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Mercy's Angels Box Set (Mercy's Angel #1-3)

Page 19

by Kirsty Dallas

  No, redemption wasn’t for me. If God was looking down on me right now, his head would hang in shame, his heart would be broken, just like Sarah’s, just like Ella’s. All the blood on my hands, the broken promises, the women I had used, they were all decisions I had made, wrong decisions that hurt people, killed people. Finishing off the bottle I sank into an abyss of shame and self-loathing. The walls around me spun out of control, just like my life, the ceiling over my head seemed to be falling on top of me. What the fuck had I done? I had ruined everything. With that failing thought, I descended into the sweet silence of unconsciousness.

  As I walked down the narrow hallway of the crumbling building, my heart pounded with fear. Not fear of my own death, but those around me. My brothers, not by blood, but by strength and unity surrounded me, Dillon, at my back. The heat was unbearable, thick, like a living entity that coated your skin and sucked the life right from you. At the end of the familiar hallway I nudged the door open and the acrid scent of mortar and death gripped my lungs, the vision of blood seared my eyes. I fell to my knees, my eyes squeezed shut with the effort it took not to be sick, but it was useless. The bile rose in my throat and when I opened my eyes again, the room had changed. It was Mercy’s bathroom, again a familiar nightmare. The dream had so far replayed with echoing precision, an exact duplicate of the same dream, over and over, except for here, now in the bathroom at Mercy’s Shelter. It looked the same, but it felt different, warmer and the air not as thick, the smell of blood sweeter rather than rotten. I looked toward the shower stall where I knew her body would lay. I didn’t want to see her again, but I was drawn to her. Looking over her lifeless bloodied body was the price I paid for my failure. I saw her tiny foot first, followed by the long pale leg, her body crumpled against the wall, blood pooled around her broken form. The whimper from my throat was weak in comparison to the rage I felt at finding her like this. This was when I usually woke, when the nightmare became too much and I screamed myself awake. But not tonight, tonight the lifeless body of Sarah moved and with horrified fascination I continued to watch her. Her eyes blinked and her head rose to take me in. She smiled, she was happy to see me no doubt pleased I was still here so she could scream and yell how I failed her. Her head tilted to one side and a surprising look of compassion and comfort consumed her features. I tried to whisper I was sorry but the words would not come. A tear escaped my eye and fell uselessly down my cheek. Tears wouldn’t bring her back. Sarah shook her head slowly, her bright green eyes never strayed from mine.

  “There’s nothing to forgive.” My heart lurched at her words. “I’m the one who is sorry, I let you down and I’m sorry, but you have to let me go now Jax. It’s time to let the past rest.” With that her head lolled back lifelessly.

  I woke with a start, sweat dripping from my still clothed body on the couch in my living room. The sun shone through the drapes without mercy, scorching my skin with its touch. I glanced to the empty bottle of whiskey and my stomach pitched, my head pounding. My mouth was as dry as the desert and tasted like ass, or so I assumed, having never tasted ass before. The lingering impressions of my dream held me rooted to my seat. Perhaps forgiveness wasn’t what I needed. Maybe what I needed was to finally accept Sarah’s fate and move forward, just like Ella had said. Fuck, this was too profound for a Friday morning. I glanced at my watch, shit, it was after nine and I was late. Mercy would be pissed and just like clock-work my phone belted out the familiar ACDC riff. I held it to my ear but didn’t get a chance to speak.

  “You’re late, David is covering but he did the 2am shift so he’s exhausted. You’d better be on your way and if not a note from your mother won’t cut it Jaxon James Carter.” I chuckled and rubbed my head, stalking through the house to quickly change.

  “Yeah, I’m on my way and I need to speak to David so tell him not to go anywhere. I had a fucked up dream that needs his psychoanalyzing. Tell him I’ll be there soon and mom, I hate it when you call me by my full name.” She was quiet for a moment.

  “Jax, is everything okay?” In the blink of an eye her voice had gone from pissed off momma bear to the angelic guardian I adored.

  “Not really mom. I fucked up but I’m gonna’ make it right. I need to talk to David about Sarah and once I get that cleared I can make everything right again.”

  “Oh baby. Should I check on Ella?” She didn’t even have to ask me who or how I had fucked up, she just knew.

  “I’d appreciate that. She stayed with Rebecca last night and she’ll be working today.”

  “Okay honey, I’ll stop by Bouquets before I head home and Jax, you’re only human. We all make mistakes. It’s important we learn from them and try not to make them again though.” I slipped the phone from my hand while I pulled a fresh shirt on.

  “Shit, I know. I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up and raced around the house looking for my keys. The urgency to my start helped me push the sharp hangover from the forefront of my mind. I had to get to work, I needed to talk to David, but more than anything I needed to see Ella.

  Chapter 25


  The morning after the incident between Jax and Selena I awoke in Rebecca’s bed, still dressed in my clothes from the night before with a pounding head protesting the deflowering of my vodka virginity. I officially hated vodka. Rebecca and I had worked our way through her entire wardrobe and it was indeed full of clothes that had not been touched in years. I found myself with a suitcase full of perfectly descent clothes which made me incredibly happy, but the sting from Jax’s actions and words the night before still broke my heart. The next morning I rode to work with Rebecca, we were late but since Rebecca was the boss and she didn’t seemed fazed I didn’t worry too much. We were met at the store by a worried looking Mercy. She didn’t ask any questions, just bought a simple bouquet of tulips and made sure I had her number to call her if I needed to.

  The following days crept by slowly. Jax never attempted to contact me and that stung. Annie told me that he had stopped by the diner to ask how I was doing. The fact he couldn’t pick up the phone and ask me himself was absurd and hurtful. Annie said he was working with Dave through some issues. He apparently needed to sort his shit out before he even considered seeing me again and helping me to tackle my shit. I considered leaving so many times. I’d even started taking my backpack everywhere I went again, just in case I decided to run. Something held me to Claymont though. Whether it was Jax, Mercy, Annie and Eli, Rebecca or a combination of all I didn’t know, but I just couldn’t bring myself to walk away. Rita tried to call me several times, but I wasn’t ready to speak to her yet. Rebecca deflected her calls which were apparently growing in angst. Finally, on the day before Thanksgiving, the day before Jax and Selena’s date and the anniversary of my dad’s death, she called Bouquets and I answered.

  “Damn it Ella, I’ve been trying to ring you for the last week!” Rita shrieked and I pulled the receiver away from my ear.

  “Chill out Rita, I’m here, I’m fine. I’ve been busy, sorry.” I grumbled my excuse as pathetic as I felt.

  “Do you think I would keep calling, over and over and over if it wasn’t important?” My stomach sank. How could I have let some childish boy drama foreshadow the real problems in my life? My hands trembled and a cold sweat broke out on my brow. “Don’t freak out Ella,” I heard Rita say with calm but firm words. “A man approached me after work last week. He said his name is Dillon Montgomery and he’s investigating a man by the name of Marcus Fairmont.” Hearing Marcus’s name made bile rise in my throat.

  “Ella, are you alright?” Rebecca asked from across the room. I wiped my brow and fought to stay focused as I listened to Rita.

  “He said that Marcus Fairmont was your step-father Ella, is that right?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “He asked questions, about you Ella.”

  “What sort of questions?”

  “He wanted to know how I knew you, had I seen bruises on you, if I knew Marcus.” My bra
in couldn’t work out why this Dillon would be asking such questions. If he was working for Marcus, why would he ask about my bruises? Why would he be asking about Marcus?

  “What did you tell him?” I murmured.

  “Sweetie, I told him nothing, but he said he is working for a friend in Claymont to make sure you are safe and he gave me his card.” Suddenly everything fell into place. This must have been Jax’s ex-military friend, the man who Jax had looking into Marcus. Why he was there in Dunston had me a little confused, but he definitely wasn’t being discreet like Jax had assured me. My panic disappeared, followed quickly with anger.

  “Thanks for not saying anything Rita, I appreciate it.”

  “Is everything okay hun, you sound tired?” I was tired, I had been plagued with nightmares and restlessness all week.

  “I’m fine, I’ll call you in a couple of days. Please don’t say anything else to this Dillon, I’ll take care of it.” As I hung up the phone I grabbed my mobile.

  “I just need to make a quick call,” I mumbled to Rebecca who was watching me a little bewildered. I headed for the back of the store, to step out into the small ally behind the shop.

  “Ella, are you okay?” Rebecca called out behind me. I turned and nodded, attempting a smile which I knew was a complete waste of time. It was as fake as Selena.

  I looked at Jax’s number on my screen for at least five minutes before I called. Leaving would be so much easier. My backpack was inside I could so easily run and leave this mess behind. But running seemed so weak and a part of me wanted to stay. I’d made friends, I had a wonderful job and I liked Claymont, even with all the drama that had so far come with it. Jax answered on the first ring.

  “Who the fuck is Dillon Montgomery?” I snapped, skipping the pleasantries that I was in no mood for.

  “He’s a friend, a good friend. He’s checking out Marcus for us to make sure he is no longer a threat.” Jax didn’t hesitate and he didn’t try to sooth me with flowery words. He knew I was pissed and direct answers were needed right now.

  “He’s asking questions. I didn’t want that Jax.”

  “Yes, he’s asking questions. Marcus still has a Private Investigator looking for you, Dillon is trying to find out where the case is at, what sort of information they have on you.” I took a deep breath. I knew Marcus would never give up searching for me. I was going to be running for the rest of my life. Claymont was just another pit stop on the race track my life had become.

  “Angel, I need to talk to you, how about I come by tonight?”

  “No, I’m busy tonight.” I was having dinner at Rebecca’s but even if I hadn’t of been, I wasn’t ready to face Jax Carter just yet.

  “Then tomorrow, I really need to see you angel,” he growled. “Dillon has found out some things that I don’t want to talk about over the phone.” His words caused a sharp twinge of disappointment while also managing to terrify me. I couldn’t imagine what Dillon had uncovered and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But that was why Jax wanted to see me, not because of us, not because he cared for me and wanted to make things right.

  “Tomorrow’s not good either, I’m working and you have a date,” I spat.

  “Angel,” Jax implored. “Please, I really need to see you, I’ve missed you and I know I fucked up. I wanted to call you last week, fuck, I wanted to call you the minute you turned and left me standing there by that giant fucking Christmas tree, but I knew I had to deal with my own shit before I could give you everything you deserved. I talked to David about Sarah. We have a lot to talk about.” He said the words I wanted to hear but they were like a conciliation prize. He didn’t bag me with the first line, so try another.

  “I’m glad you’re talking to someone about Sarah, that’s a good thing Jax,” I sighed. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve stayed out of Marcus’s hands for years, I know how to stay safe. Thank you for trying Jax, I appreciate it.” I hung up before he could say another word. My phone vibrated instantly, his name flashing across the screen. Leave…run, it was the only way. I walked awkwardly back into Bouquets and groaned when I saw Selena chatting animatedly with Rebecca, when her eyes found mine they glistened with evil malice.

  “Soooo,” she said in a sing song voice. “I picked up my dress for the ball, it’s divine of course.” Her eyes were glued to Rebecca, but I knew her words were for me. “And we’ve got three nights booked at the lodge up in the mountains after. It’s kind of a ritual for us we’ve done it every year he’s taken me to the Ball.” Rebecca shook her head and cast me a glare that confirmed just how pissed off she was with Selena.

  “Cut the bullshit Selena. The only reason Jax is taking you to the Ball is because there are no more tickets available and it’s good P.R for Mercy’s. Everyone in Claymont knows that whatever you two had going is over.” The look on Selena’s face was priceless and I adored Rebecca even more in that moment. Selena spluttered in outrage for a moment before finally composing herself.

  “Have the arrangement delivered this afternoon.” She snapped.

  “Not a problem. Say hi to your folks for me,” Rebecca sung as Selena turned and stalked from the store like a diva who was denied her botox.

  “Bitch,” grumbled Rebecca turning to face me. “So, what’s going on tiger?” She asked her attention now solely on me. I shrugged and scratched my arm nervously.

  “I have to go, it’s kind of an emergency and I’m not sure when I’ll be back. I’m sorry.” Her brow furrowed as she approached me and pulled me into an easy embrace.

  “What do you need?” She asked. I stepped away from her comfort and support. I had to break this luxury I was quickly growing accustomed to. There was no room for attachments in my life.

  “Just deflect Jax for me, just for a couple of days. I just need some space.” Rebecca nodded thoughtfully as the phone rang.

  “Go, take as much time as you need, you can come back whenever you like. But promise me you will call. Promise me you will let me know you’re okay. I need that Ella.” I nodded. I would let Rita know and she in turn would tell Rebecca. No harm no foul. Grabbing my backpack I hesitated at the door when I heard Rebecca mention Jax’s name.

  “No Jax, she left early, can I give her a message?” She nodded my way and I mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ before leaving the warmth and joy that I’d found in Bouquets.

  I knew Annie was relying on me to watch Eli for Thanksgiving. She’d been offered the shift and the money was awesome working the holiday. I promised I would watch Eli, even though I knew it would be difficult. Thanksgiving was always difficult. I would leave on Saturday and tell Annie then. That would hopefully give her some time to sort out what do to with Eli before her next nights shift, tonight though I would find a motel to stay in. I was intent on evading Jax anyway I could and he knew to find me at Annie’s. Tomorrow night he would be busy and if there was any truth to Selena’s words, he wouldn’t be in town for a few days after that. My break from Claymont would be messy if I had to confront Jax. I just needed to get through the next forty-eight hours and tomorrow would be the hardest. The anniversary of my dad’s death always hit me hard. With my shoulders back and head held high I went in search of a motel.

  Chapter 26


  Fuck, fuck, fuck and double fucking cluster-fuck. Ella’s phone was switched off, she had left Bouquets and Rebecca assured me she had no idea where she had gone. Ella had apparently said she needed to take care of something, but Rebecca eventually confessed her words were more of a goodbye. She hadn’t returned to her apartment but Annie assured me she had spoken to Ella and she was fine. Annie had offered to work Thanksgiving and Ella was watching Eli for the night. I was stuck at Mercy’s now filling in for a night shift and tomorrow I had that fucking ball. The punch’s that landed on the bag in the basement were unforgiving. Somewhere over the last week I had found a measure of peace at the thought of broken little Sarah, but now Ella had me tied up in knots all over again. I needed to tell her everything Dillon had disco
vered, she needed to know about her mother and I needed to make things right between us. The last part I had no idea how to do. Taking Selena to this damn Thanksgiving Ball was a betrayal and downright disrespectful to Ella. Doing it for Mercy’s was one thing, doing it for Selena was another thing altogether.

  “You think hitting that bag is going to answer all your problems?” Dave stood on the stairs behind me. I cast him a quick glance between punches.

  “Nope, but sure as hell makes me feel better.” David grunted and sat down. “What are you doing here tonight? Mercy kick you out?” I joked. It was David’s night off and night shift workers really did appreciate going home to a warm house and comfy bed after working a couple of shifts in the shelter.

  “She needed sweets and I promised her I would also stop in and check on you. Have you spoken to Ella?” With one final punishing blow to the bag I stopped and turned to face David.

  “Yep, she’s running.” I growled. David nodded.

  “It’s how she stays safe. Staying is scary as hell, especially with the shit going on. She doesn’t really need or want all this high maintenance drama on top of her own crap.” I wiped the hair from my eyes in frustration.

  “I don’t know how to fix it Dave. I don’t know how to take back what I did, what I said.” David thought for a moment.

  “You can’t take back what you said. You can only make it right, look forward rather than back. I know the ball is a big deal as far as sponsorship and donations go, but is it worth losing Ella over?”

  “That’s the thing, if I answer truthfully and say no doesn’t that make me a heartless prick? I’d be letting down all the women who need the shelter. I’d be letting down Mercy.” David was careful at choosing his words again.


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