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Wicked Edge

Page 26

by Rebecca Zanetti

  She struggled, trying to stay awake, trying to free her throat.

  He held the syringe up high as if to jam it down into her chest.

  She calmed. For years, she’d trained to fight somebody bigger and stronger. Her boys needed her. Daire needed her. The monster couldn’t win. Drawing on strength she’d only hoped for, she lifted her legs, slammed them down on his shoulders, twisted and shoved. He dropped, his head hitting the examination table.

  The hand at her throat loosened.

  She slashed his wrist with the blade, and he yanked back. Following his movement, she levered up and jammed the scalpel in his eye.

  He screamed in unholy pain, his hand dropping the knife and going to his eye.

  The room quieted. She centered herself. Grabbing the knife, she propelled herself up on her knees and brought it down in his neck. Blood spurted up, covering her face and burning her skin.

  She ignored the pain and shoved with all her weight.

  The knife sliced through cartilage and muscle. His body convulsed like a fish stuck on the dock. She set her knees and used her entire body to yank the knife to the right and then the left.

  His eyes closed.

  She swallowed as more blood flew up to coat her shirt.

  Breathing through her nose to keep from tasting blood, she sawed back and forth, using every ounce of strength she owned. Finally, his body dropped to the floor while his head remained on the table.

  She released the knife and fell away from the head. Her body shook and her stomach lurched. Blood coated her from head to waist and dotted along her pants. The liquid burned like acid.

  The gunfire suddenly stopped outside.

  The door flew open and Daire stood there, bloody and battered. His eyes widened as he took her in. “Felicity,” he breathed.

  Chapter 31

  Daire’s mouth gaped open. The woman was covered with blood. His gut spasmed and he rushed for her, grabbing her biceps. “Cee Cee? Baby?” Slowly, being as careful as he could, he ran his palms down her arms. Then he patted her chest. “You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.” She was still standing, although shock filled her eyes and she began to sway.

  He shook her. “Stay awake.” She had to be all right. “Please. I need you.” He pushed both hands through her bloody hair. “I love you.” He wanted to shout the words, but whispering them might save her. Somehow. If she allowed him to help her.

  She smiled, her eyelids fluttering.

  “No.” He yanked off the shirt to find the wound. Forget taking it slow and courting her. She was his, damn it.

  Her chest looked intact.

  He patted down her legs and then turned her around, scouting every inch and finally shooting his hands into her hair. “You’re all right,” he said slowly.

  She nodded and turned. A low sob escaped her, and she fell into his chest.

  He patted her back, and only then did he see Ivan’s head on the table. The body had fallen down on the other side next to a guy slowly regaining consciousness. “Honey?”

  She leaned back, and tears streaked down her face. “Not my blood.”

  Three better words had never been invented. Daire stepped away and ripped his shirt off to shove over her head. He reached for a paper towel and quickly wet it, wiping off her face. Demon blood burned skin. “You killed him?”

  She nodded, her face paling under a couple of quickly purpling bruises. “I said I was going to.”

  Aye, she did. He grasped her hand and saw the empty syringe on the floor. His world stopped. “Did they inject you?”

  “No.” Her fingers threaded through his. “We’re still mated.”

  His body settled. “Good.” Leading the way, he kept his body between her and danger. She’d taken out Ivan, and damn if that didn’t make Daire want to roar in pride, but that was her last fight to the death. Ever. Unfortunately, with planekite living in the walls around them, his strength was slowly ebbing. “Keep on my six.”

  “Go left. I think Logan is to the left,” she said, her hand trembling in his. “Wait a minute. You should stay here—there’s planekite everywhere.”

  “I’m fine—don’t worry. Zane and Sam are fighting their way here, and we can’t wait. The alarm went out the second we landed.” Dizziness still catapulted through his head, but he shook it off in order to fight. Teleporting was not for him, that was for damn sure. Or maybe it was the planekite messing with his equilibrium. He loped into a jog, and the hallway narrowed. A soldier ran toward him from a locked door, and he lifted a gun he’d taken off a demon soldier, firing off two shots. The guy dropped.

  Felicity shook her head and pointed at a metal doorway in the rock. “I think the mine is that way.”

  He halted. “We don’t know who’s waiting on the other side.” More than anything, he wanted to grab Sam and have him take her to safety, but Logan’s time could be limited. “How about you wait here for Sam?” Daire asked, releasing her.

  “No.” She slid to the side.

  That’s what he’d figured. “Fine, but get on this side of the door.” He slapped the gun into her hand. When he opened the metal, she’d be protected on the other side.

  She opened her mouth to argue.

  “No.” He nudged her gently out of the way. “I know you’re a badass who can fight, but I need you there so I can concentrate. My weakness, not yours.” Because he fucking loved her. One thing at a time, and he had no problem confessing to a weakness if it kept her alive.

  She stayed put, settled her stance, and gripped the gun.

  “Plus, gotta be honest. The planekite around us is messing with my system, and my aim is surely off.” He slowly opened the door. Nothing. “Come on,” he whispered, sliding inside a stone hallway similar to the one he’d just left, sans the carpet. Mining lights shone along the walls, and he stalked silently, heading down gradually.

  Silence pounded eerily around him. The mining operations probably halted when the alarm had gone out. Chances were the miners weren’t soldiers and had headed for safety. Even so, if Logan was being kept in the mine, there’d be more soldiers to fight. “What makes you think Logan is down here?” he asked.

  “Gut feeling?” she answered. “Besides the bedroom I was locked into, it didn’t seem like there were prison cells on that side of the mountain.”

  “Bedroom?” he muttered.

  “Yes.” She pushed him in the back. “Hurry up.”

  The corridor reached an exposed mining elevator. A numbness tingled through his extremities, and his temples pounded. “Can demons teleport from inside the earth?” he asked.

  “Depends how deep they are.” She leaned around him. “Looks like we go down.”

  He nodded and stepped onto the platform, which swung from his weight. “Do you have any idea how many levels make up this mine?”

  “No.” She took his hand and lifted her leg over the guardrail to stand next to him. “Sorry.”

  Huge problem. They could have a dozen levels to explore, and they sure as hell didn’t have that much time. He had about ten more minutes left in him before he collapsed from overexposure to the stupid planekite. He pressed the lever, and they began to torturously descend. Soon a level came into view. A sprawling orange sign proclaimed the area held EXPLOSIVES. Nobody guarded the area, so perhaps any soldiers had headed for the breach. Hopefully Zane and Sam were doing all right.

  Daire kept his finger on the lever, and they continued down into the cool earth. The next level stretched out dark and formidable before him with a narrow tunnel. He stopped the lift. “It’s too narrow to mine here—not enough room for vehicles or equipment.” He jumped over the rail and turned to lift Felicity to solid ground. “The mining operations will be down farther, so if Logan is being kept on this side of the mountain, this is probably the place.” Before them extended a dark tunnel that veered sharply to the right. “Follow me.”

  “Do you want the gun since you’re on point?” she asked.

  “No.” He glared at the d
im yellow lights strung too far apart. Uneven stone lined the walls and floor. Unlike the hallway they’d just left, this one had been chiseled out without much care. Finally, they came upon a door secured with a metal rod. “Get ready.” He waited until she’d pointed the gun at the room before tugging the rod free. He then jerked open the door.

  Mining picks and small equipment in pristine order lined the walls of a room big enough to hold three trucks. He shut the door and swung around to run down the tunnel to the next door.

  Five doors later, and all they’d found were supplies, a massive amount of alcohol, and equipment. The tunnel narrowed and shortened until his head almost scraped the ceiling. “I don’t think Logan is down here,” he said, noting the dust filling the air.

  Felicity didn’t answer.

  Another door, same as the rest, was set into the wall ahead. “At some point, we should find weapons,” he whispered. He waited until she’d gotten into position and then unsecured the door.

  The second it opened, a hard body slammed into him, throwing him into the opposite wall. Shards of rock slashed down, nicking his cheek. He turned and threw instinctively, dropping to a knee and slamming his hand over the guy’s jugular as they hit the ground.

  “Logan.” Felicity dropped to her knees, her hands frantically patting her kid’s chest. “Are you okay?”

  Oh. Daire released Logan and stood.

  Logan sat up, frown lines cutting next to his mouth. “Mom? What the hell?” He reached out and wiped blood off her face. “Are you hurt?”

  “No.” She pushed up and held out a hand for him. “I’m fine. Are you okay?” Pleasure and relief sparkled in her stunning eyes.

  Logan took her hand and used the wall to stand up. “What are you doing here?” He turned a hard glare toward Daire.

  Felicity grabbed her son’s hand. “Long story. Right now, we have to find Zane and Sam.”

  “Zane and Sam are here?” Logan shook his head, bewilderment slacking his jaw. “What is going on?”

  Felicity reached up and patted his face. “Are you sure you’re all right? No wounds?”

  “No, I’m fine.” He grabbed her other hand. “Really. Starving, but no wounds.”

  “We’ll get you food,” she said.

  Daire staggered past them toward the tunnel. “We have to move and now.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Logan asked.

  “Planekite,” Daire said simply. “In about five, I’m passing out.” So he had to get his mate to safety. Stretching into a jog, he knew the two would follow him. His boots rang on the cold stone as he passed the useless rooms and finally reached the lift. He jumped over first and reached for Felicity. She gave him her hands without hesitation, and her trust warmed him head to toe.

  Logan gave him a hard glare once again, and it didn’t cool his heat at all. Finally, they were once again moving on the lift, heading up this time. They reached the main level and stepped off.

  Footsteps echoed. He jerked back, moving to shield Felicity.

  Three soldiers ran around the corner. Vadim and two others. With a fierce roar, Logan leaped for all three of them, taking down one. Vadim smiled and lifted a gun to fire. Three darts instantly impacted Daire.

  He growled and shot forward. His vision fuzzed. Shit. Apollo darts and not simple tranquilizer darts. He didn’t have long to fight.

  Green laser bullets whizzed by his head from Felicity’s gun, and the third soldier dropped to the ground.

  Daire impacted Vadim with the sound of muscle slamming muscle. If the darts held planekite, the poison would flow into his bloodstream any moment. Vadim jabbed him in the throat, and Daire countered with a knee to the groin.

  Vadim’s eyes widened, and he stepped back.

  Sometimes a guy just couldn’t play fair. Daire grabbed Vadim’s head and slammed it down on his knee. Vadim countered with a double-edged blade, slicing up Daire’s torso.

  Daire hissed in pain, and his central nervous system misfired. His vision dimmed.

  “Daire?” Felicity called from far away.

  Her voice. The tone of fear in it, shot his eyelids open. He didn’t have much time, but no way was he leaving her in fear. Rocking back, he shot a hard punch to Vadim’s nose. The cartilage shattered, and the demon yelled in pain, striking up with the knife again.

  Daire grabbed Vadim’s wrist, twisted, and used the demon’s momentum to plunge the knife into the demon’s throat.

  Vadim gurgled and reached for the knife handle. Blood flowed around the blade.

  Daire shoved and let gravity take them both down, making sure he landed on the knife, which shoved all the way to the ground. A couple of really strong twists, and Vadim’s head rolled away.

  The air whooshed out of Daire’s lungs, and he fell to the side, trying to sit.

  Logan grabbed his armpits and shoved him up.

  The cold stone scratched his back, while fire lit him up from inside. Daire glanced down at the two darts protruding from his chest. Electrical shocks rippled through him, and his stomach cramped. He closed his eyes and his back began to burn. “Get me off the rock,” he mumbled.

  Logan swore and tugged him away from the rock. “Sorry.”

  Felicity knelt next to him and cupped his face, her touch so cool he leaned into her palms. “Stay with me, Daire. Just dig deep and imagine your body fighting the planekite.”

  He nodded.

  “I love you. Please don’t leave me.” Her voice sounded thick with tears.

  He wanted to reassure her, but it took every ounce of power he had left in him to concentrate on not allowing his heart to melt in his chest. The pain was unbearable. But her voice, those sweet words, provided something for him to hold on to.

  The veins and arteries in his body swelled to the point of bursting. His heart beat too quickly, and his lungs began to shut down in protest. Fighting the pull of unconsciousness, he opened his mouth and yelled.

  Fire roared out of him to crackle against the wall.

  Felicity leaned in closer, and he tried to push her way. “Get back,” he ordered through gritted teeth. “Back. I’m going to explode.” A raw burst of energy uncoiled deep inside him.

  “Get back!” he yelled.

  Chapter 32

  Felicity gaped as the veins in Daire’s neck turned a shocking, sizzling red. He threw back his head, tightening the muscles along his jaw and elongating his jugular.

  Pain rode the air around them. She glanced at Logan, her lungs seizing. “Go get your brothers.”

  He shook his head. “I’m not leaving you.”

  “We’re fine. Go now.” She used her best mom voice. Logan faltered but then turned to do as she said.

  She immediately pushed forward to straddle Daire’s legs. Her hands shook, but she pressed them to his furnace-hot cheeks. Her heart hurt to the point her ribs vibrated. “Listen to me, Daire Dunne.” She leaned in. “I finally found you, I love you, and I’m keeping you.” Risking the burn, she pressed a hard kiss to his scalding lips.

  He shook his head, sweat pouring down his rugged face. Red cut into the whites of his eyes, and with the green created a Tim Burton distortion of Christmas. “Get off me, Cee Cee.”

  “Never.” She lowered her chin, keeping his gaze. “You mated a demon, witch. So suck it up, use whatever power you can get from me, and fight this planekite.”

  He blinked, and blood trickled from the corner of his right eye.

  She pressed harder. This had to work. The man meant everything. “Listen to me. Planekite doesn’t hurt demons. You mated a demon and should be able to tap into my powers, such as they are. Close your eyes and imagine a cooling balm inside your veins and around your organs.” She would not lose him now. “I love you. Use that.”

  His gaze softened. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “Right back at you. Now concentrate.” She closed her eyes and tried to visualize every ounce of power she should’ve had in life going to him. To saving him. The walls around them were weak,
and he had to beat the drug inside his veins. That was the one that mattered.

  He began to shake, low mutterings escaping from his mouth in an ancient language she couldn’t interpret.

  She kept in the moment, trying to help him. Instead of words, she tried to force a healing balm into his brain. Since she could hurt him just by communicating telepathically, why couldn’t she help him with images? They’d mated, and she could help him.

  His face heated to the point that her palms burned, but she still held on. Smoke billowed up from his jeans. Blood flowed, already burned, from his ears.

  Yet she held on.

  Finally, with one final shudder, he fell back.

  “Daire?” Panic clogged her throat as she followed him down, peering at his face.

  He blinked open his eyes. Green and white with black pupils. Beautiful green. “Cee Cee.”

  She smiled and fell flat on top of him, kissing him with everything inside her. The relief flowing through her nearly made her sway. He was all right.

  He wrapped his bare arms around her, taking over the kiss, overwhelming her with sensation. One hand palmed her butt, rubbing her against him.

  “Jesus,” came a low exclamation. “Get a room.”

  She leaned back, and amusement bubbled up. Glancing over her shoulder, she took quick inventory of her three sons. “Everybody all right?”

  Zane, a purple bruise across the right side of his face, winced. “Mom. Get up.”

  She rolled her eyes and crawled off Daire to stand. “You okay?” she asked.

  He accepted her outstretched hand and stood, wavering only for a moment. “I’m fine. Thanks to you.”

  Logan snorted. “Could we get out of here, then?”

  She cleared her throat. “Ah, would you all mind just staying here for a few moments? I have something to do.” Without waiting for an answer, she turned and started for the lift.

  A chorus of male protests echoed behind her, so she turned to face her family. “I said I’ll be right back.”

  Sam wiped blood off his arm. “What is happening right now?”


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