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Her Vampire Suspect (Midnight Doms Book 11)

Page 10

by Brenda Trim

  I bristle at his threat. The only thing keeping me from punching him in the face is the fact that Ava has walked away from us.

  I turn and watch her enter the club. My lust blurs everything but the way her ass moves from side to side under the tight black pants she’s wearing. I want to rip the fabric from her and sink into her body. The thought of the feel of her core, hot and tight around me, makes my cock harden behind the fly of my pants.

  When the door closes behind her, I realize she’s inside alone, and has a tendency to open her mouth and say something that will surely piss off any vampire close by. Releasing a sigh, I move to follow her. Maximus won’t be as nice about her presence if he sees her. At one time, I would have said the same about Liam. It seems as if Harper has mellowed the vampire, and made him less trigger happy.

  “Let me know if you see anything.” I nod at Liam and follow Ava.

  Once inside, I see her sitting at one side of the long bar. She orders a drink while scanning the room. No doubt it’s another club soda, but I’m too far away to hear this time. It strikes me again how proficient she is at evaluating her surroundings without arousing suspicion. It makes me wonder if they taught her that during training, or if it’s something unique to her. I didn’t watch her friend enough before to determine if she was as skilled.

  I take the stool next to Ava and close the distance between us. “What do you hope to find this time?” I whisper to her.

  Turning her head slightly, she glares at me from under her lashes. “I’m searching for a killer, Corbyn. My gut tells me he finds his victims here.”

  “Leave the club to me. You can chase your leads elsewhere while I handle things here. I promise to tell you if I discover anything pertinent to your case.”

  She accepts her drink and takes a sip before responding to me. One sniff, and my suspicion is confirmed. I admire her control. I’d need a drink in her circumstances. “You must not be using your vamp powers of mind control because I have no desire to run away and do as you say. I will find the vampire that’s killing women and make sure they are punished.”

  The bartender, Roxy, turns around, glares at Ava, and shakes her head at me. I know she’s a vampire and a regular fixture on this level of the club, but I have never had a conversation with her. Before Ava, I spent very little time in this section. The blood cocktails are only served in the basement. And Lucius’s most trusted vamps are employed in his bar, which means she is a potential threat to Ava.

  I glare at Ava for being so obtuse. She’s not a dumb woman. She has to know this will get her killed. Is she trying to provoke Lucius? “You need to keep your voice down. Dammit. I thought you understood the danger you are placing yourself in. They will kill you, and there is nothing I will be able to do to stop it.”

  Ava’s face is now millimeters from mine, and I feel her angry breaths against my lips. My gums tingle, and I want to throw her down on the long, weathered, wooden bar and take her right then and there. It would feel so good to show her who is in charge. Every dominant cell in my body aches to make her submit. Yet, I refuse to squash everything about her that draws me in.

  Ava growls and bares her teeth at me. “I know very well the danger. You’re a blood-sucking vampire who has no doubt killed countless times. And none of you are doing anything to stop innocent women from being murdered.”

  Roxy’s back stiffens, but she continues making the drink for the patron across from us, so I continue with my attempt to sway Ava. “I am a vampire, and I do drink blood. But none of those facts diminish my desire to help you with this case. I have talents that you don’t. I’m your best shot at stopping this guy.”

  Ava straightens, putting some distance between us. It’s both a relief and an irritation. I want her close to me, but it’s best if I have breathing room before I do something I will regret.

  A smirk crosses her face before she picks up her drink again. “What talents do you think can help here?” Her apparent disbelief that I can aid her investigation hurts more than it should. Walk the fuck away, already! None of this should matter to me, and yet here I am, enthralled by her. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she is a witch who has cast a spell on me.

  I run a finger over the grain of the wooden bar top. “I already noted things about the victim which you hadn’t seen. Besides, I’m the only one who can protect you. You can keep your head buried in the sand, but you don’t have enough strength or speed to combat one of us.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest. “We would have been able to gather all the information once we had her in the morgue.”

  “But, were you able to pick up the scents of the desert that clung to her skin?” I ask.

  Ava’s eyes narrow, and she slowly shakes her head. “No. Humans don’t have super sniffers. So, you’re willing to help us with your supernatural nose?” It comes out almost as a tease, and it makes the muscles in my back relax slightly.

  “Among other things.” My words drip with innuendo.

  I need this woman almost as badly as I needed my sire’s blood after I was initially turned. Those days were one long blur of nothing but bloodlust and feeding. I was mindless, and didn’t give a shit about anything except my next meal. I killed hundreds before I got my head on straight during that time, and Ava drives me nearly as insane.

  And the real kick in the balls is that I hunger for her body as much as for her blood. The urge to take charge of her mind and shut her the fuck up while I indulge in my every desire pounds against my control. When I’m in my lab, it’s easy to forget that I’m a vicious predator—until moments like this, when it’s rubbed in my face.

  “Not likely. Perhaps you’re trying to cover your tracks. Maybe you killed her in the desert, and that’s how you knew about the thorn.”

  A slow smile spreads over my face. “You know I’m not responsible. My face was between your thighs at the time. And, you might not want to admit it at the moment, but you know me better than that. Admit it. You need me in this. This is a matter for us to handle. At least with me, you get to be involved.”

  A blush spreads over her cheeks. “Why would you put your neck on the line for me?”

  A diversion is on the tip of my tongue, but I stifle the response and go with the truth. I will never have her in my bed again if I hide the truth from her. “Because I’m not done with you. I want you in my bed again. And I will do anything to ease your mind about me.”

  A sigh leaves her, and her shoulders crumple. “I should have known this was all to get in my pants again.”

  “I can’t deny how much I want you, but that’s not all. Women are being killed, and it seems you’re right about a vampire being responsible. Initially, I doubted anyone was stupid enough to use Lucius’s club as his hunting ground. But in the end, what it all comes down to is that doing it alone will cost you your life. And that, I cannot allow.”

  Ava’s back goes rigid as she looks across the room. I follow her gaze and notice Malik has entered the club. She watches him with narrowed precision as he approaches a group of females in the sitting area.

  “I can’t believe he’s here. I didn’t expect him to come back here tonight. I’m going to talk to him.”

  “So, you came here for me then,” I tease, making her chuckle and look my way.

  She rolls her eyes, but a smirk crosses her face. “Someone’s full of himself.”

  I run my fingers down the shoulder closest to me and enjoy the way her body shudders. “That’s what you like about me. Admit it.” My lips are at her ear. “I can smell your arousal. Let me take you to dinner. It won’t satisfy all your hunger, but it’s something. Don’t worry about Malik hurting anyone. Liam, Maximus, and the others will be chatting with him and keeping an eye on him.”

  Ava shakes her head from side to side. “I need to stay.”

  I open my mouth and notice the firm set of her lips. She’s not going to head out while she thinks Malik might do something. It hits me in that second: she’s pissed at me for taking
her away the other night. I think she believes that, if she had remained in that park, the victim would still be alive.

  I order a whiskey from Roxy. “So, tell me about the shoes.”

  Ava turns my way briefly before returning her gaze to Malik’s direction. “What about them?”

  I point to the heels on her feet. “You have dozens of similar pairs. Do you even wear them all?”

  Now she faces me fully and slams her hand down on the bar. “Does it matter? You can never have too many. I need choices to match what I’m wearing. Besides, shopping for new ones is my therapy. It goes beyond your average retail therapy. I actually hate shopping in general. Unless I’m looking for some new flip flops or wedges.”

  I chuckle at the concept. “I have enough. I don’t need more than four, maybe five pairs. I wear loafers most of the time. A black pair and one in brown. Aside from boots and runners, that’s it.”

  Ava’s jaw drops and she shakes her head. “You’re deprived! You need a few casual slip-ons to wear with jeans, at least. I need to teach you how to buy shoes.”

  “Deal. As long as you let me take you to dinner.”

  We laugh, and I tease her about her obsession. Several minutes pass as she tells me about her shoe selection process. During that time, I marvel at how well she divides her attention between me and Malik. It’s effortless for her, and I don’t feel ignored. It becomes obvious very quickly that we are not going to see anything significant as we watch him.

  Malik flirts with several women and chats with a few other vampires before he takes his leave. Thankfully, Ava misses him entering the coat check area. From our position, it’s impossible to see the small room. After a second, she blows out a breath and shakes her head.

  For a moment, I feel guilty for not telling her he’s heading down to the dungeon. It passes when I realize she’ll want to scope that area as well. If I tell her and take her down there, she’ll end up ticking off more vampires—something I need to prevent at all costs. Whoever is killing these women isn’t finding their victims in the dungeon.

  Ava pulls a twenty from her purse and lays it on the bar before getting to her feet. “We never did make it to El Merenderos. I’m going to grab some food from there. I’ll meet you at Agua Caliente Park, where we can talk in private. And, I’m not on the menu tonight, so you can forget about that.”

  I follow behind, debating whether I should head to the basement for a bite before meeting up with her. The hunger gnawing at me isn’t from needing blood, but because I want Ava with an intensity that would surely frighten her. For the first time in my life, I’m at a loss for how to handle a woman. As impossible as it is, I am falling for the sexy FBI agent, and can’t seem to stop myself from falling too far.

  I’m fucked. Ava is human, and doesn’t trust my kind, which is understandable, given the serial killer she’s hunting. There can never be a real relationship between us, and yet I can’t stop myself from hoping for one more hour with her. I am going to get burned, and I can’t think of a better way to go.



  I can’t believe I invited a vampire to a secluded park on the east side. You’re not worried about that. You’re upset you failed, yet again. I’m hoping to catch Malik luring another victim to her death. I’m still not sure Corbyn is right about Malik’s innocence. There is no such thing as coincidence. The simplest explanation is usually right. Which meant Malik is the serial killer we’ve been looking for.

  And yet, he did nothing to raise one ounce of suspicion while I watched him. Everyone in the club spent their time flirting with countless individuals and trying to get them into bed. Conceding is not in my nature, but I had no choice when Malik left alone.

  I call in and place my order for food while I drive to the restaurant. It’s exactly the type of place I’m used to frequenting but it doesn’t seem to fit Corbyn. That’s because he’s a vampire who drinks blood. But it’s not the only reason.

  I picture him pretending to dine in five-star restaurants. I’ve never seen him in anything but Gucci, Breitling, or House of Bijan. And, he might not own many pairs of shoes, but the ones he does are Berluti Scritto. I wonder if he’s aware of brands, or if he buys them simply because he shops at one of the high-end stores.

  The streets are blessedly empty as I drive. I pick up my food and head out to the east side of the city. Agua Caliente is a beautiful park which many people frequent during the day. I considered going somewhere more public, but I trust Corbyn, and don’t want anyone to overhear our conversation and think us crazy. The park closes at ten pm, giving us a little less than two hours to chat.

  We could have gone to one of our homes, but I don’t trust myself to be alone with him with a bed nearby. Besides, Caliente is one of my favorite places to unwind, and I need it tonight. I’m more determined than ever to find the scumbag responsible for the murders, but my mind is going in a million different directions. Having a chance to clear it and refocus is precisely what I need.

  Nothing will stop me from doing my job. From everything I have heard and witnessed, I’ve come to the conclusion that vampires as a whole don’t have many morals keeping them in line. It’s rules and the threat of annihilation by those in power—like Lucius—that keeps them in line.

  Vampires are so different from humans. They don’t think or act like me, or anyone else I know. Thoughts of Corbyn intrude, like they have been doing every few minutes for days now. I want to explore the bond between us and see if it can go anywhere. But I don’t act on those desires. Instead, I stifle them, creating chaos.

  I could be with him. But that requires me to ignore the fact that he is working to keep his kind hidden and protected at the expense of human lives. No one close to me would know what he’s done, but I would. It’s easy to do what’s right when you’re being watched. One of the most telling aspects of a person is what they do when no one is looking.

  I pull into the parking lot, and the tension thrumming through me calms while my libido stands up on alert. Before I climb out of my car, I chastise myself. I’m not here to indulge. I’m here to discuss a murderer, and how I can proceed with an investigation that poses imminent danger to my well-being.

  The night feels warm when I leave the air conditioning. I wish I had a change of clothes in my car. Normally I would, but I dropped my gym bag when I got changed earlier. The pants were a good idea as a barrier between me and Corbyn, but they’re hot as hell at the moment. Not to mention the pumps aren’t made for traversing most of this terrain.

  I grab the bag of food and the drink from my cup holder then place them on the hood of my car and watch Corbyn pull his Ferrari into the parking spot next to mine. Nice car. Nice lips. Nice body. No!

  I remove the Styrofoam from the plastic bag and ignore the desire Corbyn inspires in me merely by standing there. Any semblance of control I gained before leaving my vehicle is now gone. This vampire is deadly to my well-being.

  Corbyn scans the area around us. “This park is beautiful. I’ve never been here.”

  “I don’t imagine you go many places in the wilderness,” I tell him and take a bite of the refried beans on my plate. The creamy flavor bursts across my tongue, with a hint of bacon and cumin. Delicious.

  “Why? Because I’m a vampire?” His voice sends a chill up my spine. This time, I don’t shiver because he’s excited me. His tone tells me I’ve made him mad. Pissing off a vampire isn’t a good idea, but I can’t seem to stop myself. He thinks I don’t understand the threat Lucius and his kind pose to me, but the truth is, I know all too well. I’m just not going to let it stop me. It’s my duty to take risks and protect everyone else.

  For the first time, my fight or flight instinct screamed at me to run when I stood in that room full of vampires. Lucius was the worst of them. I trembled, and couldn’t calm my racing heart during the meeting. I barely heard what was said. All I could think about was getting the fuck out of there.

  But, as frightened as I’d been, I knew taking
off would have made his predatory instincts kick in and he would have chased me. That would not have ended well for a helpless human like me. I believe Corbyn when he says my weapons will do little against a vampire as powerful as Lucius. I only wish that meant I was off the hook and could ignore the case.

  Shaking my head to refocus, I consider his question. “No. You’re more refined than someone who’s outdoorsy. Your fancy clothes don’t exactly scream adventurer. And I saw nothing in your house to suggest you enjoy taking hikes or going kayaking. From the microscopes, beakers, slides, and scientific journals, I put you in a lab most of the time. Although, you must exercise. You’ve got muscles to spare.”

  A laugh leaves him, and he shifts his stance, drawing my eye to his lean frame. Yummy. I want a taste of the bulge behind his zipper. “You’ve finally decided to admit how much you want me. I bet it feels good to acknowledge your desire.” He brings his hands near his lower abdomen and flexes. A smile creeps over my face as his muscles strain against the pristine button-down.

  His hands go into his pants pockets while I take a bite of rice. “I have always preferred academic pursuits to adventure. Discovering a new treatment approach gets my adrenaline flowing faster than skydiving. You need to stop looking at me like that. I’m trying to be good here, but I will put you on my hood and be balls deep inside you before you can blink if you give me those come fuck me eyes a second longer.”

  My entire body flushes at hearing his words. I close my eyes to hide my desire, because I can’t just turn it off. I want what he’s described too badly. There’s no time to give in right now. I did that two nights ago, and an innocent woman paid with her life.

  I don’t blame myself, but if I had followed my instincts and intervened when Malik bit her, she would be alive right now. I would have taken her home and made sure of that. Instead, I allowed Corbyn to take me away from the scene. Then I’d enjoyed the best orgasms of my life while she was dying.


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