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Dare To Stay

Page 8

by Phillips, Carly

  “I’m sorry … what?”

  “You can’t have a relationship with me yet,” he said, with all the self-assurance she expected of him. “I’ll take whatever you can give me now, and we can build from there.”

  “I can give you friendship,” she automatically said, her heart pounding inside her chest, knowing he wouldn’t accept so little and aware deep down she couldn’t, either.

  A sexy smile lifted his lips. “We both want more.” He slipped a hand behind her neck and paused, giving her a chance to pull away.

  She didn’t.


  And when his lips came down hard on hers, she was right there with him. His grip on her neck tightened, and she wound her arms around him, making certain they were as close as physically possible. His tongue swept over her lips, parted them, and plunged into her mouth. Ready and waiting, her tongue met his, and his unique flavor exploded inside her. Along with his seductive cologne, her body responded to everything about him.

  His lips were soft, his kiss hard, as hard as the body she shamelessly rubbed herself against. With a groan, he lowered his hands, slid them down her back until he cupped her ass and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. Once she secured her crossed ankles, he backed her against a wall to keep her upright, and she immediately felt the bulge of his erection pressing against her core.

  She moaned, threading her fingers through his hair, their mouths never parting, making up for lost time. When she was in his arms, she was able to forget everything but him.

  “God, I missed you,” he said, his hips thrusting upward, causing sensation to burst forth inside her.

  Not wanting to talk, she pulled on his hair, directing his mouth back to hers, and he was only too happy to comply. Kissing her again, he slid his hand up her shirt, his rough skin skimming over the bare skin of her belly and up toward her breast.

  “Braden?” a male voice called out, and the sound of the door opening followed.

  She jumped out of his arms and began adjusting her clothes at the same time Austin, Braden’s oldest brother, walked into the room.

  “What do you want, Austin?” Braden asked through clenched teeth. He reached for Willow, but she was too mortified to go to him.

  “I need to… I mean excuse me,” she said, rushing past Austin and out of the room, heading to the bathroom, which she found next door.

  Ducking inside, she shut the door and locked it behind her. She glanced in the mirror and discovered her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright, and her hair messed from his fingers.

  She blew out a deep breath and splashed cold water onto her face. “No regrets,” she said to her reflection.

  How else could she get Braden out of her system if she didn’t let the passion play out? And oh my God, was there passion. Even more than she’d remembered. What was the expression? Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

  She shook her head. No. Not the heart. Bracing her hands on the countertop, she ducked her head, came to a decision, and met her gaze once more. He could have her body but not her heart. She nodded her head at the thought. It worked for her. She’d spend nights with him when it worked for her and be a total professional during the day. And when she was finally over him, which she would be because he had left her, after all, she’d be the one to walk away.

  Having made the decision, she felt a weight lift off her chest. Now she just prayed she was strong enough to carry out her plan and not fall for the man all over again.

  She waited until her face coloring returned to normal and headed back to the party, finding Bri and Aurora and joining their conversation, pretending she hadn’t just been making out with Braden in another room.

  * * *

  Braden watched Willow bolt out of the room. Meanwhile his cock throbbed in his pants, and the evidence was obvious thanks to the bulge in his jeans. Not giving a shit that his brother was watching, he adjusted himself and glared at his sibling.

  Austin pushed the door shut and shrugged. “Sorry, man.”

  Braden ground his teeth together. “Great timing, asshole.” He finally had Willow where he wanted her, and Austin had to interrupt. “What do you want?”

  Austin shoved his hands into his trouser pockets. “I didn’t see you around and didn’t realize Willow was missing, too. Figured I’d make sure you were all right. I know readjusting to being home can’t be easy, and we haven’t had much time to catch up.”

  “I was working on the hard parts when you interrupted,” he muttered.

  Austin, the older brother who’d always acted like a parent, braced his hand on Braden’s neck. “How’s it going?”

  “Well, it was going great until you walked in.”

  Austin released him and rolled his eyes. “That’s sex. How’s it really going? You left her, right? And she wasn’t exactly cozying up to you earlier in the main room. In fact, she was avoiding you entirely.” He sounded serious, not like he was taking any pleasure in pointing out the fact.

  With a groan, Braden flopped onto the bed. “She’s still pissed. Doesn’t trust me. I’m trying to take what I can get while showing her she can believe in me this time.”

  “And you think sex is the way to convince her?” Austin sounded surprised.

  “Hey, it can’t hurt to remind her of our chemistry while showing her all my stellar qualities at the same time.” He would have laughed but it wasn’t funny. “I’m working at proving myself, believe me.”

  Austin nodded. “That’s all you can do. Meanwhile, it’s almost dinnertime so let’s go eat.”

  “Sounds like the best idea you’ve had all day.” Because it certainly hadn’t been walking in here, he thought, still frustrated because of the interruption.

  They rejoined the family to find his mother had opened the chafing trays on the kitchen island for their buffet-style dinner. There were too many people for any kind of sit-down-and-be-served dinner. Damon had brought some teammates and there was a folding table set up in another room where the guys had congregated.

  Braden looked around for Willow and found her across the room talking to Aurora, both women sitting, Aurora on a chair, Willow on an ottoman. He strode over to join them, catching Willow’s gaze first and noting the flush that rose to her cheeks when she met his gaze, the kiss still alive between them.

  “Am I interrupting?” he asked.

  “Nope. We were just talking about … things,” Aurora said, and he could sense her being deliberately vague.

  He allowed her privacy. “Are you hungry? The food’s out in the kitchen.”

  “We thought we would wait until everyone got theirs and then we’d go eat,” Willow said.

  He laughed. “Smart. I wouldn’t want my hand to get between my brothers and food. Animals, the lot of them.” He grinned, causing both women to chuckle.

  “I’m going to the ladies’ room before dinner,” Aurora said, pushing herself to a standing position and centering herself before walking off.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, taking the young woman’s seat.

  Willow nodded. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.” He leaned in close, unsure what she wanted to say, but it sounded serious.

  She glanced over her shoulder before turning back, seemingly satisfied. “About Aurora. I can’t let her go back to a closet room in the back of a diner. I just can’t.” She looked at him with wide eyes as she said, “I want to let her move in with me.”

  He hadn’t seen that coming but maybe he should have. Willow could obviously relate to her, and he’d known that when he’d made the decision to bring her with him to meet Aurora. But to have a stranger move in?

  “Do you think I can trust her?” she asked on a whisper, as if reading his mind. “I realize that sounds awful, but I don’t know her, and yet I can’t let her live the way she has been.”

  He blew out a long breath. “Seems like you’ve already decided. And yes, my gut says you can trust her. But it’s still a risk.” One that w
orried him. Because really, what did they know about Aurora?

  “Where will she sleep? You’re in a one-bedroom.” He’d move them both in with him, but he had no room, either, and there wasn’t a chance Willow would agree.

  She wrinkled her nose in thought. “My sofa is a pullout. I can sleep there. She can have my room. We travel quite a few more weekends, anyway.”

  He shook his head. “You can’t–”

  “I can. She’s pregnant and looks exhausted, like she hasn’t slept. Did the bed in her room look solid?”

  He ran his hand over his eyes. “It was a cot.”

  “Then that’s that.” Willow folded her arms across her chest, obviously determined. “Listen, I know what it’s like to have no one. I can’t imagine being her age and pregnant with no support system.”

  “And how will she get to work at the diner?”

  “Oh my God, you’re never going to believe this!” Aurora came rushing over, excitement in her voice. “Bri offered me a desk job at Dare Nation! She knows I only have a high school diploma, but she said I could answer phones and be trained. I don’t have to stand on my feet all day taking orders anymore!” She covered her belly with her hand. “And I’ll be making more money. There’s a bus that goes from the diner to the area where Dare Nation is… Wait.”

  The bubble of excitement popped, and her shoulders drooped. “Merry may not let me stay in my room if I’m not working for her.”

  “I think it’s amazing Bri offered you a job,” he said. His sister had a big heart.

  Braden met Willow’s gaze. He really wanted her to take more time and think about the idea of Aurora moving in, but he saw exactly where this situation was leading. She hadn’t gotten over her past, and that was pulling her to Aurora more deeply than he’d imagined.

  “It’s great,” Willow agreed. “And I have a solution to your living situation if you’re interested.”

  Aurora’s eyes opened wide as she listened to Willow’s offer. The next thing he knew, the girl was crying in gratitude, Willow was hugging her tight, and Braden’s throat grew full. This woman deserved the world, and he only knew that somehow he had to find a way to give it to her. To prove to her that he wouldn’t fail her again.

  After Aurora centered herself and was ready, they went to the buffet table and filled their plates. Aurora hesitated to load hers up, taking a tiny bit of turkey, sweet potato, and vegetable. Willow met his gaze, and he took over, grabbing the spoon and filling all three of their plates until the women were laughing and begging him to stop.

  They wound up at the end of the dining room table his mother had added extensions to and settled in to eat. Aurora was across from them in deep conversation with Bri.

  And Braden couldn’t take his gaze off Willow, wondering how he’d ever get alone time now that she would have a roommate. He’d just have to cajole her over to his place. Or maybe he could finagle connecting rooms at their next away game, even though the last time was a fluke.

  “How’s dinner?” he asked, wanting to keep his mind off of how he could get Willow into bed.

  “So good.” She put a huge spoonful of sweet potato pie into her mouth and groaned, the sound going straight to his cock.

  Thank God the tablecloth covered the front of his pants.

  “So aren’t you glad I showed up unannounced and saved your day?” he asked, eating but not paying attention to his own food.

  “Okay, yes. I’m glad,” she said, turning to the turkey and dipping it in extra gravy.

  “And glad we came to an agreement?” he asked, speaking quietly, glad Quinn, who was on the other side of Willow, was busy feeding baby Jenny in the high chair. He didn’t need an audience for this conversation.

  She turned and met his gaze. “I’m not really sure what we agreed to.”

  He treated her to his best grin. “More of what happened between us earlier, that’s what.” And more emotional moments where he could cement their connection, but he wasn’t about to tell her that and freak her out.

  She swallowed hard. “I can handle that.” She spoke softly.

  His mother tapped a glass, calling for everyone’s attention. “I’d like to say a few words.”

  Around the table, everyone grew silent.

  His mom stood, tucking a strand of her dark hair with blonde highlights behind her ear. “It’s a rare treat for me to have all my children home for a holiday, nobody off playing a game or rushing out on a work emergency, and today I’m grateful.”

  “We love you, Mom!” Damon called from beside his wife.

  Everyone laughed and murmured agreements.

  She glanced around the table, taking everyone in. “I want to welcome all our guests, as well. I’m so happy to have everyone.”

  Instinctively, Braden reached over, grasped Willow’s hand, and squeezed tight, bringing it to his lap. This was what he wanted, her to be a part of his big, boisterous family.

  His mom continued. “My family is expanding and I couldn’t be more thrilled.” Her gaze traveled to the new women in their world, Macy, Quinn, and Evie, ultimately landing on Willow and remaining for a few seconds.

  A few too long. Because a glance at her profile told him his mom’s words had been too much for her. She was suddenly stiff and looking around to escape.

  Leaning over, he whispered to her. “Relax. Nobody’s forcing you to marry me today,” he said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

  And this time he didn’t add the word yet. Although he thought it.

  His words did the job. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, grinning at his ridiculous comment.

  “Of course, I wouldn’t mind if all my children were settled.” Thankfully, his mother then turned her gaze to Bri. She sat beside Hudson, who hadn’t left her side for most of the afternoon.

  Braden didn’t have a problem with his best friend having a thing for his sister as long as Hudson had good intentions. The problem was, Bri didn’t trust men outside her small circle of family.

  “Do not go there, Mom. Marriage and babies don’t have to be in everyone’s future.” She placed her napkin on the table and excused herself before walking out.

  Hudson followed.

  “Well, forget I said anything,” his mom said and lowered her glass. “I meant well.”

  “She’ll come back,” Austin assured her as everyone else began quietly speaking again.

  “What’s going on?” Willow asked softly.

  He groaned because Bri, like Willow, had her emotional walls high and for good reason. “Bri’s been hurt before by men who have used her for her connections through Dare Nation or our brothers, who are in the sports world. It’s going to take a man without an agenda to win her over.”

  “Makes sense,” she murmured. “And Hudson? Do I sense an attraction there?”

  “Looks like it to me. He has his work cut out for him if he’s serious.”

  Willow met his gaze, her brown eyes full of understanding. “Then it looks like you have a lot in common.”

  Reaching out, he placed a hand on her leg beneath the table, squeezing her thigh. “Then it’s a good thing I’m up to the challenge.”

  * * *

  Willow had to admit that the holiday at the Prescotts’ had been fun. The women had all welcomed her and made her feel comfortable, as had Braden’s brothers. Of course, she knew the teammates who’d come for dinner, and that had helped. And despite Braden’s mother’s push for the twins to settle down and her pointed look at Willow, the day had been a success. And the rest of the weekend was busy.

  Willow insisted Aurora pack her things and move into her place immediately, and when she saw where the young girl had been living, she had no regrets or hesitation. The air conditioning barely worked in the back room, and Braden had been right. The room was the size of a closet, and ironically, it had none. Closet, that is. So Willow and Braden loaded up what little Aurora owned and moved her into Willow’s apartment.

  Despite it being Thanksgiving weekend and
the stores being extra crowded, she took Aurora shopping for clothes to wear to her new job, lending money, which the young woman promised to pay back as soon as possible. Willow didn’t care as long as she knew she was helping someone in need. She loved watching Aurora blossom as she tried on new maternity clothes that fit and made her feel good about herself.

  Because she and Braden weren’t alone after Thanksgiving, they hadn’t discussed that kiss or where they stood now. He gave her space, and when she saw him at the facility on Friday and Saturday, and at the home game on Sunday, he was professional as always in front of other people.

  And through the week, though she expected him to corner her in her office or sneak time alone, he did neither. In fact, he seemed uptight, and when he didn’t have patients, he left the facility altogether. Which led her to question if he’d changed his mind about pursuing her and wanting to prove he’d changed and would stay around. He wasn’t the type to play games, so she assumed he really had been busy.

  At home, despite Aurora’s objection, Willow took the pullout sofa, and they settled into an easy routine. Willow left for work before Aurora woke, and the bathroom was in the hall, so Willow didn’t have to worry about waking her up. She just picked her clothes out the night before. Meanwhile, Aurora took the bus to work, and Bri was getting her settled at the office.

  This weekend was an away game, and Willow was packing a few extra things when a knock sounded on her door. She walked through her living area, which, considering it was now her bedroom, was well cleaned. Every morning she put the blankets and pillows she’d used away in the linen closet and made sure any of her clothes were in the hamper. Keeping her living area neat was a holdover from her days when she wanted the foster family she lived with to want to keep her with them. Even when she didn’t like them all that much, the thought of starting over had always been daunting, and yet time after time, she’d had no choice.

  Shaking her head, she checked the peephole and let Steffy inside. “Hi! How are you?” She shut the door behind her friend.

  “Excited to be going to the game this weekend, roomie.” Willow had put Steffy on the rotation. She was joining the team for the away game and they were sharing a room. When Willow was the only female trainer, she stayed by herself.


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