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Forbidden (Perfect for them Book 1)

Page 19

by Melissa Adams

  I see cracks beginning to appear in her expression and she shakes her head, obviously confused. “No, Marc told me that the night of the party. He said that Nate didn’t want me to know because he didn’t want me to think that he had done something to encourage you. And the fact that when I confronted him, he denied ever even speaking to you alone, made me believe that Marc was right.”

  When she finally looks at me, I continue, “I don’t even know where to start with all the shit you just said. None of it is true, babe. I never fucked Marc. We just kissed, once. And it was so awful that—”

  So I tell her everything that happened since that party on the beach, up until the night on the yacht, when Marc said that he wished I’d die.

  At some point, one of Nic’s co-workers comes to ask her if she’s coming back to work and my bestie begs her colleague to tell her boss that she had a family emergency and has to leave.

  So we finish our conversation while walking on the beach, with our shoes off. When we get ice cream cones and we sit on the low wall that separates the public beach from the marina’s yacht club, it reminds me so much of our first summer together. We spent countless afternoons eating ice cream in that exact spot, talking about the two boys who made my heart beat faster and who at the time seemed to like me too.

  Now we talk about two different guys, my stepbrothers’ best friends who I’ve come to really care about.

  “So, first of all let me tell you that I’m fucking proud of you! From being hung up on your stepbrothers and mystery guy, to not one but TWO of the best looking guys in Star Cove? You fucking rock! But you’re still holding onto your v-card? No judgement girl, but wow! With those two hotties, I’m surprised that you can resist not going all the way.”

  I explain how the guys want to take things a little slower on account of my lack of experience and that while I don’t have to choose between them, they want me to have the choice of who will be my first. We discuss it at length and I tell her that I think that I just want to let it happen naturally, because I really care for both guys equally.

  “Well shit, that’s a nice dilemma to have,” Nic lowers her gaze and her voice fades as she tells me that she’s sorry. “Babe, I’m so sorry about thinking that Marc was telling the truth. You’re my best friend and I should’ve asked you before jumping to conclusions. I have no excuses but the fact that I kept seeing you out on dates with Marc, made the shit he said believable. And then I did see you kiss Parker that night at the fair, so somehow that fit in the story as well.”

  I sigh and take her hand: I’m not mad at Nic, I’m just a little hurt. “Yeah, I get that. But Nic, how could you ever believe that I’d try to sleep with Nate? Aside from everything else, he’s the last guy that I’d ever be with because I know that you like him. I would never betray you that way.”

  She nods and I feel her voice quiver in her throat as if she were trying to keep from crying. “I’m sorry, Kaya. I let my insecurities get the best of me. I really care about Nate. I’m starting to really have feelings but I think that for him I’m just a summer thing. I noticed how to him the difference in our background matters. This is why I gave into my jealousy. He said a few times that you’re a catch because you’re part of the Hudson family. So I know that I’m just a fun toy until he finds a girl with the right pedigree.”

  Her words make me furious: I know that at a superficial glance, Nic can look like the typical slutty townie in search of a rich boyfriend but my best friend has so much going for her.

  She’s the hardest working person I’ve ever met and I have no doubt that she’ll make something of herself one day. And she might have believed the shit Marc was saying initially, but Nic is someone who admits to her own mistakes and makes amends for them. She doesn’t let her pride dictate her actions but she has a big heart.

  This is why I forgive her for the way she pushed me away. Should she have talked to me and confronted me about it? Sure, she should have. But we’re all human and make mistakes, the difference is in the fact that she admitted to being wrong. After all, I know exactly how things could look from the outside and Marc was very smart in weaving his web of lies. “My question at this point is if we’re gonna let Marc get away with the lies he’s spreading, babe.”

  I know Nic is right but I’m at a loss as to what to do about it. I’m not under the illusion that calling Marc out on it would make him stop, he’s obviously saying this stuff to get even with me, because I didn’t want to be with him.

  At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that much if he lies about our relationship to make himself look better, but what worries me is that his lies could have consequences if Mom and Dustin heard about my relationship with Bryce and Parker from him rather than from me. And also, I need to make sure that my guys don’t hear this shit because I know they’ll defend my honor and I don’t want them to get in trouble.

  I could hope that Marc will stop saying this stuff, but something in his tone when he wished me dead tells me that he’s too mad at me and wants me to suffer the same way he thinks I’m making him suffer. Maybe if I talked to him, and apologized for hurting him?

  “I don’t know if that would work,” Nic says, deep in thought. “But you can try talking to him and if he doesn’t want to quit being an asshole, I can tell him that I know it’s all bullshit. Maybe if he realizes that no one believes him, he’ll stop.”

  It’s far-fetched and neither of us is under the illusion that Marc will play nice just because I ask him to, but maybe he needs to see that I won’t take it lying down. It’s worth trying and if he doesn’t want to stop spreading lies, at least about me and the guys, we’ll need to be extra careful when my parents are around.

  I’m an adult and they really shouldn’t have a say in who I date, but Dustin cares about Bryce and Parker and I don’t want to be the reason why he’d change his opinion about them.

  I hug my best friend, thankful to have her in my corner again and we decide to get together to go to a big party that one of the locals is throwing.

  “It’s gonna be at that big house on the beach, right next to my house. Everyone always shows up to Devin’s parties. Remember? We went together once.”

  And I do remember, it’s the party where I met – even if met isn’t the right way to define it – my mystery guy.

  “I’m sure that Marc will show up and we’ll try to make sure that he stops spreading lies about you.”

  I smile at Nic’s determined expression, feeling comfort in having my best friend back but I’m not as hopeful about the possible outcome of me confronting Marc.

  The only reason I’m even trying is that I want him to know that I see what’s he’s trying to do to me by ruining my reputation and if that’s what he wants, two can play that game.


  I DRIVE MYSELF AND Nic to the party and my best friend is surprised not to see Bryce and Parker in the car with us.

  “Yeah, I told them that we’ll see them later at the party and we’ll hang out some but that you and I wanted to have some girl time.”

  Nic nods approvingly. “They’re really good guys, I already like them. Giving you some space is really cool of them.”

  I agree with her and I really never doubted about the fact that I completely lucked out in the ‘boyfriends’ department. “They said that it was cool and that they’d take advantage of it to have a boys night out too. With Chase and Reid working and the fact that my brothers really don’t hang out with me, they haven’t spent a lot of time together. Actually Chase and Reid have been at a yacht expo in San Francisco with Dustin for the last two days and they’re gonna be back tonight, so Bryce said they’d go get wings or something and then possibly swing by the party.”

  Nic giggles. “Aww, how sweet. Those four have a total bromance going on, I swear.”

  I sigh, thinking that sometimes I’m really jealous of the close relationship my stepbrothers have with their best friends and with each other. I’m an only child and with my dad’s career in th
e navy, we kept moving so often that forming that kind of bond with anyone but my mom was next to impossible. This is why I love Nic even more, because she’s the sister I’ve always wanted but never had.

  I park the car at the end of the street and Nic and I walk into the large two story, family house from the front door that has been left unlocked because of the party.

  The house is very crowded, the music is loud and there’s people literally everywhere. Drinking, dancing, making out and playing party games.

  I remember the place vaguely from three years ago and when I follow Nic into the spacious kitchen to get a drink, I remember that this is where I got my first kiss.

  The sense of longing that invades me when I think about mystery guy is not as strong as I thought it would be but it’s still there. I have Bryce and Parker to thank for not feeling as melancholic as I would’ve been before meeting them. But I know that there’ll always be a corner of my heart with a special place for my mystery guy. And I’ll probably always wish that he’d revealed himself to me, even if he was just a tourist, someone I’d never see again.

  We wander around the house, going from room to room but there’s no sign of Marc. We do however bump into Nate and while my first instinct would be to kick him in the balls, Nic and I agreed that she would deal with him and she’d try to find out if he’s been helping his best friend to spread those lies about me or if he’s been manipulated by Marc the same way Nic was.

  I’m not surprised when he doesn’t look happy to see me, either way I did hurt Marc, even if I tried my best not to.

  When I tell him that I need to speak to his bestie, he replies that Marc should show up any minute now.

  “We came here in separate cars, he’s bringing a date and I was hoping to go home with Nic later.”

  The fact that he’s bringing a date, makes me feel hopeful that he’s starting to move on and maybe he’ll lose interest in waging a war against me.

  Nate asks Nic to dance and I immediately see the uncertainty in my bestie’s eyes but I tell her that I need some fresh air, all these people make the house feel claustrophobic. “I’ll go sit outside on the beach, please text me if you see Marc.”

  The sun has already set and I’m relieved that the beach isn’t as crowded as the house. There are people scattered around in smaller groups, drinking and talking and a small group sat by a bonfire a few feet away. I keep walking, making sure that I don’t lose sight of the house, since this strip of beach isn’t private and I don’t want to bump into any stragglers, especially at night.

  Star Cove is usually pretty safe but my mom has always instilled in me that you’re safe until all of a sudden, you are not. I guess that kind of attitude comes partially from our frequent moves because of Dad’s job. I’ve never really had a place to call home, a couple of years has been the longest stretch we could hope to stay somewhere.

  I see a lifeguard tower a few feet away and realize that I can still see the bonfire and the house behind me but I can no longer hear the noise of the party and decide to turn back toward it, when a voice startles me, lost as I was in my own thoughts.

  “You shouldn’t wander around by yourself at night, Kaya.”

  I immediately recognize Chase’s voice, he’s sitting on the sand, his back against one of the wooden pillars that support the tower.

  “I was about to go back. What are you doing here by yourself?” Chase doesn’t answer, his dark blue eyes fixed on me, shimmering under the eco-light that illuminates the lifeguard tower. His gaze has the usual effect of making my heart pick up its pace and I hate myself for not being able to suppress the desire of looking into his eyes and get completely lost in their blue depths.

  I’ve always thought that Chase and Reid have the most gorgeous eyes ever and I envy any girls who get the opportunity to stare into them, even if just for one night. Yeah, I know, I’m pretty pathetic and this time my feelings are accompanied by a brand new one: guilt. If before I felt stupid to be pining for two guys who obviously didn’t feel the same way about me, now I feel guilty because I also have two amazing guys who treat me the way I’ve always longed to be treated by the twins. And Bryce and Parker are just as attractive as my stepbrothers, so I really don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me, why I can’t tell my stubborn heart to let them go.

  Chase doesn’t answer my question, but keeping that unnerving blue gaze on me, speaks in a low voice, just barely above a whisper. “It’s dangerous here all by yourself. Your guys should keep an eye on you.”

  The way he says guys gives me pause, as far as I’m concerned, he should think that I’m dating just Bryce. Could the guys have told him? I want to know, because if Chase knew about my ménage, he’d probably tell our parents and if that’s the case, I need to be prepared to explain. “What do you mean, guys?”

  Yeah, I know, lame. But I’m not giving him more information than I need to, I know Chase might use anything I say against me, if given the chance. And if I was ever hoping for a truce, the laugh he barks out and the tone of his voice, immediately strip me of the illusion that Chase and I could ever bury the hatchet, regardless of the fact that I don’t know what caused this war between us.

  “What do I mean? Come on Kaya, playing daft doesn’t become you at all. I know that there’s a big brain in that pretty head of yours.”

  Did he just call me pretty? But I have no time to dwell on it, because his next words are anything but complimentary.

  “I mean any of the guys you’ve been fucking, sis. See, this is the problem when you spread your legs for whoever will give you a shred of attention; once they get what they want, they don’t give a shit about you. I know my best friends, they were looking for a few distractions this summer, so once they tapped your little ass, don’t think they’re gonna stick around. And Marc too, for what I can see. Men are dogs, Kaya. And you definitely need to choose them better. At least Bryce and Parker are gentlemen and they don’t go around running their mouths about fucking you. That Marc? He’s a real douche, my first instinct about him was on fucking point. He’s telling anyone who’ll listen how he fucked you and moved on because you can’t keep your legs together and you cheated on him.”

  He stands up and takes a step toward me. “Let me give you some brotherly advice, princess. In the future, choose your hookups carefully. Your reputation might be fucked here in Star Cove, but if this happens on campus, I guarantee your college experience won’t be a fun one. Unless you don’t care about being known as the campus slut.”

  While he was talking, Chase grabbed my forearm and while his grip isn’t painful, the tip of his fingers burn my skin as if they were branding me, so I shove him away. “Don’t touch me, you’re fucking drunk!”

  He shakes his head, his blond hair glistening under the lifeguard’s light. “I don’t drink, princess.”




  “I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S your problem with me, Chase. I honestly don’t know what I ever did for you to hate me this much.”

  I can’t stop the bitter laugh that comes out of my own mouth. “Hate you? Is that what you think? That I hate you?”

  She doesn’t look at me. “What else should I think? Every time you speak to me, is to say something horrible.”

  I can’t resist the next jab. I know I’m selfish. If I have to hurt, then she should too. “Are you surprised? What did you expect for fucking that douche and my two best friends in the world? A high five? Of course I’m fucking mad at you! Parker and Bryce have been through a lot this year, being cheated on is not what they deserve.”

  She doesn’t look at me. “I’m not cheating on them—”

  I shake my head: Kaya and I have one thing in common, we’re both as stubborn as humanly possible. “Yeah, sure. I could believe that if Bryce didn’t say that you two are hanging out and if you hadn’t been fucking that preppy douche bag on the side. If you care about Bryce, you’ll admit to your actions, princess.”

  This time Kay
a looks at me, her gaze unwavering when she tells me what can only be the truth. “I haven’t cheated on Bryce. He and Parker know that I like them both and they agreed that I don’t have to choose.”

  I can’t help the half laugh, half snarl that leaves my lips; this is fucking unbelievable. “So what the fuck are you three doing? Are they sharing you?”

  She opens her mouth to reply but I cut her off. “Whatever you three are doing, it doesn’t fucking matter. You might not be cheating on them with each other, but you’ve been fucking Marc on the side too!”

  She recoils at my accusation but her tone is firm and her eyes unwavering when she tells me that she hasn’t been fucking that douche. “Shit! I only kissed Marc once and when I did, I realized that I didn’t like him that way. I told him immediately but he wouldn’t have it ...” she tells me how that motherfucker tried to weasel himself into Kaya’s life, trying to trap her into dating him by getting the families involved. “I haven’t spoken to him in over a week and this is why I’m here tonight. He told Nic that he was fucking me and I wanted to ask him to stop lying.”

  Right. As if that motherfucker will do the right thing and stop spreading lies! “Kaya, go home.” I say it with more force than necessary in my tone and of course she immediately takes it the wrong way.

  “Stop telling me what to do, Chase! Do you expect me to let him continue to spread lies about me? I need him to stop saying this stuff.” I’ve always admired Kaya’s determination, but right now she isn’t thinking straight. “Do you really think that he’ll stop? Open your eyes, princess! He told you that he wishes you were dead, he’s obviously on a mission to ruin you. Stay away from him, when he told me that you two were fucking, I didn’t like the glint in his eyes. I don’t want you alone with him, just in case that asshole gets some strange ideas in his head and becomes violent.”


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