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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 52

by Newbiel

  Doing what he was told, Amal writes on his target and then discards it on the side to make room for the one of Michael.

  "Three chest, two bodies. 70 points." Amal wrote down.

  ""Very good Michael." Nathaniel nodded appreciatively at Michael who gave a little smile as a thank you. "Jean, you are up."

  "One tiny, two chest, two bodies. 85 points." Amal wrote down with a hint of a smile on his face. He was looking happy to beat his friend and partner.

  "Lina." Nathaniel called, making the girl blushed a little as she slid her target on the table.

  "Interesting." Amal said with a raised eyebrow, Nathaniel could tell he was surprised. "Two hands, two chest, one body. 95 points."

  "Congratulations Lina." Nathaniel said with a smile, there were others around the table who also gave her a few good words and her father put his hand on her shoulder, looking proud. "Scott." Nathaniel called, watching Scott sliding his target on the table.

  "Two tiny, two chest, one head. 130 points." Amal wrote down an ounce of respect in his voice.

  "I was expecting better Scott." Nathaniel said.

  "Sorry sir, my back is still sore from the burn. It will heal with time but I believe it's your turn now." Scott said with a challenging smile.

  "You are right about that." Nathaniel nodded, sliding his on the table.

  Looking at the target of Nathaniel, everyone around the table were dumbfounded. This was not what they had expected at all.

  Chapter 121: :

  Leading to this point, Jean and Amal had a pretty good idea of how good of a shot Nathaniel was. After all, they were in the hotel the night of the attack by the assassins and they knew how efficient he had been, especially with a gun. That was why they were so surprised to see the target now.

  "One? You only touch the target once?" Jean asks, surprised.

  Sitting on the table, the target of Nathaniel was looking rather lonely with a single shot in the head compared to the others with multiple gunshot in it.

  "Maybe you should have shot more with the gun instead of keeping yourself with assembling and disassembling it." Michael jokingly said.

  "Wow, are you teasing me Michael?" Nathaniel smiled.

  "Well, you said it yourself. Here, you are not my boss, just Nathaniel." He smirks.

  "Fair enough." Nathaniel let out a laugh. "Amal, you can count."

  "One tiny circle, 35 points." Amal started to write down before he stopped.

  "I believe you are wrong Amal." Nathaniel interrupts him.

  "No, I'm not." Amal answer, frowning.

  "You should look more closely." Nathaniel's advice.

  Not understanding where he was going with this, the group started looking more closely but they could not find any other gunshot on the target. It's Scott who was suspicious of the entire event who noticed something weird on the target.

  "Look at the gunshot on the head, the hole is weird." Scott said.

  Looking at it attentively, they had to agree he was right. The hole in the target's head was not clearly defined like the others and had a weird shape.

  "Maybe it got torn when the bullet passed through? That happens often." Jean said.

  "Not when the paper is this thick." Michael counter.

  "Let me look more closely, please." Lina demands.

  Making way for her, Lina pick her Ipad that Nathaniel had gifted to her a few days ago after she had accepted to join his team. He had got it for his welcoming party in the Hampton many months ago and he never had the chance to use it so he had gifted it to her. He had figure, she would have the use of it. Selectionning the camera option, she put the Ipad on top of the gunshot and took a picture.

  Putting it back on the table, she used an app to zoom on the picture without losing the quality. Now that the gunshot was much bigger, it was easier to look at it. Around the original first shot, there was a little demi circle, two on each side. These little circles were so well defined that it was impossible it had been torn like Jean thought at first. They were all quite apt in terms of shooting to realize what they were looking at.

  "Please, tell me this is not what I believe it is." Michael said bitterly.

  "You really put your 5 shots in a draw exercise in a 2 inches radius at a 50 yards distance?" Jean asks, not believing it.

  "Actually, you can see that he had a decent distance until the end of the circle. I would say he groups his 5 shots in a one inch radius." Scott corrected in a professional tone.

  "And how exactly that made things okay? If anything, it makes things even more unbelievable!" Michael shouted angrily.

  "Just wanted to be thorough." Scott shrugged.

  "Sir, can I ask you who trained you for you to be this good? I never saw the like in my career." Michael asks.

  "I watched someone in my unit a couple of years ago shooting like that but it was not in a draw exercise." Scott said.

  Nathaniel just smiles, without forwarding any information. He just focused his attention on Amal.

  "The count Amal please?"

  "Five tiny circles. 175 points. You are the winner sir." He answered bitterly.

  "So, I'm the winner of my own 5 thousand dollars?" He said with a cheeky smile.

  "Yes." He answered, coming back to his deadpan voice, the others looking bitter at the outcome.

  "Well, that does not sound fun and it's not really representative of your individual talents. I believe I'm going to split the cash in five unequals parts depending on the position of each of you." He said thoughtfully, getting his wad of cash out of his pocket and taking bills out of it. "Let's not count me in the equation. Michael fifth position, 250 dollars." He said giving him the money.

  "Jean, fourth place, 750 dollars."

  "Lina, third place, 1000 dollars."

  "Amal, second place, 1000 dollars."

  "And our very own first place, Scott, 2000 dollars. Congrats everyone, that was some good shooting." He complimented, his hands empty of money now.

  All of them were smiling now and even Michael who got the least money of the five was happy. He knew very well that every bit counted even if they had no worry of money now that Nathaniel was paying the medical expenses of his wife. Still he had credit to reimburse and it would help doing just that. Or maybe he would use the cash to take his wife somewhere nice to eat, only the two of them.

  "Okay guys, it was fun but now is the time to go back to work. Michael, I leave you the task to clean and put back the guns in their place on the shelf." Nathaniel said, putting his gun on the table, Scott and Lina imitating him a few seconds later. "Lina, Scott, walk with me please."

  Exiting the armory, Nathaniel did not walk far before turning and facing the two who were following him.

  "Let me introduce you two officially. Lina Campbell, genius hacker. She will be our technical support and resident tech wizard. Like you surely figured out, her father is working as a security officer here but he doesn't know about our team and especially about our employeur. Ex Colonel Scott McCornaig, Delta force. He will be our team leader on the ground."

  "Nice to meet you." Lina said curtly.

  "Likewise. You shoot very well for a g…"

  "Girl?" Lina interrupts, frowning.

  "Geek." Scott finished, not perturbed in the slightest.

  "Oh. Yes, my father taught me how to shoot since I was ten. Something about wanting his little girl to fend for herself. I ended up so good I started winning a few shooting tournaments in Seattle. The cash prize I received helped found me for college."

  "When she said 'a few', she meant thirteen different regional tournaments and three national ones in two years." Nathaniel precise, making the girl blushed bright red.

  "Impressive." Scott nodded appreciatively.

  "Where did you put your gears Scott?"

  "I took a room in a motel a little outside of the city, the prices are crazy in Manhattan."

  "Leave it, I already got you covered. Go to this address, you have an apartment ready for you. In fact,
you should get used to each other, your place will be two floors above where Lina lives. First month is already paid for, after that you are free to go wherever you want. Do not come back to this tower for work for at least a week. You need to rest. After that I will give you your assignment." Nathaniel said in a voice that broke no argument.

  "Yes sir." Scott said, he could recognize an order when he heard one.

  Chapter 122: :

  Hampton. 01/12/2012. 20:00.

  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATHANIEL" His family shot, bringing him a cake, decorated with a candle showing the number '17' on it.

  "Come on, make a wish sweetie." Mary said with a smile.

  Thinking about something and looking at his family, Nathaniel knew what to wish for. Blowing the candle, his family started clapping, congratulating him for that amazing feat. Bringing him a few gifts and putting them on the table, Nathaniel could only sighed.

  "Guys, I told you no gift. I already have everything I need and more."

  "Like that would ever happen." Diane said with a mocking tone.

  "Like she said." Mary supports her mother, Karine and Robert nodding too.

  Seeing it was already a lost battle, Nathaniel moved on.

  "By which one do you want me to start?" Nathaniel looked at the four wrap presents, all of different size and shape.

  "That one." Mary said, putting in front of him the bigger of the four gift.

  Curious, Nathaniel tore the paper and opened the rectangular case. Inside of it was another case with a form really distinct that he recognized in an instant.

  "A violin?" Nathaniel asks, surprised.

  "Open it!" His mother urge excitedly

  Opening the richly adorned case, an even beautiful ancient looking violin came out of it. Nathaniel took it with precaution, admirating every curve on it until a signature attracted his stare and his mouth fell open.

  "Mom! This is a Stradivarius violin! They are pieces of art! Where did you get it?" Nathaniel was astonished.

  "I know people." She said, smugly.

  "Still! Sometimes museums and conservatories lend one to a very prominent musician who can show the beauty of the instrument and I'm anything but that! It's almost criminal to give this to me! I don't even know how to play violin!" Nathaniel said, he was thinking about refusing the gift.

  "That leads to my own gift." Karine interjected, putting a little box in front of him.

  Putting the expensive violin on the table with care, Nathaniel opened the little box and was surprised to find a card in it. Write on it was a name and a date.

  "Who is Melania Williams?"

  "She's a violin player for the New York Philharmonics. I convince her to give you violin lessons three days a week until Christmas. I look at your schedule to make sure you are free at this time. It took almost five years but I made good on my promise." Karine said, smiling, her eyes glinting with tears.

  She was referring to the day Nathaniel had jumped in front of the cars to save Jillian and her daughter. The two of them were going to find a violin for Nathaniel in order to start lessons in order to learn it. That made his heart so warm that he got to his feet and hugged his two mothers who were openly crying now. It was so good to be in the arms of his loved ones, especially after a gift so loaded with emotions.

  "Okay just stop it or I will ruin my makeup too!" Diane shouted with emotion in her voice too. "Just open my gift so we can move on." She put a bag in front of him.

  Disentangling from his mothers, Nathaniel opened the bag and was surprised to see what was inside.

  "Sportswear?" He asked.

  "Yes, since winter is coming, I made a tailor friend of mine make you jog and vest to run without getting cold. It's a special fabric that keeps your heat inside but still allows air movement to not sweat heavily."

  Nathaniel could diserne that the fabric in question was looking really expensive and was also really soft to the touch.

  "Thank you grandma, it's a very thoughtful gift, I love it." He thanked her, kissing her cheek.

  "Okay my turn now." Robert said, putting a little box in front of him.

  "Grandpa, you already gave me something." Nathaniel reminds him.

  He had successfully found a good construction company for Nathaniel to help him move along his plan. Now one week after they had started the work, Nathaniel was happy. They were serious in their work and only used quality material to renovate the bomb shelter. His grandfather had chosen wisely.

  "Just open the damn box." He sighed.

  Doing just that, he was surprised to find a car key.

  "You give me a car? A Lexus?" He recognized the logo on the key.

  Nathaniel had successfully passed his driver licence last week rather easily which was not surprising. Even if Marc was not the best competent driver in the world by a long shot, he was still qualified enough to make the test easy to pass.

  "Yes but before you say anything, let me tell you something. I know you hate showing your wealth or whatever so I choose a sedan model, elegant but still classic and not eye catching. I think you will like it. The car is in the underground parking of the Lyndon Tower if you were to need it."

  "Thank you grandpa." Nathaniel smiled.


  New York, Lyndon penthouse. 08/12/2012. 15:00.

  A week after his birthday, Nathaniel was home with his mothers and grandmothers, his grandfather on a trip to Europe. He was playing the violin as his grandmother wanted to see how he was after a week of practice and sincer her husband was not there, she was bored and Nathaniel was more than happy to keep her company.

  "That was pretty good dear." Diane complimented kindly.

  "I'm making too many mistakes, I'm not satisfied so far with what I do." Nathaniel grumbled unhappily.

  "Sweetie you had 6 hours of lessons! 6! Stop putting yourself under so much pressure. I'm sure many people would curse you if they were to see how you improve with that little lesson. Your professor has that opinion too. She said that she never witnessed someone who could learn as fast as you so chill out!" Mary shouted.

  "Alright alright." He said, putting the violin in the case after cleaning it meticulously.

  Sitting on the couch beside his grandmother, he was talking to her until he heard the ringtone of his secure phone ringing. His expression locked down so abruptly that his family could not help but notice.

  "What is going on dear?" Diane asks, worriedly.

  "Trouble." Nathaniel said, picking the phone. There were only two people in this world who had that number and it was Amal and Lina and they knew very well that it was for emergencies only. Looking at the caller ID, the frown of Nathaniel deepened significantly. "Big trouble." He added before answering the call.

  "Talk." Nathaniel said going to the point immediately.

  "Robert has been taken." The voice of Amal said gravely.

  Chapter 123: :

  Hearing that, Nathaniel's mind went blank for a second. When he came to, he realized he was gripping his phone so hard that he heard it crack.

  "I'm putting you on speaker, can you please repeat that?" Nathaniel asks, releasing the pressure of his hand.

  "Robert Lyndon got kidnapped." He repeated.

  Hearing these words, Diane and Mary face turn white as paper and Nathaniel could see his grandmother gripping the chair so strongly that her hand turns white too. Nathaniel put his hand on her shoulder for support.

  "What happened?" He asked.

  "We were ambushed, sir. We were on our way to meet the Italian economic adviser when we got asked to pull over by two police officers. They made us park in a side street and start shooting at us right away, they turned out to be fake cops. We dispatched them but after that a dozen of arabic men appeared and shooted at us, we got swarmed, there was nothing we could have done."

  "What about our losses?"

  "We lost our driver and our translator. Sir, Jean is badly wounded. He took one shot in the chest and one in the gut. I brought him to the hospital but he's pr
ognosis is not good." Amal said with more emotion in his voice that Nathaniel ever heard.

  "You did not escape, did you?" Nathaniel asked, he was starting to understand what had happened.

  "No, I could not leave Robert's side. When Jean got shot, they took Robert and I was forced to surrender. They took him away in a car while four of them were keeping watch over us while I was trying to keep Jean alive. One hour later, they left so I stole a car and brought Jean to the closest hospital I could find."

  "Before they left, they said something, right?"

  "Yes, they said they belonged to the Crooked Moon and I needed to remember that name."

  Nathaniel made a sign to his mother, understanding quickly, Karine picked a notepad and a pen from her purse and gave it to him. Writing down the name of the organisation, Nathaniel put on paper a few guesses that he had.

  "Describe everything these fake cops were wearing or said when they make you pull over and describe the other mens with them, every detail counts Amal so be as thorough as you can, even if something seems to not matter, tell me anyway."

  Hearing the description that Amal gave him, his expression turned even more grave and he kept writing furiously.

  "You need to get out of that hospital, now." Nathaniel ordered.

  "Sir, Jean is…" Amal started to say with fire in his voice when Nathaniel abruptly cut him off.

  "Listen to me, these cops, they were not fake. Italian Police is the more corrupt law enforcement force in western Europe. You need to get out of that place now before they arrive to arrest you and if they do, they will kill you to make sure you can't testify. Stole every personal item belonging to Jean to make it difficult for them to ID him and leave. Jean must be in an operation room and after that will not be easily accessible to cops and at that point I will make sure he is safe, trust me on this. We take care of our own." Nathaniel promised.

  "Very well sir. What do you want me to do after that?" He ask, Nathaniel to hear in his tone that he was still not happy to have to leave his friend behind but had accepted his explanation.


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