Book Read Free

Made for You

Page 16

by Kelly Elliott

  She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Ha ha. Trust me, there are no long-lost brothers or sisters. You’ve been lucky enough to stumble into a wonderful friendship. They’re hard to come by, so cherish it.”

  Carter looked back at me and winked. “Today is going to be a great day.”

  My heart jumped with both excitement and nervousness. “I hope so.” I dragged in a deep breath and pushed it out. “Now go change.”

  He glanced down and then back to me. “Why?”

  “Because, you’re still wearing what you ran in earlier.”

  Pinching his brows together, he stared at me. “And because we’re having BLTs and potato salad, you need me to be dressed differently?”

  Without looking at him, I answered. “Yes. At least take off the smelly shirt, you never know who you’re going to be hugging.”


  “Go change, Carter!” Carrie cried out.

  Lifting his hands in surrender, he shook his head and backed out of the kitchen.

  Once he was upstairs, I spun around. “How does it look?”

  Carrie’s face lit up. “Beautiful. Now, Emylie, are you sure this is the right thing to do?”

  After placing lettuce, a fresh tomato, basil and the bacon on the fresh bread, I cut it in half and stuck the toothpicks through each side.

  “Did you put basil on that?”

  My eyes snapped up to Carrie. “Oh my gosh yes. It’s heavenly.”

  Screwing up her face, she shuddered and whispered, “Gross.”

  “And to answer you, I know I’ve only known Carter a few days, and honestly this seems so crazy, but I really feel like we’ve grown close. He’s shared some things with me, and after running into Tori last night and what she shared, I know this is exactly the right thing to do.”

  “What did Tori say to you last night? You were on a mission after talking to her.”

  Once I plated the sandwiches, I added some fresh fruit. “I have no idea what made her open up to me, but she pretty much shared with me how when they were together she got spooked knowing Carter would never be able to have kids. She admitted it was a stupid excuse to break up with him, but they were both going off to college and she was scared. She used it as an excuse, and she regrets it every single day. Then, when Carter went into the Marines, she figured she had lost her chance for good.”

  Carrie stood there with a stunned expression on her face. “She told you that?”


  With a slight shake of her head, she asked, “What is it about you that people just spill their guts out?”

  With a laugh, I shrugged. “I don’t know, but this is going to sound crazy. I feel like God crossed Carter’s and my paths for a reason. If you were to tell me a month ago I’d take off with a guy I hardly knew, I’d tell you no way. Not going to happen. But the moment we met, we connected in a way I can’t explain. I really want to see him happy.”

  Tears filled Carrie’s eyes. “He said almost the same thing about you earlier. What I think is even better, is you’re both clueless to what the other is doing.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked as I pinched my brows together.

  “She’s pulling up!” Ron called out as he walked through the kitchen and toward the front door.

  “Oh my gosh! This is it,” I said while clapping my hands

  Carrie covered her mouth. “I hope you read this right, Emylie.”

  Now I wasn’t as sure as I was last night when I came up with this plan. Doubt filled me to the core as I put everything on two trays and motioned for Carrie and Ron to each grab one. “If y’all can take this out, I’ll bring Carter out.”

  With a quick glance at the clock, Carrie laughed. “This is going to be interesting. Very, very interesting.”

  Waving her off, I jetted upstairs. “Carter!” I yelled out as he came running out of his room.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “You took a shower? That fast?”

  “I’m in the Marines, Em. I can eat, shit, and shower in less than five minutes if need be.”

  Scrunching my face up in disgust, I shook my head. “That information I could have gone the rest of my life without.”

  Carter’s phone pinged. He lifted it and smiled.

  “How are you getting service out here and I’m not?” I asked as we headed back down the stairs.

  “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”

  I stopped walking, causing him to bump into me. Turning, I gave him a dumfounded look. “What?”

  “It’s a joke. You know because I’m in the military and all of that.”

  With a roll of my eyes, I started back down. My heart was pounding as we got closer and closer to heading outside. “I thought we would eat outside since it’s so beautiful.”

  “Perfect. Damn, that works out perfectly.”

  Stopping again, I turned and held my hand up. “Do you know?”

  His face fell. “Do you know?”

  “Do I know what?” I asked.

  He narrowed his gaze at me and said, “I don’t know. What do I know that you don’t know?”

  With a curious expression, I replied, “What do I know that you don’t know that you think I know?”

  Carter pushed his hands through his wet air and let out a frustrated sigh. “What in the fuck are we talking about?”

  “Well, you tell me Carter because you asked if I knew. Are you hiding something?”

  “Are you hiding something?”

  “You know!” I cried out.

  “No one knows anything! Will the two of you please get out here!” Carrie called from the front door.

  Carter and I stood there for another few seconds pinning each other in place. Leaning in closer, I stared into his eyes.

  “You don’t know.”

  With a frustrated look, he replied, “I’m beginning to feel like I don’t know anything. And I’m questioning how smart it was of me to drive alone with you in the car, you freak.”

  Laughing, I shot him the finger and headed toward the door. I could see past Carrie and smiled when I saw Tori.

  “Carter, please don’t be mad at me,” I said glancing back over my shoulder.

  He chuckled. “That’s funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.”

  As we both stepped out onto the porch, Carter came to a dead stop.


  “Hey, Carter. It’s good seeing you again.”

  “Um, you too. What are you doing here?”

  Tori glanced over to me and I grinned. “Well, Emylie invited me to have lunch with you guys.”

  “Oh, I won’t be joining y’all for lunch,” I said. I could feel Carter’s eyes on me and I risked looking at him. He looked confused. “I think y’all have some reacquainting to do.” I pointed over to a large spruce tree that had a table and everything set up for their lunch.

  Carter and Tori both looked in the direction I pointed. “How? When? I mean…”

  I walked up to Carter and placed my hand on his arm. “Ask me later, get over there before your dad eats the BLTs.”

  Laughing, Carter turned to me and stared into my eyes. “Thank you,” he whispered. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. “Good luck.”

  He glanced at his phone and said, “You too.” Giving me a wink, he took off down the stairs and headed over to Tori. They both started walking over toward the little picnic we had set up for them. I knew I had butted into their lives in a big way, but my heart felt happy. Then Carter’s words replayed in my head.

  You too.

  “What did he mean by that?” I asked as I watched them make their way over toward Ron who was guarding the food. Tori kissed Ron on the cheek as Carter pulled out the chair for her. As Ron walked away, I could see Carter quickly getting lost in Tori.

  Fist pumping internally, I knew this was going to work. Now I had to convince Carter about this whole no baby-making thing.

  The crunching of a car driving on the gravel pulled my stare fro
m Carter and Tori. Turning, I shielded my eyes from the sunlight beaming straight at me.

  When the car got closer, my stomach dropped. It was my car.

  “Oh shit … please don’t be my parents,” I mumbled.

  Carrie walked up and took my hand. “He called Carter last night. Told him he was on his way here for you.”

  He? My father.

  “How did my father get Carter’s number?”

  Jamie! She ratted me out to my parents. I’m so going to get her back for this.

  Carrie giggled next to me as she squeezed my hand. When the car door opened, I blocked the sun and tried to think of what good excuse I had for leaving with a total stranger and coming to Colorado.

  Temporarily insane. He’s Jax’s best friend. Jamie knew where I was. A broken heart makes you do stupid things.

  My breath hitched when I saw him, and I was pretty sure my heart stopped as well.

  “Holden,” I whispered.

  With a smile that sent tingles through my body, he walked toward me. A million different things ran through my mind. I was feeling every emotion possible.






  The way he looked in those jeans and that tight red T-shirt. Not to mention the cowboy hat. God, how I loved Holden in a cowboy hat. My mind was going to mush watching him walk my way with that crooked smile.

  Placing my hand over my stomach, I tried to find my voice. When he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, it was then I noticed Carrie was gone. Leaving me alone to deal with Holden standing before me.

  Carter knew. Somehow he was a part of this and that was what he was talking about earlier.

  My eyes stung with the threat of tears. He wasn’t looking at me like he was mad or upset. I’m not sure if I would ever be able to describe the way Holden was gazing up at me.

  “Hey, Em. I got your text.”

  My stomach flipped as a sob slipped from my lips and I covered my mouth.

  “I’m so sorry for the hell I put you through. I’m not sure if I deserve a second chance, but I pray to God you’ll give me one. I never meant to hurt you. I was stupid and did some pretty stupid things. Some damn stupid things.”

  My chin trembled as I let his words penetrate into my brain.

  “You’re my world, Em. I can’t live another day without you. I… I. Damn it.”

  Holden’s voice cracked as he wiped a tear from his face. My whole body ached and I wasn’t sure if it was from holding myself back or because I was shaking so badly.

  Walking up the steps, he stopped in front of me. “You once told me we were made for each other. No words were ever so true. The last few years I’ve been so lost, Em. I love … I love you so much. I’m … I’m so s-sorry.”

  His head dropped and I watched as his body shook. He was crying. Holden was standing before me crying.

  My heart pounded so loudly in my ears I could hardly think.

  He came for me.

  Holden came for me.

  MY BODY LIT up when I felt her hands touch me. Emylie had always held the power to make my body come alive. Lifting my gaze to meet hers, she wiped my tears away.

  With a bright expression, she softly spoke. “You came for me?”

  Her words were clouded with confusion. Everything about this whole situation was fucking confusing. Me, Daphne, Emylie taking off with a complete damn stranger. I was still pissed she pulled that stunt, but that could wait. Although I talked to Carter for some time last night while driving to Colorado. The guy seemed like someone I could become good friends with. He was concerned about Emylie, that was obvious. He didn’t seem interested in her romantically, but I was still on guard.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long, baby.”

  Drawing her head back, she searched my face. “What about …”

  I shook my head. “It’s over. She went back to California.”

  Her brows pinched together. “What … what about the baby?”

  “She’s not pregnant.”

  With a sharp intake of air, Emylie whispered, “What? Did she have a … I’m so confused.”

  With a slight smile, I dropped my gaze to her lips then back to her eyes. “I’ll tell you everything, but first I really need you to kiss me.”

  The golden flecks in her eyes shined as her stare fell. She pressed her lips to mine, and for the first time in a long time, everything in my world was right again. Her hands came up to my chest as she moaned softly into my mouth. I wanted to deepen the kiss. Show her how much I had missed her. Needed her. Knowing people were around us, I fought like hell to keep my control.

  When her hands moved up and around my neck, I pulled her closer to me. Letting her feel how much I had missed her. How much I desired her.

  Slowly pulling back, I took off my hat and leaned my forehead against hers. “Em, we need to talk.”

  Nodding, she replied. “I know. Please tell me this isn’t a dream, Holden. The amount of nights I’ve prayed for this moment, I really need to know I’m not dreaming.”

  My finger lifted her chin so she could look directly at me. “It’s not a dream.”

  She searched my face before catching my stare again. I could see how lost her eyes were. As much as we both wanted to get lost in each other, I knew I was going to have to earn her trust back.

  As if she was reading my mind, she said, “I’m so happy you’re here, but I can’t just pick up where we left off.”

  With a quick nod, I answered, “I know.”

  A voice cleared from behind us, causing both of us to let each other go and take a step back. Emylie’s cheeks burned as she attempted to find her voice.

  “Carrie, Ron, um, this is Holden. Holden these are Carter’s parents.”

  I reached my hand out and shook both their hands. “It’s a real pleasure meeting you both.”

  “Pleasure is ours.”

  Two other people walked up about then. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything,” I said, looking at them.

  The guy held up his hand as if to say it was okay. “Hey, Holden, I’m Carter.”

  My heart stopped for a moment as I took him in. The fucker was built, and I could tell he wouldn’t have a problem picking up any woman he wanted. This was the man Emylie up and got into a car with it. The thought made my blood boil.

  Sticking my hand out, I shook his with a firm handshake. “Nice meeting you, Carter.”

  He turned and looked at the girl standing next to him. “This is Tori.” She extended her hand toward mine as Carter kept talking. “Tori, this is Emylie’s ah … her um … what exactly are you guys?”

  With a chuckle, I glanced over to Emylie and winked before saying, “We’re still trying to figure that all out.”

  Carrie stepped forward. “Well, it looks like we have two couples who are trying to figure things out.”

  Emylie turned back to Carter. “Y’all get back down there and eat before something like a bear comes and gets those BLTs!”

  Laughing, Carter replied, “Well, we wouldn’t want to waste good food.” He took Tori’s hand and led her back toward what looked to be a picnic set up. I was curious as hell what that was all about.

  When I glanced back to Emylie, she was holding Carrie’s hand. “I think my plan is going to work. Did you see the way he took her hand?”

  Carrie chuckled. “I saw. You’re very sweet for doing this, Emylie.”

  With a quick look in my direction, she said, “Will you give me a few minutes to grab my bag?”

  “You’re leaving?” Carrie asked.

  “Just into town. Maybe stay at a bed and breakfast or something. Holden and I have some things we need to talk about. I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

  “And dinner! I want to throw a big cookout before you leave. You kind of snuck in here and captured our hearts, Emylie.”

  With misty eyes, Emylie hugged Carrie and softly said, “Thank yo
u, Carrie.”

  Drawing back, Carrie glanced between the two of us and smiled. “Go. Talk and figure it all out.”

  I didn’t know these people at all and neither did Emylie. Something I fully intended on talking to her about. But at the same time, I could see how caring they were.

  Emylie grinned and kissed Carrie’s cheek before rushing into the house.

  My heart hammered in my chest and my hands were wet with sweat knowing I was fixing to be alone with her. Would she be able to forgive me? Could she ever trust me with her heart again? Closing my eyes, I silently prayed the answer to both questions were yes.

  I had to admit it, Rifle, Colorado was an awesome little town. The perfect place to escape to and figure shit out.

  My phone beeped as I waited outside the CVS for Emylie to run in and find out how in the hell we were so lost. With a quick look, I saw it was Daphne.

  Daphne: I would like to get my shit from our place. If you don’t let me in to the apartment, I’ll have Daddy get his lawyers involved.

  With a heavy sigh, I typed out my reply.

  Me: Really? I’m sure your Dad wants this kept as low key as possible. My lawyer contacted yours this morning. If you checked your phone messages, you would see they are trying to set up a time for you to go pick up your shit. You can have everything in the apartment that isn’t mine. I don’t want any of it, but you won’t be in there alone.

  Her response was immediate.

  Daphne: Fuck you, Holden. I hate you. You’re going to regret this.

  Me: The feeling is mutual, and I don’t think so.

  “You ready?”

  My head snapped up. “Yeah. Sorry. Taking care of some bullshit.”

  Her gaze glanced down to my phone. I wasn’t about to hide anything from her, but she needed to hear everything from start to finish.

  “It’s Daphne. Bitching about not being able to go into the apartment without my lawyer.”

  She nodded her head. We had agreed to wait until we got to the bed and breakfast before we talked about everything. Most of the conversation was about how Emylie met Carter, how she had met Tori and found out why Carter and Tori had broken up. Basically, Emylie was playing cupid.


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