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Darkbeam Part II

Page 24

by Adrienne Woods

  I didn’t know what I would do if she was gone.

  I would lose it. I knew that now. Maybe she would push me over that edge.

  It’s time, Blake. I know you are tired. Let me take over.

  I pushed the voice of the darkness to the back of my head as I got up and left.

  Tabitha was ecstatic when I told her I would go to the Testrial ball with her. She squealed, then ordered me to go make sure I had the right clothes to wear to the occasion.

  I didn’t own anything that even resembled a tux, but luckily George had an extra. We were more or less the same build, except my arms were bigger and more muscular.

  “Magic is the only way we’re going to manage to alter this,” George said.

  “Dude, I don’t know that kind of magic.”

  “I know someone who does. She’s here now. I’m sure she can spare a few moments,” he said as he walked over to the doorway.

  “Okay,” I said and he quickly left.

  A few minutes later, he came back with Lucille, Becky’s mother. She could have passed for Becky’s sister. The years had definitely been kind to her.

  “I didn’t take you for the type of dragon who would go to balls like this, Blake.”

  “The Snow Dragon made me.”

  She laughed. “Put on the shirt and jacket if you want me to fix it.”

  George laughed. “That is the problem. He’s fatter than me.”

  “Fatter?” I exclaimed in mock outrage. “Try stronger, and faster. I can kick your ass any time I want.”

  “Okay, okay.” George held his hands up in defeat, then turned to Lucille. “Can you fix it?”

  “How much bigger do I need to make it?”

  “It doesn’t fit at all.”

  “Not even a little?”

  I shook my head.

  “Okay, let’s get this done while the girls are cleaning themselves up. I need to be there to help them get ready.” She pursed her lips, then took the shirt from me. “George, put this on.”

  He did what she said and she started murmuring under her breath.

  I gaped as I watched the material grow larger until it hung on George like a sack. He shrugged the shirt off and handed it to me.

  “I told you she’s good.”

  “Does it come with a time frame?”

  Lucille laughed. “No, I’m the best fairy godmother in all the lands.”

  I put on the shirt, but now it was a bit too big for me. Lucille stepped forward and buttoned up the shirt, leaving the collar open.

  She murmured something, and I felt the shirt shrinking until it was a perfect fit. “How’s that?”


  “Good.” She repeated the process with the jacket, then smoothed the material over my shoulder. “Have fun tonight.”

  I nodded. “Thanks for this. Just to be safe, I’ll be back in my room at twelve.”

  “Whatever you wish. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t. And that goes for you too mister. I’m not stupid,” she said, pinning George with a stern.

  He gulped.

  “See you later, George. Don’t be late,” Lucille sang as she left.

  George quickly found his voice. “Wouldn’t dream of it. I can’t wait to see how breathtaking you make my girl look.”

  When she was gone, I turned to George. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.”

  George shrugged. “No sweat, man. Besides, she’s really amazing, if you are into the Mrs. Robinson type.”

  I punched his shoulder. “Dude, you do know that’s your girlfriend’s mother, right?”

  George left thirty minutes later, just before Tabitha showed up in a tight dress that showed off her every curve. She’d been trying to grow her hair out, and it brushed her shoulders now, bouncing along with every step she took. I took a moment to appreciate her long legs.

  She looked stunning.

  I grabbed my jacket and threw an arm around her shoulder as we headed down to the ball. When we reached the doors, I shrugged on my jacket and Tabitha grabbed my hand as we walked in. For a few seconds there was silence before gasps of surprise. I didn’t make a habit of going to social events like these.

  Instinctively, I felt myself searching for Elena.

  I flicked over faces of people I knew but barely recognized. Everyone looked so different, so polished.

  I didn’t feel her presence or see George anywhere, so she probably wasn’t here yet.

  Tabitha dragged me over to a table where Susan was sitting. When we got there, she choked on her drink.

  “How the hell did you get him here?”

  “I batted my eyelashes and made a few sexual promises.” Tabitha winked at me.

  I chuckled at the memory of Elena telling me she wasn’t the type of girl who batted her eyelashes.

  I sat down, pleased that my spot at the table gave me a good view of the entrances.

  I slipped on the mask I was so used to putting on around Tabitha.

  “I’m not going to stay that long, okay? You know this isn’t really my thing,” I whispered in Tabitha’s ear.

  “Would you shush? The girls are all swooning over you tonight. Believe me, it only enhances your ego.”

  I smiled and she kissed me.

  “Woah, looks like someone is giving Tabitha a run for the snow queen title,” Jeff said, whistling through his teeth.

  I turned my head to the entrance, mouth gaping when I realized it was Elena.

  She was the definition of beauty.

  I quickly looked away and noticed Tabitha’s face had morphed into a glare as she stared Elena down.

  “She’s not that beautiful.”

  I wanted to get up and go to her. I wanted to sweep Elena into my arms and never let her go.

  “She really shouldn’t wear high heels if she can’t walk in them,” Sarah said.

  I looked back at Elena and grinned when I saw her wobbling awkwardly.

  She wasn’t searching the room for me like I had done when I walked in.

  I laughed. “She is going to break her neck. Someone has to help her.” I got up and strode toward her.

  “Seriously?” Sarah asked as I walked away, but I didn’t wait to hear Tabitha reply.

  A chair suddenly moved into Elena’s path and she wobbled some more, struggling to keep her balance. Laughter rang out behind me, and I knew Tabitha had made the chair move into Elena’s path. Of course, Tabitha would want to humiliate Elena by making her fall flat on her face.

  Elena tumbled forward, but I grabbed her before she hit the ground. In her confusion, she grabbed onto my collar, almost taking me down with her.

  Laughter bubbled out of me. “I thought heights were your only fear?”

  She giggled, turning her head slightly so she was even closer to me. She smelled good. “High heels seem to be the new one.”

  I helped her to her feet, keeping my one hand on the small of her back.

  “Thanks. You don’t know the humiliation you just saved me from.”

  “The way you look tonight, I doubt anything you do would lead to humiliation.”

  She gasped. “Was that an actual compliment?”

  “Hey, I still know how to give those. Besides, you really look different,” I said as I took in her dress.

  “You are so not checking me out,” she whispered. “Go, before Tabitha gets a hernia or something.”

  “You sure you’re going to make it to your table?”

  Dean’s laughter interrupted our conversation..

  “I’ve got her.”

  I looked at him, snorting at the mask that rested like a pair of shades on his forehead. “Like the mask, Dean.”

  “Yeah, well your sister made me.”

  “Be safe, Elena,” I teased and walked back to my table.

  Everyone around the table was laughing. Even Tabitha. She wasn’t upset.

  “She almost took you down with her.”

  “I’m with Sarah, she shouldn’t wear heels.”

h laughed.

  “You just have to be everyone’s prince charming don’t you?”

  “No, I can never fill his shoes.”

  Tabitha smiled, her eyes softening when she realized I was speaking about Lucian.

  “Well, you are mine, and apparently Elena’s, too, although I hate that thought. But I trust you.”

  “It’s about fucking time.” I pulled her closer and kissed her.

  I didn’t have a clear view of Elena, but every now and then I tuned into her conversation, even though I was supposed to be paying attention to Tabitha.

  Master Longwei got up and made a short speech, and I just barely heard him mentioning my name.

  “Blake, I didn’t think that we would be so fortunate to have both Rubicons here tonight. Please, whenever the urge to kill arises in either one of you, feel free to leave before it happens.”

  I gave a lazy grin. “No need to worry about me, and the other Rubicon is wearing high heels, so I think she’ll take herself down soon.”

  Laughter echoed through the crowd.

  “I was forced!” Elena yelled.

  “Are you going to wreck this tent, too?”

  “Not with a dragon this time,” she said, which elicited more laughter.

  Master Longwei changed the subject and spoke about the ups and downs, the highs and lows of the year. He briefly mentioned Lucian’s death, not grouping him into any other category. The sudden mention of Lucian saddened me, but this time it was bearable. Not the soul-crushing sadness from before.

  I was still here, still fighting. It didn’t matter that I was a coward. All that mattered was that I was still fighting.

  When Master Longwei was done speaking, we ate and I found myself actually enjoying the company at my table.

  After a while, I nudged Tabitha.

  “Okay fine, let’s go,” she whined.

  “You guys leaving already? The party is going to die without the two of you.”

  I shrugged. “This is so not my thing. I only came tonight because of Tabitha.”

  “Fine, whatever,” Sarah said. “Go have sex before you take her right here on the table.”

  Tabitha giggled loudly. “Don’t be jealous now, Sarah.”

  “I am jealous and I’m not even going to deny it,” Jeff said as we walked away.

  “That was so awkward,” Tabitha hissed.

  “Jeff is an idiot.”

  She looked at me. “It really isn’t like that, is it?”

  I frowned at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “Nothing.” She smiled, and I got the feeling she wasn’t speaking about Jeff.

  Was she that insecure? Then again, she had every right to be.

  I shook that out of my mind, but then I started thinking about Elena. She was probably in that tent right now, thinking about how different the ball would have been if Lucian had been here.

  I didn’t like that thought.

  Elena was never going to get over Lucian.

  In my room, Tabitha did a little striptease for me, but my mind wasn’t in it.

  It didn’t matter that Tabitha was one of the sexiest women in Paegeia, or that she only had eyes for me. I didn’t have the same feelings for her.

  I was getting fucking sick of pretending. Pretending to be good, pretending to be someone I wasn’t.

  Pretending to forget Elena because she was too good for me.

  Tabitha was nearly naked when I realized I was parched, but there was nothing to drink in my room.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Stay here. I need to go get something,” I said as I pulled on my shirt and headed out. “Don’t move, I mean it,” I teased and a sultry smile played on her lips.

  “Don’t be long,” she called as I closed the door.

  I was gonna go sneak out a bottle of champagne. That was all. I kept telling myself that until I entered the tent. My eyes flicked to the table and I realized it was empty. There wasn’t any sign of Sarah, Susan, or Jeff.

  I scanned the room and found Elena sitting alone at her table.

  I headed over to her, and with every step, her light warmed my soul.

  “May I have this dance?” I asked when I was right next to her.

  She looked past me at the table Tabitha and I had been sitting at earlier. “You sure it’s safe? I don’t want to get a frost ball thrown at my head.”

  I chuckled. “You have frost balls, too, Elena.”

  “I’m not a good dancer, and I fear for your toes.”

  “Ahh, there is the right concern. My toes will be fine, and I happen to be a terrific dancer.”

  She gave me an unsure look. “You?”

  “If you tell anyone, you know what I’ll have to do.”

  She gave me her hand. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She got up off the chair and almost fell on her first step.

  I caught her again and pulled her upright, finding it hard to suppress my laughter. I failed and a deep rumble of laughter shook through me.

  Luckily, Elena laughed along with me.

  “This is going to be a nightmare,” she whispered.

  “It’s going to be fine.”

  “Everyone is staring at us.”

  “Can you blame them? You seriously look hot.”

  Her face fell. “Seriously? That’s like the best word you could come up with?”

  She grabbed my arm and struggle to regain her balance once again, which made both of us chuckle.

  ”Okay, I can foresee this too now. It’s going to be a miracle if we get through this one dance.” With some effort, we finally reached the dance floor.

  My hand automatically went around her waist and I pulled her close to me.

  “Just take small steps.”

  “In what direction?” she asked as she stepped on my toes.

  I winced. “Not that direction.”

  “Sorry.” I barely heard the word through her breathless laughter.

  I lifted her, positioning her so that she stood on my shoes.

  “You seriously going to do the side stepping for both of us?”

  “It’s the only way for us both to get through this alive. Part Moonbolt, remember?”

  “Oh, how could I forget?” she said teasingly. “Are you sure Tabitha is okay with this?”

  I let out an exaggerated sigh. “Yes, she is fine, Elena. She knows it’s not like that.”

  “Phew, just as long as she is not going to demand my head on a silver platter tomorrow.”

  I shook my head.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I said with a smile.

  She rolled her eyes. “Where did you learn to dance?”

  “My mother used the be the belle of the ball.”

  “Oh really? Did she have to blackmail you? Force you to learn to dance?”

  “I wasn’t always dark, Elena. Just these last few years.”

  “I see.”

  “Your father never—”

  “No, we moved too often. Druglord, remember?”

  I shook my head. “Or trying to protect his eccentric yet cuckoo daughter.”

  “You’re really mean. There is nothing wrong with me and Cara.”

  My entire body shook as I laughed.

  The dance came to an end all too soon.

  “I really think I should go sit. I don’t want you to have to explain to Tabitha why your toes are blue tomorrow.”

  “I heal fast. Rubicon, remember?” I said as I helped her back to her seat.

  “Just a suggestion, you might want to take off those shoes. Nobody really cares about shoes this time of night, Elena.” I winked at her.

  “And give Becky a heart attack? You know I’m not fond of thunder, Blake,” she said in tone that conveyed just how serious she was.

  “Fine, smart mouth. Thanks for the dance. I’m done for the night. I’m going to bed.”

  “Yeah right.” She scoffed. “Say hi to Tabitha for me.”

  I grabbed one lonely c
hampagne bottle. I didn’t want to leave but I had to. From the way Elena spoke about Tabitha so easily, it was clear that she didn’t reciprocate my feelings. I was still competing with Lucian.

  What the fuck was I even thinking? I shouldn’t even be thinking about competing with Lucian’s memory for Elena’s affections. I needed to focus on preparing her to kill me.

  I took deep breaths as I walked back to my room.

  Midnight would strike soon enough, and Cinderfella had to get back to his real life before his tux shrunk.

  I hardly saw Elena the rest of the weekend, which was just as well, because I had made the decision to try and put some distance between us again.

  I knew I was going to fuck this up again one way or another, but I had to try… for Elena’s sake.

  My darkness wasn’t going anywhere, and eventually, her light would fade.

  I would turn. It was inevitable. Elena needed to be brave and take me down.

  I’d train her for a little while longer, but then I would need to tell her the truth. But I had no idea how to do that.

  I was terrified that it would be easy for her to kill me. I didn’t think my heart would be able to handle that. That would probably bring the darkness faster.

  Monday rolled around and I tried to be mean to her, but she had a witty comeback for everything I said, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  The what-not-to-do list was useless now.

  I checked my watch and noted I still had an hour before Warbel practice. My curiosity got the better of me, and I wondered if Elena would indulge me.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked Elena before she could get up from her spot and go shift back to her human form.

  “If you must.”

  I laughed. “Don’t hate me, because I’m trying to help you.”

  “Seriously? You should make up your mind. Don’t love me, don’t hate me.”

  I smiled sadly. She remembered the first rule.

  “So what do you want to ask me?”

  I chewed on my lip, wondering how to phrase my question.

  “Is it stupid?” she asked.


  “Fine, I’ll laugh later, what is it?”

  I kept quiet. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at her. Then, completely involuntary, a chuckle escaped my mouth.

  “Just spit it out, Blake.”

  “Fine. I always wondered why Lucian desperately wanted to ride me and I was wondering if you would show me.”


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