Book Read Free

Grand Design

Page 7

by Matthew Bullis

  “Those aren’t the connections I’m looking for.”

  “I beg your pardon.”

  “Recent parliamentary decisions have left me rather desperate, tell your friends that I’m willing to pay them a fortune.”

  Chapter 7


  Bianca’s ship dropped out of hyperspace after the Unified Field Array drive disengaged. She looked out the window at the Planet Frontier and started to look around for other ships.

  “I don’t see him Gorky.” She said checking her scanners, “There he is. Not a bad looking ship. Jacob said the likelihood that this is a pirate is high. We’ll have to be careful.”

  “Hmm...” Gorky grunted, “If he tries something, I’ll pop his head like a grape.”

  “Try not to get anything on my dress, I paid a pretty penny for it.”

  “No problem,” The control panel is beeping, “He’s sending a tracking signal now. We’re not going to land first?”

  “If he has what I think he does, we’ll never get back off Frontier if we do business down there. All business done on the surface is subject to taxes and inspection. If we do business in orbit then my diplomatic immunity will make it illegal to search my ship. Their type always does business in orbit anyways. Activate the docking sequence, this won’t take long.”

  Gorkey, types in the command and the screen turns green with the words ‘Auto Dock.’ After a few minutes both ships are docked and the airlock is sealed. Bianca opens the door and see three men with guns pointing at her.

  Bianca smiles, “Are you trying to hold me up or are you happy to see me?” Gorky holds a remote explosive device in his hand up high for everyone to see.

  Their captain spoke first, “You never know who you’ll see when you first open the door. Lower your guns boys.” They lower their guns and relax then Gorky lowers his hand.

  “You told King Jacob Lanner that you had something we’d be interested in.”

  “Yes, I ran into this quite literally above Terra Prime. It’s a defense sat, not too badly damaged.” he took off the sheet that covered it. “I trust you’d be interested in buying it?”

  “Oh yes, I guess now we discuss the price.”

  “I want 20,000 credits in gold, transferred to an account on Cleo.”

  “You’re insane, it didn’t even cost that new. I’ll give you 5,000.” She looks at the boxes next to it marked MBQ Corp. “Emergency communications? Radios?”

  “Those are not for you, those are for another customer who will be along in a couple days.” He looks to Gorky “What’s that in your boys hand?”

  Without a second thought she tells him. “A quantum remote detonator, totally untraceable.”

  “Give me 10,000 and one of those and we’ll have a deal.”

  “Sound good to me.” they each type out their transaction on their communication pads, then tap them together.

  As they separated he reminds them, “Now the detonator please.”

  “Oh...give it to them Gorky, and here’s the remote.” They hand over the devices and drag the satellite back through the air latch. Gorky and Bianca both return to their seats and disconnect from the other ship. Their ship drifts away and continues on to the spaceport on the planet surface. Bianca likes to fly fast and the glow of the bottom of the ship’s hull showed it.


  The school on Frontier is for both Humans and Terran’s together. As such they also all have two teachers, a holographic one and a human one. Today Ms. Stevens will teach the class and the subject is about the Frontier.

  “Alright children,” Said Ms. Stevens “We are going to talk about the Frontier and it’s role being essential to the security of the empire. As we know, the empire resides in a globular cluster adjacent to the Milky Way galaxy. This planet, the Frontier or Planet Frontier is the one closed to the rest of the galaxy.”

  “We are the stopover and the gatekeepers for all traffic to and from the galaxy. As such the empire arms us very well, and the best military schools in the empire are here. Both humans and terrain's may join. But humans can only work in non-combat rolls.”

  A twelve year old girl raises her hand.

  “Yes Jenny?” asked Ms Stevens

  “Have any other aliens beside the Warren ever come?”

  “Yes, Jenny, we’ve had Beru, Santroo and several new races come from time to time. But the Warren have been the most frequent”


  Laura and Frank step off the shuttle at the spaceport. The Frontier space port is almost as modern as Terra Prime. Hovering holograms help decide what you want to do and personal indicators light up on the floor to show you where to go.

  “Frank, nothing better spoil this one. We just got out of Whim by the skin of our teeth. I thought we were dead. Then the Meeran came. Did you see how big those guns were?” commented Laura. “I’m so worked up from all that I can just crash!”


  Frank just grunts.

  “Oh here’s customs, I hope he goes through your underwear for a change.” They go up to the counter and a woman starts to check their bags. “Oh it’s a woman, I feel much better now.”

  “Welcome to Frontier, are you here on business or pleasure?” the woman asked.

  “It’s our anniversary so I hope it’s all pleasure. Hey...” She talks quietly “Are there any Adlit on this world?”

  “The Adlit are free to come, but there are no Adlit settlements if that’s what you’re asking.” The woman finishes her inspection and closes everything back up, “You’re free to go.”

  “Grunt.” Frank picks up the bags.

  “Come on Frank I don’t want to be late for the ride.”

  “Don’t worry I ordered our own transport.”

  “Oh I canceled that and got a better hotel.”


  “We can save money by taking public transport to the Embassy, the hotel is right next door. All the tours pick up from there and the restaurants are in walking distance.”

  “Grunt.” They both walked to the transportation lounge.

  “We can walk home under the stars, it will be very romantic.” Laura sees a familiar face. “That’s Bianca. Bianca! Over here!”

  Bianca looks surprised. She only met these friends of Jacob’s a few times. She thought best to be polite. She walks over and greets them “Hello, on vacation too?”

  “Oh yes, it’s our anniversary!” Laura jubilantly said back.

  “Oh really how long?”

  “Twenty-Five! Well on Frontier time we’re not there yet but we are on Meeran.”

  “Now that’s true love.” Bianca sounds truly interested. “I hope to be there someday.”


  “Are you and the muscle man that just left...?” ask Laura

  “No,” Bianca smiled.

  “That reminds me, Jacob’s been seeing that Abby, is that going anywhere? If it’s not I have a sister that would love to date him, even if the human rumor were true.”

  Bianca’s blood pressure spiked for a moment, but she quickly calmed herself before answering. “Jacob doesn’t talk about her much, but she seems to be everywhere...”

  “You’re telling me, I was certain we saw her on Whim.”

  Bianca was shocked, “You were on Whim? Did you get caught in the riots?”

  “Oh yeah! Frank had to take an Adlit down. He’s my hero.”


  Bianca looked at the arrivals board, “Excuse me, I need to pick up an old friend her flight just landed.”

  They part ways and Bianca makes her way to the terminal. Olivia walks off the ship and lets out a squeal, “Bee!” they give each other a warm hug. “Ouch! Careful that’s where I got shot.” her arm was still in a sling.

  “It’s been a couple weeks hasn’t it?”

  “They said it may take a couple months. I’ll have a nice scar after it.”

  “The boys will think you’re tough.”

  “They already do.�
�� They start walking to the transportation lounge. “So much technology on Frontier. None of it on Meeran.”

  “Frontier’s sin is gluttony and technology is it’s food.”

  “I thought gluttony was Tara Prime.”

  “No that’s pride.” The door opens to a personal transport waiting for them.

  “Wow nice ride. This has to cost some money. Wait my bags!”

  “The valle` already loaded them, I get a frequent customer discount.”

  They both get in a buckle up. The cars voice scratches out. “Location please?”

  “Manual drive.” Ordered back Bianca.

  “Location please?”

  “I drive myself dammit, I’m from Meeran.” the car gives in and they start moving. “I figured we go see Daddy first and then head out for the celebration.”

  “Celebration? What holiday?”

  “Barber Day silly.”

  “But that was two days ago...”

  “Frontiers rotation around the sun is a little slower. Today is Barber Day here.”

  “Does that mean we’re taking over.” Olivia asked laughing.

  “Not yet, that’s why we need to see Daddy, he’s got connections with the human government on the reservation. If we can convince them to come to our side or stay out of the way then they could influence the Frontier legislature too. Frontier is much more liberal, they let humans serve in the local government.”

  “Where’s your muscle man?”

  “Ironically he has family on Frontier too. I let him off his leash. We’ll meet up later.”

  “You eat breakfast? I’m starved.”

  “I think it’s dinner I have chocolate covered donuts and grape soda.” Olivia gives Bianca the crazy look, then they both start laughing. “Daddy’s got something for us.” The car does a flip in the air and lands in front of the only house on the mountain top.

  “Wow talk about secluded, your dad really likes his peace and quiet.”

  They unbuckle their belts and walk to the house. An older man opens the door and shouts, “Babies!” while Bianca and Olivia both give him a hug. “Come on in, breakfast is ready.” they walk in and take off their jackets. “Olivia, it’s been even longer since I’ve seen you.”

  “It’s been about seven years.”

  “Is that how long since you and Terrence been married? No kids?”

  “We seem to be much too busy.”

  “I see by your arm, my son making you do all his fighting?”

  “We all have our calling.” A moment of awkwardness.

  “Come sit, sit.” The table is already set and he brings out the food, “So are you here on business or pleasure?”

  “Both, Isn’t the best kind of business the kind that you can use as an excuse to see family?”

  “I’ll except that.” he smiled. While they chowed down. He turns serious. “You want to meet with the humans don’t you. To try and convince them this war of Jacob’s is good.”

  Bianca used a meek voice. “It’s mine too, the Adlit bombed us constantly; it was time change.”

  “Hmm, anything to do with the Adlit is a disaster. That’s why I moved so far away.”

  “Have you even talked to Jacob since you left?”

  “No honey I haven’t. We just don’t see eye to eye on things. He turned your brother against me. He was a troubled child, I tried to raise him the best I could. Anyways, rumor has it that his parents survived. His brother is a military analyst, by the name of Jeremy Forrest. Word is he contacted Jacob to arrange a meeting. He’s been back on frontier for a day now.” He finished his food, “They’re watching you Bee, they know you’re here and that you’re up to no good.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “So I’ve heard, both of you can. How’s the arm, Oli?”

  “It’ll heal in a couple of weeks, we were just talking about how I’ll get more respect with the scar.”

  Daddy laughs, “I remember when you two were so little, getting into Terrence’s birthday cake. You both denied it, but the chocolate was all over your faces. You two are still inseparable.”


  Bianca rented a personal transport for Gorkey to visit some family too. He first flies over the ‘old’ neighborhood and lands in front of the house. He takes a deep breath and rings the bell. The is opened by a woman who recognizes him and quickly shuts it.

  “Sherill, come on... I have what I owe you... plus interest.”

  She opens up the door, “I thought you were dead. The checks stopped coming and I couldn’t track you down.”

  “I know, things got crazy on Cleo. I got hooked up with the wrong people. Things are better now.”

  “For you or me?”

  “Is Jenny home?”

  “Hold it, the money first.” she reached in for her communicator and waited for him to reach his.

  “Fine.” he got his digital wallet out and they tapped to finish the transaction.

  “Jenny! It’s your father. Come on down.” She called out. “This will cover everything, where are you staying?”

  “Well I was hoping to...”

  “You can stay on the couch.”

  A twelve year old girl walks down the stairs screaming, “Daddy!”

  His face lights up, he didn’t have to say anything. A hug was all that was needed.

  “Mom, can we go to the park?”

  “Sure, baby. Don’t be late for dinner.”

  “We won’t.” She tugs her fathers hand. “Come on!”

  Gorkey turned back and said, “Thank you.”

  It was a nice day for a walk. Gorkey was in heaven, he was with his girl, his daughter.

  “Where were you?” She asked walking beside him.

  “Well my boss on Cleo wasn’t a nice guy. I got a new boss now, you’d like her. Her names Bianca.”

  “Do you like her?”

  He laughed, “She’s my boss. She is a beautiful woman, but she already has someone.”

  “How do you know someone likes you?”

  Alarm bells, “Why do you ask?”

  “There’s this boy at school...”

  “And you like him? Well usually they’ll show you more attention and they’re nicer to you than anyone else. But most of the time it’s all the boy’s job. Which doesn’t make anything easier.”


  Bianca and Olivia dressed to kill. They were determined to be noticed and get all the attention. Barber Day on frontier was noted to be just as big as on Lomen. Except this human holiday was going to be with the humans and they knew how to party.

  Not many Terrains joined them in this celebration. Because of their close relations with the humans, Lomen is the only Terran world that did. This got them even more attention. The human men were ever curious and Bianca and Olivia enjoyed every minute of it.

  Everyone was dancing the drinks were flowing. If you lived in the neighborhood you didn’t get any sleep. Celebrities talked through the night and politicians kissed babies. It all reached a climax with fireworks in the sky.

  After they are finally tired and inebriated they return to daddy’s cabin and decided to watch the stars on the porch.

  Bianca suddenly remembered something and pulled out a quantum trigger and handed it to Olivia. “You want to do the honors?”

  “Who is this going to blow up?” Olivia responded.

  “A pirate ship I just had dealings with. They were shipping emergency radio equipment to Tara Prime. I figured they shouldn’t have anything good.” Bianca pointed into the sky, “They should be around there.”

  Olivia pushes the button, and waits a couple minutes, “I don’t see anything.”

  “That can’t be good.” Then a streak of fire lights up the sky. “Oh much better.”

  “You are so bad. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble."

  Quoting Shakespeare back "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. Tomorrow we will have to put our best face forward." />
  Chapter 8


  An engineering student stands up to give his presentation at the Human military university. He’s in full uniform starched to perfection, even though humans are not allowed to served, they are always ready to come to the communities defense.

  “Hello everyone, my topic is on the Unified Field Array. The UFA is the modern technical implementation of the Unified Field Theory conceived by Albert Einstein. This showed that Electromagnetic radiation, Gravity, and even photons can all be used to affect each other, furthermore manipulating space time. This was first tried in earth year 1943 on a battleship called USS Eldridge. The ship was said to disappear and travel through time.

  “These rumors could never be substantiated or duplicated. Today the UFA manipulates space time with great success, we can travels between stars in a matter of days instead of centuries or millennium that normal propulsion can do.”


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