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Bear: A Dark Shifter Romance

Page 11

by Delta James

  “Halley, you will do as I tell you. If I have to repeat myself, you’ll earn yourself a good thrashing before I bed you. Behave!”

  She watched as Cade went into the house. It wasn’t dark, and she had explained to him how the timers for the lights would have it well lit by the time they returned. It was taking much longer for him to return than Halley thought it should. She reached under the seat of her truck and withdrew the handgun she kept there. Checking to ensure it was loaded, Halley switched off the safety and got out of the truck. Silently she worked her way to the back of the house, peeking in the windows as she went. She unlocked the back door, entered the kitchen, and crept forward toward the door into the great room.

  Halley never heard nor sensed any movement behind her before she felt a blade at her throat. Her gun was snatched away from her as she was slammed back into a hard slab of muscle. She might have been terrified, but she immediately recognized the feel of the man behind her.

  “Did I not tell you to wait until I came back for you?” Cade said angrily.

  “I thought something had happened.”

  “You were told to go for help if I didn’t return.”

  “I had a gun that you didn’t know about.”

  “And yet you find yourself at knifepoint.”

  “What are you so pissed about? It’s you. It’s not like you’re going to hurt me.”

  “You seem to have forgotten I promised to do just that if you chose to disobey me.”

  His voice was still angry, but there was a note of something else... something that promised more than just reprisal. Halley could feel her body begin to respond to that something more—her nipples were becoming stiff and tendrils of desire stole through her nether regions.

  “Upstairs, Halley. I’m going to secure the house and then will be up to deal with you. I had best find you in your bloomers and chemise in the corner.”

  “But, Cade...”

  His hand made direct and harsh contact with her rump.

  “I said upstairs. Now.”

  Halley jerked away and spun on him.

  “No. You are not going to spank me. I thought you were in danger and that something had happened and so I came to help.”

  “You disobeyed me. At some point you will learn that doing so, for whatever excuse you have, will end up with you face down over my knee getting the discipline you so obviously need.”

  “What if you’d been hurt or someone had been holding you captive?” she countered.

  “What if I had? What if whoever grabbed and disarmed you had been someone meaning you harm? What if instead of merely finding you dying as I did with Emilia, I was forced to watch you raped repeatedly and then killed?”

  Halley stared at him and had no answer. She suddenly understood what provoked what had seemed to her to be his overdeveloped need to keep her from harm. He did not want to have happen to her what he was unable to prevent from happening to Emilia.

  “I’m... I’m sorry,” she stammered.

  “Not yet, but you will be before I’m finished with you. Now do as you’re told.”

  “Yes, Cade,” she said as she turned and went up the stairs.

  Halley found her last set of what Cade deemed proper undergarments, put them on, and stood in the corner. She felt foolish and hated the fact that she had acquiesced to his demands so quickly. What was even worse was that doing so had only increased her arousal. There was no denying that Cade had a power over her that made her question what had happened to the strong, self-assured woman she had been less than a week ago.

  She heard him coming up the stairs and hated that she could feel the pool of desire swirling in her lower belly drift lower. Halley knew that if and when he reached between her legs, he would find her wet and wanting. There was little comfort in the fact that she knew she affected him just as deeply and in the same way.

  She watched him out of her peripheral vision as he moved about the room and then closed and locked the door. He placed the handgun he’d taken from her on the nightstand closest to the door. He fished into his pocket and took out the leather thong he had used to bind her wrists several times. Instead of seeing it making her angry, she felt her knees go weak. Halley shook her head and tried to deny the effect he had on her.

  Halley watched as he unfastened the cuffs of his shirt and slowly rolled the sleeves up, revealing his muscular forearms. Cade walked to the edge of the bed and tested it before sitting down.

  “All right, Halley. You can come out of the corner. You will come over and stand in front of me and ask me to spank you.”

  She turned and shook her head. “I’m not going to do that.”

  Cade laughed.

  “You will unless you want this spanking to be a lot worse that I had originally planned. When you disobeyed me about staying in the truck, I was inclined to take my belt to you. But when I came upstairs and you had obeyed me, I thought I might just give you a hard spanking with my hand. Perhaps I was wrong to reconsider and what needs to happen is for you to get welted.”

  The last time he’d taken his strap to her and striped her ass was still fresh enough in her mind that she wanted to avoid a repeat of the same.

  Reluctantly she found herself walking toward him and stopping as he parted his legs. She could see the evidence of his lust.

  “Apologize to me, Halley, and ask me to punish you for your disobedience.”

  “Cade, please don’t make me do that. It’s bad enough that we both know how aroused I get when you do it. At least spare me the humiliation of having to ask for it.”

  He reached up, grasped her body, and brought her to sit on his one thigh.

  “I have no wish now, or ever, to humiliate you. And there is no need for embarrassment between us. But you will learn to obey me and when you don’t, you can expect to be, and will surrender to being, spanked. As for your arousal...”

  She shook her head. “I never liked pain, didn’t even really like it rough and yet no man has ever turned me on the way that you do.”

  “That’s because it isn’t the pain you’re reacting to. It’s submitting to my dominance. You are a strong, capable, and beautiful woman. You have a greater need for a man who can and will enforce his decisions where you are concerned than most. There is no shame in either the fire I stoke in you to be fucked when I spank you or acknowledging your need to acquiesce to my authority over you.”

  She laughed halfheartedly. “It doesn’t sound so bad when you say it that way.”

  “There is no other way to say it. It is the truth. Are you ready to ask for your spanking?”

  “Please, Cade. I don’t like being spanked.”

  He chuckled. “Your continued disobedience tells me you don’t dislike it that badly. It has yet to curb it.”

  He waited. She stood up and faced him.

  Sighing, she said, “I’m sorry I disobeyed you. Will you spank me and just get it over?”

  Cade nodded. “I will.”

  He parted his legs and she stepped between them; before she draped herself over his thigh, he stopped her and pulled the bloomers down past her thighs. Once she was in position, he closed his other leg against hers, put his hand on the upper part of her back to gently hold her in position, and landed the first of numerous hard swats to her derriere.

  Halley cried out as once again he laid into her and subjected her bottom to his discipline and displeasure with her behavior. She felt each targeted blow as it connected with her butt cheeks. She wasn’t sure how his hand could deliver that much pain... she only knew that it did. Halley struggled and squirmed but Cade held her in place.

  Cade continued to land increasingly harsh swats to her backside. Halley could feel the heat in her seat rising as well as the growing wet desire between her legs. She knew from past experience her behind would be a vivid shade of red and she would literally drip onto his leg with her need. Her musings were cut short as he intensified the power he was using to discipline her.

  “You are going to l
earn, Halley, that it is better to do as I tell you to do than to earn yourself a spanking. I promise you that each and every time you disobey, regardless of your reason for doing so, you will be punished.”

  “Cade, please stop,” she cried as tears began to roll down her cheeks.

  He paused in spanking her and allowed her to catch her breath as he rubbed her bottom soothingly. Finally, she was able to stop crying. Halley tried to get up, but Cade gently held her down.

  “You do not get up until I tell you that you can. Had your disobedience not been one that could have gotten you killed, I might well let this suffice. I mean to spank you hard enough that the next time I tell you what to do, you do it.”

  With that, he went back to spanking her, ensuring that every centimeter of her bottom had received its fair share of strikes. He moved down to her sit spots and thighs and Halley couldn’t help but sob from the renewed and increased pain of his punishment. She no longer cried out to him, but went limp over his knee and accepted that he meant to ensure that she understood just how important it was to him that she obey.

  Finally, the spanking stopped and he gently parted her legs before dipping his two fingers into her wet heat and stroking her. Halley had not been anticipating that and experienced a shattering climax from just his fingers. Her body was still recovering as he dragged his fingers up from her slit to her dark passage and inserted one before she had a chance to try to deny him. He clucked his tongue as she made the effort anyway.

  “You will not deny me, Halley. You belong to me—every nook, cranny, and hollow of your body.”

  “Cade, please, no.”

  He removed his finger and she breathed easier until he resumed spanking her, causing her to wail in response. He struck her hard and repeatedly.

  “Had enough?” he inquired.

  “Yes, Cade.”

  She winced as he brought his hand back down and once again fingered her cunt before moving back up to her bottom. As tempted as she was to clench her bottom from his intrusion, she forced herself to accept the mastery he had over her body. He inserted his finger into her ass and stroked.

  The feeling was relatively new to her as Cade was the only man she had allowed to take her last untried hole. Who was she kidding? She didn’t allow Cade anything. He took what he wanted and it was apparently what she needed. It was the latter that galled her the most.

  The slight sting from his intrusion gave way to a more pleasurable feeling as it had before. He continued to caress her more deeply before he withdrew and then entered her again with two fingers. Halley moaned, only she couldn’t tell if it was from discomfort or desire. She feared the latter.

  “I had thought to take my belt to your backside and leave you with welts to remind you to behave, but I think a better lesson might be taught through your submission. Up you get and go back to the corner.”

  Halley stood and reached for her bloomers, which he forestalled merely with a shake of his head.

  “They stay down, Halley. You go back to your spot and push your bottom out for me to see.”

  She took a deep breath and did what she was told. There really was no point in fighting with him. For one thing he was far stronger than she. For the other she desperately wanted and needed him to satisfy her need for him, slake her hunger for his dominance. Halley felt the blush come over her face. She was quite sure the color on both sets of her cheeks matched.

  Halley heard him walk into the bath and run the sink faucet. He returned, wiping his hands on a towel.

  Cade allowed her time to gather herself before saying, “Come here to me.” His voice was lazy and heavy with lust.

  She turned around to comply. He was still completely dressed but there was an unmistakable and large bulge in his buckskins. She stopped in front of him. He squatted down, pulled her bloomers down to the floor, and helped her out of them. He held the wet spot that evidenced her arousal up to his nose and inhaled deeply. He ran his hands up the inside of her thighs as he stood and briefly fondled her clit before moving up to her waist. He untied and loosened the ribbon that served to close her chemise before drawing it over her head and tossing it to land alongside the bloomers.

  Her nipples were hard and begging for his touch. He smiled appreciatively. He closed his mouth over one, sucking it deeply into his mouth before grazing its overly sensitized tip with his teeth, causing her to moan in both discomfort and need. Cade’s one hand was at the small of her back, preventing her from moving away from him as the other came up to capture her other breast in his hand as he rolled its center nub between his thumb and forefinger, alternating gentle and harsh pressure.

  “Cade,” she breathed in a sigh.

  Halley arched her back to offer him more of herself. She felt the hand at the small of her back trace the crack between her butt cheeks and fondle her there. She could feel his hard cock pressing against the front of his buckskins in an effort to free itself.

  Cade moved his hand down the front of her body to delve between her legs before caressing her clit and causing her to catch her breath. As easily as his hands could inflict pain on her backside, just as easily could he call forth a heightened response. He kissed across the space between her breasts as he treated her other nipple to attention from his mouth. Halley was becoming desperate for him to release his staff and put it where it would do both of them the most good. Cade continued to pinch and tug on the pleasure bud located between her legs. She tried to push his hand further down between her legs and was rewarded with a sharp swat to her still painful derriere.

  Just as she was about to succumb to his attention with a powerful climax, he stopped.

  “Cade?” she cried desperately.

  “You have not yet earned the reward of coming for me, but you will. Over to the bed, bend over, and spread your legs.”

  She complied. He walked up behind her, still fully dressed. Halley knew instinctively that part of his humbling of her was to fuck her from behind while she was naked and he was still clothed. At this point, she didn’t care. She needed to feel him mount her and drive himself deep into her hot core.

  She felt his hand spread her lower lips as he began to finger her pussy. She had almost achieved orgasm when he seemed to use his fingers to take her liquid heat and spread it over his cock.

  “You are mine, Halley.”

  She nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “I’m yours, Cade,” she said wantonly.

  “And you will learn to submit to me in all things starting right now.”

  “Please, Cade. I need you.”

  “I can see that plain and simple. Your bloomers carried the evidence and extent of your need and that was just from getting punished. By God, you smelled sweet.”

  Halley could feel herself blush. “Cade, please?”

  “Are you ready to give your submission to me? To learn to obey me in all things?”

  “Yes, please?” she begged.

  She hated that he could render her so needy that she was willing to do whatever he wanted just so he’d sink his cock deep within her and allow her to come.

  “Then you ask me to take your bottom hole for my pleasure.”


  “Yes, Halley. You show me that you have learned to accept my dominance and mastery over you. There will be no relief for you this night, until you have come from having your ass taken for the first time.”

  He reached back between her legs and stroked her pussy, plunging his fingers in and out to ramp up her need for him. She felt as though she were on a roller coaster as it reached the top of the first steep climb and was just about to reach the crest and start down the other side when he withdrew his touch.

  “Damn it, Cade,” she cursed and was rewarded with two sharp swats to her engorged vulva, which made her scream partly in pain and partly in frustration.

  “You will ask me to use your back passage or I will take my relief in your mouth shooting my seed deep into your belly before I put you back over my knee a
nd take my belt to you. When I have welted your backside sufficiently, you will beg me to claim your last virgin hole.”

  Halley screamed into the bedclothes. She knew she would do as he wanted. The worst part was so did he.

  Gritting her teeth, she spat, “Do it. Just do it.”

  As she heard him chuckle, she wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole. She’d take care of her own damn need. Halley also knew that the universe was not going to do what she asked of it and that she would never be able to assuage the need that only Cade was capable of creating and satisfying. Her acceptance of his ability to rule over her—mind, body, and spirit—was a bitter pill, but she knew she had no choice but to swallow it... along with her pride.

  “All right. You’ve made your point. I give. Would you please fuck my ass so that I can prove that I understand and accept that I am yours and you will use me as you see fit?”

  Cade scooped out more of her natural lubricant and applied it to the tight ring of muscle that had guarded her against his taking her there with his cock. He also slathered more on his cock as he pressed the head against her sphincter. He didn’t mount her forcefully; he pushed himself into her slowly but inexorably.

  Halley felt each and every inch of him as he slowly sank himself into her until her ass was hard up against his hips.

  “Just relax and accept, Halley,” he said soothingly. “I will see you pleasured from this act as well.”

  Before she could make any retort, he began to stroke her bottom hole in the same way he did when he was leisurely plundering her pussy. The discomfort of his having breached her anally with his cock for the first time slowly began to give way to a new kind of carnality she had never indulged before. She could feel her nipples harden, her clit and vulva become engorged, and her pussy begin to pulse as Cade began driving into her.

  “Cade,” she moaned.

  “That’s my good girl. Come for me, Halley. Show me that you accept the pleasure I can bring you in all of your holes.”

  He moved with more pace and rhythm, but not more powerfully. His movements increased and exacerbated her response, and as she began to feel him pump his seed into her asshole, she came screaming his name. She could feel herself being filled in the same, yet a deliciously different, way than when he released himself into her pussy. Halley felt his strong hands stroke her body to support and comfort the last remnants of her climax. As he gently withdrew, she felt his loss.


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