother Alec. Thank you, Dalton, that will be all for this evening.”
Walking back to the couch, she took the glass of Midnight from Hyde, her hand remaining in contact with his a little longer than necessary. She turned to watch all the males walk out of the room. Well worth the trip, Alec will be pleased with my choice.
Colin nodded as he received her instructions. “Will you stay a while? Elana and I can be most accommodating. Hyde is more than welcome to join us as well.”
Hyde growled and pulled Rissa to his side. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “We’ll leave now, Rissa. Say your goodbyes. I don’t participate in such activities. And Alec has given me strict instructions, so I suggest you listen well.”
Rissa looked annoyed, but she knew the rules, and Alec would kill them both if she indulged in any of the delights here. “Colin, thank you, but I do need to get back. Thank you for helping me with my little surprise for Alec. I’ll have a small gathering with the four us soon, I promise.”
She kissed both Colin and Elana on the cheek, and hugged Elana close. “I’ll be in touch.”
She barely had the words out of her mouth when Hyde grabbed her hand and they teleported out and straight back to Georgetown.
Hyde wanted no trouble. He just wanted her ass back at their residence before something happened. He didn’t trust her one bit.
As they landed, Rissa struggled to pull her hand from his. “Don’t ever do that again! That’s so rude. I barely said my goodbyes and you were dragging me out of there. They’re friends. Go about your warrior business, I’m fine!”
Hyde stood with his arms crossed. “Are you done now? It’s none of my business what you do, but I have a job to do and instructions to follow. And if you think, for one second, you’re going out again, think again. Now get in the damn house!”
Rissa started to say something, and he held up his hand, pointing to the house. Rissa snapped back, “Fine!” Damn warriors. Bossy bastard! How dare he?
Hyde chuckled at her little tantrum, but at least she was listening. “Rissa, I’m going to walk you to the door and make sure you are safely inside. I suggest you cool off before you go in. I don’t want Alec to think this isn’t working. I’m not judging you, or your friends. I do care about you, and my job is making sure you come home to your master.”
Rissa stood with her hands on her hips, staring at the front door of the house. As he spoke in a calm voice, she heard him say he cared about her, and instantly, her anger disappeared. She liked Hyde and she wanted him around. She liked how he made her feel and she knew he was right. Alec wanted no drama. He wanted her to improve, make this work, and she’d show him she could. “I’m not angry, thank you for escorting me tonight. I’m ready to go in.”
He took her hand and led her to the front door.
Alec was working late in his study and kept an eye on the clock. He knew Rissa was safe and he felt no danger, but she was much later getting home than usual. This was her first week with Hyde. He was about to call out to her telepathically to see where the fuck she was, when he heard them at the door. He walked to the foyer and eyed them both. "A discussion please, with both of you, in my study."
Rissa could tell he wasn’t happy. She turned and smiled at Hyde. "Don’t worry, it’s late, but he has no reason to be upset and if he is, it will be with me, not you." Rissa strutted to the study with Hyde following close behind.
Alec poured two glasses of Midnight and looked up at Hyde. "You still on duty? Or would you like a drink?"
Hyde shook his head. "No, thank you. I’ll return to the Dead House to finish my shift when I leave here.”
Hyde remained with his hands behind his back, waiting for anything Canton might throw at him. He was prepared to make his case if Rissa decided to argue about his method of managing her.
Alec returned to the sofa, offering a glass to Rissa as she sat beside him.
Rissa sipped at the Midnight. She really wanted to down it, but she tried to appear composed in front of Hyde, not wanting him to know how Alec controlled her by withh
olding feeding.
Alec noticed the look Rissa flashed in Hyde's direction. He took the glass of Midnight from her hands and set it on the table in front of them, just to make a point. "Now, perhaps, you’d like to explain why you’re so late? You aren’t in your gym clothes tonight. What kept you so occupied?"
Rissa stood and walked a few steps from Alec before turning to him. "Alec, please, do we need to have this conversation while Hyde’s still present? I’m quite sure he has other duties to attend to. He made mention of it."
Alec chuckled. "Really, my darling? Clearly, whatever you were up to is no secret to Hyde since he escorted you there. Is there something you’re hiding from me? Because I'm sure all that Medici code of honor crap will compel Hyde to tell me where he took you and what you were up to."
Rissa glared at him. "Hyde knows exactly what I did, what I said, and where I went. Oh yes, he’s quite efficient. Here I am in one piece, safe and sound. And that code of honor crap you so blatantly refer to, I find rather refreshing, to be honest. So, let’s see..."
Walking around the room, she purred her sweetness. "We teleported to Annapolis to visit the Incendiary. I wanted Hyde to drive us, he refused, insisting we teleport since, according to him, it’s much safer. I had an appointment with Colin and Elana. We had a private room in the back of the club. Colin set up some males for me to choose from for our three-way. I chose one I thought we’d both enjoy. Colin asked if I’d stay, and, of course, Hyde took the reins and teleported us back home, escorting me inside. So, you see, Alec, I followed orders, all was perfectly fine."
Alec leaned back on the sofa, downed his glass of Midnight as he watched her little performance. "And did you find what you were looking for, my darling? Was there someone who got your attention?"
Cocking her head to the side, the smile slid ever so wickedly across her face, as she telepathically sent Alec the image of the young immortal male she had chosen. “Oh, very much so."
Alec smirked as the vision of the strong young male appeared in his head and he locked eyes with her. "Well, you definitely have a type, my darling. I just hope he knows what he's getting himself into. Check my schedule with Jenny, set up a night. And Hyde? Did that little fantasy of yours include Hyde?"
Rissa turned to face Alec and her eyes began to turn red. How dare he say such things about her in front of the warrior. She growled low and felt her body stiffen as she tapped down her rage. "Hyde? Oh no, my wicked vampire, Hyde has no place in my fantasies. But let me make one thing clear to you." She walked to the sofa, leaning down and looking Alec straight in the eyes. "Hyde is not the one you need to worry about. When other masters invite me in to play without you, I think it best you warn them whom I belong to, because I wasn’t appreciative of their offer."
Alec's beast pushed for release as his fangs punched through. He hissed back at her as she got in his face. "You were at the’s a sex club. We’re both well aware of Colin and Elana's exploits. The fact you were there without me might send him a message of your availability. I have no quarrel with his invitation, my darling, as long as you didn't accept. And I’m somehow highly doubtful you took offense."
Hyde could feel the tension building. The room was about to explode. He took a stance, ready for anything. He’d never seen a master belittle his mate in front of him before. Shade would never disgrace his queen in the presence of others. But then, his queen would never challenge him so openly either. These two fed off each other like a fucking game. Hyde couldn’t defend Rissa if Canton went after her, it was their culture. A master ruled his mate and no vampire would dare interfere. Hyde would have to remain until dismissed, regardless of the outcome, and Canton appeared ready to take her down a notch or two, either with words or actions.
Rissa stood and grabbed her glass of Midnight from the table and began to walk to the bar and spun around to face him. "You know, Alec, Hyde was with me the whole time. His role was made clear to Colin when he was introduced. Colin knows better. And, of course, I didn’t accept. Hyde teleported me out of there immediately."
Rissa waved her hand in the air, as she turned to fill her glass at the bar. "Colin could never satisfy me in a million years. He may be the master of Sin City, but he knows little of the sin I enjoy."
Alec smirked, amused by her anger. "What exactly would you have me do, darling? Call him out in a duel? Defend your honor? Are your delicate sensibilities that bruised? Colin extended an invitation, and you refused. Not unlike the invitation you extended to Hyde...and he refused. Oh yes, don't think I didn’t pick up on your heightened level of sexual desire. I may be busy, but I still tune into you from time to time. Just make sure he doesn't creep into your fantasies when it's my cock you ride."
Hyde had to look down to hide his amusement. He’d wondered if Alec had picked up on her little explorations with him when they were in the car. All he needed was Canton wanting to take his ass out because of her fucked up sexual fantasies. When he looked back up again, he saw Rissa’s expression and she was floored, and for once, speechless.
Rissa was embarrassed and stunned that Alec would go so far in front of Hyde. Her anger boiled to the surface, slow and hot. She walked to the table, slammed down her drink, and watched the red liquid splash over the rim and onto the surface of the table. Her body was shaking with fury as she looked Alec straight in the eye. "Are you done with your whore now, master? After all, I’m sure Hyde is quite entertained by your degradation of me and your impression of my behavior. I’m quite sure you wish to speak with him alone. May I leave now?"
Alec's beast was barely contained. He rose slowly from the sofa and put his hand around her neck, squeezing lightly. "I hear the words, my darling, but it would appear you have forgotten exactly who’s master here. Hyde, please have Santos show you out. And I apologize for this display. It would appear my mate needs to be reminded of her role. I promise to have her more in line when you return tomorrow."
Bristling, Hyde didn’t like the display he was witnessing. He contained his anger, and kept his emotions in check. As Canton dismissed him, he was glad to be gone. "As you wish, Master Canton, I’ll return in the morning. Good evening."
Rissa saw the beast rise quickly, and he had his hand at her throat before she could blink. Her heart raced and her blood continued to boil. She was excited and frightened as his hand began to squeeze more tightly. She reached up to clutch at Alec's hand and tried to speak. He only squeezed harder, lifting her easily off her feet as she felt her airway close and blackness encroach. She struggled, to no avail, he wouldn’t let her go. She made a grave mistake speaking to him in such a manner and she was about to pay hell for it.
Alec tossed her backwards into a chair, where she landed like a rag doll. "Why do you insist on provoking me, Rissa? You asked to be released from Jacks and I did that, and the first thing you do is go to a sex club. You flirt shamelessly with Hyde, and then have the nerve to call out Colin for propositioning you like you are some sweet innocent...when we both know better, don't we? What is it you want? Would you like me to kill Colin, like I did poor Senator Winston? Does that feed your ego? I give you permission to find us a male for a threesome, and I should have anticipated that only you could find a way to make even that into some kind of drama. I’m too angry to deal with you right now, so yes, it would appear I’m finished with my whore for the evening. Get upstairs before I hurt you beyond your body's ability to heal."
Rissa gasped for breath as she clutched her chest, her anger gone now with his disappointment in her. Her blood turned cold from his rejection of everything she’d done wrong. Standing on wobbly legs, she swallowed hard, biting her lip and ran head long for the stairs, going up them so fast she almost tripped at the top. She raced to her room, closing and locking the door behind her, falling to the floor, and wondering why she provoked him so. But she already knew the answer. She craved his attention, even when that attention was anger. She stood and faced the door, dropping her head against it as her blood tears fell.r />
She could fix this. She could make the changes he demanded and prove to him she was the perfect drama-free mate he wished for. But Rissa knew even as she swore to change, she’d never leave him. She was like a moth to a flame when it came to Alec. He was her addiction, her sick addiction.
Alec tossed the glass of Midnight against the stone fireplace, the glass shattering, and the wine dripping. How could she push him so far over the edge so fast? He’d had no intentions of arguing with her tonight. He’d only wanted to make clear to her that Hyde would be with her anytime she went out. He knew she was attracted to Hyde. He could tell that when she first laid eyes on him, but he knew it was harmless. How did she manage to turn every conversation into something confrontational?
Santos came in and started to sweep up the glass and clean away the wine stain. "Can I get you anything, master?"
Alec sighed as he dropped back down on the sofa, "Another Midnight. And a large order of patience, please, Santos.”
Kate woke suddenly from her sleep. The room was still pitch dark, the light of day completely blocked by the electronic blinds. She sat up next to Shade who still slept soundly in his death slumber. Had she heard something?
She sat very still, honing her senses as he’d taught her to do. She could feel Theresa and Gi working about the house as normal. She felt Luca, calm and relaxed. She had a mental picture of him painting at his canvas. She sat still a minute more and heard nothing unusual and lay back down next to Shade, cuddling into the warmth of him.
Just as she closed her eyes, she heard Aegis howl. It was faint, but she didn’t sound distressed. Kate sat up in the bed again. Was Aegis trying to tell her something? Kate looked at the clock and saw it was late afternoon, but still a few hours from sunset. She felt wide awake now and knew she wouldn’t fall back to sleep. She turned on the light by the bed and slid her legs from beneath the covers, looking back to see Shade sleeping quietly.