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Cheated Love

Page 2

by Kris Buendía

  “Good morning to you too.”

  “What are you up to” Moe is the first one to get close to me. His manly perfume invades my comfort zone and forces me to sneeze twice.

  “Shit” He complaints “You always do the same, are you allergic or something?”

  “I think it`s just of what you are wearing” Dixon replies.

  “I´m looking for an apartment and I can't make up my mind.

  Agatha and Moe are the ones that just this morning learned about my separation and now that I don't have a place to live, they look at each other. Dixon on the other hand has been begging me not to leave so quickly, that it is dangerous for a woman in my situation to leave alone.

  I see that Moe and Dixon are looking at me dead in the eyes.

  “Don´t look at me that way” she insisted.

  Of my three best friends, Dixon is the one that understands me best and is also the more serious of all of us. It is a pity that his love is not corresponded; he is by far the best guy a girl could have. I say that, the person who has been friends with him for year and has seen the best and worst about him. Like Moe, for example, who doesn't waste his time and goes out with lots of girls and the occasional guy, even though he denies it.

  “Let´s see” He pulls the seat from me and sits in my lap.

  “Bastard, you weigh more than my thoughts.”

  Dixon and Agatha laugh. Moe finally let me stand from my chair and sits.

  “I´m sure you will find something really nice” says Agatha “I wish I was single so you could come and live with me. I can talk to Ridge about it if you want.”

  “Don´t even think about it, Ridge is the best husband you could have dreamed of, the last thing you need right now is to carry your twenty eight year old homeless and divorced best friend.”

  “Hey” Dixon complaints “Thanks a lot for that.”

  “I don´t say it because of you honey. You know I love everything you do for me.”

  I get him to smile and carry on with my conversation with Agatha until Moe seems to have found something.

  “How about a skyscraper?”

  “I hate heights.”

  “A skyscraper in town, in the most exclusive streets of DC, luxury apartment ant the best thing of all is that you don't have to furnish it” He continues to look at the laptops screen “And it is really a skyscraper.”

  The three of us jumped to see what Moe was describing. This time I sit down on my friends lap and see the pictures.

  “Oh wow” I admire “It really is beautiful.

  “And expensive” Agatha comments” But you are the best surgeon I know and this hospital could have, you deserve this and much more.

  “I agree” Says Dixon “It is a beautiful place but I insist, you don't have to move out so quickly.”

  I stay quiet for a few moments while I listened to their comments. The apartment is beautiful and even though the price maybe the annual salary of a normal doctor, it really is worth it and I can afford it. Also I always wanted a place like that when I was single, but I occupied my time in giving the very best to my father first and as a result he has a beautiful home in California. When I had to take care of me was when I met Gabe and wealth was absurd to me.

  “I can't imagine the things you will be able to do there, Lana. “

  I look at my friends. The three of them are waiting for a reaction from me. And the truth is that I can't find anything wrong with the apartment. I could start from zero, I just hope I don't die trying. I smile to myself and look at my friends again.

  “Who wants to help me move in? Oh, it’s true” I remember “There will be no moving.”

  Moe is the first to hug me really tight. Then it`s Dixon`s turn and finally Agatha.

  “Jesus, let her breath” Moe complaints and I laugh.

  “Perfect, so tomorrow we will help you with whatever you need. It is the weekend so you will be able to start the week as a new woman. “

  “Thanks guys. “

  And that is how life works, it takes a husband away from me but gives me my three musketeers that are decided to fight this battle with me.

  Friends after all don't cheat on you.




  The apartment is even bigger that what the photos showed.

  “So Mrs. Miller. Is it perfect for you?”

  “Taynor” I correct him “Miller will soon cease to exist, and yes, it is perfect for me. “

  “My bad” He gives me a small smile and gives me the pen “In that case we better hurry, so we can celebrate in your new home.”


  Of course.

  Once I signed the papers I welcome myself to the house. I go through all of the hallways and I stop in my new kitchen. I think I will prepare some amazing dishes for my friends here from now on. The sheer size of it is incredible, and it`s kitchen island made out granite in the middle of it makes me think that maybe in another life I would have premiere it in a very different way.

  It`s really hot!

  I walk towards the living room and I contemplate the brand new white sofas, the soft furry rug under the little table full of fashion magazines. There is a beautiful oak bookcase that I will slowly fill with books, and it's big gorgeous lamps on each side give it the perfect finish touch.

  Now I go to the dining room. One, two, three, four…five, six. Perfect, there are plenty. Over the dining room table there are white fresh roses that even from here they smell exquisite. I continue walking around the apartment and finally I go to the place I've wanted to see since I got here. I run to my new bed and jump on it. I feel the brand new Egyptian cotton sheets, according to what the real state guy said. They smell like a single, free woman. There is also a matching rug like the one in the living room, but this one is bigger. It feels really soft under my feet and it's even furrier that the other one. There is a small sofa under the enormous 100 inches plasma TV that is on the wall.

  The person who decorated this apartment must have a really amazing sense of humor. The one in the living room is like this one or even bigger. I think the guys and I will like it. I could enjoy a classic movie or a TV show when I`m home.

  The whole minimalistic style of my new apartment makes me love it even more. I think I will be happy here.

  I go back to the living room and look for my Dad's picture. I place it in the corner where there are also fresh flowers and I smile.

  Now I feel at home.

  All of a sudden the doorbell rings and it almost gives me a heart attack. It has been so long since I've done something as simple as answering the door. I open the door…and there is no one there. Just as I am about to close the door I hear somebody slamming their door close.

  Somebody is having a bad day.

  A few minutes later I glance around and see some complimentary gifts in the kitchen. I make myself a cup of coffee and go to the terrace. You can breathe calmness and a little bit of solitude. I zip my coffee and the smell invades my comfort zone. As if somebody asked me to turn around, I do it and just as I do the man goes back in. It was definitely a man. One with good taste for perfumes. He smells delicious. Pity I couldn't see his face or say hello. I'm sure he is the one that slammed the door a little while ago.

  Could he be the one that rang my doorbell? I don't think so. He doesn’t seem to have any kids, I think that because I don't hear anybody on the other side. I better just forget it. This time somebody is really ringing my doorbell.


  “I`ve come to kidnap you” She says as she comes in and takes a look around. “We are going shopping. I can't go on looking at you with only your hospital clothes, and we are also filling this brand new fridge with food to heat up and we will break this apartment in, even though it is spectacular its sheer size is a bit depressing. Is it really a good idea for you to be living here all alone?”

; “I love it.”

  Agatha seems to have had enough of my answers and just says yes with her head.

  “Ok, in that case, give me the tour and let`s get your ass out of here as soon as possible. I've brought you a new dress that I bought on my way here, don't even think that you are coming out dressed like that”.

  I won`t argue anymore and I do as Agatha tells me to. I give her the tour and I change my clothes. I really love the dress that she bought for me. It is a sleeveless white dress with a really soft pattern up to me knees. I am lucky that they look good with my lilac converse, and we head out.

  “I can`t remember the last time that we went shopping together” I tell her while we wait for the elevator “Gabe was the one that gave the orders to our stylist on how I should dress, the truth is…”

  “Shut up” she interrupts me “Rule number one: You will never pronounce his name again while you are doing something for yourself. It is bad luck.”

  “You are completely right, this is a new beginning.”

  “And what a start” she says under her breath.

  “What did I miss?”

  “Shhh, look who is coming there. “

  I see where she is pointing to “almost” discreetly. There is a man with his back to me coming out of the next door apartment. It's the same mystery man” that smells delicious” from a while ago. As he is about to turn around, I get really nervous and look at my shoes.

  Holy cow, the outfit I'm wearing. I`m not only wearing converse just like a teenager, but I also have my hair in a really messy ponytail. On my face I'm only wearing my pink lipstick.

  Agatha clears her throat and I press my lips so as not to tell her to not even try…but it's too late. I hear her say:

  “Good afternoon.”

  I wait for an answer from the man and as soon as I look up the elevator comes.

  “Good afternoon ladies.”

  Oh my God!

  It's the sexiest husky voice I have ever heard. He must have a problem with me. I think that the moving and the separation have me in a really bad state.

  Little by little we get into the elevator and I stay behind. Agatha is next to me and the man is in front facing the elevator doors. I take the chance and look up.



  Nice suit.

  “Cute” Agatha whispers.

  “Shut up” I whisper back a little bit lower” he is going to hear you.

  “So what? It's better if he does, you are his new neighbor, beautiful and single.”

  “Agatha” I say no with my head.


  I bite my lower lip and keep looking at his back. He must be someone important for him to look that perfect at this time of day. He doesn't seem that friendly, he said hello politely, but his tone was a bit rough.

  His phone rings and I see him taking it from the inside pocket of his jacket.

  “I got your message” He starts saying, and I can see a bit of resentment in his voice “I`m on my way there now…no…incompetence is not part of my job description or yours…fire them all…yes…ok.”

  Agatha opens her mouth in shock and I open my eyes as wide as I can.

  He really seems like somebody important.


  Bad tempered.

  “Oh my god” Agatha whispers “This guy is an asshole. “

  “But a really good looking asshole” it slips out and the back of the asshole shakes.

  Has he heard us?


  “Shhh” my friend says “Jesus, Lana, control your impulses, you don't want to provoke a man in an elevator. “

  I stand mute for a second. I'm an idiot, I can't say that and in front of my new neighbor. I don't even recognize myself.

  The doors open and he is the first one out.

  “Bye” Agatha says loudly and I hide behind her when I see that he might turn around.

  “Shit, he's gone.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  “ What are you talking about? “ She asks smiling “He lives right next door to you, what I would give to see that ass again. “

  Oh shit.

  After the number one embarrassment with my best friend and the not so mysterious anymore neighbor, we get lost in an afternoon of shopping on every shop in the mall. Agatha helps me fill my closet once again. But this time, clothes that make me feel more me. Nothing labeled or high fashion. I can be elegant and simple at the same time.

  Bye”bye stuck up. Hello, Lana. Even though hiding from some reporters has given me great work, in the end I was able to disguise myself with some glasses. Besides, nobody expects to see the wife of Senator Miller in a place like this.

  After shopping for clothes we go to the supermarket and I buy everything my heart desires.

  Chocolate and ice cream.

  It`s a must.

  When we get home we start putting everything in its place and as I am about to put the last item on the closet my heart jumps out of my chest.

  “No, no, no” She says as she takes the dress out of my hands “no crying, Lana. Let's go to the kitchen. We will make some dinner and I can stay over if you want. I know that my husband wouldn't mind if I stayed with you.”

  “I`m going to be fine” I say as I whimper “Don`t worry, it is just that this whole thing seems so surreal. I have to call my father and tell him that Gabe and I will not be going on our planned trip next month. I don't even have the courage to tell my father the truth. What type of daughter am I?”

  “The best one. You don't need to worry him right now and that is ok. But you must know one thing. Or you want to protect your father or you don't want to accept the fact that your marriage has gone to the dumpster.”

  I hadn't thought about it that way. Maybe Agatha is right. The thing about getting out of the house, and lying to my father is part of the things I don't want to get over just yet.

  “I just need time to talk to him. I haven't even mourned the separation. Would you believe me if I told you that I haven't cried a single tear? I have cried, but not because of pain, but because of anger and to present myself as normal as I can. “

  “Well, I mean, it`s ok. I`m not a psychologist, but in the meantime, let’s cook some dinner and talk about boys. “

  “Ok. You can invite Ridge if you want, so I can rest easy knowing that another marriage isn't ruined. “

  The night comes and for the first time I feel more alive, more me. There is a wall in my heart that is about to go down, and I am being strong for my friends and to show myself that I can go through this. I haven't received any calls from Gabe.

  What an idiot.

  I have to stop thinking about that. I have to fucking start getting over this. I have a new dreamy apartment. An extraordinary career and the best friends I could hope for.

  Do I need anything else?

  Love? Of course not.

  Love has swindled me.



  I lied.

  I don't want to start getting over him. Three years, three years were I thought I was happy next to my husband. With his lifestyle, his rules. But now I realize that I wasn't really happy and that I was living a lie.

  Now I cry. But not only because I was dumped and betrayed. But because of me, because I lost three years of my life next to a man that used me and that in the blink of an eye forced me to restart living my life. I have forced the thought into my mind that I am not the one with the problem, but let's face it, it's the second time that my heart has been broken. They say that you can only bear three heartbreaks in your life in order to stop believing in love.

  I stopped believing in love ever since Kiefer stood me up in the altar of that little Chapel in Apple Valley. I thought I was dreaming, but it wasn't a dream and even more when I run with my white dress, left to me by my late mother, and saw him getting down with Zara L
orens, the “Regina George” [1] of Apple Valley.

  “You can join in if you want” he said moaning.

  I left that place running as if my life depended on it.

  And in reality it was. At the young age of 17. It would be stupid for somebody my age to say I was crazy in love with Kiefer, the hottest guy in town. But the truth was that I was in love with him.

  We had grown up together, he was at my mom's funeral, in every birthday until he proposed. We planned on staying in California, but together we would have a successful career. He always wanted to be a pilot and I a doctor. I just hope that the bastard fulfilled his dreams of being a pilot because being the perfect husband didn't work.

  My cell phone rings, I`ve been like this for hours and days, I`m tired of checking the battery life, and it will die soon. Just like me. In my not so new apartment that now is looking really bad. There are clothes all over the room. I haven't even cleaned anything, not even myself.

  I haven't gone to work either and I think I'm fired. Even though I didn't have any surgeries scheduled for these days, as if I knew I would fall into this self”pity pit. This last thing worries me, if I want to keep on living here and lick my wounds I have to go back to work. But I don't have the strength to do so.

  I hear the doorbell ring. I am not getting up from here. The guys must be worried about me, they must have seen this coming and I should have been wiser about it.

  Now somebody is calling at the door with their fist, I don't care either, they can take the door down and I wouldn't care. The wall from my soul has been torn down and I am a mess. Finally some silence, and I go back to closing my eyes.


  My head hurts.

  I don't even know if it is day or night. Like I have some difficulty in doing so. I still feel just as awful. Only when I sleep can I feel some peace. But not in the past few days. I have had some of the worst nightmares, I wake up crying and looking for Gabe, and afterwards I remember that the bastard is no longer part of my life and it goes away.

  “It is time to wake up” A voice says and I jump out of the bed.


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