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Heart of Alban

Page 9

by G L Roberts

  “Are we sure they will return?” Leus asked.

  “As sure as anything else right now,” Kenna said. “Lady Athebryn did not imply she would abandon her position or Alban.”

  “True. There has been no indication of such,” Leus said. “We may be summoned elsewhere.”

  Arryn looked over at Leus. “Are you unprepared or unwilling to report at this time, Leus?”

  “Neither, I am prepared to do whatever the consensus is among this company.”

  “Good, because it sounded like you were not prepared to report,” Malcolm said. He cleared his throat. “I am prepared to report on behalf of the Princess Thalynder as well. Together we spoke with our fathers.”

  Arryn turned to Rythale. “Are you prepared to report for the Picts?”

  “Yes, the Lady Anethar has asked me to speak for the Northern clanns as well.”


  “Queen Betony had expected to meet with Lady Athebryn before this council, but I am prepared to speak for her here.”

  “Lady Kenna?”

  “I do not believe I have earned the title.”

  “Oh, but you have,” Arryn replied. “You are the daughter of an Elf-Sister. You could have been chosen to wear the crown. You have earned the title and the respect that goes with it.”

  “Agreed,” Malcolm said.

  “I too honor the title,” Rythale said.

  “Any opposed?” Arryn asked. No one spoke. “Lady Kenna, are you prepared to report on behalf of the Bridei?”

  “For the Bridei and the Isle of Skye,” Kenna replied.

  “We do not have a representative from the Lady Albistan as yet,” Leus said. “It would be unwise to proceed without full representation.”

  Arryn ran his hand through his hair. “True.”

  “It will take two days to get to Erui and meet with the Lady Albistan,” Kenna said. “We could take to the backs of the dragons and be back here before the twenty-one days is up.”

  “I would suggest we leave someone here,” Arryn said, “should the Princess or the Lady Athebryn return.”

  “I volunteer to stay,” Lothan said.

  Arryn stood up. “Does anyone disagree with Lady Kenna and I going to Erui while the rest of you wait here?”

  “Excellent idea,” Malcolm said. “Lothan and I could hunt. Rythale and Leus could spend some time getting to know their dragons better.”

  “I have a dragon?” Rythale asked.

  “Yes,” Arryn said. “Before she left with the princess, Meydra said there was a dragon for the painted one.”

  Rythale stood and stared out toward the rocky crags that surrounded the glenn. “Which one?”

  As Rythale spoke, a dragon was circling the glenn. Prandahl gracefully descended toward the glenn. She landed just outside the ring of trees and raised her head to sing. The song, though in the tongues of dragons, was sweet and soothing. Arryn understood what the dragon was doing. It was as if they were back at the Standing Stones of Staenis. He recognized the call, as it was the same one FireSong used when choosing Arryn. “That is your dragon singing,” he said. “In time, you will know this in your heart as your song.”

  “Perhaps we should adjourn for the moment and greet the new dragon,” Kenna said. “We can discuss when we leave for Erui upon our return to the fire.”

  The rest stood, and they walked toward the trees and out to the surrounding crags and meadows where the dragons waited for them.

  Prandahl stood with her head bowed. Arryn watched the other dragons come to welcome the newcomer, and he smiled at the dragons. They will make valuable allies, he thought. Rythale joined him and stood quietly by his side.

  “Be not afraid.”

  “I am more excited than afraid.” She took a step toward the beautiful dark blue dragon. “Am I your rider?”

  Prandahl nudged Rythale with her nose. Rythale reached up and stroked the smooth skin of Prandahl’s face. She continued to touch Prandahl’s skin, letting her hand follow the contours of the dragon’s head. Rythale reached up with her other hand and touched the other side of Prandahl’s face. Doing as she had seen the Lady Athebryn do with Meydra, Rythale held the dragon’s head and lowered her own eyes and forehead. Prandahl responded by lowering her head to touch Rythale’s forehead with her own. Prandahl’s tail came around and rubbed Rythale’s back.

  Arryn smiled. “Welcome Dragon Rider.”

  “Welcome Dragon Rider!” the others spoke together.

  The sun had set, and the fire in the ring was stoked to a bright blaze. The Dragon Riders sat laughing and discussing the many virtues of riding on the back of a dragon. Rythale had been silent, her eyes shining with wonder.

  “You are very quiet over there, Rythale,” Malcolm said. “Surely, you have questions.”

  “I do.”

  “Then ask them,” Leus said. “We will be happy to share our experiences with you.”

  Malcolm laughed.

  Kenna, understanding why Malcolm laughed, reached over and touched Rythale’s hand. “Never mind the elf. He is too new to dragon-riding to be of any help.”

  Leus started to speak but stopped. He laughed. Elves seldom share any emotions and his laughter, though bright and heartfelt, was a surprise. Rythale looked at Leus.

  “The ice melts.”

  “Ice?” Leus said when he caught his breath. “What ice?”

  “In your blood, regal elf,” Rythale said. “You ride a dragon, you laugh. Are there other sides to you we have yet to see?”

  Leus stood up and walked over to Rythale. He smiled at her. “Pict Princess, I feel more alive among these dragon riders than I have felt in all my years. I am old by your years and yet, I feel like a child learning the words to the wonders of the world.”

  Rythale stood and touched Leus’ cheek. “Then we will teach you the words.”

  Kenna moved over and let Leus sit next to Rythale. She glanced at Arryn.

  “When do we leave?”

  “Before the sun rises. The dragons may be able to see in the dark, but I cannot.”

  “Then I will sleep now,” Kenna said. “Can we expect the Lady Albistan will be ready with her emissary?”

  “The Epidii elders have sent word to Lady Albistan. She will know we expect someone to replace Teela. Lady Arlendyl will have sent word as well,” Arryn said. “Time grows short.”

  “I too will sleep now,” Malcolm said.

  “Malcolm,” Arryn said. “We will be gone before daybreak. If the Lady Athebryn returns before we do, tell her we go to speak with the Erui. We will not be gone long. Rythale, get to know your dragon while we are away. There are no better teachers than those here.”

  Rythale nodded.

  Leus stood and bowed his head slightly. “May your return be swift, Epidii.”


  Bryn found the little bag of dried fruit and nuts she kept on her belt and held it in her hand. She glanced down at the small bag. How long ago it seems, she thought. I was only a shieldmaiden then. And now? A shieldmaiden with a sword and a crown. Do these things make me a leader? How do possessions change you?

  “You have so many questions,” Ua said.

  “And you seem to be spare with answers.” Bryn walked back toward Athyl’s cave, turning her back on Ua. As she entered the small cave where Thalynder sat on the fur-covered bench, Bryn felt a deep sadness touch her heart.

  Bryn handed the bag to Thalynder. “Here, it is not much, but it will nourish.”

  “Thank you. Have you eaten?”

  “I have.” Bryn paced the little cave. She avoided looking directly at Thalynder. “Why did you come here?”

  “I was worried. We were all worried. The council began to gather at Bynack More sooner than the date you set. We all sensed something was wrong. An ill wind is what Arryn called it.”

  “An ill wind,” Bryn repeated. She turned to see Thalynder looking down at the bag. “So much has happened since my mother placed that bag in my hands.”

, much has happened,” Thalynder whispered. “We have all been changed by our trip to the Stones, you most of all.” Thalynder looked up at Bryn. “Why do you not wear the crown?”

  Bryn sighed. “I needed quiet.”

  “The crown speaks to you?”

  “No, wearing it seems to make the voices in my head louder.”

  “You are exhausted,” Thalynder said. “You still do not sleep.”

  “Why do you think I need to sleep? Why are you always insisting I sleep!”

  Thalynder stood up from the bench. She started toward Bryn, but Bryn took a step back. Thalynder stopped.

  “What has happened? Why do you turn on me? I am here because I love you. Because I am worried about you. Because I follow you.”

  “Do not follow where you cannot go.” Bryn grabbed the crown from the mantle and held it tight in her hand. She shook it at Thalynder. “This will take me to places you cannot imagine. This will take me places where you would perish. And this will lead the clanns to places they may not wish to go. This burden should stay here. I am not strong enough to bear the weight.”

  “The weight of leadership? The weight of any ruler is great, yes, but you have those who believe in your leadership. We can help carry the weight.”

  “What do you know of this weight? Your father stayed in his Keep when the clanns of the North were in peril. You grew up with privilege and favor. You know nothing of the weight carried by leadership.” Bryn continued to pace.

  The sting of Bryn’s words brought tears to Thalynder’s eyes. The tears fell freely down her face. Gulping away the sobs, Thalynder sat back down on the bench. She raised her head to Bryn.

  “It is true, my father had his own realm to rule, and it slumbered while other kingdoms and clanns were attacked. He has been awakened by your determination, your leadership. He sees now the truth in your words. He is ready, as are all the kingdoms of Alban to follow your lead wherever it takes them. As am, I, as is your council. Alban must be united.”

  Bryn shook her head. “You cannot share the weight of this burden.”

  “We can. We can captain armies. We can muster allies. We can share this burden.”

  “Can you share the weight of hope too? The hope this entire island with its multitudes put in my leadership? What if I fail? What if they die like our dear little dragon at the hands of the Norsemen?”

  “Then they die for something they believe in, Bryn. Have you lost that belief?” Thalynder sniffed back the tears and stood again. She took a step closer to Bryn. “Are we to lose our love?”

  “I will always love you, but my place is not in any kingdom. I am not all I seem, Thalynder.”

  “Can you not allow me in your world if you cannot be in mine?”

  Bryn turned her back on Thalynder. She stared at the crown in her hand.

  “There is much of my life I cannot share. I have changed, and not all of the change is good.” Bryn turned to see Thalynder with her face in her hands. Bryn clutched at the pain in her chest. “This I cannot bear!” Bryn threw the crown hard against the wall, and it shattered into many shards of brilliant light. She dropped to her knees in front of Thalynder.

  “I would give it all up for a simple life with you.”

  Thalynder saw the tears on Bryn’s face. She glanced at the pieces of the crown on the cave floor. Each shard casting a brilliant white light. Thalynder reached out to touch Bryn’s cheek.

  “If you give it all up, there will be no simple life left for us here. We will all perish.”

  Bryn leaned her forehead against Thalynder’s knees. Behind her, the shards of the crown moved to come together. Thalynder gasped, and Bryn raised her head. She turned to look at what Thalynder was seeing.

  The shards came together to form the shape of one of the Standing Stones of Staenis. They moved again and took on another form. There in the white light, Queen Athyl stood before Bryn and Thalynder as she was before she joined with the first dragon. Regal and stately in beautiful robes of deep red. She shimmered as if surrounded by water.

  “You are lost, my daughter.”

  Bryn stood and faced the vision. She glanced back at Thalynder. “Do you see her?”

  Thalynder whispered. “Yes.”

  “She sees and hears me, my daughter.”

  Bryn led Thalynder back to the bench and sat down next to her. She took Thalynder’s hand in hers. “We will listen.”

  Queen Athyl’s apparition moved to stand by the mantlepiece. Her hand rested on top of the mantle.

  “Long ago, the frozen north touched the islands that are now spread to the far edges of the world, Alban was once the chosen land of the dragons. The dragons ruled only themselves, allowing elf and human to rule their own kind. After a time, the dragons saw the need to join the others. I was the first to join. It was a painful joining, and it did not accomplish all the dragons hoped. Since that time, there has not been another physical joining. The dragons realized to join with a human would cause the death of the human.”

  “I thought Bryn had joined when the dragon’s tears were accepted.”

  “Athebryn has joined with the dragons. She is now changed.”

  “Will she die?”

  “No, the joining has changed to protect the human.”

  “Then how has she changed?”

  Bryn turned to look at Thalynder. She spoke before Queen Athyl could answer. “I can hear all the dragons,” she started. “I can feel their pain and their joy. And I can draw on their memories.”

  Thalynder tilted her head and frowned. “How is this possible?”

  “Each High Dragon goes through a change which allows them to hear the memories of their ancestors,” Queen Athyl explained. “The tears of the High Dragons contain these voices. Athebryn now hears the voices.” Queen Athyl pointed to the floor of the cave. “Look there.”

  A pool of water appeared on the floor at the queen’s feet. Bryn peered into the pool and saw her own reflection. A jewel appeared on her forehead. She reached up and touched her forehead, but felt nothing but skin. She turned to look at Thalynder, and Thalynder gasped.

  Thalynder reached up and touched Bryn’s forehead. She traced the jewel, which was cool to the touch. It glistened in the light of Queen Athyl’s presence.

  “A crown was merely a means to accept the gift offered, but it is not necessary to lead. The true Jewel is inside Athebryn. It will appear with or without a crown.”

  Bryn looked back into the pool and studied the jewel. An iridescent gem, full of fire. She turned her head to see the side of the gemstone, and it disappeared.

  “Can this be seen by everyone?” Bryn asked.

  Queen Athyl smiled. “When you want them to see it, they will see it.”

  “And if I do not want them to see it?”

  “The Jewel is yours to control,” Ua said from somewhere behind Queen Athyl.

  “Who now speaks?” asked Thalynder.

  “A voice from the beginning,” Queen Athyl said. “And Ua is correct. You control the Jewel because you are the Jewel, Athebryn.”

  Thalynder squeezed Bryn’s hand. She looked long at Bryn’s face.

  “You need not hide behind a cloak, my beloved.”

  “Or a cave,” Bryn whispered. Bryn faced Queen Athyl. “What else do I control?”

  “You control when you wish to hear the dragons. Choosing when to allow your mind and your heart to rest.”

  “I thought by removing the crown I quieted the other voices.”

  “No,” Ua said. “The fear the dragons felt coming from your heart silenced them for the moment. They remain quiet because you wish it.”

  Bryn sighed. “I am my worst enemy.”

  “You will learn,” Queen Athyl said. “You will become stronger. You will know what to do and when to do it.”

  Bryn searched her heart and found IronHeart and FireSong waiting there. I will come soon, Bryn told them. She wished Queen Athyl away, and with a dimming of the light, Queen Athyl was gone.

“You begin to understand,” Ua said.

  Bryn turned to Thalynder. She put her arms around her love and spoke directly to her, shutting everything else out.

  “Will this new Bryn bring you discomfort?”

  Thalynder reached up to touch Bryn’s cheek. She smiled. “Only if you start reading my thoughts.”

  Bryn laughed. The sound touched the hearts of all the dragons. The Earth felt the joy and warmed at the sound. The sun brightened in the sky, and the stars high above the Earth twinkled.

  Bryn kissed Thalynder’s lips. She turned to find Queen Athyl standing again at the mantle.

  “I have sulked long enough. My council awaits me. Thank you, Queen Athyl, for your advice and counsel. I hope to see you again.”

  “I am always just a thought away.” Queen Athyl disappeared.

  “I have a task I mean to complete,” Bryn said to Thalynder. “Could you find it in your heart to return to Bynack More and the council and await me there?”

  “If I take Meydra, how will you return?”

  “She will ride another,” Ua said.

  Thalynder frowned and started to speak, but Bryn’s kiss stopped the words.

  “Do not worry, my heart of hearts. I will return before the rest of the captains arrive at the council. I will not tarry longer than necessary.”

  Thalynder stood up and pulled Bryn with her. She took a step back, shrugged and gave Bryn a small smile.

  “Yes, Lady Athebryn, I will go to Bynack More and await your return.”

  Bryn looked over Thalynder’s shoulder to the darkened cavern.

  “Come in, Meydra.”

  Meydra entered the cave with her head bowed. Bryn walked over to Meydra and placed her hands on Meydra’s cheeks, and as they touched foreheads, a soft glow filled the cave.

  “Mo Anam.”

  “Beloved Jewel,” Meydra replied.

  “Take the princess back to Bynack More. Tell the other dragons to return to Bynack More and attempt not to find me. I will come to Bynack More in two days.”

  Meydra closed her eyes. Am I no longer your companion? Meydra asked Bryn’s heart.


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