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The Medici Queen

Page 33

by Emily Bex

  Kate extended her hand to the doctor. "Welcome to Bel Rosso. I'm sorry you’ve had to come all this way, but I can't tell you how much better I feel having someone who’s taken care of this family for years. Can Gi bring you some Midnight? Please, sit down. Let us know what you need."

  Dr. Bonutti took her hand and kissed it softly. "I would go to the end of the world for the Medici family. And it is I who is honored to be requested to care for our new queen. There will be jubilation in all of Florence when this child is born. I brought forth the legacy of Shade and now, I shall bring forth the next generation of Medici.”

  After Gi had filled glasses for everyone, he excused himself and Shade sat with Kate beside him. "Do you need to examine her? Do we need to go up to the bedroom where she can lie down?"

  Bonutti relaxed and smiled. "No, this is not like a mortal pregnancy. I can easily feel his energy by just touching her abdomen. I will feel if he is under any stress. Is that acceptable, my lady?"

  Kate nodded. "Of course." She sat back down on the sofa and spread the dress across the swell of her belly. "Shade said this pregnancy would only last six months, and I have to say, I can feel him growing inside me, his energy. He’s quite active. I feel great, unlike the first time when I was so sick. I get tired a little more easily, and I have the desire to feed more, but other than that, I feel no different. Is there anything I need to do?"

  Dr. Bonutti knelt before Kate as she was seated on the sofa. He placed his hands over her tummy, shifting their position, putting a bit of pressure on certain areas. "My lady, just relax, this will not take long. You were sick previously because you were mortal. There is no fear of such, this time. I do not deal with crossbreed pregnancies, but I can tell you there was no damage from the first pregnancy. Ah, it is a boy. I can feel his male energy. Have you had visions of your bambino, my lady?"

  Kate laughed. "Oh, I’ve had visions of this one as well as the next two. This is Lorenzo, and he’ll be followed by two sisters."

  Dr. Bonutti finished his exam and returned to his seat. "Having your bambinos appear to you in your dreams is quite normal. Now, a few things I wish to go over with you, but first, may I say congratulations, your son is progressing well. He is perfect, and I do believe within five months, your son will arrive without a problem." He held up his glass. "May I toast the new heir to Medici, Lorenzo!"

  Kate lifted her glass as well and took a small sip. "I don't drink Midnight very often, but is it okay for me to consume?"

  Dr. Bonutti nodded. "As long as it is in moderation, no more than one small glass a day. And, of course, whenever you have the desire to feed, your mate needs to accommodate you. You are aware, I am sure, Shade must stop feeding from you. I would suggest he not feed from you after another two weeks, at the very longest."

  He looked to Shade again. "You will need to arrange for a feeder."

  Shade nodded. "I have a feeder lined up already. Kate can only go two more weeks? I thought it would be longer." Taking bel’s hand, he squeezed it gently, knowing this was a touchy subject.

  Dr. Bonutti took notice of the slight tension in the room at the mention of a feeder. "Shade, you will need to feed on a regular basis, the blood will need to be clean and pure, no hunting. My lady will feed more and more as her term progresses, she will need your blood to settle not only her appetite but the bambino as well."

  Shade nodded that he understood. "No problem, already arranged."

  Dr. Bonutti looked at his queen. "My lady, you will feel progressively more tired. Rest when this happens, it is vital. The bambino will take much of your energy toward the end. When he is born, you will feed him exclusively for about a month. After that, you may wean him to his nanny and his wet-feeder and share the responsibility of feeding for about another two months. Shade can return to feeding from you during this time. We will see, once he arrives, how and when he needs to transfer. Some take longer than others. If you have any concerns, contact me. I will give you a private number to call, and I will come. Your activity during the pregnancy should be normal. I would suggest, as your pregnancy progresses, you stop teleporting any long distances. You will know when the time comes to cut back that activity. Exercise is suggested, it keeps you and the bambino healthy. Teleporting in, I could see the fine stables you have, and I know Medici is a horseman. Riding is fine, but as with teleporting, you will know when it is past time to do such."

  Turning to Shade, the doctor continued on, "The bambino must be born in the chamber at Castello. I do not need to tell you, Medici, the Council must witness the birth. At least one member must be present during the birth as well as myself. Theresa is an excellent midwife, and I understand she will be the child’s nanny. Having her in attendance will allow the infant to bond immediately to both his mother and his nanny. At any rate, you know I will be there. You must also be inside the chamber, so your son might bond to you immediately, as well as to bear witness to the birthing of your son and heir. The Council will want to record your presence there. Now, do you have any questions for me, please ask, I know this is a first for you both."

  Kate shook her head. "No, of course. I understand the need for the ritual, and the witnesses. When should we come to Florence? How much in advance? I have projected the baby will be born toward the end of November or early December."

  The doctor nodded. "I would think two weeks would be adequate. The baby will let you know when he wishes to be born, nothing will stop his progression. He is Medici, after all!"

  Dr. Bonutti took another sip of Midnight, leaning forward in his chair. "Any other questions you have? I will come once a month to check on you, then twice a month in your last two months, depending on how you feel and if you wish to see me more often."

  "I, uh, I know this is different from the first time I was pregnant, and we had so many problems. But, about sex, are there any restrictions?" She could feel her face turning red as she asked.

  Dr. Bonutti smiled. "Please do not be embarrassed, sexual activity is a very important part of immortal life, my lady. There are no restrictions. If you feel uncomfortable once you are larger, then I do believe you should leave it to your mate to find a way to pleasure you. It is his job to take care of such things. And I have no doubt he will oblige you wholeheartedly. Just remember, Medici, you cannot feed from her."

  Kate tried to stifle the giggle at the doctor's suggestion she leave it to Shade to find a way to pleasure her, as if that had ever been an issue. "We understand about the feeding. That won’t be a problem." Kate looked to Shade.

  Shade slid his hand over her tummy. "Anything else you want to ask, bel? I do not think I have any questions, at least, not right now."

  Kate shook her head no. "I can't think of anything. If Shade has your number, we can always call if something comes up."

  Dr. Bonutti pulled some papers from his pocket and handed them to Shade. "This is my private cell, use that number any time, day or night, I will arrive within the hour. The other is a list of wet feeders. You will need to interview and choose one soon. The wet feeders are pure breed vampires, bred specifically for this purpose. They will stay with the bambino through most of his young life, until you teach him his hunting skills. So, it is a good idea to interview and choose wisely. Arrange living spaces and such for them. This list is very exclusive, Shade, top notch, available only to masters and royalty. These are the best of the best."

  Shade took the papers, folding them carefully. "Thank you for your advice and service, doctor. It seems we have much to accomplish before our son arrives. I know you have come a long way. We would be honored if you wish to stay with us until you can journey back."

  Standing, Dr. Bonutti declined politely. "I do appreciate the offer, but I have other appointments. I am very used to traveling the world. My body has become used to it after all these centuries."

  As Shade and Kate stood, Dr. Bonutti hugged his queen. "You have a very healthy son. Take care of yourself and if you have questions, just call. I look forward to serving you

  Turning to Shade, he hugged and back slapped him. "Congratulations. I know this is a moment all of Europe is waiting for. I am so honored to be chosen. I look forward to meeting Lorenzo."

  Shade and Kate walked with him to the main foyer as Gi entered and they said their goodbyes. Dr. Bonutti teleported out as he came in. Shade turned and covered her in kisses.

  Kate felt overcome with the reality of their situation, as if it was finally sinking in. "Oh my god, we're going to have a baby! And you... You, Shade Medici, will be the best father ever."

  "And you, Kate Medici, will be the best madre. We are having a bambino! I need to do so much, mi amore, so damn much. Wet feeders, nursery, taking care of you, arranging things at Castello, making sure you feed. I am just so happy!"

  Gi smiled to himself as he left the couple standing together in the foyer. “We are all happy, master.”


  At the end of the night, Fiamma walked with the female recruits back to their private quarters in the barracks. The decision about who she thought should be cut and who should stay was getting easier with each day’s tests of their skills. The final decision was close at hand. She was going to push hard to have Britt cut. Fee hadn’t seen much of her, but she’d been moving around a lot from group to group at Marcello’s request, to watch some of the males. Shade expected their feedback on all of the recruits, and she wanted to have her opinions taken seriously. Although she was responsible for the females, she’d be called upon to train all recruits, both male and female, at some point.

  So far, Shade had respected their opinions, and let them control the challenges established for the recruits. He’d made his rounds nightly, watching their progress. Fee knew she had been given a rare opportunity as a female to have a voice in this male dominated world. No other master would’ve ever given her this chance to learn, lead, teach and advise.

  As they entered the female quarters, there was much chatter at the realization that Britt's personal items were missing, and her gear had been cleaned out. Fiamma hadn’t seen her leave, but it was obvious, she was missing in action. Fee telepathically informed Shade of the missing recruit.

  Shade smiled when he heard Fiamma inside his head. He could hear her concern, knowing she was responsible for all of the female recruits. If one had gone AWOL, she knew he wouldn’t be a happy warrior and she’d have some explaining to do. Shade knew Britt was long gone and good riddance.

  Fiamma grinned as she heard Shade telepathically respond to her and she laughed out loud. Fiamma knew Britt just had her first real taste of the legend that was Shade. He’d had females hang on his every move and Fiamma was glad Kate had taken the upper hand in controlling the situation. Fiamma was sure this wouldn’t be the last time a female, mortal or immortal, would throw themselves at him. Kate better keep that crossbow handy!

  Fiamma returned to the female quarters to find them all sitting on their bunks. "I’ve just been informed, by Master Shade, that Britt was asked to leave the camp, and not under good circumstances. Our queen has banned her from Bel Rosso, with the help of her crossbow. So, let’s get something clear. Master Shade is mated. He’s faithful and in love with his mate. You’re all probably aware of his past reputation, but being mated is a serious matter to them both. You’ve all been invited here as warriors, not toys to entertain the master. You serve not only him, but his queen and this coven, with your lives. Britt was warned and took no heed of the warning. If either master or my lady warns you of something, I suggest you listen. My lady has a loving heart, but mess with her family, and she will take you out without a second thought. And she doesn’t tolerate any behavior unbecoming a warrior. She’s his chosen queen for a reason. She’s very skilled in crossbow. She alone took out Cuerpo, one of the most legendary killers. She believes in our rights as females, that we be treated equally, given opportunities in our world, so let's show her what we can do. Let's not waste this chance to be female warriors in a male dominated world. Agreed?"

  Fiamma watched as the new recruits stared back at her. She felt their shame that one of their own would be so bold as to try anything with Shade. The recruits all nodded their heads in agreement and Fiamma knew the few females remaining were here to become warriors, nothing more. Not one of them sitting here would ever let Medici down, and Fee felt that in her heart. She’d fight for them all to make that final cut, to become the sisters who’d fight alongside Medici.


  Kate's head was swimming with the details of everything she’d need to take care of before this baby came. The nursery was no problem. She’d get that completed in no time. She knew Shade would go to Luca to feed. They’d discussed the wet feeders, and it was a concept Kate was still adjusting to. In theory, she understood the need that the babies fed until they were grown and old enough to hunt, which didn’t occur until they were around eighteen to twenty years old. She knew her body couldn’t sustain feeding Shade and a growing child, let alone multiple children, and her first obligation would always be to feed her mate. Still, the idea of placing her baby in the arms of a feeder went against the grain, and she didn’t know how to get past it.

  "Lover, the doctor gave you a list of wet feeders. Are you sure this is necessary? Maybe between Theresa and me, maybe we can handle it."

  Shade could feel her mind reeling with all the things Dr. Bonutti had told her. "Mi amore, there is no way you can handle multiple bambinos, still feed me and keep your own strength intact. That is the purpose of the wet feeders, to relieve the stress on your body, give you time to replenish. Our son will still need his madre, never fear. Theresa will have many duties, the bambino will drain her energy as well. Perhaps, Theresa may be able to explain it to you better. Would that help you if we discussed it together?"

  Kate nodded at the realization of just what a coven meant. They were all connected by blood, in some way. It helped her to understand this bond they all had. They all needed each other to survive. "Yes, I think we should include Theresa."

  "She will be here shortly, mi amore, come sit next to me." Shade telepathically asked Theresa to join them. Before bel could get settled beside him, Theresa entered the room.

  "Theresa, please sit. We have a few questions to ask of you.” Shade leaned into bel, kissing her softly. "Do you wish to start?"

  Kate twisted her hands, fumbling for words. This seemed like such a personal subject, but there had been wet nurses since the beginning of time in the mortal world. Was this really any different? "Theresa, we just met with the doctor, he left us a list of wet feeders. I was wondering if you’ve had any experience with them."

  Theresa nodded. “Of course, my lady. I remember Shade's wet feeder well, and there were others throughout the years. What is it you wish to know?"

  Kate looked at Shade. He’d had a wet feeder? But, of course, he would have. Why would she have thought any differently? It had just never occurred to her, he only spoke of his mother. "How do you pick someone? How do you know who to bring into your home, or trust to hand your child over to?"

  Theresa smiled. "You meet them, and like in all situations, there will be someone who stands out to you. I know you haven’t seen the wet feeders, my lady. Your only experience has been with the feeders we must all seek as adults. There’s a vast difference between the two. The adult feeders are bred to feed, that is true, but also to provide sexual pleasure, to put out the flames of lust that accompany the feeding. In our culture, all feeders are female. So, the feeders are bred to service both male and female vampires. They are highly sexualized creatures and I know this is what you see in your head.

  “The wet feeders are quite different. They’re all female, this is true, but they’re very young, asexual. They look angelic, androgynous...neither male nor female. The young vampires that feed from them don’t have sexual feelings when they feed. That won’t come until they reach their puberty and begin to hunt. The children don’t bond to them. They will bond to their madre, who must feed them first, and to their padre.
/>   “For the first month, they’ll only feed from you. Then I will help you, we will share the responsibility of feeding, as they are weaned away from you to me and we begin introducing the wet feeder. I’ll work with the wet feeder to wean them from me to the feeder. They’ll still come back to you, not so much because they want to feed, but when they need comforting. When they are upset or frightened, they’ll seek you out to feed. They’ll continue to do that until they hit their puberty and begin to hunt and feel the sexual pull of feeding."

  Shade listened to Theresa explain, and she went into great detail. He knew Kate must come to understand these things. This may be the first child, but not the last. "What Theresa speaks is true, there are no sexual feelings whatsoever for wet feeders. Lorenzo will have no emotional bond to his wet feeder, he will care for her, of course, but there is no blood bond. He will know his madre, you will be the first to feed him, and believe me when I tell you, he will never forget that. As he grows, and he needs you, he will still come to you for comfort. No one is taking him from you, bel, no one. This is just how we live and survive. Once I teach Lorenzo how to hunt, we will break him from the wet feeder, but not until I say so."

  Kate nodded, it was her new reality and she needed to come to grips with it. She was comforted by Theresa's explanation, and knowing the bond to her child wasn’t broken. "I think I’ll feel better once the selection is made and I can see for myself. Thank you, Theresa, for your patience. I’m sure it won’t be the last of my questions."

  Theresa smiled. “Is that all, my lady?"

  Kate nodded and Theresa exited the room. She curled up against Shade. "I don't mean to make this difficult. I’m trying very hard to understand, and I know you have made many concessions for me. Have you spoken to Luca?"

  "No, not yet, but we need to talk to him as well, the two of us together.” Shade laid his head back on the sofa and sighed loudly. "Do you regret being turned?"


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