Fractured Core (Untold Tales Book 6)

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Fractured Core (Untold Tales Book 6) Page 5

by Laura Greenwood

  "Yes, thank you. Are you alright?" I asked, worried for her health. The last thing I needed was a maid who hated me. It was a good way to end up dead.

  "I'm so sorry, Your Highness, I don't mean to be distracted..."

  "Hannah, it's not a problem," I said, cutting her off before she got herself too worked up. "I understand why you're feeling the way you are. I'm sorry you went through that."

  "I'm sorry that I didn't check the dress more thoroughly, if I had, maybe you wouldn't have ended up so sick." Her wide eyes were full of regret.

  "You have nothing to be sorry for," I assured her. "You'd only been a lady's maid for a matter of days, you had no way of knowing that there was anything wrong with that dress until the moment I collapsed. And once I did, you got help. I should be thanking you for saving my life." That might be a stretch in the reality of things, but it was what she needed to hear right now, and that was what I needed to give her.

  "Thank you, Your Highness." She fell to her knees.

  Discomfort wormed its way through me. I hated it when people acted this way. There was no way I could keep this up with all the people in the kingdom, it would exhaust me in a matter of days.

  "Your Highness, Your Highness!" a messenger called, saving me from the awkward situation I'd found myself in.

  I indicated to Hannah that she could rise even as I turned to the messenger. He sounded panicked, and that wouldn't be the case unless there was a good reason.

  "What's happened?" I asked, bad scenario after bad scenario running through my head. Had Brutus been captured? Or Jonathan injured during a training session? He'd taken it upon himself to start teaching the men some of the moves he'd been taught in his own kingdom, something I was incredibly grateful for.

  "There's a spy from the palace in the cabin. Your presence is needed," the messenger told me.

  "Thank you, I'll make my way there now. Why don't you take some rest and refreshments from one of the campfires," I dismissed him, both of us knowing my question wasn't a real one.

  "I'll make sure everything is tidy in your tent, Your Highness," Hannah promised, before running off in that direction.

  Now alone, I strode towards the cabin, hoping that the others were already assembled. I didn't want to wait for them in order to hear what the spy had to say.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I entered the cabin to find I was the last one to arrive. Jonathan, who had somehow made his way into the army's inner circle without me doing anything, came straight over to me and pressed a mug of tea into my hand.

  "Thank you." It warmed my hands and I enjoyed it for a moment before turning my attention to where it needed to go. "What's going on?" I asked the spy.

  "I've just come from the palace," he started, a little unnecessarily. "What do you know of a Duke Travers?" he asked.

  I stopped moving, and Jonathan sucked in a breath beside me. Duke Travers was bad news. If he was part of why the spy was here, then it wasn't good news.

  "He sent a messenger to us about a month ago, and I've been sending him messages ever since. He doesn't respond to anything," I said.

  Brutus looked as if he was ready to hunt down the Duke and murder him.

  "I'm afraid the Duke is dead," the spy said.

  "Dead?" I echoed, unable to fully believe what I was hearing. "What happened to him?"

  "Everything is very hushed at the moment," the spy said. "I'm sure I'll be able to find out more when I return to the palace. But it's being said that he attacked the visiting prince in an attempt to start a war, but the prince killed him."

  I exchanged a glance with Jonathan, suddenly glad that we'd chosen to keep his identity a secret.

  "What's happened to the prince?" I asked.

  "Nothing, as far as I can tell. He's been spending a lot of time with the queen and it doesn't seem like he'll be punished at all," the spy said.

  That was good news. It meant that Jonathan's name wouldn't be sullied. I could have fixed it once I regained the throne anyway, but that wasn't the point. With the way things were going, I needed to keep his name clear so that people will accept him as a consort.

  I paused for a moment, shock flowing through me. I was already thinking about him as my prince consort? When had that happened? I pushed the thought away. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about this.

  "Is there anything else to report?" I asked before dismissing him. Yet another change from the princess I used to be. In the past, I'd have dismissed him already.

  He shook his head. "Nothing of note. A lot of the nobles from the kingdom have arrived at the palace for the ball, but it's impossible to tell what any of them are thinking."

  I nodded. That sounded like the nobles I used to know. There were alliances throughout the court, but most people kept them under wraps for fear of something damaging them.

  "Thank you for your time," I said. "Please take all the rest and refreshment you need before heading back to the palace."

  "Thank you, Your Highness." He dipped his head and then slipped out of the building, leaving me alone with the people whose opinions I trusted the most.

  "What do we do now?" Rita asked. "If people are trying to start a war on your behalf..."

  "Then we need to do something to stop it. Make it known that we don't condone that kind of behaviour." It was the only way I could see of getting the nobility back in line.

  I looked up, meeting Jonathan's eyes. His idea of a fealty type ceremony was looking more and more appealing by the moment. I nodded to him. I wanted him to make the suggestion, that way he'd seem like a more suitable match than he did already.

  "What about a ceremony where people can swear their loyalty to you?" he suggested.

  "I think that's a good idea," I said immediately.

  Brutus' shock was evident on his face, but I chose to not say anything about it. This was my kingdom, and my crown. When I said I wanted to do something, it was ultimately final. Though that didn't mean I wouldn't listen to advise. Sometimes, the mere idea of being royal was exhausting. I wasn't sure how anyone in the past had managed to cope long enough to have a child to pass the crown along to. I supposed there was no one to ask about how they managed. My family was all gone, with only Katya remaining, and she wasn't exactly the best choice to talk to about all of this.

  "Send out a summons," I said to Brutus. "Be careful in the wording. This isn't an invitation. I expect the people we call upon to attend."

  "Of course, Your Highness." He dipped his head.

  I turned to Rita. "There's an abandoned ruin half a day's ride from here. Please have it prepared for the ceremony." It was close enough that it was easy for us to get to, but not to give away our real location. It was still a risk. Anyone could give my location to Katya in the hopes of gaining some kind of favour, but that was a risk I was going to have to take.

  "Yes, Your Highness," she responded, the expression on her face clearly suggesting she was running through all of the things she needed to do in order to get it ready.

  "We need scouts in position immediately. If the area is compromised, then we'll have to withdraw to a new location, but I'd rather know in advance."

  Brutus nodded. It was hard to miss the glint of pride in his eyes. He'd been urging me to step into this role since the beginning, I was certain he was relieved I was finally stepping fully into the role.

  "What happens if any of the nobles refuse to attend?" Jonathan asked.

  "At this point, nothing," I admitted. "Katya's rule is too complete and I can't ask them to defy her if they're not ready to. They'll be given a chance to swear again once I take the throne and if they choose not to, that's when we'll do something about it."

  He smiled at me, silently showing his support without saying anything. I appreciated that. He truly did have the makings of a good prince consort. And if it wasn't me he ended up with, then it would be some other princess, one who I'd grow to hate in time.

  I'd better stop that from becoming a reality.

ter Twelve

  The wind rippled the flags that had been put out over the top of the ruined wall. Sapphire darted and dived between them, enjoying the freedom of stretching her wings. She couldn't sit with me during the ceremony, but that didn't mean she wasn't close. I tried not to focus on the fact it was my emblem on them and instead paced back and forth.

  "You're going to wear a hole in the floor if you're not careful," Jonathan said, amusement dancing behind his words but not quite coming through them.

  "I can't help it. What if no one shows?" It was my greatest fear about doing this ceremony. Normally, when these things happened, they were in a palace and a throne room. I had neither. I was just a displaced princess standing in a ruined castle.

  "They're going to show," he assured me. "They'd be crazy not to. Everyone will have heard about the rebellion, and if they know what's good for them, they'll show their support."

  "Hmm." I wasn't sure I completely agreed with him. Probably because I wasn't all that comfortable with the whole situation still. I didn't want to be here demanding something from the nobles.

  "Deep breaths, Lucia. You look beautiful," he assured me.

  "I don't need to look beautiful, I need to look like a queen," I pointed out.

  "Believe me, you do. Any man who didn't follow you would be a fool."

  "If you keep showering me with compliments, then I'm going to start thinking you're after something," I quipped.

  He chuckled. "The only thing I'm after is you." He took my hand in his and lifted it to his mouth, pressing a chaste kiss there.

  Tingles spread through me, but I ignored them. Now wasn't the time for me to act on it. That could be saved for later.

  "Your Highness, Prince Jonathan, the nobles have arrived," Brutus said, popping his head around the side of the building we were using for privacy.

  "Thank you, we'll be out in a moment," I responded.

  I smoothed down my dress and felt for the circlet, checking that it was still firmly in place.

  "Are you sure you want me to walk you in?" he asked.

  I nodded. "I want them to get used to seeing you."

  A knowing smile spread over his face, but neither of us said anything about it. We both knew what it meant and that was enough for now. I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid dealing with the status of our relationship forever.

  "Shall we?" He held out his arm.

  I slipped my own through his and rested my hand there. It felt right. Which hopefully meant that it looked just as good to the people who'd no doubt be gathered to see me.

  If anyone had showed up.

  No. I couldn't think like that. Brutus had said everyone was waiting for me, which meant that there were people here.

  Trumpets began to sound, which was our cue to walk in. I should have been surprised at all of the official things we'd managed to find, more and more people were defecting to our side every day, which came with all the perks of having them.

  I took a deep breath as I walked in. I didn't lift my gown from the floor, even if I wanted to. It was a light peach colour and would end up with a scuffed hem as a result of walking on the bare ground, but there was nothing I could do about that. It was more important that I acted the way a queen would than saving a gown.

  Whispers started all around me, something else I'd expected. A lot of the nobles assembled wouldn't have seen me for years. This was their chance to see that I was alive and well, and that I was ready to take my place on the throne. I was almost certain that several of them were here for that reason alone and no other.

  We reached the front of the assembled people where a small throne had been set up. I gulped loudly at the sight of it, even if it wasn't the throne, it was symbolic, and sitting on it would signal the end of an era of ignorance.

  "All rise for the True Queen, Lucia," Brutus called out, his normal gruff voice booming through the noise of the people.

  As one, the nobles rose.

  I tried not to shake, but didn't think I did a good job of hiding my nerves.

  "You've got this," Jonathan assured me too quietly for anyone else to hear him.

  "Thank you." I pulled away from him, as we'd practised and walked up to the throne. I stood in front of it, waiting for a moment for everyone else to get into position.

  Jonathan took a couple of steps back and stood behind the throne. If anyone was paying attention to him, then they'd likely realise he was important to me. But for the most part, I suspected a lot of them would just look past him.

  "Please, be seated," I called out. I counted to three in my head as they all did so. It was more important than ever that I acted like a queen. "I've gathered you all here today in order for you to swear your fealty to me, the true Queen of this Kingdom. While I ask for your loyalty, know that I would never expect you to do anything that endangers your own lives. You are free to interact with the imposter's court as much as you have to in order for your families to survive."

  The expected chittering followed the start of my announcement. I'd expected that. Brutus had advised against me being so lenient with the people, but for me, it was the only way I was going to do this. I wouldn't punish anyone for keeping their family alive.

  "However," I continued, once the noise had settled down. "I also will require you not to do anything that impedes the rebellion. You will aid us when you can and support my claim to the throne and no one else's. You will not decide to act on my behalf without a letter of approval for your actions. I'm certain you've heard of the actions of the late Duke Travers. He is dead because he did something despite my requests for him not to."

  I looked around, meeting the gaze of several nobles in the front row. Some of them were nodding, others were contemplating what I'd said. Good. I didn't want anyone to just agree to this. They had to truly support my cause or their attestation of loyalty would be pointless.

  Without saying another word, I sat down in my throne and waited for the nobles to start doing what they were supposed to. A small part of me felt guilty for not giving them any more instructions, but Brutus had promised they'd know what to do.

  To my surprise, it was Jonathan that moved first. He walked solemnly from behind my throne and kneeled down in front of me, his sword bared just like it had been when we were alone.

  My heart pounded in my chest. To swear his loyalty, he'd have to reveal who he was. And no one would mistake what that would mean. He was a foreign prince. He owed me nothing unless he wanted to give it. I hadn't even thought about this as a possibility, but it would certainly send a powerful message.

  "I, Prince Jonathan, swear my everlasting and undying loyalty to Queen Lucia. Long live the Queen."

  "I accept your loyalty. Rise, Prince Jonathan and join my court," I said the words I'd prepared, not expecting them to stick in my throat as much as they did. I could have lied to myself and put it down to it being because it was Jonathan swearing allegiance to me, but I doubted that was the case. This whole thing felt too contrived for my tastes, but I still knew I needed to go through with it.

  Nobles rose from their seats and came forward, forming a line in front of me. I'd expected more of a kickback from what I was asking, but none of them seemed to be wary of going through with the ceremony.

  No matter how many of them swore their allegiance to me, or how many times I accepted it, the words didn't seem to come any easier. The weight of my crown increased with each subject that I accepted into my court. This was it. I was finally becoming a queen.

  A new understanding of the weight my father had carried every day of his life spread through me. How had I not realised the burden he carried? I should have been helping him. And helping Killian when it had become his turn. I even found myself commiserating with poor Katya, who had no one to help her with the weight of the crown.

  I chased those thoughts away. I couldn't sympathise with my enemy. That would make it impossible to defeat her when the time came. I had to keep my emotions about the woman who had been like a sister to me,
and the throne separate. If I didn't, then I would risk losing it all, something I wasn't ready to do yet.

  Until now, I'd never wanted the throne. But the more the weight of it increased, and the more subjects that swore allegiance, the more I realised I did want it. This was my birthright, and I was going to make sure I was the best queen I ever could be.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I almost sighed with relief, glad to be away from the ruined castle and the people and able to download from what had happened. I might have decided that I wanted to be queen, but that didn't mean I was ready to be surrounded every day.

  "Thank you, for what you did there," I said to Jonathan.

  "I meant every word. I didn't swear my fealty to you for show. I intend to stand by your side for as long as you'll have me there."

  I swung around to face him, stopping him in his tracks. Sapphire took advantage of the moment and swooped down to sit on my shoulder.

  "We're in the middle of the path," he pointed out, a smile on his face.

  "Only to the well, no one else will be here," I shot down his fake protest and stepped towards him.

  His arms snaked out, wrapping around my waist and pulling me close. Even without words, his expression said that he wouldn't do anything else without my permission. So I went up on my toes and pressed a kiss to his lips, scaring my hawk away in the process. I didn't worry about her too much, she'd be close by and would come back.

  We melted into one another, enjoying the comfort being close offered. This wasn't what I expected when he'd arrived at the camp, but it was a development I would happily accept.

  I pulled back, taking his hand with mine.

  "I take it that's you saying you'd like to keep me around," Jonathan murmured.

  "You've become decent company," I quipped.

  He chuckled deeply, but began to swing our hands back and forth as we continued walking down the path. Once we were at the well, we could take a few moments to enjoy nothing more than one another's company.


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