The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 37

by Emily Bex

  Kate leaned forward, laying her head against Shannon's. "Shan, if you choose this path, to stay with Luca, and my heart tells me it’s the path you want to follow, then you may find yourself in this situation someday. If you become pregnant with his child, he’ll need to seek out someone to feed from. Which option would you choose? Male or female?"

  Shannon lifted her head and looked at Kate. "Would he go to Shade?"

  "I don't know how it works exactly, but I can tell you if that’s their course, then I'll stand by you. I understand your conflict, and his need."

  Shannon nodded and took Kate's hand. "I know he loves me. I don't feel threatened by it. Not in the sense that I feel like I’ll lose him or anything. I think it’s more a feeling of coming in second."

  Kate gripped her hand. "But you aren’t! You aren't second. I’ve struggled with the same emotions of where I fit. Mortals, even turned ones, are seen as second-class citizens in their culture. And Shade's obligations to his coven, to his warriors…trust me, we’ve had more than a few battles over that. It’s taken me some time to see through it, to see his complete devotion to me. He struggles too. Everyone in his coven is reliant on him, their survival depends on him, and even the Council has expectations of him in maintaining the legacy and ensuring the coven's survival for the future of their race. It took me a while to come to grips with that and understand that, despite all the demands made on him, he still places me above it all. And Luca does the same for you, within the constraints of their culture. If we’d both been born immortal, we’d not be having this discussion, or feeling this conflict. It would be understood. The very fact that Luca seeks ways to make you at ease with this decision, shows his love for you. Can you see that?"

  Shannon nodded her head, "I know he loves me, Kate. I’ve never met anyone like Luca. He keeps nothing from me, and he’s totally transparent. I always know what he’s feeling. You know me. I'm not the insecure, jealous type. But I've never had anyone that meant this much to me before."

  Kate smiled at her. "He has already carved out a spot for you in his life. And he’ll always bend when he can. But you’ll need to let go of some of your mortal concepts and meet him halfway."

  Kate laughed out loud as she heard her own words. "Oh my god, I'm listening to my own advice, and wishing I’d had someone to talk to when Shade and I were starting out. We had some fights that literally shook the house. But I’d never walk away from him. And he’d never walk away from me, no matter how conflicted we were. Listen to me, Shannon. You know me, maybe better than anyone, and I’m the last person who’d have ever told you to trust a man. How many times was I left disappointed and betrayed? But I'm telling you now, trust him. Luca loves you, and he’ll never do anything that will intentionally hurt you."

  Shannon slipped her arms around Kate's shoulders as the two hugged each other. "I know you’re right, Kate. Let's go back inside. He needs to hear from me. I'm not saying this won't still take some time for me to come to grips with it. But he needs to know I accept this."

  Kate smiled as they stood from the bench and the two friends walked back to the house, Shannon heading for Luca's suite and Kate returning to the bedroom to sleep next to Shade.


  Rissa had worked hard all day, Hyde escorting her everywhere, their relationship working better with each passing day. She was pleased with how he protected and cared for her, always a gentleman. He’d come to feel like a friend in how he advised her, and she was getting used to him being here, and sometimes, he even made her laugh.

  Hyde had escorted her home early today. She had an appointment with her dress designer, and she was excited to finally see her wedding gown. This would be her final fitting before the wedding, and her first view of the completed gown she’d wear when she officially became Mrs. Alec Canton. It was well worth the enormous price for a one-of-a-kind gown from a famous designer. It was also worth the price to have him personally come to her home to make the final fitting and provide Alec the opportunity to give his approval.

  Rissa was aware the press was hounding her more and more as they got closer to the wedding date, looking for anything to give them a headline. This gown had been the best kept secret of the year. Rissa wouldn’t even reveal the designer until the wedding day.

  Alec wouldn’t be home until later, so she’d have some time for the final fitting and any last minute alterations before he saw it, making sure the elegant gown fit her body like a glove.

  Rissa rushed into the foyer to find the designer and his seamstress waiting. They hurried upstairs so she could try the gown on and see the finished garment. She quickly pulled her hair up into a softly swirled bun, letting tendrils hang loose around her face. She slipped on the heels that were custom designed to go with the dress. She closed her eyes. Santos had brought in three full-length mirrors, so she could see herself in full front and rear view. The designer and seamstress helped her slip into the dress, then fluffed and straightened before she opened her eyes to see the finished garment. As they stepped back, she gasped at the sight of herself. She looked like a princess. She stood taller, with her back straight and moved her arms to the sides, looking at how the gown clung to her torso before it flowed across her hips and puddled at her feet.

  The front on the gown was cut in a deep yet narrow "V" almost to her waist, her breasts discreetly covered. The back was cut low as well, the bodice a lace confection enhanced with seed pearls. The train wasn’t long but would look beautiful as she walked down the aisle. She only hoped Alec would approve.

  She smiled at the designer and he returned her smile, his finger over his lips, tapping softly as he walked around her. The designer and seamstress placed some pins in a few seams, making sure the garment hugged her perfectly. The alterations would be minimal.

  They decided it was time for Alec to see the gown and give the final verdict. She’d felt him come home about thirty minutes prior. Rissa called to Santos and asked him to inform Alec she was ready for him, and to ask if he wished to see her in their bedroom or downstairs. She waited nervously for his answer, as Santos left to go downstairs. She’d had a huge hand in the design of this gown and she loved the end result. If Alec didn’t approve, she’d be disappointed.

  Santos had already informed Alec when he got home the dress designer was here for the final fitting. He could hear Rissa's voice from time to time as it rose in excitement. He smiled to himself as he worked alone in the study. Santos returned to let him know Rissa was ready, and he followed Santos to the foot of the stairs. Alec started up the steps to the bedroom, where he could hear Rissa giggle like a school girl. The door to their bedroom remained closed and he could hear the soft conversation of the designer and seamstress as they prepared Rissa to be seen.

  He tapped lightly on the door. "I know I’m not supposed to see the bride in her gown before the wedding, but I don’t hold with those superstitions, are you ready, my darling?”

  Rissa's breath caught in her throat, and the designer nodded his head and stepped to the side. Rissa took one last look in the mirror. "Yes, Alec, please come in.”

  Alec entered the room to see her standing with her back to him. The dress had long sleeves of lace, but the bodice had a cut-out that exposed much of her well-toned back. The gown clung to her frame as it followed every curve before falling gracefully into a puddle of silk, lace and elaborate beading at her feet, the train fanned out on the floor. Her pale blonde locks were piled on her head, exposing her long graceful neck, and she slowly turned her head, looking at him over her shoulder, her eyes lit from the inside, her smile reflecting her pure joy at wearing a gown that had been made to emphasize everything he found so beautiful about her. Alec put his hand over his heart. "My darling, I’ve never seen you look so beautiful. If you weren’t already mine, I’d ask you to marry me.”

  Rissa felt something warm and beautiful roll through her. He liked her in this gown. “Please let me introduce you to my designer."

  Rissa turned to the designer, her fac
e reflecting her joy. "May I introduce my fiancé, Senator Alec Canton."

  Rissa laughed as the designer appeared flustered, shaking Alec’s hand and asking him if he could interpret his reaction as an approval.

  "The dress meets with my approval. You may have to make a second one if Rissa wishes to hang onto it as a keepsake. I can't promise this dress will survive the aftermath."

  The designer laughed and blushed at his remarks. Alec returned his attention to Rissa. "Turn around, my darling, let me see the front."

  Rissa smiled at the exchange and knew Alec could charm anyone right off their feet, male or female, the ultimate politician. As the designer and his assistant rushed quickly to help her, she turned slowly as they rearranged the train at her feet. Rissa raised her eyes to his and held her breath. Her heart felt as though it would beat out of her chest. She stood tall, looking elegant in the gown. Her hands lay softly at her sides and suddenly, she felt extremely vulnerable under his gaze.

  Alec took her in as she turned. The dress was cut in a deep but narrow “V” that discreetly exposed her breasts. Rissa's tall frame and long torso were emphasized in the long column the dress created. She was a vision of elegance and sophistication, and Alec knew this dress would be on the front page of every newspaper. "It’s perfection, my darling. Change nothing. You are perfection."

  Rissa smiled and almost screamed from the rooftops in her happiness. She walked to him slowly and laid her hands on his shoulders. "I wanted to make you proud of me, let the world know, we’ll always be together. I want to be the most beautiful bride for you, Alec. I want them all to be jealous that I belong to you. But what matters most is how you see me. I love you, Alec."

  She knew he didn’t care for public displays of affection, but there were mortals in the room, and she knew as well as he did, every word and action would eventually make it to the press, so she casually kissed his cheek, letting her hand follow along his strong jaw as her huge diamond caught the light.

  Alec slid his hand along the bare skin of her back as he bent his head to her, kissing her lovingly, gently, aware of his audience at all times.

  "And I love you, Rissa. I think the women will all be jealous, but not of me, my darling. They’ll be jealous of you in this beautiful confection of a dress. Careful now, don’t tempt me. I'm not sure your designer has time to create another one before the wedding."

  Rissa laughed softly as did the designer who remarked that it was quite the compliment and one he’d never heard before. Rissa shooed Alec from the room.

  "Then let us finish up and I’ll be down shortly once we’re done."

  Rissa's head was still spinning with his approval, his kiss, and his compliments. They’d be the couple of the day, both of them stunning, showing the world they’d conquer and rule


  Shade, Fiamma, and Marcello had been working for hours, going over the results for every new recruit, reviewing their scores on the various skill sets and deciding who’d make the final cut. They had the final list of both males and females they’d chosen for the first class of the Bel Rosso warrior camp. There’d been a few heated discussions over several males Shade was on the fence about, but they’d finally reached an agreement, and all felt they’d chosen well.

  Marcello set up a long table in the barracks meeting room. They’d meet with each recruit individually and let them know the outcome. Shade insisted on the one-on-one meeting, so he could review with each warrior their performance and the reasons for his decision.

  Shade took the seat in the middle, with Fiamma and Marcello flanking his sides. He’d likely do most of the talking, but he wanted both Marcello and Fiamma to participate as well, to give their input and start to learn from him the delicate art of cutting those warriors who didn’t make the final cut. It was a balancing act, because he didn’t want to make enemies of those being cut, and many would be able to return again for another tryout if they worked on specific skills. Shade felt as though those not making the cut were probably already aware they’d be leaving. They’d tried to be fair in their assessments as they’d gone along, giving feedback, so every recruit had a good idea of where they stood. He didn’t want them to feel blindsided.

  Many of the recruits that had come here to be a Medici warrior had found this was no game, and much tougher than they’d expected. And for those who made the cut, this was just the beginning. There was a more grueling path ahead before they’d ever take the blood oath to Medici.

  The first few male recruits to be seen had been selected to move forward. Shade let Marcello give them the good news and he handled the situation well. Shade said a few words to each new recruit, welcoming them as the next generation of Medici warriors, before he dismissed them. Shade looked down at the list and saw Riley was next. He wasn’t making the cut and Shade sat up straighter in his chair as Riley walked in. He motioned for him to take a seat and Shade laid his hand on Marcello’s arm as a signal he’d take the first warrior being cut. Shade wanted both Marcello and Fiamma to understand how this was done, how important it was to appreciate the recruit’s efforts and send them off with some hope for the future. He always tried to keep their dignity and pride intact and honored their efforts.

  "Riley, I would like to thank you for coming to my camp. I appreciate your efforts and the dedication you have shown, even in this short amount of time. Unfortunately, I will not be able to use you at this time. But please do not think this is permanent."

  Shade saw the disappointment on Riley’s face. "Every spring, I will be holding these tryouts for warrior camp, right here in the same place. There are a few things you can work on to improve your chances. I would like to see you focus on your stamina and speed. I know you are young, one of the youngest to apply. Do not see this as an end to your journey, but a beginning. Work on these areas and if you are still interested, come back again to try next year. Build your stamina. Do not hesitate. It will become your death. Your sword skills are good, but that lack of speed hampers you. In the long battles, you become winded and slow. My suggestion is you work daily on those things and your skills will come with time. Work with that sword until it becomes an extension of your arm and never hesitate in battle. This was a group decision, nothing personal. I wish you the best of luck out there. If there comes a point where you need assistance, contact me personally. We will see what we can do here at Medici to assist you."

  Standing up, Shade shook Riley’s hand, as he handed him his personal card. He liked this young man, but he needed more street time and experience. Shade knew he’d see this one again. His gut told him the kid was hungry and motivated.

  As the night progressed, each recruit came in one by one to receive the decision. Fiamma was firm but soft-spoken in delivering her message to the female recruits. Marcello was more abrupt with the males. He felt both of his top warriors had done an excellent job. He was proud to have them on his team, to always have his back.

  Shade looked up as Aislynn walked in. He held out his hand for her to take a seat, as he indicated to Fee he’d take this one.

  "Aislynn, I want to thank you for coming to my warrior camp. I appreciate your dedication to this effort, and I am pleased to tell you that you have been accepted as a student of Medici." Shade watched as her eyes became huge and the smallest of smiles spread across her face.

  "It is my wish to build the number of female warriors in the camp, and in addition, warriors with crossbow skills. With Skelk now on board, he will help my warriors become better skilled in the use of this weapon. Your hard work is just beginning. Being a warrior is a combination of skills, heart, soul, and bravery, mixed with intense dedication. I have watched you closely. You have all of those attributes and we hope to enhance them here at Medici. Once we are done with all of the interviews, Fee will come and get you settled into your permanent quarters in the barracks. She will instruct you on our daily regimen and anything else you will need to know. Congratulations and welcome aboard."

  Shade stood to shake her ha
nd. He didn’t know her full story yet, but he’d know soon enough. It’s vital he knew his warriors’ history, and what motivated them to take this path. He heard her utter a small 'thank you' as she nodded to Fiamma and Marcello and exited the room.

  Fiamma remembered that feeling well. It had been many years since she’d been accepted into the camp in Florence, and she never thought she’d had a shot. "She’s going to make a great warrior. She has what it takes."

  "Oh, I know she does, Fee, and you are going to make damn sure she turns out just as I expect. I need my female numbers increased, not many showed up this year, and we accepted all but one into the ranks. You have your work cut out for you. I will not be any easier on them because they are female."

  She punched him in the shoulder. "Like that’s something I didn’t already know. I think being mated has made you a bit slow."

  Shade reached out like he was going to throttle her, but she leaned away from him and laughed. Their relationship had changed over the years. She had once felt intimidated by him, but now she only felt admiration.

  Shade laughed at her antics. “We have several more to get through and then you two need to get your asses in gear and get everyone settled in the barracks. I need to get back to my woman!"

  As Fiamma sorted through the dwindling stack of papers in front of her, he felt his energy lagging. He was tiring more easily. He hadn’t been feeding from Kate or Luca and he was feeling the effects. He knew he could push himself at least another week, but the signs of his weakness would start to be visible, and he couldn’t afford to have his warriors see him in a weakened state. He cleared his mind quickly, as the next warrior came in and sat down. Just a few more to go and he’d get back to the main house, where he’d feed from bel, a pleasure he’d have to soon relinquish, while Fee and Marcello got the new warriors settled, and made sure the ones being cut were escorted off the property.


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