The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 42

by Emily Bex

  The beast was still greedy and unrelenting. He rode hard and deep, as the passion built to a breaking point and he came hard inside her, holding her against his chest as she thrashed hard in her release.

  His breathing was ragged as he rolled onto his back, taking her with him as he held her tightly against his chest, still buried deep inside her, his dick pulsing as her orgasm receded. Her locks of crimson clung to the sweat on her beautiful face, her eyes glowing in their reddish amber beauty, a color uniquely hers. Her beast wasn’t done, and he grinned. She was only beginning to understand the beast wouldn’t leave until fully satisfied.

  "Coming out to play, si?" Slapping her ass hard, he prepared for whatever pleasures her beast intended to deal to him.

  Kate growled deep in her throat, as she pushed him back on the bed. As he lay on his back, she straddled him, running her tongue over his rock-hard abs, up his chest, his neck, and bit at his chin. She nipped at his bottom lip, drawing it into her mouth, tasting a hint of his blood. She ran her hands the length of his arms, pushing them over his head, feeling the strength of him. She sat up, sliding her hips down slowly, mounting him once more, and moaning as she felt him fill her. Her hair fell forward on her face as she rode him, and his hands moved down, grasping her hips, guiding her movements as his hips lifted and thrust to meet her.

  Shade watched every move she made, her delicate white hands touching his dark, olive skin, her tongue trailing over every inch of him, she consumed him, body and soul, and then she impaled herself on him again as she flung that crimson mane over his chest. Wildly and unabashedly, her beast took him whole. "Fuck, take me, make me cum again. Fuck!"

  Grabbing fistfuls of her hair, he pulled her head to him and sank his fangs into her neck again; drawing the life he needed from her and felt himself once more ready to explode inside her. His moans were loud, and he felt her muscles tighten, ready to cum hard for him and he unlatched and pulled her lips to his neck. "Feed, mi amore!"

  Kate sank her fangs into his neck at the base of his shoulder. She loved the feel of the hard muscle against her lips. She drank from him, for both her and the baby, and felt the power of his blood as it ripped through her veins, igniting every cell, and lighting the fire between her legs. Her mouth broke free as the orgasm hit her full force, her head thrown back, his blood still on her lips as she cried out with pleasure, her hips grinding hard against him as his hands gripped hard, pulling her down hard against his cock. She dropped onto his chest as the orgasm faded, out of breath and heart pounding.

  Shade slid his hands across her back, rubbing her softly, letting his fingertips glide slowly along her spine, their chests rising and falling quickly as they gasped for air, waiting for their breath to return to normal. Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head. "No one can love me like you."

  Kate laughed softly. "And don't you forget it, buster."

  Shade felt the chuckle rolling up through his body. "Like you would ever let me forget."

  Kate giggled as she rolled off him, lying in their bed beside him, her head on his shoulder, her hand stroking his chest. "I love having you home more, even when you’re working in the camp. I love knowing you’re here, close to me."

  Rolling to face her, his eyes ate her alive, he didn’t have to touch her, just look at her and his love overwhelmed him. "I am rather enjoying it myself. This will be the last time I feed from you, mi amore. I won’t put you or Lorenzo at risk. I hate stopping the feeding. It almost drives me mad, because I love that more than anything, feeding from you, it’s the strongest bond I have with you."

  Kate stroked his face. "The bond never goes away, Shade. We’ll always have the bond. Nothing can change that now. I’ll still feed from you, and I carry your child inside of me. We’ll still make love. I’ve never felt closer. It was different before, when you went to Luca. I was still mortal then. But I want you to feed. I need you to be strong, so don't deny yourself, thinking you are protecting me. Feed from him."

  Wrapping his arm around her, he kissed her passionately and closed his eyes. "I will always love you, mi amore." He felt the pull of his death slumber coming quickly. The emotional drain of events and lack of feeding were taking him down faster than he’d realized.

  "Ti amo per sempre..."

  She felt him slipping into his death slumber. Kate pulled the blankets over them, tucked him in as she curled up next to him. She kissed his chest, "I love you more."

  She heard the soft whir of the blinds as they lowered, blocking out all light and sealing them in darkness.


  Rachael stayed at Bel Rosso for a long weekend, spending most of her time with Cory as he escorted her around Charlottesville and the surrounding areas. In the meantime, Shade called his accountant and set up a monthly income for her. He also wished for her to have a house and would explain that detail to her before she left. He made sure all her debts were taken care of and she’d have a fresh start. Shade waited for Cory and Rachael to meet with him before they left for the airport, he heard Kate coming down the stairs, talking to Rachael. Kate led her into his office. Shade stood and asked everyone to take a seat. He had some details to go over before Rachael returned to California.

  Gi entered the room with a tray of Midnight and a refreshing cool drink for Rachael. Cory followed behind him, joining his mother. As they got comfortable, Shade sat down behind his massive desk.

  "I have a few details to go over with you, Rachael. I promise it won’t take long. I hope your stay with us was a joyful one and you were comfortable and well cared for while in our home."

  "It was a wonderful trip. Cory was never a happy child. He has always struggled to find his place in the world. I can't tell you how much it eases my burden to see him somewhere that makes him happy."

  Shade smiled at her and then glanced at Cory and winked. "Well, I think the things I am about to tell you will ease more of your burden. I have arranged to purchase a house for you, something comfortable, and in a safe neighborhood. I have made the arrangements through a realtor in California. He will be contacting you shortly. I have given him instructions to help you find whatever you want, so you need to pick the house and location. I don’t want you to ever worry, taxes, insurance and maintenance on the house will be handled and paid by me. My realtor and accountants will work hand-in-hand arranging the packing and moving trucks for you . It will all be taken care of. You just need to relax, let the realtor show you some homes, pick the one you like best and it is yours."

  Rachael looked to Kate and back at Shade, her mouth open. "Oh, I can't ask that of you. That’s too much!"

  Shade held up his hand. "Rachael, I do this of my own accord. You do not have to ask. I feel this is my obligation to you for all the years you have struggled, so I ask that you forgive me, let me care for our son, and let me, at least, make the rest of your years comfortable. I never want him to worry for you, this is important to me." Shade looked at the shock and happiness in her face and he’d just begun to fill her in.

  Rachael's eyes filled with tears and Kate handed her a tissue and Cory rubbed her back.

  Kate spoke to her softly, "Please, in accepting this, you help Cory, and you help us. I know this man. The guilt he feels for all the years you struggled, for all the years Cory struggled. It’s the only way for all of us to heal."

  Shade looked at the three of them, his mate, his son, and this woman whose life he’d destroyed. "I have to heal, Rachael, as do you and Cory. I never want you to think I am taking him from you, you may visit whenever you wish, for as long as you wish, and he will be allowed to visit you as well. Never worry about that. I have contacted my accountant and all your outstanding debts have been paid. You start with a clean slate. I have also arranged for a steady income. My accountant advised me to have this paid out to you in monthly increments, so expect a check to be automatically deposited into your bank account every month."

  Shade picked up an embossed envelope with the Medici crest and walked to her, crouching in f
ront of her, placing the envelope in her shaking hands. "Rachael, live your life, travel, do all the things you could never do. I’m always here if you need anything, as is our son. I just want you to live your life, be happy and know it’s all fine now. Cory will be fine and loved as well."

  Rachael accepted the envelope then covered her face with her hands, sobbing freely. Cory leaned his head against hers. "You deserve it, Mom."

  Rachael looked up at Shade as he still crouched in front of her and stared into those piecing blue eyes she remembered all too well, unchanged these past twenty years.

  "I can't thank you enough. You have no idea what this means to me. I never blamed you. I want you to know that. I was a young, reckless girl who made some foolish choices. I know Cory carried a lot of anger for a very long time, at me, and toward the father he never knew. I never in my life expected to find you again, and certainly never expected this."

  Shade smiled softly as he stared into her face, aged and worn down from the angst and hell he’d unintentionally put them both through. Deep in her eyes, he could see the young heart that was carefree so long ago, the young girl who’d offered him a few weeks of feeding in his lonely stay in the States.

  "Foolish is the wrong word, Rachael. We were all such when we were young. It is one of the reasons I helped Cory when I saw him. I know what kind of life lies in those streets, how dangerous it can be, but that is all behind us now. I hold my own remorse for the suffering I caused and the careless way I left you. But we will move forward, so you must promise me," Shade lifted her chin, smiled into her eyes, deep and long, "…that you will move forward, find happiness in your own life."

  Leaning forward, he kissed Rachael’s cheek softly and stood. "Cory, be careful taking your madre home. See that she gets on the airplane safely, act like my son and show her how a Medici treats all the women in his life, si?"

  Cory's heart almost exploded with joy for all the gifts his father was now giving his mom. She deserved them all. When he watched how tender and caring Shade was with her, he knew deep inside, his mother would begin to heal. They could both begin to heal from this, and they’d finally find the peace they’d been looking for. As Cory stood up, he took his mom's hand and helped her stand.

  "You got it, Dad! Mom are you ready? We need to get moving or you’ll miss your flight. I have your luggage loaded in the truck. It’s parked out the side door here."

  Rachael stood and hugged Kate, whispering, "Thank you," before turning to Shade to hug him good-bye. She couldn’t help but wonder what her life would have been like had she been the one. Had he fallen in love with her the way she’d fallen in love with him. She knew that would never be but was so grateful for his kindness and generosity. She smiled at them both as she left with Cory, heading back to start her life over in California.

  Shade watched them leave and stood there for a while before he spoke. "I hope she will be okay. I hope I have done enough, and she can live how she deserves for the rest of her life. The ravages of time have not been kind to her."

  "She has had a hard time, both of them have. Look how Cory has flourished in the past year. Rachael will do the same. She’ll have a roof over her head and be relieved of the burden of debt and wondering how she'll pay her bills. The stress of that takes its toll. It was the right thing to do. I’m so proud of you."

  Shade placed his arms around his bel rosso. "No one is prouder than me. You amaze me, mi amore. You took Cory in, like all the others in my life, gave him love and hope. Then, discovering he is my son, you accepted him with open arms, while you carry our own inside you. I could read Rachael’s thoughts before she left, they were of loving me, wondering what it would have been like to be the one I fell in love with. It makes me rather sad, for she could not have tempted me even then. I was waiting...waiting on whole life."

  Kate smiled up at him. "Somehow, Shade Medici, I think she’s not the only woman who has fallen in love with you. My guess is that would be a pretty long list. I'm not sure what you saw when you looked at me across a crowded room, but I'm just glad you saw it."

  Turning, he took her into his arms and lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, her arms around his neck. He stared into those big beautiful eyes, her crimson hair falling softly around her face.

  "I saw love, pure and simple. I saw passion, waiting to come alive. But I think, most of all, I saw a female who would love me like never before, be the light in my darkness, be my comfort when in pain, and make wild beastly love to me when I wanted a bad girl."

  Kate dropped her head back and laughed. "I don't think I was a bad girl until you came along."

  Shade snuggled into her neck and moaned. "I have made arrangements with Council. We are going to fly to Florence two nights from now. But I need a favor before we go, something I think your delicate touch can handle. You will oblige me, si?"

  Kate tilted her head as he snuggled into her neck, his breath hot against her throat. “I will oblige you anything, lover. Name it."

  "I don’t want to make this sound like I am a snob. But is there a way you can make sure Cory is properly dressed for our meeting with Council. Cory dresses fine for here, but he is being presented to Council as my son. I need him to be dressed appropriately, mi amore. His hair needs to be trimmed up. I don’t even know if he has a proper suit. I have no idea how to approach this without offending him. Can you help me here?"

  Kate laughed softly. "Of course. I'll take him into town with me, and Luca will be with us, so he won't feel like it is a girly shopping trip. I doubt he’ll agree to cut his hair short, but we can get it trimmed. Do you want him in a suit?"

  "Definitely a suit for Council and make it something of quality. I have no problem with how he dresses here. Hell, he never goes anywhere. But he needs a wardrobe that befits his station as my son. I need them to see him as my son. That is important. The Council puts much emphasis on image. That is why I am always directing you how to dress when we go there. I am royalty and I go before them appearing as such. Cory needs to do the same, as will all our bambinos. I hope that doesn’t sound too demanding.”

  Kate shook her head. “Not at all, but I can tell you now, Lorenzo will live in leathers and jeans! Don't let that concern you though, because Sophia and Natalia will break the bank with their wardrobes. They’ll have no problems looking royal. In fact, Sophia has already informed me she plans to sleep in her crown."

  Shade chuckled. "Just set Cory up is all I ask, mi amore. Help him pack. He knows about Castello, but not like he is about to know it. I am not ashamed of him in any way. I never want to change him, just help him look the part. I cannot make Cory a prince since his bloodline is not pure, that title will belong to Lorenzo. And our daughters will be princesses and have all they desire, spoiled with crowns and gowns, jewels, and shoes.”

  Kate flashed him a look. "They won’t have all they desire. They’ll have all they deserve. There’s a difference. I don’t want spoiled children who think they’re entitled to whatever they request. They’ll learn that rewards come from hard work, not just the privilege of being born to someone with money."

  Shade laughed. "Cazzo, you sound like my padre, bel! I want to spoil them, love them, and give them all the things they need.”

  “Your children will be spoiled. I have no doubts. I just want them to understand not everything comes to you on a silver platter."

  Shade nodded. "Si, you are their madre, and you will make sure they grow up proper. Damn bambinos already turning my hair gray!"

  Shade smacked her ass as he set her down on her feet. "Now, I need to get to work and make some money, what are your plans for this evening?"

  "I have a call scheduled with Reynaldo to discuss plans for the inn and how that’s going. And I’ve been looking into planting lavender. We still have 1,000 acres of undeveloped property. I have more research to do, but I was going to talk to you about that, unless you were planning to use the land to expand the vineyards."

  Shade walked back to h
is desk, shuffling through the stacks of papers. "Si, I want to expand the vineyards, but not for a long while. Lavender? Bel, what in the hell do you do with lavender? Explain to me why you need that much land for lavender, si?"

  Kate leaned against the side of his desk. "Lavender oil is extremely profitable, and the plants are very low maintenance. One acre will generate about thirty thousand dollars a year in gross profits. I was thinking about two hundred acres of lavender fields. I’m still researching, but that would gross roughly six million dollars a year. I have to figure out the cost to plant and maintain the fields, how much it will cost to harvest the plants, what it costs to transport the harvested product to the buyer. So, I still have some research to do to have an idea of what the net returns will be. But it’s a lovely crop, fragrant, and it will help distinguish our vineyards from the others."

  Shade sat down hard in his desk chair. "Did you say six-mil? Where in the hell did you get this information?"

  Kate straightened the pile of papers on his desk, not making eye contact. "Well, I have lavender in the garden, planted among the roses, and it’s so easy to grow, and it smells so good. Every time I go into a shop, I see lavender soap, and lavender lotions, lavender sachets. We’d harvest the crops and sell the lavender to the industries that use it in their products. The thirty thousand per acre is a high number and depends on good weather and a good crop yield. I just started researching on the internet. The climate is right, and we have the land. I thought we could try it here, start small with a few acres and expand as we learn, see how it works, and maybe duplicate it in California."


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