Book Read Free

Made for You

Page 21

by Kelly Elliott

  “It’s going to be fine. I think he got his anger out on me.”

  She turned and stared at me with a look of fear in her eyes. “Don’t leave me.”

  My heart felt like someone was squeezing it. “Never, Em. I swear to you I will never leave you again.”

  Chewing on her lip, she finally broke the nervous silence. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “Let me get your door.”

  I jumped out of the car and took a deep breath in as I jogged around to her. The smell of the ranch filled my nose and instantly made me feel happier. Hay. Manure. Leather. All of it swirled into one hell of a great feeling. We were home.

  We hadn’t even walked up the steps yet and the door flew open. Mario and Kim walked out first. I could see the relief on Kim’s face, but Mario looked pissed as hell, and I had only ever seen that man lose his shit a few times in my life. Once directed at me and I’d never want to have that happen again.

  He took a few steps forward and stopped. “¿Lo que pensaban que ir con un desconodido?”

  “He’s really pissed if he is talking in Spanish!” I whispered as Emylie gripped my hand.

  Mario looked at me, then back to Emylie. “Mi preciosa, answer me.”

  Since I could remember he had called Emylie “mi preciosa,” which meant my precious in Spanish.

  “Um …”

  I leaned in closer. “I heard stranger in there somewhere.”

  She turned to look at me and shot me a glaring expression. “Yes, I heard. He asked what I was thinking going off with a stranger.”

  “Smart man,” I whispered while giving her a wink.

  “Papá, he wasn’t a stranger. He was a friend of Jamie and Jax’s, and I wasn’t really thinking.”

  Mario went to rattle something else in Spanish when Kim hit him in the chest. “Stop yelling at her in Spanish. I have no clue what you’re saying!”

  Mario gently kissed his wife on the cheek. “I’m sorry, mi preciosa.”

  “Holden, thank you for bringing her home to us. You’re a good man for seeing to her safety.”

  With a smile, I went to reply but Emylie turned to face me with her hands on her hips. With a tilt of her head and a look that should drop me on the spot, I knew she was wondering how I went from the asshole who left his daughter to the man who swooped in and rescued her.

  Kim motioned for us to walk up the steps. “All right, let’s go in and talk. Sam and Debbie have some dinner cooked up for you both if you’re hungry.”

  I waited for Emylie to start heading in first before I followed behind her. One reason was it was the gentlemanly thing to do, the other was I wouldn’t put it past her to trip me going up the steps. Peering back at me over her shoulder, she sneered, “I think we can safely say he is no longer mad at you.”

  With a fist pump, I whispered, “Yes!”

  She groaned and headed into the house. My mother and father greeted us both with hugs and kisses.

  “I’m so sorry I up and left like that, Debbie. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  My mother peeked over to me then back to Emylie. “I’m going to guess by the color on your cheeks, you two made up?”

  Emylie blushed and kissed my mother on the cheek before making her way over to her father and mother who had gone into the kitchen.

  Walking up to my mother, I shook my head. “Mom, seriously? I just got Mario back on my good side!”

  With a wave of her hand, she brushed off my concern. “Nonsense. That man was so upset when he found out his daughter ran off with a strange man.”

  Her eyes changed and she looked into the kitchen then back at me. I knew what she was thinking. “Nothing happened between them.”

  “And between the two of you?”

  I smiled. “We’re taking things slow.”

  Taking her hand and brushing off imaginary lint on my shirt, she smiled. “Good. I think that’s best. You need to earn her trust back, Holden Warner. You do that by courting her.”

  I lifted a brow. “Courting her?”

  “Yes. Dating. You need to swoon her all over again. Don’t expect her to fall back into your bed.”

  My stomach turned hearing my mother say that. “Ugh, Mom. Really? Are you really going to talk about sex with me?”

  “It’s not like I don’t know you’ve had sex. Please. I knew when you two went off to go ride what you were really doing.”

  “Mom! No! My ears are burning!”

  Tossing her head back with an evil laugh, she spun on her heels and headed into the kitchen. I was left alone in the living room. Then I remembered my promise to Emylie and hurried to her side.

  Slipping my arm around her waist, I stiffened when Mario looked down at it. I was half tempted to remove it, but decided I needed to make a statement. We were back together. No matter how easy or hard the road would be, nothing was going to separate us again.

  “Papá, please don’t be mad. I’m home, I’m safe, and I did what I needed to do at the time. Besides, everything worked out as it should. It was good for Holden and me to be together alone and away from everything here at home. It gave us time to start mending and working on us.”

  His eyes met mine. With a hard swallow, I waited for what he was going to say.

  “I’m not mad, mi preciosa. I was at first, and disappointed in your lack of judgment, but I’m not mad.”

  Emylie chuckled, “Well with the way you rattled off in Spanish, I thought for sure you were angry.”

  Mario took a few steps closer to his daughter as I slipped my hand out from her waist. “No, I’m just a father who loves his daughter and only wants you to be happy and safe.”

  “I am happy. I promise.”

  Now it was my turn to say something. “And safe. I swear I’ll never let anything happen to her, sir. Nor will I ever be the cause of her pain again.”

  Mario pointed to me. “You’re damn right you won’t. If you do, I’ll kick your ass.”

  Everyone in the room gasped. Mario and Kim never swore, so when they did, it always came as a shock.

  My mother clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “You have to be starving. Let’s get you both fed, then you can get settled and we can talk about what lies in the future tomorrow.”

  Emylie took my hand in hers and replied, “That sounds like a great idea.”

  After dinner we sat outside and filled our parents in on our trip to Utah and Colorado. Emylie told them about Carter, his parents, and how his dad was fighting cancer. She saved Tori for last. I noticed she left out a few other details, like how she butted into Carter’s business about having kids. It was probably best that was left out. No need for everyone to know the poor guy’s business.

  My dad cleared his throat then smiled. “Well I hope you’re both ready to get back to work.”

  The lightness in my chest was welcoming. It was nice to know that I was on a new path with my own father. Things would probably never really be the same, but I intended on making him proud of me. And that meant jumping in and helping Mason with the running of the ranch. I didn’t want to take his job, I wanted to work alongside of him.

  “Dad, I hope you know I’m not expecting to take Mason’s place. He’s done a great job for you. My goal is to work alongside of him, together.”

  My father’s face beamed with pride. “You don’t know how happy that makes me to hear you say that, son. But you know you’re going to have to earn some respect back from me.”

  With a light chuckle, I nodded and answered, “Yes, sir.”

  Emylie reached for my hand. Her touch alone sent a rush of energy through my body.

  “Emylie, would you like us to follow you back to your place?” Kim asked.

  I held my breath as I waited for Emylie’s answer. “If it’s all right with Sam and Debbie, I’d like to crash here in one of the guest rooms.”

  Mario turned slowly and glared at me. Swallowing hard, I moved a bit in my seat.

  “Of course you can stay here!” Debbie

  I slowly let out my breath and silently said a prayer of thanks that Emylie was staying here.

  Reaching for her hand, I gave it a quick peck on the back and stood. “I hate to be the one to say goodnight first, but I’ve got a flight I need to catch tomorrow afternoon.”

  “I hate that you’re leaving,” Emylie said with sadness in her eyes as she rose to her feet.

  I placed my hands on her hips pulling her in closer, but not too close since her dad was standing right there. “I won’t be gone long. I promise. The faster I do this, the faster we can move forward.”

  My mother placed her hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Emylie will be so busy around here, she won’t have time to miss you.”

  Her eyes never left mine. I knew what my mother had said was far from the truth. The two days I would be gone would be torture for both of us. Not only physically, but mentally as well. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when I saw Daphne again. Would she flip out and go crazy again? Try and beg me to stay with her? Maybe she wouldn’t care at all.

  Here was hoping for the latter.

  WITH MY CELL phone firmly in my hand, I stood at the tank and stared off into thin air.

  “Haven’t heard from him yet?”

  Peering up, I smiled at Mason. “Yeah, earlier. He had to go because Daphne caught wind he was back in town. She informed him she was heading to the apartment so Holden had to ask his former boss and another friend to be there when she got there.”

  Mason shook his head and jumped off of his horse. Lifting his hat, he wiped the sweat from his brow. “I swear I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as wicked as that woman. Who does that kind of shit?”

  A chill ran down my neck. “Crazy obsessed people.”

  My arms wrapped around my body as I shivered. It was ninety-four degrees out, but the idea of Daphne causing issues was something that weighed heavy on my mind.

  “Mason, do you honestly think someone who went to such great lengths to do what she did to Holden would just walk away like she did? She didn’t even really put up a fight.”

  With an indifferent expression on his face, he gazed out over the water. “Do you want my honest answer to that question, Em?”

  My stomach twisted into a knot.

  No. “Yes. I do.”

  “No, I don’t think she is going to give up like that. I think she is pissed Holden found her out and left her. Especially when she finds out the two of you are back together. With it being so quick, she’s going to seek revenge.”

  “But Holden could take her down with what he has on her. She wouldn’t dare try anything stupid.”

  He shrugged and then turned to look at me. “And would you have really thought Holden would have been drugged, told he was going to be a father, then strung along only to be lied to again with a fake pregnancy?”

  Chewing on my lip, I slowly shook my head. “Well, I guess I need to prepare myself for when she does try something. I just hope Holden doesn’t …”

  I stopped myself before I said it out loud. I’d thought it and hated myself for even thinking Holden would do anything to hurt me again. I saw it in his eyes this morning when he left. He hated the idea of seeing her more than I did.

  Wrapping my arms around my body, I smiled as I thought about this morning. Holden had slept with me last night and held me all night. He woke me with breakfast in bed. There was even a single red rose on the tray. After we ate, he treated me to a massage that left me utterly and amazingly relaxed.

  Mason took hold of my upper arms and bent down. “Hey, look at me. Holden loves you, and he’s not going to do anything to risk your trust.”

  My chin trembled. “I know. I hate how weak I’m feeling right now.”

  “I’d hug you, but maybe that wouldn’t be the best thing to do.”

  Snapping my head up, I immediately took a step back. All those years of falling into Mason’s arms and I was about to do it again. Mind you, I wouldn’t have fallen into his bed.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t keep using you as my own personal crutch when things get bad.”

  With a slight smile, he replied, “I’m your friend, Em. I’ll always be your friend.”

  “I know that, Mason, but with you and Becca together now, I’d never want her to think there was something between us still. Or for Holden to think that. It wouldn’t look very good if she, or anyone else for that matter, showed up and I was in your arms acting like a titty-baby.”

  With a laugh, he agreed. “No, it wouldn’t look right. Not anymore.”

  Taking in a deep breath, I exhaled quickly. “So what did I miss when I was gone?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Jesus, Sam has come up with some crazy ideas for this year’s Dove season.”

  “Oh no. Do I even want to ask?”

  “No. No you don’t. But I did come to ask you if you were in the mood to put your ranch hat on?”

  Squaring my shoulders off, I tilted my head and gave him a questioning look. “For?”

  “We’ve got three hundred acres of square bails that need to be hauled off, and two of my summer guys done took off for the summer.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “I think Becca needs to be in on this one.”

  With a wink, he replied, “She’ll be here any minute.”

  During the summer months growing up, Mason and Holden used to bail hay and then haul it to earn extra money. Becca and I, of course, offered to help, but we fizzled out a lot faster than the boys. Then again, we only agreed to helping them because we knew their shirts would be off within an hour and we would have a muscle-fest show for the rest of the day.

  “Well, let’s see how good of shape I’m still in!” I chuckled. Mason jumped up on his horse and then helped me up. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on as he rode over to the west pastures where the hay would be.

  Once we rode up, I slid from the horse and looked at the endless bales of hay. With an internal groan, I silently prayed I wasn’t in that bad of shape.

  “Hey y’all!”

  Spinning around on the heels of my tan Ropers, I returned Becca’s smile. “Please tell me you brought me gloves.”

  She held up her hand and showed me the extra pair of gloves. “Somehow I knew you wouldn’t have any.”

  I took the gloves from her and then brought her in for a hug. I hadn’t had a chance to see her yet since I’d gotten back home.

  She giggled and whispered in my ear, “Did you have hot sex with Holden?”

  With a laugh of my own, I replied, “No. But trust me, he made up for it in other ways.”

  Becca pulled back and wore a huge smile. “Oh, girl, I believe it. I haven’t forgotten about sitting up in my dad’s barn talking about that boy and his … magical hands.”

  I felt my cheeks blush as I quickly added before turning and walking off, “And his magical lips.”

  “Wait! What? Emylie Sanchez, you can’t leave it like that.”

  “Good excuse for a girl’s night tonight?” I replied as I peered over my shoulder.

  “Hell yes!” Becca shrieked as she followed me over to Mason. Little did we know he would work us right up until sunset and every muscle in our body would be aching.

  “My God. Is this what my future is going to be like, cowboy?” Becca asked as she wiped sweat off her forehead.

  Mason walked over to her and wrapped her in his arms. She didn’t even protest about how sweat soaked he was. “Kiss me,” he growled while taking his hat off.

  “With pleasure,” Becca purred before pressing her lips to his. I watched as my two best friends quickly got lost in each other. I was glad nothing was awkward between any of us. I was truly glad to see them together.

  As if on cue, my phone rang in my back jean pocket. Pulling it out, I saw his name and my heart skipped a beat.

  “Hey! I’ve been waiting for you to call.”

  “You sound out of breath.”

  I plopped down on a bale. The smell of the fr
esh cut grass swarmed my senses, filling my mind instantly of memories of playing hide and seek. “Mason recruited me and Becca to help load the hay bales. The two summer ranch hands took off for the coast or something.”

  “Fuck,” Holden sighed. “I should be there helping, not y’all.”

  Peeking over to Mason and Becca still sucking face, I chortled. “Trust me, Becca has not uttered one complaint. She is currently in Mason’s arms as they swap spit. I’m waiting for them to just drop and have sex right here on a bale of hay with the way they are going at each other.”

  I dragged my eyes off of the two love birds and looked out at the field. A group of deer where gathered in the middle eating the scraps of hay we left in our path.

  “I wish that was us,” he barely spoke.

  My chest felt heavy as I replied, “Me too. How did it go today? Did you get everything from the apartment?”

  “Yeah. Todd and Rich came over and hung out with me since Daphne called and said she wanted to talk.”

  My heartbeat increased. “How did that go?”

  I could hear him sigh and I pictured his hand combing through his brown hair. “At first it was like I expected it would be. She begged me for forgiveness and swore things would be different.”

  My thumb nail came up to my mouth as I promptly started to chew on it. I never chewed on my nails. “And?”

  “And I told her basically to get lost.”

  “You did?” I knew my voice sounded a bit too happy.

  “Yeah, I told her we were back together.”

  My breath stalled. “You did? Holden why?”

  There was silence for a few moments and I swore he muffled the phone and said something to someone. “Holden?”

  “Yeah, babe, I’m still here. There was a bit of a situation I had to take care of.”

  Oh no. That doesn’t sound good.

  “Holden, maybe you shouldn’t have told her about us. You really just broke up with her and to move on so quickly, might … well it might …”

  “Make her more unstable?”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. “Well, I didn’t want to say it like that, but yes.”

  “She kept talking about flying to Texas. Trying to work on things between us. Then she started rambling about the movie she had started.”


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