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Shadow of Intrigue

Page 16

by Christy Barritt

  And he was disgusted at what he saw. At the memories the doctor had repressed.

  And the reason behind everything.

  “You’ve been drugging me and using your therapy to make me forget key moments in my life—like Lisa. But you were afraid I would remember too much one day. That’s why you had to make it seem like I’m losing my mind.”

  “Now why would I do that?”

  The smug tone in Dr. Larson’s voice made Braden’s skin crawl.

  “Because I remembered your name was on a list I saw from The Revolt,” Braden said. “You’re one of them.”

  Lisa audibly gasped.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Dr. Larson muttered. “You’re out of your mind.”

  Braden’s back stiffened at his words. He’d believed that lie for too long. “But I’m not. After Thomas was killed during the training exercise, you started to hate the country that had taken your son from you. I came to you for treatment, and you were afraid I knew. You recovered that memory, and you knew you had to do something. So you’ve basically been brainwashing me, as well as keeping an eye on me.”

  Something shifted in the doctor’s eyes. “None of this was supposed to happen like this.”

  “No, it wasn’t. You just wanted me put away. You wanted me to be charged with stalking Lisa. You wanted me to look responsible for John Linksi—you took a hammer and sandpaper to my hands.”

  “I must have dropped them on my way out.” Dr. Larson’s face darkened. “It was a sloppy mistake.”

  “You wanted me out of your hair. But you couldn’t bring yourself to kill me.” Braden glanced at Lisa. Saw the fear on her face.

  His heart squeezed. He had to get her away from Dr. Larson.

  But the doctor had a gun, and Braden didn’t. Braden would need to choose each action very carefully.

  Dr. Larson’s nostrils flared. “You were Thomas’s friend. You can understand where it might be difficult.”

  “Of course it would be difficult. But that wasn’t going to stop you, if it boiled down to it.”

  “Do you know what will happen if authorities learn my name is on the roll for The Revolt? Everything will be ruined. My wife will never look at me in the same way again.”

  “You should have thought about that before you joined them.”

  Dr. Larson jerked Lisa closer to him, his face turning red. “Let’s just make this easier and get it over with.”

  Lisa let out a cry as the doctor squeezed her arm.

  “Don’t hurt her,” Braden growled. Why did the doctor have to pull her into this? She was innocent. Then again, people like Dr. Larson didn’t care. They only cared about their own agendas.

  “I’m sorry it has to be this way. I really am.” Dr. Larson flexed the muscles in his hand, as if preparing himself to pull the trigger and end Lisa’s life.

  Braden raised his hand, trying to get the doctor to calm down before Lisa became a casualty here. He couldn’t handle the thought of it. No, he and Lisa had so much of life ahead of them, waiting to explore. “Don’t do this, Doc.”

  “I have to. You ruined our plan.”

  Braden’s stomach twisted again. This whole time Braden had thought he was out of his mind. Really, it was Dr. Larson who had issues. “Your plan with The Revolt to kill thousands of people?”

  Anger flashed in the doctor’s eyes. “There are good people involved. We just have to get people to see our vision.”

  “How did you get involved? Why?” That was the one thing Braden truly didn’t understand. Braden wanted answers—but he also wanted to keep the doctor talking to buy time.

  “They found me after Thomas died. It started simple. A man who used the treadmill next to me at the gym. He was nice. And he was a recruiter. I told him about Thomas, and he reminded me about how angry I should be. Look what the government had done to my son! Eventually, they convinced me to become part of them.”

  “They just wanted to get to me, didn’t they?” The thought of it made Braden sick to his stomach. How could so many people be so messed up?

  Dr. Larson’s face reddened. “You were my primary mission, yes. They discovered you were the one behind the thwarting of their plan. They wanted revenge. They saw me as the best way to exact that revenge. I agreed.”

  Lisa let out a little gasp. The doctor must be squeezing her arm tighter. Pressing the gun harder.

  Braden wanted nothing more than to secure her in the safety of his arms. But he couldn’t do that. Not yet.

  “Thomas’s death was a terrible accident, Dr. Larson. All of his colleagues mourned for him.” Calm him down, Braden. Calm him down. Buy time.

  “They didn’t mourn enough!” The doctor’s voice rose. “They didn’t understand the loss I felt. The loss my wife felt. Someone needed to pay.”

  “There are better ways.”

  “I’m tired of talking.” Dr. Larson repositioned his gun against Lisa’s temple. “I’m sorry, Braden. But we just need to get this over with.”

  He was going to shoot Lisa, Braden realized. His heart clutched with grief. With fear. With agony.

  “No!” Braden yelled.

  But it was too late.

  A gunshot filled the air.

  Lisa waited to feel the pain and agony of being shot.

  But there was nothing.

  Maybe she’d gone into shock.

  She had no idea.

  But the next instant, Braden held her in his arms.

  Dr. Larson slipped away.

  And Mac came into view.


  “Are you okay?” Braden asked, studying her. His voice sounded tense and breathless, and his gaze was filled with worry.

  Lisa didn’t know. Was she okay? She tried to take a mental inventory. She glanced down the length of her. She didn’t see any wounds. But . . . that gunshot. Was she in shock? Could she not feel anything because of it?

  “I . . . I think I’m okay.”

  “Jack came and found me.” Mac grabbed the gun from the floor. “I sneaked in through the back door and into the kitchen. I heard everything.”

  Lisa turned around and saw Dr. Larson on the floor, a pool of blood around his shoulder. He moaned.

  Braden pulled her back, holding her in his arms, as he glanced back at his doctor.

  “I’m so sorry you got dragged into this, Lisa.”

  She looked up at him, her heart filling with love. “I’m sorry you were pulled into it. How did you remember?”

  “I had a flash of memory about a conversation regarding believing the truth and figuring out the lies in our lives. I . . . well, I didn’t take my medication last night. I just wanted to see how I would feel if I didn’t. I figured since your friends were there, it would be a good time to try that. I woke up with so much clarity.”

  “The mix you were taking . . . it was toxic.”

  “Yeah, I know that now. Earlier, I found evidence that someone made my hands look beat-up, and I knew there was more going on. I began having flashbacks, and I remembered seeing Dr. Larson’s name on a list written by The Revolt. I was afraid he might come after you to get to me.”

  “I’m glad you remembered when you did. Good timing.”

  “God timing, I’d say.”

  She licked her lips, hesitant to ask her next question. But she had to know, even if the answer wasn’t what she wanted. “Does that mean you remember . . .”

  Braden smiled and reached for her. “Yeah, I remember you. And me. Together.”

  Tears pushed to her eyes. “I can’t tell you how happy that makes me.”

  “The doctor tried to make me forget.” He pulled her into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “I’m glad you’re okay too.”

  “I’m going to be okay,” he said. “For the first time in forever, I know I’m going to be okay.”


  Lisa stood back from the busyness around her and smiled.

  Thanksgiving dinner was going in full force here at the Crazy Ch
efette, and the sweet warmth of the moment wrapped around her, rivaling the comforting scent of apples, cinnamon, and bacon-wrapped turkey.

  Though Lisa had fixed some of her signature crazy recipes for this event, she’d also fixed plenty of traditional ones. After all, what was Thanksgiving but a celebration of traditions? Traditions not just of food, but of giving thanks and being with loved ones.

  Though she’d originally planned the feast for just her and her friends, it had turned into something more. She’d invited all of her Meals on Wheels participants—the ones who were able to get out on occasion—as well as anyone else on the island who didn’t have family in town.

  Her restaurant was packed.

  She was thrilled to see her regular gang here, including Ty and Cassidy. Mac, Doc Clemson, Pastor Jack, and even Jimmy James, the town’s lovable bad boy, were also here. Carter Denver, the island’s favorite musician, played some soft guitar music in the corner—songs about finding love and being thankful to God. Skye’s niece, Serena, was finally back in town, and she’d driven her ice cream truck here. If people guessed the amount of candy corn in a jar she brought, she was going to give them free ice cream for a year.

  This was Lisa’s vision for the restaurant. It was never just about food. It was about using food to bring people together. To practice the art of community. To be a place where people could share their lives with one another.

  As she let out a contented sigh, someone’s arms slipped around her from behind.

  Lisa smiled as warmth filled her. She knew exactly who it was.

  “Hello, Braden,” she murmured.

  He leaned down close—close enough that his cheek brushed hers. His familiar scent, his overpowering and protective stature, his warm voice . . . all those things made a burst of joy explode inside her.

  “This looks like a rousing success,” he murmured in her ear.

  “I’d say so.”

  Braden was doing so much better now that a reputable therapist had taken control of his medications. He was well on track for weaning himself off many of his prescriptions. With the change in his Rx, so many of his issues had gone away.

  For the time being, he was staying in one of the spare bedrooms at Jack’s place. He was helping Ty with the remodel during the week and helping Lisa at the restaurant on weekends.

  Maybe when he was cleared by his new therapist, he would apply for a position with either the Lantern Beach Police Department or the Coast Guard. He wasn’t sure yet. But Lisa knew he’d figure it out.

  As the door opened, Lisa sucked in a breath.

  John Linksi stepped inside. He walked with a cane while his leg recovered, and his face still didn’t look quite normal—it was swollen and pale with several cuts that were still healing.

  But he was here. And he was walking.

  And . . . Lisa had invited him.

  John’s gaze went to her, and Lisa braced herself. She hadn’t talked to the man much since the incident that put him in the hospital, and she wasn’t sure how he would act being here. Like a crazy drunk? Like a hard-to-please critic?

  For a split moment, she second-guessed herself. Maybe inviting him wasn’t a good idea.

  As if Braden could read her mind, he squeezed her arm. “You’ve got this.”

  And she did. With Braden by her side, she felt like she could handle almost anything that was thrown at her.

  John paused in front of her and said nothing for a minute. Finally, he cleared his throat and simply stated, “Thank you.”

  Lisa licked her lips. “You’re welcome. How are you feeling?”

  “My recovery is right on progress.”

  “I’m glad the person who did this to you is going away for life,” Braden said.

  Yes, that was right. Dr. Rick Larson wouldn’t be experiencing freedom for a long time. Not only after what he did to Braden and John, but because of his affiliation with The Revolt.

  John shifted. “Look, I need to say I’m sorry, Lisa. I know I was hard on you.”

  “I understand that not everyone is going to be on board with my philosophy of cooking and eating.”

  He shook his head. “It’s not even that. Honestly, you’re doing what I’ve always wanted to do. You’re not afraid to take risks. What did I always do? I hid behind my criticisms. And I’m bitter toward people who are living my dream.”

  Lisa’s throat tightened at his honesty. It was the last thing she’d expected. “It’s never too late.”

  He shrugged. “You’re right. It’s not. Right now, I have to get myself together. After my wife left five years ago, I turned to drinking. Too much drinking, as you might have guessed. I’m ready to turn myself around. I can’t let one person control me this much.”

  “I agree.”

  He released his breath. “Anyway, thanks for having me. It looks like it’s time to eat.”

  Lisa nodded. “We’ve already prayed over the food and everything, so help yourself.”

  As he walked away, Braden nudged her around to face him. Everyone around them seemed to disappear until it was just her and Braden.

  “You’re one amazing woman, you know that?” Braden murmured.

  “Feel free to tell me over and over again. I like affirmation.” Lisa grinned. “I wish I were joking, but I’m not. Really—feel free to tell me.”

  He chuckled. “You’re one amazing woman.”

  “You’re pretty amazing yourself.”

  He leaned toward her and planted a kiss on her lips.

  Her entire body melted with warmth—like a gooey chocolate sundae with espresso grounds on top.

  Lisa knew it seemed too soon to be in love with this man. But she also knew that she loved him. Beyond a doubt.

  Somehow, they were both better when they were together.

  And her earlier theory was right. Sometimes in life, if you settled for what was good enough, then you would never know what could be better.

  God had brought her someone who was so much better than she could have ever dreamed. And she would be thankful for that for the rest of her life.

  Also by Christy Barritt:

  Other Books in the Lantern Beach Mystery Series:

  Hidden Currents

  You can take the detective out of the investigation, but you can't take the investigator out of the detective. A notorious gang puts a bounty on Detective Cady Matthews’s head after she takes down their leader, leaving her no choice but to hide until she can testify at trial. But her temporary home across the country on a remote North Carolina island isn’t as peaceful as she initially thinks. Living under the new identity of Cassidy Livingston, she struggles to keep her investigative skills tucked away, especially after a body washes ashore. When local police bungle the murder investigation, she can’t resist stepping in. But Cassidy is supposed to be keeping a low profile. One wrong move could lead to both her discovery and her demise. Can she bring justice to the island . . . or will the hidden currents surrounding her pull her under for good?

  Flood Watch

  The tide is high, and so is the danger on Lantern Beach. Still in hiding after infiltrating a dangerous gang, Cassidy Livingston just has to make it a few more months before she can testify at trial and resume her old life. But trouble keeps finding her, and Cassidy is pulled into a local investigation after a man mysteriously disappears from the island she now calls home. A recurring nightmare from her time undercover only muddies things, as does a visit from the parents of her handsome ex-Navy SEAL neighbor. When a friend's life is threatened, Cassidy must make choices that put her on the verge of blowing her cover. With a flood watch on her emotions and her life in a tangle, will Cassidy find the truth? Or will her past finally drown her?

  Storm Surge

  A storm is brewing hundreds of miles away, but its effects are devastating even from afar. Laid-back, loose, and light: that’s Cassidy Livingston’s new motto. But when a makeshift boat with a bloody cloth inside washes ashore near her oceanfront home, her detective instincts shift in
to gear . . . again. Seeking clues isn’t the only thing on her mind—romance is heating up with next-door neighbor and former Navy SEAL Ty Chambers as well. Her heart wants the love and stability she’s longed for her entire life. But her hidden identity only leads to a tidal wave of turbulence. As more answers emerge about the boat, the danger around her rises, creating a treacherous swell that threatens to reveal her past. Can Cassidy mind her own business, or will the storm surge of violence and corruption that has washed ashore on Lantern Beach leave her life in wreckage?

  Dangerous Waters

  Danger lurks on the horizon, leaving only two choices: find shelter or flee. Cassidy Livingston’s new identity has begun to feel as comfortable as her favorite sweater. She’s been tucked away on Lantern Beach for weeks, waiting to testify against a deadly gang, and is settling in to a new life she wants to last forever. When she thinks she spots someone malevolent from her past, panic swells inside her. If an enemy has found her, Cassidy won’t be the only one who’s a target. Everyone she’s come to love will also be at risk. Dangerous waters threaten to pull her into an overpowering chasm she may never escape. Can Cassidy survive what lies ahead? Or has the tide fatally turned against her?

  Perilous Riptide

  Just when the current seems safer, an unseen danger emerges and threatens to destroy everything. When Cassidy Livingston finds a journal hidden deep in the recesses of her ice cream truck, her curiosity kicks into high gear. Islanders suspect that Elsa, the journal’s owner, didn’t die accidentally. Her final entry indicates their suspicions might be correct and that what Elsa observed on her final night may have led to her demise. Against the advice of Ty Chambers, her former Navy SEAL boyfriend, Cassidy taps into her detective skills and hunts for answers. But her search only leads to a skeletal body and trouble for both of them. As helplessness threatens to drown her, Cassidy is desperate to turn back time. Can Cassidy find what she needs to navigate the perilous situation? Or will the riptide surrounding her threaten everyone and everything Cassidy loves?


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