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Immaculate Spirit c1-242

Page 89

by Newbiel

  "I would go to hell and back to save them." William answers with no hesitation at all, Linda nodding along.

  William did not have to look at his wife to know where she stood on this issue. In fact, she had moved to the couch near Victoria and was trying to calm her.

  "Can you both stay in Washington tonight? I will get in touch with the person you need but I can't promise anything at this time, I hope you understand."

  "We do, I will take everything you can give us right now. We are going to stay tonight in Washington waiting for your words but I can't stress enough that every minute counts at this point William."

  "I know, tell Judith on your way back to schedule a meeting with you for ten AM tomorrow, send also a file on everything that happened and everyone involved in the kidnapping case at this email address." William said, writing something on a piece of paper and giving it to him.

  "Will do, thanks William, I can't express how grateful I am to you for doing this for us." John said, getting to his feet and helping Victoria to rise.

  It was only after the couple left the office that William and Linda looked at each other with a grave expression.

  "At least, we are going to see him tonight, no need to bring him here for a meeting. In fact, this Correspondent Dinner is the ideal occasion to meet him without gathering attention ." William said, trying to alleviate the mood.

  "I'm not so sure. You know as well as I do that Nathaniel and the youngest daughter of the senator have a history and a bad one." Linda said.

  "What? You really think that he could let her die as a payback?" William asked with a dumbstruck expression.

  "I didn't say that but I talked to you about Nathaniel's fear of betrayal before and this girl betrayed him. When she betrayed him, she became dead to him, I'm not sure that he will let her die but I'm not sure that he cares about her anymore either. I��m just saying that the possibility exists that he will simply don't care at all either way." Linda explained.

  "I can't believe that, even if he had problems with the youngest some time ago, she's not the only one who is held captive right now. No, I believe he's going to do what needs to be done like he always did in the past. Look at what happened the last few days, he destroyed an entire network of braconneers and put some of the most influential people in the US in jail just because they wanted to take back his new crossbreed and the cat that he likes."

  "You're surely right honey, after all, he has one of the most complex psyche I have ever seen. I miss my time when I was a profiler, I could just pass my days talking to him to try and take his mind apart. Sadly, my schedule as the First Lady doesn't allow me that kind of liberty."

  "Ah, we must all make sacrifices for our country. Why did you invite him to the dinner by the way?

  "I just wanted to see how he was going to interact with the politicians and the reporters in the room. After all, everywhere he goes, interesting things tend to follow so I thought I could have some fun too. Some of the people in the room tonight need a wake up call. There's also our daughter that wants to see 'Mister MagicMen' and even our son can't stop talking about him. I don't know if it was a calculated move on his part to make an impression or that he just liked kids but it seems he was successful. Anyway, we need to get ready or we are going to be late to the dinner." Linda said.

  "You go ahead, I still have two more meetings to attend. You need more time than me to be ready anyway." He chuckles.

  "Very funny." Linda said, tapping him playfully on the shoulder. "And the two meetings you have are with me, I locked them to prevent us from being late for a change. Now, get up and go get ready." Linda casually before exiting the Oval Office by the side door going to the residence.

  "Yes Ma'am." William chuckles again before following her. Even after all these years of married life, she still managed to surprise him from time to time.

  Chapter 209: :

  Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC. 05/04/2013. 18:50.

  Standing side by side inside the Hilton Hotel ballroom, Nathaniel and his grandfather had each of them a glass in their right hand, Nathaniel had water on his where Robert had red wine. For the occasion, they were both wearing tuxedos that were especially designed to fit them perfectly and their hair were combed perfectly. Nathaniel was feeling better with his hair back to their original blond, sandy color. Based on the look that the person he was talking to was giving him, it seems he wasn't the only one who agreed with that.

  "Here, take my card. I look forward to hear from you, Nathaniel." The woman said sweetly, angling her body slightly to give Nathaniel a better view of her cleavage.

  "I certainly will Miss Dampford." Nathaniel gave her a brilliant smile, taking her card and putting it in his pocket.

  "Unbelievable, this is already the fourth one and we only have been here for fifteen minutes." Robert finally said what was on his mind after the woman had excused herself.

  "What? They just want to interview me while I'm in DC, I don't know what you think is happening here grandpa." Nathaniel answers in a naive tone.

  "Reassure me, you're not that clueless are you?"

  "Of course not." Nathaniel laughs before showing the back of the card he just received and turns it around to show the number written with a pen. "Maybe she wrote her room number to start the interview tonight?" He asked cheekily.

  "Are you going to visit her tonight?" Robert seems almost curious.

  "Her? Not a chance, her soul is too ugly for that. So far, the only one I'm considering paying a visit tonight is Amelia." Seeing his grandfather not knowing to whom he was speaking, he added. "The one who came before ugly soul, the red head."

  "Well, I have no problem with you having fun with girls but make sure to do it protected. We don't need you to start spreading babies around."

  "You really don't have to worry about that grandpa, like at all. It just cannot happen." Nathaniel laughed.

  "What do you mean?" Robert asked until his face started to turn white. "Wait! You mean you can't have…?" He starts to ask before stopping, not having the courage to finish his question.

  "No!" Nathaniel answers, trying to keep from laughing seeing his grandfather's horrified expression. "You know how I have a huge control over my body?" Nathaniel asked, seeing his grandfather nodded, he continued. "Well, let's just say that I can control if my 'runners' are going to pass the finish line or not."

  "Seriously?" Robert asked with a stupefied expression.

  "Yes. I still use condoms to prevent STDs, I'm not really sure I can fight those and I don't intend to learn that the hard way. But for the rest, I'm pretty much set as I am."

  "That's just cheating." Robert said, shaking his head. "Reassure me, you are fertile right? You can have children?"

  "Yes, I am very fertile, grandpa." Nathaniel answers patiently.

  "Good." He said relieved. "Your grandmother is going to love hearing about that."

  "About this, I would like it better if she didn't hear about it for the time being." Nathaniel said with a grimace, Robert starting to laugh.

  "Ha ha! I bet you do, knowing her; she will want you to start in the next few years to work on her great grandchildren."

  "I'm only seventeen! And before you try to blackmail me for your silence, I saw you eat caviar in the first five minutes that we were here and you know with you heart and your cholesterol level, you are not supposed to eat that. Grandma would be pissed at you if she was to know about that. If I go down, I will take you with me grandpa."

  "Alright alright, I will not tell her anything, let's just keep this between us. Here, follow me. I want you to meet a lot of people." Robert said to change the subject and then lead him in the direction of an older couple that seems to know him quite well.

  After that, his grandfather took pleasure in bringing him to meet important people. Some were businessmans while others were politicians. After the fifth meeting, Nathaniel was starting to lose his patience and at the same time, his tolerance. He had parties with famous actors
and actresses more than a few times in LA and they were not as horrible as these people. Using a pause in the conversation, Nathaniel whispers something quickly in his grandfather's ear.

  "Grandpa, it's better if I excuse myself to get a little more water now."

  "Why?" He asked.

  "Because if I stay, in the next five minutes, all the lights are going to cut off suddenly and when they are going to be back on, some people close to us will not have the luxury to live anymore. I mean they are serious right now? Do you hear what they are saying with reporters not even ten feet away?" Nathaniel was getting angry.

  Seeing the expression and the look on his grandson's face, Robert starts to feel anxious. He had seen that expression before and he was sure that he was not making empty promises right now. If he was not allowed to cool off, people would die.

  "Yes, yes, you can go. I'm done introducing you anyway so you can move everywhere you want." Robert quickly said.

  Nodding, Nathaniel quickly excused himself from the group and started walking in the direction of the buffet. Once there, he quickly picked some delicacies to eat and ordered a new glass of water when he felt two people walking in his direction. Finishing what he had in his hands, he turned around to look at the two people there. The first was a man in his early forties with brown hair and looked to be around 5'7'. He was an attractive and athletic man and his face looked vaguely familiar to Nathaniel. The second was a woman that looked to be in her mid thirties with red hair and pale green eyes. She was around the same size as the man near her but she was wearing high heels. She also looks familiar to Nathaniel even if he couldn't place them right now.

  "Hi, are you by any chance Nathaniel Lyndon?" The man asked.

  "Yes, I Am." Nathaniel responded.

  "Ah, good. You don't know who we are?" He asked with a smile.

  "No, I'm sorry even if something tells me that I should." Nathaniel laughed to hide his embarrassment, the two in front of him joining along.

  "I'm Jeremy Renner." The man said, shaking Nathaniel's hand.

  "And I'm Scarlett Johansson." The women added before they also shook hands.

  "Jeremy and Scar...? Wait! I know now, you are Hawkeye and Black Widow from the Avengers movie!" Nathaniel exclaimed.

  "Ding ding, we have a winner." Scarlett laughed.

  "At least, this means you are not a fanboy which gives us some hope for the next movie." Jeremy added.

  "Well, let's not go overboard. This is not sure if I will be in the next one, I believe the studio is waiting for the box office result of The Amazing SpiderMan before making their decision about including me in it or not." Nathaniel quickly corrected.

  "We know that's a simple formality. Mark talked about you a lot about the movie you play together 'Now you see me' and you even met Chris at a party two weeks ago and they both told us that they liked you. And you don't seem easily rattled which is good if you want to survive Robert." Scarlett said with amusement.

  "Robert?" Nathaniel asked curiously.

  "Robert Downey JR, Iron Man?" Jeremy adds, trying to keep from laughing.

  "Oh. Why should I be intimidated by someone that has the same first name as my grandfather?" Nathaniel asked with an eyebrow raised, which triggers a fit of laughter from the two persons in front of him.

  Nathaniel kept talking with Scarlett and Jeremy for a little while before they were called elsewhere and he started walking around trying to know who was also invited in this weird event. He found some interesting people to talk to, like an Olympic ski gold medalist and two majors from the army that were here after being decorated for their exceptional bravery. Once he was done, he started to walk back to where he last saw his grandfather. The ballroom was so huge that he took some time to find him and when he finally saw him he completely froze on the spot.

  It was like an electric current passed through him and he turned his head to the side where the disturbance was coming from. Twenty five feet from him, there was a girl in her early twenties. She was around 5'11' even if that was hard to say for sure because she had high heels on and short black hair. She was wearing a long, elegant green gown with a slit to the right side of it showing her long legs and a silvery belt highlighting her gorgeous body. But what fascinated Nathaniel the most about her was not the fact that she was absolutely stunning but the grace that she had in every single of her movement.

  What was more surprising to Nathaniel was when he saw her also froze in the midst of her conversation and turned immediately in his direction like she had felt the exact same thing that he did. Looking at each other with an almost palpable intensity in the air, they stayed frozen like that for almost a minute before she broke contact with him. Excusing herself from the person that she was talking to, she looked at Nathaniel one more time before walking in the direction outside of the ballroom, one of the two men walking a step behind her opening a side door before closing it after they passed it.

  Curious, Nathaniel took the decision to follow them.

  Chapter 210: :

  Putting his hand on the doorknob, Nathaniel opened the door and got inside before gathering the attention of Hotel Security or worth, the Secret Service who were already there to prepare for the President visit. So far they had left him alone but knowing Tobias, he was sure that he told his people to pay special attention to him and especially where he was going.

  He found that the door was leading to a hallway that was following the west side of the building. Walking in the hallway, looking for her, he glanced sometimes through the windows to see what was happening outside but could see nothing of note. Passing the bend of the hallway going to the left, Nathaniel finally found her. She was alone and was looking outside of the window where one of her nails was tapping on the glass. No sign of two mens who escort her earlier could be found.

  "You shouldn't have followed me here." She said without turning in his direction.

  Once again, Nathaniel was surprised by her. He had never heard someone with a voice like that. The way that she just told her phrase was so rich that he couldn't guess from where she was coming from in the US or if she was even american but the way that she pronounced the word 'here' seems almost ancient to him. There was even power in her voice, something almost regal that put pressure on anyone that could hear her. Nathaniel could feel the pressure but it did not have an effect on him beside that.

  "I believe you are lost, the party is that way." Nathaniel said, pointing his thumb behind him.

  "I'm never lost and you really shouldn't have followed me. I don't like people following me." She said, finally stopping tapping on the glass of the window.

  The next moment, the door behind her opened and one of the two mens who escorted her appeared and took position behind her. A door ten feet behind Nathaniel also opened and he sensed someone coming in his back but stopping well away from him. Nathaniel did not pay any attention to the two bodyguards and just focused on her.

  "Who are you?" She asked her question like he should already have told her that without her needing to demand it.

  "Why should I tell you?" Nathaniel answers in a neutral tone.

  "You don't need to answer, I have a better way to determine who you are without you needing to talk." She said, looking at him.

  "Are you going to read my palm or something like that?" Nathaniel asked cheekily.

  For some reason, she seemed really amused by that and a small smile graced her already stunning feature making her even more gorgeous. That's when Nathaniel realized that her two eyes were not of the same color. Her right was obsidian black while the left was golden.

  "Something like that." She answered before doing something that Nathaniel never expected in a million years.

  She attacked him.

  With a speed that should not have been possible, she was on him in a second. Even if he was surprised by the attack and her abnormal speed, Nathaniel managed to react in time to dodge the right hook that was coming to his face. He did not have time to think of an attac
k when a left hook came to the exact place he dodge to, like she anticipated he was going to move his head here. Stuck to defend, in a matter of seconds he had already received dozens of punches and kicks with no hope of getting in the offensive. It was the first time in his life that he had such a hard press and something inside of him liked it.

  Seeing an opening in the barrage of attack that was coming his way, Nathaniel finally took the offensive and launched a jab to her face. He realized too late that it was a trap. His jab was deflected away, his other hand had to stop a knee that was coming to his groin, that left him right open. The woman did not hesitate and a punch landed on the right side of his jaw and another came to his torso. Using the energy of the last punch, Nathaniel made some distance between them before tasting copper in his mouth. Touching his lips, his finger came back with a little blood on them.

  "You hit me." Nathaniel was stunned.

  "You didn't." She said confidently.

  "I was raised better than that." He smiled before adding. "But since you seem like the type to go all out, I should do the same."

  This time, it's Nathaniel that came at her hard. It matter not anymore if she was a woman, she was a fighter and he would treat her that way. Coming at her fast, Nathaniel engaged with a low kick followed by a jab to her forehead that transformed mid air into a punch to her throat. She dodged everything and tried to use Nathaniel's outstretched hand to make a power play. He didn't let her though, he moved his elbow in a clockwise direction, using the movement to reorient his hand and made a punch at her. Surprised by the unorthodox move, she failed to move out of the way in time but the pain never came. Nathaniel stopped his punch before it would land on her nose and just made two steps back.

  It was a mystery if it was the fact that he managed to land a blow on her or that he refused to hit her but she looked pissed off. Taking the belt that she had on her off, she took the larger piece of it in her hand and then pressed a button on it. With a noise of metal clicking on metal, the belt changes form in front of his eyes and turns into a short sword with no guard. Lowering her center of gravity, she took position, the middle of the sword resting on the back on her left hand.


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