Book Read Free

Made for You

Page 19

by Kelly Elliott

  With a tug on my arm, Emylie said, “There they are!”

  Oh joy. It was breakfast with Carter and Tori. It wasn’t like I didn’t like them, but I was fighting a damn hard-on since the kiss in the kitchen.

  Carter stood and smiled as he leaned over and kissed Emylie on the cheek. Turning to me, he pulled his head back and pinched his brows together. Then he laughed.


  Shaking my hand, he pulled me into him and whispered so only I could hear, “Rough night, buddy?”

  I gave him a push as I shot him a dirty look while I replied, “And morning.”

  His head tossed back in another laugh.

  We both sat as Emylie and Tori quickly started their own private conversation. “I take it by the smile on Tori’s face you had a good night.”

  That bastard leaned back and grinned from ear-to-ear. “Best fucking night of my life.”

  With a roll of my eyes, I lifted my empty coffee cup and motioned for the waitress. She flashed me a smile and a nod.

  “I’m honestly happy for you, Carter,” I replied quietly.

  He glanced back over to the girls. “Did Emylie tell you about the little stunt she pulled with the doctor?”

  “Yeah. She did. What are you going to do about it?”

  “I made an appointment. I’m going to have to get personal with a fucking cup.”

  This time it was my turn to laugh. I hadn’t known Carter for very long, but it felt as if we had known each other for years. “Dude, that was more information than I needed to know.”

  He sighed. “I’ll be honest, I’m hoping she’s right. With me getting out of the Marines soon, I’d really like to start thinking about my future. And my dad being sick and all.”

  With a look of understanding, I nodded. “Stay positive and everything will work out how it should.”

  With a slight grin, he glanced up at the waitress as she poured my coffee. “Thank you,” I said.

  It wasn’t hard to know notice how our waitress smacked her gum as she talked. She was balancing three plates in one hand and held the coffee pot in the other. With a wide grin, she replied, “Anytime. What can I get you and the lady to eat?”

  “I’ll have the garden omelet,” Emylie stated with a sweet grin.

  Turning back to me, I stated, “The same for me please.”

  “Two garden omelets coming up.”

  Carter bumped my shoulder and asked in a whispered voice, “How are things going?”

  My eyes landed on Emylie as I watched her mouth turn into another wide smile. Clearly Tori was telling her about her night with Carter. Both of them were blushing like teenage girls.

  “I guess as good as can be expected. She doesn’t want me touching her. About all I can do is kiss her.”

  Carter stood, causing both girls to glance up at him. “If you ladies will excuse us, Holden’s going to take a look at my truck.”

  Lifting her brow, Emylie asked, “Why? Is something wrong with it?”

  I glanced back to Carter, curious as hell as to what he was going to say. “Nah, he wants to see the engine I have in it.”

  “Oh,” Tori and Emylie both said together. They seemed satisfied with the answer and promptly went back to talking.

  I slowly stood and followed Carter out to the parking lot. We walked over to his truck where he lifted the hood and then turned to face me.

  “Holden, I see it in your eyes and you’re wrong.”

  With a confused expression, I asked, “What in the hell do you mean you see it in my eyes?”

  “You’re overthinking why Emylie is keeping you at a distance.”

  I let out a gruff laugh. “No. It’s pretty obvious. She doesn’t want me touching her, sleeping with her, hell, I’m surprised she lets me kiss her. Not that I can blame her. I ripped her heart out and then acted like a total asshole. She asked for separate rooms, Carter. Trust me when I say we are acting more like friends than anything.”

  “You have to give her time. Put yourself in her shoes, dude. How would you feel? Would you be ready to jump back into a sexual relationship if she had recently been engaged to another man and thinking she was going to be having a baby?”

  “Yes! Because I love her and she is the only woman I’ve ever wanted. Will ever want.”

  Carter rolled his eyes. “Maybe that wasn’t the right question for a guy to answer.”

  I leaned against his truck. “This morning I misread her. I thought she was asking me to … to …”

  Lifting his eyes, he asked, “To what?”

  With a frustrated sigh, I replied, “I thought she wanted to feel good. I told her I didn’t expect anything in return, but she turned me down. Flat ass turned me down.”

  “You ever stop and think maybe she’s afraid?”

  “Of me? I’ve known her my whole damn life. I’d never do anything to hurt—”

  Carter’s brow lifted. I felt like a complete idiot.

  Scrubbing my hands down my face, I groaned. “Fuck. Will she ever be able to trust me again?”

  “She will.”

  I kicked at the dirt. “That’s easy to say, but what if we can’t move past this?”

  “Do you love her?”

  I felt my eyes burn. “More than anything.”

  “She loves you. She told me there would never be another man who she would love like she loved you.”

  My head jerked back in surprise. “She told you that?”

  “Yep. Holden, give her time. It’s going to take you earning her trust back. You already own her heart. Just be patient for her to remember that. Right now she is blinded by all the hurt.”

  “Hey guys?”

  We both looked back to the restaurant to see Emylie standing there. “Breakfast is on the table. You done talking about engines?”

  My heart ached. I knew Carter was spot on. Damn. I needed to be patient. I’d give Emylie the space she wanted, but there was no way in hell I’d ever give up on her. I’d never stop fighting for her love.

  Another night of twirling Emylie and Tori around the dance floor and I was spent. I had talked to my lawyer earlier. We knew Daphne was going to hit us with something, I just didn’t know what it was going to be. She remained quiet, which wasn’t a good sign. The only communication I had gotten from her since she called the other day was an email begging me to forgive her and come back. Then another one right afterwards that said she was going to get her revenge on me.

  The woman was crazy.

  Tipping the beer bottle back, I finished it off. I hit the bar and asked for another. “Hey there, cowboy. I’ve never seen you around here before?”

  My eyes glanced down the body of the tall blonde standing in front of me. Her tits were practically spilling out of her shirt, and I swear I couldn’t figure out how in the hell she walked in the tight-ass skirt she had on.

  Being the polite southern gentleman my momma would want me to be, I replied, “I’m not from around here. My girlfriend is visiting a friend.”

  With a pout, the blonde replied, “Girlfriend, huh? Serious?”

  Grabbing the new beer, I answered, “Very. You’re wasting your time with me.”

  Her shocked expression almost made me smile, but I held it back. What in the hell? When did women become so damn forward?

  Turning away, I focused on the band playing. They were good and should’ve been in Nashville and not playing in this small town bar in Colorado.

  I felt her before I even knew she was there. My arm caught on fire when she touched it. “Hey there.”

  I smiled and turned to her as I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. The blonde groaned and went off to find the next poor bastard she was planning on hitting on.

  “What was wrong with her?”

  Rolling my eyes, I shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. I informed her I was here with you.”

  Emylie’s teeth sunk into her lower lip. “I heard.”

  What I wouldn’t do to have those plump sweet lips wrapped around m
y cock while I buried my face in her pussy.

  “You okay, Holden?”


  Her face constricted up in a concerned look. “You’re breathing heavy. Are you feeling okay?”

  No. You cause my body to burn with an aching fucking desire. “Yeah, I think I’m just tired. I think I’ll head back to the bed and breakfast. Especially since we’re heading home tomorrow. If you want to stay, go ahead. I’m sure Carter can give you a ride back, you look like you’re having fun.”

  She stared at me like I had grown two heads. “Holden, is everything okay? You’ve been kind of … distant.”

  I had been trying to give Emylie her space. Maybe I was trying too hard. Placing my hands on her hips, I dug my fingers into her and pulled her to me. With a brush of my lips across hers, I answered her. “Everything is fine, baby. I’m really tired and dreading the drive back to Texas. I have to leave to head to California the day after we get back.”

  Her mouth parted open. “Oh. You’re going back?”

  Lifting my hand, I traced my finger along her jaw. “Only to sign some paperwork for my lawyer to get out of my lease and get my stuff. I shouldn’t be gone more than one day. Then I’m heading straight back to you.”

  The tears building in her eyes about dropped me to the ground. “That makes sense. Having to go back and all.”

  I kissed her forehead. “You staying here or coming with me?”

  She searched my face, as if she was looking for her answer. “Well, I’d rather leave with you, if that’s all right.”

  My stomach dropped. Thank you, God. I was scared to death she was going to want to stay here.

  Resting my hand against her cheek, she leaned into. “You know I want you with me, Em. I didn’t want you to leave if you weren’t ready.”

  She pursed her lips tightly. “I’m ready.”

  With a smile, I kissed the tip of her nose. “Great, then let’s go say our goodbyes.”

  The ride to the bed and breakfast was filled with chatter and laughter as Emylie and I reminisced about the crazy times in high school. I held her hand and rubbed my thumb across it the entire drive. Anything to have contact with her.

  “Do you remember the time you and Mason talked us into going to that old run down house and claimed it was haunted?”

  I shook my head and chuckled. “I think we scared ourselves more than we scared you and Becca.”

  Sirens rang out and I looked in the mirror.


  Emylie glanced over her shoulder. “Were you speeding?”


  She covered her mouth to hold back her laughter. I was always getting pulled over for every little thing. The first day I got my license I got pulled over because the light on my license plate was out.

  Rolling down the window, I waited for the officer to walk up.

  “Evening, sir, ma’am?”

  I tipped my head. “Evening officer.”

  “You know why I’m pulling you over, son?”

  Glancing at Emylie, I looked to see if she knew. She shrugged.

  “No sir, I do not.”

  “Your license plate light is out. Can’t see your license.”

  Emylie busted out laughing and the officer shined his flashlight in her face. “Why is that funny?”

  Dropping her hands to her lap, she turned to him. “This is like the fourth time he has been pulled over for almost the same thing.”

  The officer leaned forward. “Have you not changed the light?”

  I chuckled. “No sir, it’s been years between. The first day I got my license I was driving my father’s truck and got pulled over for the tail light. A couple years later I got pulled over in my mom’s car … same reason. This is um, this is Emylie’s car.”

  Holding her hand up, she giggled again.

  “I see. Well, give me your license and registration, and we’ll see what we can do.”

  Giving him what he asked for, I dropped my head back and sighed when he walked back to his car. Turning my head to look at Emylie, she was laughing so hard she had tears rolling down her face.

  “It’s so not funny, Em.”

  She nodded. “It is! It really is!”

  After giving me yet another warning, I made a mental note to stop at an auto parts store to buy another light bulb. When we walked into the living room of our suite, I headed to the kitchen and offered her a bottle of water. She looked so fucking cute standing there with a smile on her face.

  “No. I um … I don’t need a water.”

  Walking up to her, I leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. “Good night, Em. I’ll see you in the morning. Maybe give those breakfast tacos another go-round.”

  She giggled and placed her hand on the side of my face. Her thumb brushed across my cheek, causing a rush of blood straight to my betraying cock. I couldn’t help but notice as she glanced down quickly before piercing my eyes with her. “Night, Holden.”

  “I love you.”

  Her eyes filled with those damn tears again. I had no idea how to read them. Were they happy? Sad? Just ask her.

  “Em, are you okay?”

  She instantly chewed on her lip. “No. I feel like something changed between us today, and I think it’s my fault.”

  Thud. There went my heart. “What? No! God, no.”

  “Then why are you barely even looking at me? You’ve been acting strange ever since this morning when—”

  Fear replaced the sadness in her eyes. I dropped my bottled water onto the sofa and cupped her face within my hands.

  “Look at me, Emylie. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t disappointed this morning when you turned me away, but I will not force you into anything you don’t want or are not ready for. I’m giving you the space you need for me to earn back your trust.”

  A single tear slid down her cheek. I quickly wiped it away. “Please don’t cry, baby.”

  “I’m so scared, Holden. I want more than anything to be with you. For it to be like nothing has happened between us, but I can’t. At least not right now. I may need a bit more space, but I still need.”

  Pressing my lips to hers, I let my tongue explore every fucking inch of her mouth. Nipping on her lip, Emylie moaned slightly, sending the vibration straight to my dick. Slipping my hand around her waist, I pulled her closer to my body. Her hands laced through my hair as she pulled me even closer to her. The kiss turned needier. The passion between us was clearly not something we had to worry about.

  Emylie finally broke the kiss. I leaned my head against hers as I fought to pull in the air I needed to stay up right.

  “Sleep with me tonight, Holden.”

  My heart jumped to my throat. “Wh-what?”

  “No sex. But I need to be in your arms. Feel your body next to mine.”

  Holy fuck. Could I sleep next to her all night and not touch her?

  Yes. I’d do anything for her. Even if it meant suffering from the worst case of blue balls I’d probably ever have in my entire life.

  Taking her hands in mine, I guided us to her room. “I need to get something to sleep in.”

  There she went chewing on that damn lip. If she asked me to sleep naked, I was going to have to put my foot down.

  “Okay. I’m going to wash my face and brush my teeth. I’ll meet you in there?”

  Jesus, what am I getting myself into?

  “I’ll be in a couple of minutes.” One more kiss on her lips and I rushed off to brush my teeth and see if I could jack off in record time.

  I STOOD IN front of the bathroom mirror and stared at my reflection. Lifting my hand, I couldn’t keep it from shaking.

  “Oh God. What did I do?”

  My eyes lifted back to the mirror. You invited Holden into your bed. You idiot!

  Turning, I began pacing across the small bathroom floor.

  What was I thinking? I asked Holden to sleep in the same bed with me! The ache between my legs had been throbbing since this morning when he
wanted to make me come. I should have let him.

  I stopped walking. “No. No, I shouldn’t have. I need to be strong.”

  My cell phone rang, causing me to jump. Quickly grabbing it, I saw it was Becca. “Becca!”

  “What? Oh my God. What’s wrong? I’ll kill him!”


  “I don’t know. Holden? I’m assuming it’s him that has you all freaked out.”

  “It is! I asked him to sleep with me.”



  “I’m trying to figure out now if you’re excited or freaked out. I’m not really sure how I should be reacting to this.”

  “Freak out! You should be freaking out. Did you hear me? I asked him to sleep with me. No sex, just him in the same bed with me.”

  Becca covered the phone and said something to someone. Probably Mason. “Okay, so let me get this correct before I interject my thoughts on the whole thing.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Hurry, he’ll be in here soon.”

  “Right. So you invited him into your bed, but you said no sex. Is that right?”


  “First off, why the no sex?”

  My mouth fell. “Are you really asking me that? Hello? Were you not present during the last few years of my life?”

  “Okay, so you can’t forgive him for being a dick. I get that. But he came for you, Em. How romantic is that? Hell, I’d have jumped his built-ass body the moment we were alone.”

  I leaned against the sink. “You would have?”

  “Fuck yes! Oh my gosh, Em. The history you two have. The fact that Daphne did this to y’all, I’d have had that man all over me.”

  I rubbed my temple. “Becca, it’s not like I don’t want to have sex with Holden. I do. Believe me I do. It’s just, I’m afraid if I open up completely to him, I’ll get hurt again.”

  “Do you love him?”

  “Yes. I never stopped.”

  “Do you see living without him?”

  My eyes stun with the threat of tears. “I’ve never been able to see myself without him.”

  “Then what’s the problem? You don’t have … you don’t have feelings for, um, Mason do you?”

  My heart dropped. “No! Oh my gosh, Becca no. I swear to you there was nothing more between us than sex.”


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