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Deadly Reckoning

Page 24

by Marian Jensen

  He paused a minute and toyed with the buckle on his helmet. She could see he felt awkward, but she said nothing.

  “Mesa, when I saw you fly off in that plane the other day, not knowing what would happen, I promised myself that if you made it back, I’d make it up to you. That’s what I’m trying to do.”

  They had turned at the cemetery office, and Mesa could see Adrienne leaning on her bike against the wrought-iron entrance gate. “What about your budding restoration business that Irita keeps telling me about?”

  “It will just have to bloom a little later, that’s all.” He made this last declaration with an upbeat tone.

  Mesa smiled and picked up her pace. “You know, Chance, that plane ride had an impact on me too. A lot of people crossed my mind after that engine died—people who really matter to me, the promises we’ve made, what’s really important. I would never want us to drift apart like Kathy and Garrett did.”

  Adrienne had spotted them now and was putting her helmet back on. Mesa lifted both hands and gave an enthusiastic wave. “I said I’d come back and help, and I mean to keep my word.” She put her arm through his, and gave it a quick squeeze. “You may come to regret it, but I’m here to stay.”

  About the Author

  A transplant from Kentucky (Derby Town, USA), Marian began visiting the west on camping and skiing vacations where she found the wide-open spaces a respite from her harried career as a college administrator. Once her daughter was grown, Marian and her husband finally made the big move to Montana. Now, she wakes up each morning to meditate on a view of the mountainside, and spends her days immersed in the writerly life, regularly reminding herself that while writing might be for sissies, getting published is not. Trout fishing on the Big Hole River is her favorite place to be.

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