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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 13

by Newbiel

  "What is he talking about?" Ask the other female Prosecutor in the room, getting the conversation back on track.

  "I found out that all the banking information on the Droski case were tempered with. My others evidences must have been too. Only someone from the service or from NYPD could have done it. This is serious guys. I would not have enacted lockdown without a very good reason." Said Karine, glad that someone had his priority straight.

  "Are you sure?" ask John with concern. Realising the problem, everyone of them turned grim even Bob dropped the issue with Nathaniel. A problem like that could involve everyone in their case and cancel several of their trials.

  "Yes, I have very concluent evidence. I summoned you to my office to warn you. You guys need to secure your files before Internals Affairs arrives. Moreover, you need to double check every evidence that you have once the lockdown is lifted. I believe this was a one time thing but we need to make sure of it. I know that you have a lot of work to do, I will not hold you back much longer." Karine said, with a last nod to them.

  One by one they start making their way back to their office and briefing their team. They had stopped cursing and were back to working efficiently. At that moment, a man appeared on the doorway. He was twenty five years old with green eyes and short brown hair. He was quite handsome too.

  "Everything is good here?" He asked.

  "Yes Ethan, keep working. We need everything ready for IA when they arrive in the next minutes."

  "Got it boss." He answered with a smile before leaving.

  Karine did not appear affected by that man and started securing the files on her computer. Nathaniel on the contrary was. The man to anyone else looked relaxed but to Nathaniel he was not. His eyes were agitated and troubled and his legs were trembling like he was under some huge tensions. There was also sweat that was glistening on his neck. That was a sign he had succeeded to hide from everyone but Nathaniel saw through it immediately. There were other suspicious things about him too.

  "Who was that mom?"

  "It's my assistant, Ethan." She answered absentmindedly while looking at her computer.

  "Do you know how much he makes in a year?"

  "Someone like Ethan? Taking into consideration that he graduated from a small community college and he doesn't have much experience, I would say 70 thousand dollar a year, 80 with overtime. Why?" Karine said with a raised eyebrow, forgetting the screen of her computer.

  "He wears three thousand dollars shoes and a brand new two thousand dollar watch." Said Nathaniel. After going through countless shops with his grandmother, he was pretty certain of the item that Ethan wore. He could even name the brand of every item of clothing on his person.

  "Maybe he won some money recently?" She said, not wanting to think about her assistant for the last two years, betraying her.

  "Mom, since when do you believe in coincidence?" He asks, patting her shoulder. He could easily guess what she was thinking.

  "Since never sweetie." She sighed, her shoulder slumping a little. Nobody has ever seen her so fragile that she was in that moment and they would likely never will. At that moment, someone knocked on her door.


  Two middle aged men enter her office. They were around 6" and built like people who live in the gym. They wore impassive expressions and gave off dangerous vibes. Looking at them, Nathaniel could not help but to nod his head. These guys were ex military, that much was obvious to him.

  "Prosecutor Lyndon, agent Homes and Bry. Internal affairs, Director Mattews sent us." The older of the two said with a deadpan voice while both of them took out their badge.

  "Badge on the desk gentleman" Said Karine with a wave of her hand. Almost like they expected it, both of them did so without saying anything. Looking with attention at both badges, she finally nods and gives them back. With people getting by more and more often with fake badges, she was very adamant to check credentials of everyone she met, things that she passed to her wife and son.

  "All exits are cover ma'am. We are going to start interrogating people, do you have someone of interest in mind?" He asked.

  Looking at her son, she made her decision.

  "Yes. My assistant Ethan Lym. He seems to have made some money recently considering that he wore expensive shoes and watch, I will forward you his file." She sighed.

  "Thanks ma'am, we are going to start grilling him right away." He said before getting his phone and looking to file on it. Finding the file of her assistant and his picture, both of them exit the office without another word.


  Three hours later in an office above a russian restaurant, two people were meeting in the office. One of them was around 5"8 with brown hair and was thirty years old. The second who seemed to be the boss was past fifty years old with grey hair and an impressive musculature. He had grey eyes with a mouth always twisted in disdain. There was a very malvoyant gleam in his eyes when he was talking which was scaring people off.

  "That fucking bitch!" He yelled, punching his desk who creaked on impact. "Are you sure that she found our mole?"

  "Yes, my guys in NYPD confirmed it. Her assistant was arrested thirty minutes ago." The man named Igor responded.

  He was the lieutenant of Piotr Droski for the last three years. after he had killed the previous lieutenant. Igor was a smart, devious and ruthless guy who stopped at nothing to get what he wanted. He was also very well connected with people in every department of the city that he could bribe or threaten into compliance.

  "She is a fucking pain in the ass! Do you have any idea how much money she is currently costing us?" He screams.

  Since the investigation had started, she was constantly putting pressure on them and thus they had to reduce their activity to a frightening degree to avoid being caught.

  "Yes I do sir, I have the numbers of the last week if you want." He says, taking a file from his bag and posing them on the desk. He did not have to mention they weren't good.

  "Do you have the information I requested?" Piotr glowered at him.

  "Yes sir. Her parents died ten years ago and the rest of her extended family live in France. She is married to Mary Lyndon, the daughter of the giant of the music Robert Lyndon. The two have a son who exited the hospital not too long ago after four years of coma. According to my investigation she's not close to anyone in work. Her family means everything to her." Igor says, looking at his files.

  "She has a son?" He said, suddenly more calm.

  "Yes, named Nathaniel and sixteen years old. He still hasn't come back to school so I assume he's still in rehabilitation. You don't get out of a long time coma without physical or mental issues."

  "Do you know where they live?" Piotr asks, sitting back down, his finger drumming on the desk.

  "Yes, my guys finally got that information."

  "Get a team together. We are going to take care of that problem once and for all." He said with a cruel smile.

  "Sir, we talked about this. We can't kill her. If we do, we would not survive this." He said, tentatively.

  "I know that! This is not what Ii'm talking about. Her son is her weakness. Have our men hit their home tonight and get me that kid. Once we are going to cut a few of his fingers, she will be much more agreeable with us. Moreover, since they are from a rich background, we are going to get back the money that she made us lose." He said gloating.

  "They would not hand the kid easily. What are our orders for the two womens?"

  "Assemble a team of 7 of our best men. If they resist, beat them up but nothing life threatening. I don't believe kidnapping a sick kid is going to be a problem." He finished.

  Nodding his head, Igor started to leave, thinking that 7 men was way much more than what he needed to accomplish his mission.

  If only he knew.

  Chapter 30: :

  Nathaniel was peacefully sleeping when he suddenly jolted out of his bed. His instinct was screaming at him that something bad was about to happen. That was something that Marc
cultivated after a long life lived in constant battle. He would not have lived past thirty without this feeling that he got when he was in danger.

  Getting out of bed, he hastily put on a black sweat pants and a shirt as he was sleeping in underpants. Looking at his alarm clock beside his bed, the number 02:45 were glowing red on it. Running out of his room, he hurriedly went to the kitchen to take a knife in one of the drawers. He chose a carver knife as it was the best of all of the one he had, plus he liked the form and the handle.

  After that, he ran to the entrance, opening the cabinet where the electrical breaker was located. He quickly kills the power in all of the appartement. He didn't know what was coming but he would need the cover of the darkness to deal with it. Nathaniel wanted to go find his moms and tell them to run but he knew that he didn't have time for it. He would just have to handle everything that was going to pass that door and then ease his mother's wrath.

  Putting his ears on the door, he could hear muffled steps on the other side of the door. People were massing around the door, Nathaniel could make up 4 or 5 different people walking outside. Merging with the shadow near the entrance, he totally disappeared. With the full obscurity and with him wearing black pants and shirt, nobody could make up his presence here. Marc was not named the ghost for no reason after all and now, Nathaniel was the ghost.

  He was just disappearing from view when the door was kicked open and five guys entered the apartment. Looking at them, Nathaniel noticed that they were all of Russian descent and they were tall and muscular. Four had a handgun while the last had a shotgun in his hands and seemed to order the other around. Nathaniel understood immediately who they were and what they wanted. His blue eyes narrowed and started emitting a cold edge.

  Closing the door once they were all in the living room, the light coming from the hallway cut off abruptly and the appartement returned in absolute darkness. The guys immediately froze and started speaking to find out what's going on when they heard a muffled cry followed by a loud thump on the ground. Fishing his phone and turning the light on it, one of the men approached the place where the noise came from when a knife suddenly cut through his phone and his hand at the same time making him yell and cutting off the light.

  The yell abruptly stopped one second after that when a powerful kick came crashing on his head. Coming back to the shadow, Nathaniel could not help to flash a dark smile. They wanted to hurt his family, he would show them what hurt really looks like. The three remaining guys start yelling in russian while asking for their leader who was the first person Nathaniel took out. In war, always go to the leader first, that was a real rule. Cultivating chaos, he responds to them in russian with a fake hurt voice to gather their attention on his location that he quickly moves away from.

  A second phone was quickly turned on to see in the location where the voice came from. They all saw the form of someone on the floor behind a couch. Gun at ready and strain in front of them, no one notices Nathaniel coming from behind the guy on the right. With a powerful trust of his finger, he struck the nerve of the arm controlling the gun, disabling it. Before he could yell out a warning, another punch came to his plexus, expulsing the air that he had in his lung. Second later, an arm took his throat in a choke hold, making him pass out.

  Nathaniel did that so rapidly and efficiently that none of his two buddies heard anything. He quickly did the same thing to the guy on the left, leaving only the guys with the light still standing. Feeling someone behind him, the man turned with his gun in hand but he did not have any chance. Before even completely turning over, he was hit by a powerful kick on his knee. With a sickening crunch, his knee broke up and he fell down. Before touching the ground, the butt of a gun came crushing on his temple silencing him instantly.

  Standing still for a few seconds in the dark, Nathaniel calms himself down, controlling his breathing to wash away the adrenaline flowing inside his body. Hearing movement and voice inside his mother's bedroom, he got back to the entryway. Blocking the destroyed front door with a chair, he turns the power back up in the appartement. He was turning the light on the whole apartment when his two mothers erupted outside of their bedroom with nightgown. What surprised him was that his mother Karine had a gun in her hand and seemed to know how to use it.

  "Hi moms, did you sleep well?" Nathaniel said with a playful smile.

  Karine and Mary just looked at him, mouth agape as he was surrounded by five men who were knocked out. Both womens upon hearing the door of their home being crushed, they immediately fear for their lives. They knew that the safe option was to lock the door and call 911 but they immediately thought of their son. Their hearts almost stopped completely when they heard the scream coming from their living room. Maternal instinct won that moment and they exited their bedroom quickly.

  They didn't know who wanted to hurt them or why but the first reaction was to go and protect their baby. But never in a million years they could have imagined what happened. Their beautiful son was standing in the middle of the living room, in the middle of five muscular men unconscious, seemingly unharmed and smiling.

  "Baby, what… how... ?" Karine stammered while lowering her gun.

  "They wanted to hurt you mom. Hurt us. Nobody would ever hurt you if I have a say in it." He asserts with force, his smile being replaced by a hard expression on his face.

  "Are you okay?" Both of them ask, hugging him.

  "Yeah I'm alright moms." He said patting their backs.

  "We need to call 911." Said Karine. She should have done so immediately after hearing their door being smashed but she was so worried for her baby that she didn't even think about it.

  "Not right now mom, nobody must know that I can defend myself. Give me a second." Nathaniel said before disentangling himself from their loving arms. He came back not long after with a phone in his hand.

  "Who do you think he is calling?" Ask Mary.

  "I don't know but this is not his phone." Answer Karine.

  Even if they did not understand what was going on, they had complete faith in their son. They knew that he had taken four weeks of self defense class with Robert's bodyguard but what they witnessed was not achievable by any self defense class. Even elite veteran SWAT could not do it. Not knowing who he was calling, they choose to let him be for the time being. The phone that Nathaniel was dialing finally got through.

  "Yes?" Said a male voice.

  Nathaniel after the Caldwell case had bought burner phones that he started modifying to be untraceable. He had given the other burner to Amal, his grandfather's bodyguard. He had hoped that he would never have to use these phones but he preferred to be prepared to all eventuality. Tonight's event proves him to be right.

  "We got hit at the house." He said simply.

  "Status?" His tone didn't even flinch.

  "Intruder down, all of us are unarmed."


  "I want both of you here ASAP."

  "Got it."

  "They may be hostile in the perimetre. I want you to swap the building. ETA of your arrival?"

  "7 minutes."

  "Good.�� Finish Nathaniel. Cutting off the line, he destroys the phone into pieces. He knew that Amal was doing the same thing on his end.

  Seeing the look that his mothers gave him, Nathaniel knew that he had to explain himself.

  "Ok, what do you want to know?"

  "How did you do it?" Mary asks, pointing at the unconscious man in her living room.

  "They expect to surprise us, I end up surprising them. Effect of surprise is a powerful tool." He responded like it was nothing.

  "Why do you have a burner phone and who was it on the phone?" Ask Karine. Seeing that she had her gun still in her hand and ready to point at the mens on the floor made him smile.

  "It was Amal, after what happened the last time, I thought he would be useful to have a means to contact each other without being traced or listened to." He shrugged.

  6 minutes later Amal and Jean were knocking at
their door. They had each one guy in their arms. Nathaniel let them in and they threw the other two guys with their buddy in the living room.

  "That one was on a van in front of the building." Say Jean.

  "That one was in the lobby. They smashed the security material. I found the doorman, he was beaten but nothing major." Said Amal.

  "Ok mom, now you can call 911. Say that we have injured people. Try to take a scared voice on the phone please." He said with a smile.

  "Don't worry sweetie, I was good in drama class" Say Karine with a smile. Taking her phone she starts speaking.

  "Okay Jean, Amal, you are going to repeat everything I tell you to the cops." Nathaniel said. He then explained what they needed to say.

  Chapter 31: :

  "So let me get things straight. They were seven of them, two of you and you still managed to neutralize them without any gun shot and barely any blood spill?" The detective asks Amal and Jean.

  "Yes." Jean said, while Amal just nodded. Nathaniel urges them to say the minimum to the cops.

  "For whom do you work for again?"

  "Lyndon label."

  "The music company?"


  "You are way too skilled to work as an ordinary security agent." The detective says, starting to get really suspicious.

  "We are not. We are the personal bodyguard for the CEO." Jean said.

  "So why are you here?"

  "Since the prosecutor is working on a dangerous case, he assigned us to protect his family. Turns out, he was right."

  "Something the matter detective?" Ask a female voice that made him turn around.

  Behind him, Karine Lyndon appears with a frown on her beautiful face. She had long since gotten dressed as she didn't want people seeing her in nightgown.

  "No prosecutor, just establishing the time frame."He said, straightening himself.

  "From what I have heard, this is done. I would like you to leave now. I'm due to court in the morning and I would like to have a little sleep before then."


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