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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 54

by Newbiel

  The US needed the local and political support the Saudi Arabia was providing to operate in Yemen, without it they could not go in as easily and would have to spend billions of dollars to relocate one of their fleet in the Mediterranean. That much spending will never be approved by the congress. And more, the US needs to keep good relations with the Saudi's for other reasons than the ongoing crisis in Yemen, oil as an exemple.

  "Then what? If we can't go in to save Robert Lyndon and we can't pay to get him back, what are we going to do? And just for you to know, nothing is not a viable answer." The President says, making eye contact with each person present in the room.

  "Maybe we could ask the Saudi Arabia government to cooperate with us in bringing down a terrorist organization and get back Robert Lyndon in the process? Trying to be diplomatic about it?" The Secretary of Defense, Matthew Pills propose.

  "Yeah, right." The Secretary of State snorted. "You really believe they are going to recognize that their country harbor terrorists and then accept to make a conjoint force with us to deal with it? They never did it in the past and they are not going to do it now."

  "She's right, they will never go for it even if we bribe every official in the country. Any other ideas?" The President butt in.

  Looking at each member of his cabinet in turn waiting for an answer, the President finally sighed.

  "Alright, I need every intel that we've got about the Crooked Moon organization and Khalid Rahal character in the next forty five minutes." The President ordered, looking at his Secretary of Defense and the Director of the NSA.

  The two men in question exchange a stare before turning back to the President.

  "Can I ask why, sir?" The Secretary of Defense asked prudently.

  "Since no one in this room can provide me with a solution, I'm going to find someone who will. Just give me the information I ask."

  "At your command Mister President." The man answered respectfully, he knew to back down when the situation demanded it.


  At the Lyndon Tower, in a meeting room, around thirty people were waiting for someone, a couple of familiar faces could be found among the people waiting. They were forming a little group, wondering why some of them have been called as they were not even working today. Those clutter of conversations died down when a young blond man entered the room and took position in front of the many men and women in the room.

  "Hello, for the ones who don't know me, my name is Nathaniel Lyndon." Nathaniel introduces himself in front of the crowd.

  Immediately a few whispers start to echo in the room. Unbeknownst to him, Nathaniel was well known by the security personnels working for the Lyndon label. Since Jean had framed the shooting target of Nathaniel in the shooting range and used it to motivate his people into working harder, Nathaniel had turned into a small urban legend among them. Ignoring the whispers, Nathaniel continued.

  "I'm sorry to disturb you from your duties or day of rest but as you thought, something happened. I'm not going to beat around the bush as we are all professional around here. My grandfather and CEO of the Lyndon Label was kidnapped two hours ago in Italy. Two of our people are dead and Jean has been shot twice and is in critical condition. Luckily, Amal is okay and pulls through unharmed."

  Hearing what happened, an expression of gravity painted itself on the face of everyone present in the room. As their job was to protect the label and the CEO, hearing that they failed was enough to have a deep impact on each of the people here. More, they all have affection for Jean and learning that he could die was enough to piss each of them equally.

  "Do we know who did this, sir?" One of the older men present in the room asks with some anger in his voice.

  "Yes we do, they already revendicate the kidnapping and put a ransom for my grandfather's release. But this is not your concern, I will deal with it. Starting now, I want a five people team as security around Karine Lyndon, Mary Lyndon and Diane Lyndon at all times. You are Jean second hand I believe?" Nathaniel said.

  "Yes, I am. You believe your entire family is a possible target? If it's the case, you should be on that list as well sir." The man in question says.

  "No, I don't believe it is but I want to be prudent. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. Take Michael Campbell to help you organize things here with the different teams. No more days of rest until the crisis is resolved for any of you."

  "That's understandable sir. But if I may, your mothers always have been rather… opposed to our presence in the past and it was with only one security with them, do you believe they will accept five of us now?"

  "I already arranged it, they know what is at stake, they will not oppose you anymore." Nathaniel explained.

  "That's good to hear." The man nodded. It was always a pain when your job was to protect someone who did not want to be protected.

  "Ah yes, one more thing. This is for everyone in this room. What I just told you is Confidential Information. Do not talk about it with anyone or it will be considered a breach of your contract. I know people could be tempted to trade that information for money but I will point out that you can't spend money if you are dead or wishing you were." Nathaniel said with a chilling voice, his blue eyes cold.

  Scrutinizing the crowd and making some of them flinch with the chill of his stare, Nathaniel talks again.

  "I'll leave you to it. Scott, Lina, follow me." Nathaniel said before exiting the room.

  Chapter 127: :

  "Nathaniel, I'm sorry for what happened to your grandfather and Jean, I know how much you like him." The cute voice of Lina said in the hallway.

  Nathaniel's cold expression softened a little hearing Lina, it was impossible to dislike her as she was just nice and open. He made a little smile for her as a thanks and wanted to chuckle when he saw her blush.

  "What do you want us to do, sir?" Scott asks, always the professional.

  "Lina, I need you to stay here. Help my mother and keep an eye on any calls or email sent entering or exiting the tower."

  "Sir, I don't believe this is legal." Lina said cautiously, not making eye contact.

  "I don't care, this is a time of crisis. My mother and grandmother are going to take care of the company while I'm away and I want you to assist them however you can in that time. I'm counting on you Lina." Nathaniel says, putting a hand on her shoulder.

  "I'll help." She answers, making eye contact finally and making Nathaniel smile.

  Hearing his secure phone ringing, Nathaniel picked it up and answered.

  "Start talking, Tobias."

  "You know I'm technically your superior right?" Tobias said bitterly.

  "We are independent contractors so technically, you really are not. I don't have time right now so start talking, what do you got for me?"

  "We receive everything that we have on the Crooked Moon organization, I send everything on the secure email that you give us."

  "Good, thanks. Can you give me a short version on the phone?"

  "Yes, the short version is 'it's bad'. The organization in question kidnaped important people to fund their real line of work which is making IED and suicide vest that they give to Al-Qaeda , ISIS and others terrorist organization to be used against our soldiers. The Khalid you talked too is likely to be Khalid Rahal, Saudi Arabia citizen and the man suspected to lead the organization. We only have basic information on him, the Mi-6 try to infiltrate the organization four month ago and the entirety of their cell in Saudi Arabia have been annihilated. You are going to face ruthless people Nathaniel."

  "Good. I will not have to feel guilty about it when I am done then. They will learn there are always more ruthless people in this world." Nathaniel said coldly.

  "There is more, the President said that no matter what, you can't give them the money they asked as it would be compromising our soldiers and our ally soldiers overseas."

  "I never planned to give them what they asked for in the first place, I will give them what they deserved instead." Nathaniel a

  "Which is?" Tobias asked.

  "Death." He answered with such an emotionless voice that even Scott and Lina who were near him took an unconscious step back.

  "Nathaniel, the President asked me that with the Yemen crisis, we need more than ever the support of Saudi Arabia. In no condition the government of the United States can be taken conducting an illegal operation on their soil in that time. Are we understanding each other?"

  "Yes, I understand loud and clear. After all, I'm just a regular teenager wanting to get his grandfather back, no link with the government." Nathaniel said.

  Nathaniel knew very well that mean that if he were to get caught, the government will denied any implication with him and the only thing awaiting him will be torture and then death with no hope of being rescued.

  "This is the spirit. What are you going to do now?"

  "Taking the first flight to Italy and making sure my people are safe in that country. After that, too soon to tell."

  "I can have you shipped out in one of our planes with no record of you even being there. I know people in the military who can easily arrange that." Tobias offered.

  "No thanks. I'm going to take a regular plane and after that I have my company jet in Italy if I need to move around." Nathaniel refused politely.

  "Alright, cutting off now. Do not try to contact me or anyone related to us in Europe even on a secured line. Once there, you will be on your own." Tobias warned before hanging up.

  Putting his phone back in his pocket, Nathaniel looked at Scott.

  "Are you back to full health Scott?" He asked.

  "I am, sir." He nodded.

  "Good. I could use the back up where I'm going but I will warn you right there. There is a saying in the US. You don't mess with the Lyndon family, people who try on the past disappear or become cautionary tales. These guys, maybe they don't know that or maybe they believe they are too far away for us to do anything. They will learn, this is a mistake. I tell you this because I want you to know this is going to be bloody and people are going to die. If you come, I expect you to pull your weight and guard my six."

  Hearing that, Scott almost wanted to cry. He was a bloody ex Delta Force and now was being treated like a little girl by a frigging teenager still wet behind the ears. Making sure his tone was not showing his anger, Scott responded.

  "Yes sir, I get that. I will be on your six every step of the way." Scott assur.

  "Very well, we are taking the first flight to Italy, you have one hour to take a bag and meet me in the airport." Nathaniel ordered.

  Scott only nodded before hurrying to his home, he had some packing to do.

  Chapter 128: :

  "Sir, can I ask you some questions?" Scott questioned.

  "Scott, we are on a plane for the next eight hours so I can't just leave if you start bothering me." Nathaniel answered, his eyes still on the book he was reading. "Ask away but drop the 'sir', we are in a public setting, I don't want to gather unwanted attention."

  Nathaniel had successfully found a direct flight to Rome and had paid for two tickets in business class. He was pleasantly surprised once they boarded that there were only five other people in the business class while the rest of the plane was at full capacity. It was also the reason why Scott was taking the liberty to talk to him as he used a voice that could not carry to the other people sitting here.

  "Understood. Can I know what your skills are exactly? Since I will be the team leader and we are going to pick a fight in another country, I need to know that kind of information to determine who to assign and where."

  "Valid concern. Let's just say that I was highly trained by an ex Seals who was sidetracked by the CIA and used as an assassin in various continents by the agency. I'm the kind of person you can dump naked in the middle of the Amazon rainforest at night time and still find me two days later in Florida drinking an orange juice, the pockets full of pesos. My specialty are infiltration and assassination with basic computer hacking skill." Nathaniel explained, his eyes not leaving his book.

  "I see, I saw that kind of people in the country we were not supposed to be and they were scary but still, you are so young… For what purpose did he put you through that harsh training exactly?"

  "To be honest, he did not plan to. At first, he was just trying to help me… but I ended up incorporating almost all his knowledge."

  "Where is he now? I would like to talk to him." Scott asked.

  "Dead while on a mission, he was abandoned by the CIA as he knew too much. He blew himself up with a hand grenade to avoid being captured."

  "It took some balls to do that." Scott nodded.

  "The thing is, he did not even blow himself up because he didn't want to be taken but because he did not know what to do with his life anymore. He could have tried to shoot his way out, he had the skill to do it but in that moment, he had no will to live anymore. His whole life, he fought for his country, bled for it and in the end, got abandoned by it. Without any family left and no family of his own, he had nothing to fight for, lived for anymore." Nathaniel said sadly. He had the memories of Marc inside of him and that particular moment was so sad that he wanted to cry.

  "How do you know that?" Scott asks, surprised.

  "I just do." Nathaniel answered without forwarding an explanation. "You should sleep Scott, Once we land, we will not sleep much."

  "You should too, Nathaniel. Moreover, I don't believe you can learn to speak Italian on our eight hours flight." Scott said, designating the book in Nathaniel's hands.

  "You never know until you try." Nathaniel smiles cheekily. "Sleep, Scott."

  "Yes, sir." Scott said, moving his seat in a sleep position. A few minutes later, he was already sleeping. Soldiers and especially highly trained one like Scott were very good at catching sleep when they could.


  Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport, Rome. 09/12/2012. 08:45.

  After passing the security screening, Scott was walking in the direction of the exit of the Airport when he was suddenly stirred away from Nathaniel who led him into a different direction.

  "Where are we going, sir?" He asked.

  "Private charter section. Lina got me the place where our jet is located while you were asleep. Let's go check it out. I want to make sure everything is in order with the pilot and the member of security Jean always leaves here."

  They were arrested a couple of times by airport security check in but they passed through it each time easily as Nathaniel had all the proper paperwork attesting it was indeed his family property and so had access to the jet.

  They were going to enter the hangar when they heard the distinct sound of someone taking a punch in the gut and he hastily stopped Scott from passing the threshold of the door slightly ajar.

  "Trouble." Nathaniel said as an explanation.

  Luckily Scott was a professional and just stayed here, not making a move or sound, trying to figure out what was going on. Pushing the door slightly to have a better look, taking attention to not make a noise, Nathaniel could see what was going on. Two cop were in front of the jet, facing the two pilots and the member of security. One of them had his gun strain on the two pilots while the other was beating the security guard on the floor.

  Nathaniel made a few hand motions, telling Scott they were two people armed inside. Scott nodded as a confirmation that he understood. Opening the door wider, Nathaniel passed first, Scott following him closely. Nathaniel made a hand motion, saying that he was going to take care of the one with the gun and finish with the move signifying silent execution. Scott frowned slightly seeing that sign but he still nodded and made his way silently in the direction of the cop beating the security guard.

  "Where is he? I will not ask again! Start speaking or he will die!" The one with the gun shouted in broken up english.

  That's when one of the pilots made the mistake of looking directly at Nathaniel, surprised. Picking up on the expression, the cop starts turning around. He was quite fast bu
t bad luck for him, Nathaniel was way faster. In a burst of power, the distance between him and the cop disappears. With a chop on the hand that was holding the gun, the man spun on the side, surprised by the force being that chop before Nathaniel in a fluid motion had his elbow around the man's neck and twisted on the side. With a terrifying crack, the man fell on the ground, lifeless.

  Checking on Scott, Nathaniel was satisfied to see the other cop, already dead on the ground, His head turn at an impossible angle. He was already helping the security guard to get up from the floor. The man seemed to have passed a difficult time in the hand of the cop but Nathaniel could not see any life threatening injury.

  "Mis… mister Lyndon?" The pilot stammered, having a difficult time accepting what just happened in front of his eyes.

  "No, I'm just Nathaniel. Mister Lyndon is my grandfather. Are you okay?" He asked.

  "Euh yes but… they were cops and you kil… killed them?"

  "Dirty cops, they were involved in my grandfather kidnapping, they deserved no mercy." Nathaniel said coldly.

  "Your grandfather has been kidnapped?" The other pilot said surprised. "We could not join him and then the cops arrived. We thought he was arrested at first and then they started torturing Matthew here."

  "Yes, I heard what the one with the gun asked. Who they were looking for by the way?"

  "Sir, they are looking for Amal."

  Chapter 129: :

  Exchanging a concerned look with Scott, Nathaniel refocused on the pilot who said that.

  "Did they say why they are looking for him?" Scott asks.

  "No, they did not. They were too busy beating Matthew up and were not in the mood to have a conversation with us." He answered dryly.

  "How are you Matthew by the way?" Nathaniel asked, looking at the bloody security guard.

  "I'm good, sir. if it were not for the fact that they got a jump on us and the fact that they had our two pilots at gunpoint, I would have fu**ed them up real bad. Don't mind my face, I had two oldest brothers growing up and this guy was hitting like a ten years old girl." He said with a smirk.


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