Book Read Free

Phantom Campaign

Page 4

by Eden Redd

  Dax and Symon made a beeline for the small group and the moment they were close, Fern looked up. Eyes widened and smiles bloomed before Fern jumped into the air and light engulfed her body. In her eight-inch form, fairy wings blurred as she darted toward them.

  “Hold this,” Dax said and shifted his shoulder to Symon and dropped the small barrel.

  Symons arms flashed forward, catching the precious mead just as Fern’s body flashed again. Dax’s eyes widened as the five-foot fairy crashed into him, the pair falling to the floor and Dax landing on his back.

  Fern grabbed the mage by the collar, pulled him up to her and kissed him. Lips locked before the fairy’s tongue stabbed into the mage’s mouth. Dax was trapped, the fairy violating his mouth and unable to laugh out loud.

  Zarra and Vance were to their feet, making their way over with wide smiles. Symon put the keg down on a nearby table and held his arms out. The three embraced in a tight hug.

  Fern pulled back and Dax gasped for air. The mage looked up and drank in Fern’s new look. The hair on her head was longer, falling to the sides of her face and framing it with blood red locks.

  “Your hair,” Dax whispered as he looked to her fondly.

  “I thought I’d change it up and hide my rage a little when I go berserk. Do you like it?” The fairy asked shyly.

  “It’s beautiful,” Dax said simply, his fingers running through it.

  A small crown of lights appeared around Fern’s head as she looked down with wicked glee. “I’ve missed you.”

  Dax was about to say the same thing, but the fairy crashed her lips against his and stabbed her tongue into his mouth again.

  Symon uncorked the small keg as Vance walked over to a table to gather some cups. Zarra had a small smile as she stared at the spellsword with her slitted golden eyes.

  “It’s good to see you both,” Zarra said.

  “It’s great to see you as well,” Symon said before looking down at Fern straddling Dax and kissing him deeply. “She’s really glad to see him.”

  The cleric’s hand covered her mouth and she giggled slightly. Vance came over with cups and placed them on the table. Symon picked up the barrel and began to pour mead into each.

  “Glad to have you back,” Vance said to Symon as he picked up a cup and handed it to Zarra. “Spending time at home was nice, but I was eager to return.”

  Symon nodded as he picked up a full cup and took a sip. “We felt the same. Maybe during our next break, we should spend it together?”

  Vance’s head nodded as Zarra’s expression beamed.

  “That sounds wonderful! We can travel the southern forests on the mainland and maybe visit some of the remaining ancient temples,” the cleric smiled brightly.

  “And we could drink our time away while we sightsee,” Vance smirked.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Symon said and took another sip before he looked down at Fern and Dax.

  The mage and berserker continued to make out on the floor.

  “Should we break this up?” Symon smiled.

  “I don’t think we could if we tried. Let them tire themselves out,” Vance chuckled.

  “Let’s sit down and talk. I want to hear about your time away,” Zarra said in a low tone. “And then we can discuss what we will do on our next break,” the dragon cleric beamed.


  Warm tendrils caressed the dreamscape as Dax lay in a field of black grass. The mage stared up at a purple sun and velvet sky. The wind was warm, flowing over his face like a lover’s caress in the night.

  “Where are you?” the mage asked the lilac colored sun.

  A tentacle rose up and touched his cheek.

  The mage grinned before the sun exploded in the sky. Shards of black flames, miles long came down like burning lances.

  The mage’s eyes widened as he tried to make sense of what was happening before a black tentacle wrapped around his throat and began to squeeze.

  His eyes blinked open, blazing light searing his pupils and Dax quickly shut them. Hands grabbed at thick blankets and pulled them over his head, blocking out the brilliant light.

  “Wake up! The Welcome Lecture is in about an hour,” Symon grinned as he stood by the now open curtains, sunlight pouring in.

  “Go ahead. Bring back notes,” Dax said from under the blankets.

  Symon stepped over, grabbed the blanket and pulled it off, throwing it to the floor.

  “This will teach you not to make out for hours,” Symon smirked.

  Dax turned his body and stuffed his face into his pillow. Body curling up into a ball, he tried to keep his grasp on warm dreams before it all melted away to the waking world.

  “Get up. I want to eat before the lecture,” Symon moaned.

  Dax uncurled his body, turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “I am hungry.”

  Symon grabbed the mage’s robe from over his chair and threw it at him. “Then get up! We have a lot to do!”

  The next hour was a blur as the two friends got ready and rushed out of their dormitory. Crossing the Courtyard, fellow students waved to the mage and spellsword. Dax kept his head low while Symon smiled and waved back. When they reached the Dining Hall, plates and trays were picked up. Heaping piles of eggs, pancakes, sausages, bacon, and potatoes were thrown down onto waiting plates. The pair made their way to a table and sat down. Then without another word, ate like wolves after a kill.

  Their bellies full, the pair were up and nearly running out of the Hall. Trays and plates were thrown onto the collection bins and the best friends rushed back out into the courtyard. Legs moved at a brisk pace, time gradually slipping away. Dax glanced up to the large clock and bell tower. They had only minutes before the lecture began.

  Fellow late students picked up the pace around the mage and spellsword. Soon, a small mass of students moved in a trot, all heading toward the Auditorium doors.

  The bell rang from its tower.

  Dax and Symon stepped into the auditorium with a relieved sigh.

  “See you afterwards,” Symon said as he rushed off to find a seat with his fellow spellswords.

  Dax simply nodded, rushing into the other direction and looking for a group of mages.

  The Auditorium was massive, able to hold about twelve hundred students and some guests. Bodies filled the seats. Stragglers looked for any seat while Dax rushed down a wide aisle, seeing a large group of mages sitting next to each other.

  A hand rose up and waved. Dax spotted Vance and his blonde, spiky hair. The mage smiled as he rushed to the aisle. Other mages looked up in annoyance as Dax made his way in, saying excuse me to everyone he knocked into, which was everyone in the aisle. When he reached Vance, he saw the empty seat and threw his ass onto it.

  “Glad you could honor us with your presence,” Vance smirked.

  “Slow start to the morning,” Dax smiled.

  “Could it be that you were making out with Fern half the night?” Vance said as he looked forward with a smirk.

  “Not you too,” Dax chuckled.

  “She spent our time last night in the Dining Hall, glancing over her shoulder to find you. Zara was a little more reserved, but Fern could barely contain herself.”

  “You know how berserkers are,” Dax leaned back into his seat.

  “Quite,” Vance’s smirk stabbed further into his cheek.

  “It’s good to see you too, even though we didn’t talk much last night.”

  Vance nodded. “I feel the same. Welcome back.”

  Dax looked up to the stage, a single podium standing in the middle. The curtain covered the back of the stage, its golden color nearly glowing from the sunlight pouring into the vast chamber.

  The mage drank it in until something touched his senses. It was light, a tickle along his temples but he felt it. Turning his head, he looked up. Two rows back, Nuria sat with Clive and their cronies surrounding them. The mages all had serious looks in their eyes. Some of them glanced to Nuria, but she sat with poise, her gaze fi
rmly on the stage and not speaking to anyone.

  Clive looked to Dax and a strange darkness haunted his eyes. It was only for a brief moment before he too looked to the stage, ignoring everyone but Nuria at his side.

  She’s purposely trying to not make eye contact. Is it for appearances or maybe she had a change of heart since our time apart?

  Memories floated into Dax’s thoughts, filling them with Nuria’s confession of deeper connections and foul secrets between them. She was not the Nuria he once knew and she knew his dark secret that would expel him from the academy. It was a hidden stalemate between them, but the mage wondered if they could both keep it to themselves for this year and the next. Kinarth Academy trained champions for three years before setting them out to the world to fight or defend kingdoms, search for lost artifacts from the war or scout the Decayed Lands to the far east. The mage wondered, after graduation, would their paths cross again?

  The mood in the auditorium was filled with energetic excitement. It was obvious that the student body was eager to resume classes and training. Voices carried, a needful wanting to continue their studies left many lips before a figure stepped from the right of the stage and made their way to the podium.

  Students stood up, clapping and cheering as High Dean Luthis Prideleaf moved across the stage. The dark-haired elf waved, his smile a brilliant white. Oval eyes slowly blinked as he drank in the adoration from the students. Dax and Vance were on their feet, clapping and shouting with the rest, cheering on the elf that once fought side by side with Sebastian Kinarth.

  Luthis moved to the podium and stood behind it. He made no move to quell all those gathered, basking in the love filling the entire chamber. When a long moment drifted on, he raised one of his hands slightly off the podium and the crowd immediately grew quiet. Students sat down but eyes and ears were at full attention, waiting with eager minds.

  The High Dean smiled, looking across the vast chamber to many students before his lips parted and he spoke.

  “Welcome back to Kinarth Academy my champions!” Luthis bellowed.

  The student body went crazy, filling the auditorium with loud cheers. This time, the High Dean lifted his hand off the podium a few inches and it quickly died down, everyone taking their seats.

  “I know you all have had a restful time and a much-needed break from the magnificent training you all have endured. This year will not be any different, hard work being the backbone to becoming what we all aspire to be. I know we have a full schedule before us so I will be as brief as I can so we can start this year at the academy right.”

  Luthis’s fingers curled alongside the edges of the podium as he continued, “We have many things in store for every student here at the academy. The first years will be getting acquainted with how we guide and teach so they can have a strong foundation to build their destinies. There will be some adjustments for all the nervous eyes I see, but the faculty and fellow students will help you become part of our growing family.

  “Second and third year students, don’t tell the first years what’s in store for them for we all like surprises.”

  Knowing chuckles and small laughter rose up in pockets along the auditorium. Dax and Vance were not immune, their small snickers falling from their lips. Dax remembered his first day at the academy and it was much like this but he was terrified and excited at the same time. A memory of not sleeping the first night filled his mind as he remembered talking to Symon, a student he just met that day, through most of the night. It had become a fond memory, their budding friendship helping them to cope with the strange and legendary environment.

  The High Dean continued, “Second year students, this year is a special one. The main focus will be on furthering your training in new areas of knowledge. Your professors will speak with you on what to expect, but I would brush up on military tactics if I were you.”

  Dax made a mental note of Luthis’s words, as did every second year student. The High Dean was not one to mince words. Even his small hint was enough to set everyone’s mental gears turning and preparing.

  Luthis slowly looked around to the sea of faces before him. “Third years, in a short amount of time, you will be packing your bags for a grand adventure. Enjoy the next two months with your fellow students. When you come back, you will be transformed into true champions of Ikkudran. Treasure these moments for they will be with you for a lifetime.”

  Dax’s heart beat faster in his chest. The third year students always left the Academy for months. They were haggard when they returned, but their eyes held a new light like they could take on the world.

  The High Dean’s smile remained, but his eyes took on a sliver of intense focus. “As many of you know, last year the academy had an unexpected surprise. A student discovered a new kind of spell casting.”

  Dax’s heart stopped as he blinked. Several pairs of eyes and smiles turned in his direction and the mage sank into his chair.

  “This student had the drive, will, and fortitude to try something new and innovative. Not only did this student excel at a new casting technique, he was brave enough to share it with the world. I’m not going to drag this incredible student onto the stage, but I do want to talk to what has been done and how we will go forward from within the academy.”

  Luthis looked side to side as he spoke with powerful elegance, “Card magic has been created and freely given to the world. It has been met with excitement and fear. Change can be difficult to process, but like anything, many will rise up to help bring about positive change for the future.

  “In the coming weeks, the spell casting classes will be learning how to create and use card magic. Once it is mastered, other classes will learn how to use this incredible technique. Myself and the faculty have studied the mystical technique and found that anyone can use card magic, but not everyone can create it. This year will be the first year we implement such new knowledge and teachings. It may not be grand at first, but like all things, it will mature with time.

  “For now, we must restrict card magic to the classroom. Despite its ability to improve spellcasting, we will not stray from the traditional teachings. All spell casting classes will continue to learn the proper way of spell casting and the new technique will filter in as we progress. We ask for patience as we ensure it is safe for all to use properly. Those who know how to wield it will have designated areas to practice their technique. For the most part, however, it will be kept in the classroom.”

  Many heads nodded and a small murmur rippled along the student body. Dax didn’t realize he was holding his breath and quickly exhaled. Glancing around, it seemed the number of students looking his way had tripled.

  Luthis licked his lips before he continued, “The next topic of discussion has been brewing for some time now. In an effort to bring some excitement at times when students are not in class, the faculty and I have decided to implement a new activity. All can be part of it if it is desired, but it is not required. However, I do feel many of you will want to enjoy the experience.”

  The High Dean moved his hands from the sides of the podium and down. Heads craned to see what he was trying to retrieve. Dax sat up and leaned forward, his curiosity piqued.

  Luthis lifted up both of his arms well into the air for all to see. A small crystal was held up in one hand and a small wand in the other.

  A mischievous grin filled the elf’s cheeks and he looked to the puzzled students. “We here at the academy do not participate in any sports but the faculty and I decided we would add a new game this year. I would like to introduce all of you to Gem Hunting.”

  Eyes widened and the High Dean spoke.

  “In my right hand is a specially made gem,” Luthis said and clutched it in his hand.

  No one in the auditorium blinked as they saw a red aura appear around the High Dean’s body, smooth and very noticeable.

  “The gem, when held, will create an aura around the person who picks it up.”

  Luthis lifted up the small wand. “This is a simp
le stun wand. It has a limited amount of charges and can only stun for about ten seconds.

  “The rules of the game are simple. Anyone who finds a gem, must bring it to a room in the main building at the center of the academy, while everyone else will try to take the gem for themselves. Of course, we cannot allow violence during the game, that is why these stun wands, and the gems, are hidden in various places all across the academy. There are roughly several hundred of each, all hidden away in various places. Find a wand and you might be able to stop a hunter from reaching the main building. Find a gem and make it to the main building, you will score a point. Find enough gems and you will earn rewards from extra mana shards to special books to help your training to new gear and maybe a lavish gathering in your honor. The more gems, the higher your score.

  “The game is ongoing except for when class is held. Please keep the game and your studies separate.”

  Luthis turned sideways, eyeing the red gem in his hand. “As you can see, if you have a gem, it will be difficult to hide. There will be no sneaking around with this on your person. Do I leave it and come back for it later? Do I gather my fellow students to help me get to the main building? Do I wait with a stun wand and take the spoils? It’s anyone’s guess. Form your strategies, gain allies or go alone, it’s your choice. When all the gems are gathered and scores tallied, rewards will be given out to the lucky or skilled winners.”

  Dax felt a shiver run up and down his spine. The excitement in the auditorium spiked as every student drank in the challenge before them. The mage looked over to Vance and his fellow mage nodded silently in agreement, they were going to win this.

  Luthis put the gem down on the podium and faced the student body, the red aura fading away.

  “The game is meant to challenge you and provide a bit of fun. It is voluntary, but judging from how many excited eyes I see, I doubt many will sit this out. Have fun and be imaginative with your strategies, but do not harm one another. Remember, it’s just a game.”

  Luthis smiled. “Ready your minds and bodies. This year will be a defining moment in your lives. Be the champions I know you to be and destiny will guide you to what you seek. Thank you and get to class.”


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