The Medici Queen

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The Medici Queen Page 43

by Emily Bex

  "Bel, you are going to be raising our bambinos, when do you propose to have time for all of this?"

  Kate laughed. "I have no plans to work the fields. Luciano already has a network of migrant farmers he uses to maintain the vineyards. I thought we could tap into that. For six million a year, I'm pretty sure we can afford to find someone to oversee the operation. Just as you have Luciano to oversee all your vineyards. I'm not going anywhere."

  Shade slapped his hand on the desk. "So, kiss your savage lover, and let me get to work. Do what makes you happy, mi amore. I just want you to be happy. Just don’t forget me.”

  Kate ran her hand through his hair. "Forgettable? That would be the last word I’d use to describe you. Now go to work, before I decide to give you the night off."

  "Temptation, woman, you drive me wild!" He watched her strut out of the office and grinned. She was his for all eternity and he’d always cherish the ground she walked on. She had him heart and soul.


  Sitting in his office, Shade waited impatiently for Marcello, Raven, and Fiamma to wrap up their meeting. He wanted to make sure they were aware he was returning to Florence and would be gone for several days. He’d have to take the jet, which would only make the trip longer, but this was too far for Kate to teleport on her own, and it would be a challenge for Cory as well. Cazzo, he hated flying.

  Gi entered and informed him, “The plane is waiting in the hanger and the car is loaded with the luggage. My lady and Cory are ready to leave whenever you’re ready.” Shade thanked Gi and as he left the office, his three warriors entered, looking a bit confused.

  "Don’t get comfortable, this won’t take long. I will be returning to Florence for several days. I will be taking the jet. Bel and Cory will be coming with me. No need, at this time, to explain why that will come in time. I need all three of you to run the camp and the Dead House. If you have any problems, contact me immediately and I can teleport back home. I am leaving Luca here if you need him. He will be in charge of the estate and available for anything else that may come up, si?"

  Marcello didn’t like the sound of this. Shade’s departure seemed much too sudden. "Any problems, master? Anything we need to be aware of?"

  Shade grunted. “If there was, I would tell you. Just do your jobs as expected. This is not a protection issue. I will explain everything when I return. Now, move out."

  The three warriors walked back to camp, talking amongst themselves. They were all confused as to why Shade would be taking Cory. They’d noticed a change in their master over the past few days since Cory’s mother’s visit, but none of them had a clue as to why Shade was leaving and taking Cory with him.

  Fiamma listened to the chatter. "He does have a lot of business to take care of and not all of it is in the States."

  Marcello shrugged. “Sure, yeah, business, but what does that have to do with Cory?” They continued on their way, each of them wondering what in the hell was brewing.

  Shade walked to the bottom of the stairs. "Bel, let’s move! Cory, roll!"

  Luca and Cory came out of Luca’s suite when they heard Shade calling. "We’re heading out now, Luca. Warriors have been advised, let me know if you need me, I can be here quickly."

  Luca responded, "I've got this. Don't worry about anything. Dante has filed the flight plan and has everything ready for takeoff. I'll handle anything that comes up here. Just have a good trip and I'll see you when you get home."

  "Grazie, Luca." Shade gave him a hug and fist bumped him.

  Kate hurried down the stairs, carrying a purse and a small tote bag. "I'm ready."

  "There’s my bel. You have more luggage? What in the hell do you need this for, mi amore? You probably have ten suitcases on the plane, you need take nothing. Everything is there for you." Shade looked at Luca and rolled his eyes.

  Kate kissed him and laughed. “I saw that. Come on, the car is waiting." Kate turned to Cory and held out her hand. "Are you ready?"

  Cory nodded his head and took Kate's hand. His heart was hammering in his chest. He was nervous and excited. He’d never been inside Castello, and he knew Council was a big deal. "I think so."

  Shade slapped him on the back. "Come on, son, the plane takes much longer than teleporting, but we have no choice now, teleporting is no longer an option for Kate."

  Heading out to the car, Shade got Kate buckled in the passenger seat and Cory climbed into the back, as he climbed behind the wheel. Shade drove to the hangar quickly, anxious to get this over with and back home. Once they pulled into the hangar, Dante was outside waiting for them to board.

  "My main man, Dante!"

  Dante smiled and slapped Shade on the back. "We’re ready to go, just let me know, master. Carolyn is our new flight attendant and is inside waiting to meet everyone and is prepared for anything you need."

  Shade thanked him and led Cory and bel up the small steps to enter the plane. He almost laughed as Cory looked like he was about to hurl with nerves. "It is okay, you will enjoy it."

  Kate immediately noticed Issa was no longer the flight attendant for the private plane and sighed with relief, flashing Shade a look of appreciation. Carolyn smiled and extended her hand to introduce herself.

  “My lady, I’ve just been assigned to master’s plane. I’m an experienced attendant, but I’ve never worked directly with our master before, so please let me know if there’s anything you require.”

  Kate thanked her and let her know they’d work out their routine over time. She directed her attention to Cory who appeared nervous.

  "Cory, Shade will sleep on the flight as the sun will be up soon. There’s a bedroom in the back of the plane. I’ll be with him if you think you’re okay. I brought you my iPad and some books to read, and there’s a TV with a lot of movie options you can watch. I'm sure Carolyn can help you get settled."

  Carolyn nodded and stepped forward. “Of course! I was informed you may need some refreshments, so we have food and beverages on board.”

  Shade laid his hand on the small of Kate’s back. "Let’s get you settled, mi amore. I want you to rest as well. It is important we are all fresh when we land. We meet with Council a few hours after landing."

  Shade got bel settled inside the small bedroom cabin and then turned to Cory. "Let’s go to the cockpit. Dante and Ciro fly this bird with precision. I think we should join them and see how she goes for a while. You up for that?"

  Cory couldn’t believe it. The plane was like a house with wings. Everything Shade touched was gold. "Wow, you mean fly it?"

  Shade laughed. "Well, I think flying the bird might be a bit much your first time, but if you want to spend some time up there with Dante and Ciro, I am sure they won’t have a problem with it.”

  The takeoff was a breeze, and the pilots explained things to Cory as they maneuvered the jet through the takeoff procedure. Cory was inquisitive and firing questions at them, his excitement overcoming his nerves. Shade knew Cory had skimped on his education. The thought created a knot in his chest, thinking about the opportunities Cory missed because of him. But he loved how his son went with the flow, and he hoped Council would be cordial in their acceptance of him.

  Once they were airborne, Shade made his exit and Cory decided to stay in the cockpit. Shade made his way back to bel. His slumber was coming on quickly. "Damn, I hate flying! Come cuddle up with me."

  Kate climbed into the bed in the darkened cabin as he closed the door behind him. "I welcome any opportunity to cuddle up to you. I’m so proud of you, lover. For the way you’ve embraced Cory. I know it goes against everything in your culture, but it’s the right thing to do. He’ll flourish as a Medici. Now lie down beside me and sleep, you look tired."

  "It is nothing, mi amore, just a lot of emotions, and a lot to finish up in camp. I want this over and done with before Lorenzo's birth. I want Council to accept Cory."

  Moaning, he felt the slumber hitting him hard, too hard. Putting his arms around her, his eyes closed, and he let the slumber
pull him under.

  Kate curled up next to him, her head on his shoulder, and fell into a light sleep. The night passed quickly, and she felt the plane touch down as Dante landed on a private runway at the Firenze Airport. A car was already waiting, and she could hear the luggage compartment being opened and their luggage being removed. Kate shook his shoulder gently, kissed his ear as she whispered to him, "Shade, wake up. We’re here."

  Shade could hear her voice, like the song of the angels, or at least if he ever heard an angel, he thought they would sound just like bel. Moaning softly, he pulled her onto his chest.

  "Already? I feel like I drank too much Midnight." Shaking his shaggy mane, he opened his eyes. "Look in that small closet, see if I have a clean dress shirt in there, si? I need to look the master to introduce my son to the staff."

  Kate scrambled across the bed to the small closet. "You have everything in here, a complete change of clothes."

  "Si, help me dress and then we can get to Castello. Did Cory do well on the flight?"

  "I haven’t checked on him yet, and no one interrupted us during our sleep."

  Kate slid the fresh shirt across his broad shoulders, and he slid his arms into the sleeves. She buttoned up his shirt and he pulled on a pair of dress pants. Kate slipped from her nightgown and pulled a summer dress over her head and stepped into a pair of ballet slippers. As they stepped from the bedroom cabin, it was clear Carolyn had served Cory an in-flight meal of steak and potatoes. He was laughing with her as they battled it out over a video game.

  Shade laughed. "Well, someone seems to like flying. Cory, you need to put that game away. We need to get to Castello. In a few hours, we meet at Council, we all need to prepare. Come."

  Taking bel's hand, Shade exited the plane with Cory on their heels. Dante had left the cockpit and climbed behind the wheel of the Bentley, as the three climbed into the back seat and Dante drove them to Castello.

  As they entered the grounds of Castello, Cory was feeling uncomfortable. He’d lived in the camp for almost a year and saw the castle from a distance but had never been inside. When they pulled up in front of the ancient castle, he saw the staff lined up in two rows at the entrance and he wondered what in the hell was about to happen.

  "Why’s everyone outside?"

  Shade smiled. "Well, Cory, you are about to have your first introduction as my son. Meet the staff. It will settle your nerves before meeting Council."

  Cory sat up straight and stared at the huge number of people, all dressed in their formal black and white uniforms. Damn, living this life would take some getting used to and suddenly, he felt like that juicy steak was about to come back up.

  Kate sensed Cory's nervousness and remembered the first time she’d met all the staff. She rubbed his back and whispered to him, "Don't worry. They’re all part of Shade's coven, and completely loyal to him. Because he loves you, they’ll love you. And we're both right here beside you."

  Shade took bel’s arm and entwined it with his. "I love this dress, bel, shows off my son growing inside of you. By the way, they all know. So be prepared for a lot of attention."

  Taking Cory's hand, Shade squeezed it lightly. "Come, it’s time you are introduced to my staff. Just smile, say thank you, and shake hands if you are comfortable with that."

  Shade felt Cory squeeze back, as he walked toward the staff and they were lined up awaiting his arrival. Antonio, the new majordomo, stepped forward, welcoming Shade and Kate back to Castello. Shade thanked him and stood tall and proud, addressing everyone.

  "It is good to be home at Castello, home of my birth and the future birthplace of my bambinos, one of which is well on his way. Your queen is healthy as you can see. The young vampire beside me is the newest addition to my family and the Medici Coven."

  Letting go of Kate’s arm, Shade pulled Cory in front of him, putting his hands on Cory’s slender shoulders. "May I introduce you to Cory Medici, my son. You will treat him with the utmost respect and honor, as you will all of my bambinos. His birth was a surprise to me, but there is no doubt he is of my blood and I am proud and honored to have him as my son. His mother was an acquaintance in the States. She is still living and has been accepted into our familia. She is mortal, making my son a half-breed. Some of you will recognize him as the master leather artist for the Medici warriors, an honorable accomplishment on its own. Please welcome him into our familia with love."

  Shade leaned down and whispered to Cory, "Just breathe, son. This is just introductions."

  Taking Cory by the hand, Shade reached for bel, and they began the long line of introductions. Shade stopped, as always, to speak to each of the staff about their families. There was much exchange between the staff and their master as he congratulated them on the many milestones in their life, and they each clamored for his attention.

  Cory was taken aback at Shade's words. Shade was claiming him as his son in front of all his staff. Cory felt his insides do a flip, but Shade's strong hands on his shoulders made him feel protected and proud. As the staff gazed at him, he felt like crawling into a hole. He was nothing like his father in size and importance, but then he began to see the welcoming smiles and nods in his direction.

  As the introductions were completed, the staff scattered quickly to their posts. Shade led bel and Cory through the halls, explaining several things to Cory on the way.

  "I am sorry this is a short tour, son, but we do have an appointment and Medici's are never late when it comes to seeing the Council."

  Leading them to the upper floors, he walked to the master bedroom and looked at Kate. "Cazzo, what room is supposed to be Cory's? Do you know, or should I summon Antonio? I am sure Cory's luggage is being taken there."

  Kate smiled and pointed down the hall. "Two doors down, next to Luca's. I asked them to give him that room. It has a nice view of the rear gardens, and he can see the camp."

  Shade nodded. "Si, I will show him." Shade led Cory to his room, a male servant already inside, putting away the things from Cory’s luggage. As Shade opened the door, Cory gasped.

  Shade chuckled. "Make yourself at home. This is yours now."

  Cory stared wide-eyed around the elegant room filled with antique furniture and classic paintings. The pile of the carpet was thick and deep. The bed was big enough for eight people and Cory wondered how the hell you ever grew up with all this elegance and came out like Shade.

  Shade nodded to the butler. "Ah, Cezare, you are a good choice for my son. Cory this is Cezare, he will be your manservant whenever we are here. He will be on duty just outside your door. He will attend to your dressing, your hair, your bathing and if you need anything, he will be the one to help get it for you."

  Looking up at Cezare, Shade instructed him, "We leave in an hour, have him ready. I think Kate provided appropriate dress and shoes."

  Cezare nodded. "Si, master, one hour, your son will be prepared to leave."

  Cory scowled. Manservant? Was he joking? "Dad, I have my own butler?"

  Shade laughed. "Si, you do son. Get used to it. Cezare will help you get ready. I need to get ready myself. Cezare will bring you to our room when it is time. Just relax, we will be together through all of this."

  Shade hugged him tight, holding him a moment longer. "You are Medici now, and this is how we live, Cory." Shade quickly exited, his emotions on overload.

  Kate scurried into their room with Emma running behind her, as she rushed to get dressed for Council.

  "My lady, do you wish a bath?"

  Kate pulled her hair up on her head and Emma helped her pin it in place. "A quick bath Emma, and let's keep my hair dry. I don't have time to wash and dry it."

  Emma ran the tub of hot water, pouring Kate's favorite bath oils into the steaming water. Kate stepped into the tub, rinsing off the dust of her travels as Emma washed her back. When she stepped from the tub, Emma wrapped her in a thick towel and Kate washed her face and applied fresh make-up.

  Emma unpinned her hair and brushed it to a high sh
een. Stepping back into the bedroom, Shade was already dressed in his ceremonial leathers. Emma lifted the pale blush colored gown over Kate's head and let it drop into place. It was a simple chiffon empire waist gown that floated effortlessly to the floor and covered the swell of the baby. The color complimented her skin and her hair, giving her a glow. Emma brought her a pale blush lipstick, and pinched Kate's cheeks.

  "There, my lady. Now, step into these shoes, and you are ready." As Kate stepped into the satin slippers with the slight heel, Emma spritzed her with the rose fragrance.

  Shade smiled. "You look beautiful, mi amore. Every day you carry our figlio, you become more beautiful. Your skin glows, my lily-white."

  He kissed her softly at first, and then deepened the kiss. Emma giggled and backed slowly out of the room. Shade chuckled. "I think we embarrass Emma with our display of affection."

  There was a knock on the door, as Cezare announced that Cory was ready and Shade answered, "Enter!"

  As Cory walked in, there was a dramatic change in his appearance. He’d dressed in a suit hand-tailored to his frame and appropriate for his station. Cory seemed uncomfortable in his own skin. Shade knew Kate had taken him shopping and guided his hand in selecting what he should wear. Shade watched as Kate went to him, looking over the new suit, brushing off his shoulders, straightening his tie and making a fuss over him. Shade shook his head, she had such strong mothering instincts, and he adored that in her.

  Kate brushed Cory's hair back from his face, "Don't hide that beautiful face." She stepped back and looked at him, as he stood in the new suit. She smiled. "You are much too handsome for your own good, just like your father."

  Cory was embarrassed with the fuss and the clothes. He wasn’t used to this much attention. He smiled as he looked at his father, wearing the ceremonial leathers that he’d made for him, bearing the Medici crest. Cory had spent hours making them perfect, not knowing at the time Shade was his father. Cory walked up to Shade and hugged him.


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