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Mercy's Angels Box Set (Mercy's Angel #1-3)

Page 49

by Kirsty Dallas

  “I like a fighter,” he purred. Yanking hard on my legs, he pulled me closer to him. I hated his touch, I hated his scent, I hated him so much my heart beat an urgent rhythm in protest and I struggled not to scream hysterically. Screaming wouldn’t do me any good, especially with no one around to hear me.

  “Fuck you,” I ground out as I continued to push his body away with my bound hands. With my lower half now pinned under his body, William grabbed the ropes around my wrists and pulled my hands above my head. He had me restrained and I could feel his cock thickening through his pants at my core—my fighting was getting him off—I needed to stop, I needed to calm myself. Easier said than done when you were about to be raped. Somehow I forced my body to comply and relax. William looked down at me with an edge of triumph in his eyes.

  “You limp dick, cock sucking, fucker,” Emily cursed from behind him. William paid her no attention though. I, unfortunately, had his full, undivided attention. “You will never be him,” she continued to scream. “You are a pussy compared to your father.” William’s body became rigid and still. Oh shit, little sister had touched a nerve. “He’s more successful than you. He created his own empire from nothing,” she spat, and William backed off a little, glancing over his shoulder in Emily’s direction. “Yeah, you piece of shit husband, I’m talking to you,” Emily growled.

  William turned back to look at me and pressed his lips to mine. I ground my jaw down tight, not allowing him access to my mouth. William sat back and gave me a quick wink. “One minute, sweetheart, let me take care of this first.”

  Panic filled my body, I knew he was going to hurt Emily. “No!” I yelled, trying to scramble up off the bed. William simply pushed me back down, like he was swatting a bothersome fly.

  “B, I got this.” Emily smirked, her hate filled eyes never leaving William’s. The power and strength I saw in my sister amazed me. I had thought of her as a broken doll, as beaten and defeated, but clearly she was far from that. She hung before William, nude and bloodied, but she still looked like a beautiful avenging angel. As they glared at one another, I pulled my gaze away and took in the slumped side of the bed. With William’s attention off of me, I had a chance at grabbing the steel leg from behind the bed. William must have heard my movement and when he began to turn back towards me, Emily launched into her verbal attack again.

  “Jonas doesn’t have to buy his loyalty, people fear him for more than his name.” I was once again forgotten as William moved towards Emily. “He hits harder than you, he looks better than you, and you know what else?” William was close enough to touch her, his fists clenched, his body wound tighter than a bow string. “He fucks better than you, too,” she snarled.

  William moved so fast I barely noticed. His fist buried into her stomach and Emily coughed out a painful wheeze. A whimper broke from my lips and a tear slipped down my cheek at the sight. With William’s attention otherwise occupied, I leaned over the bed and peered between it and the wall. I could just make out the steel bed post lying on the hardwood floor.

  “Fucking pussy,” Emily chuckled painfully, “that was a love tap compared to what your father can dish out.”

  The slap of skin behind me had me reaching down behind the bed, my fingertips brushing the cool metal. The leg post threatened to roll away in my awkward double handed reach, but desperation had me wrapping my hands around the makeshift weapon.

  Emily laughed, though it wasn’t humor that forced out the sound. “After six fucking years with Jonas, do you honestly think that there is anything you can do that could compare to his torture?” she screamed hysterically.

  I pulled myself around and slipped off the bed, the bar held tightly in my bound hands.

  “But he didn’t he rape and beat your sister while you watched, did he?” William roared. “I’m about to introduce you to a whole other level of torture, darling.”

  That made me pause for a moment, the horror of what he was planning to do sitting uncomfortably raw in my stomach. Emily didn’t answer, she didn’t have to. But now it was my turn to bring some Donovan hate down on this prick. I swung the steel bed post hard. It was nothing like in the movies. I mean, I expected a big loud thump and William to crumple to the floor in a heavy heap. Instead, the sturdy, yet thin bed post merely bounced off William’s shoulder. He turned to face me, his eyes full of barely restrained rage. As William moved to lunge forward, Emily’s legs wrapped around his waist from behind, slowing his progress and I swung the steel again, this time connecting with the side of his face. Though stunned, he still didn’t go down and I swung again, and again, cursing the fact I didn’t have that damn kick-ass gun of Charlie’s. Thunderous footsteps filled the room and I glanced up to see one of the insanely huge body guards enter the room.

  “Shit,” I whispered as Emily continued to struggle with William, who was at least moving a little slower following my beating. The big man grinned at me and I knew we were seriously fucked now.

  Chapter 23


  Glancing through the filthy windows of the decrepit old shack, my heart hammered as I took in the empty room. I moved along the house until I reached the next window and found a dark room which, as far as I could tell, was also empty. Patience was clearly not my forte and I struggled to keep my composure and remain calm. Edging around the side of the shack, I found what I assumed was once the kitchen, and in it stood William, looking out the windows into the forest beyond. He was on his phone, his attention distracted as I stayed down low for fear of being caught.

  “Tell him I’ll have the cash within the week, I already have a buyer and my lawyer left less than an hour ago to prepare the paperwork.” His voice, though somewhat muffled through the closed windows, was confident and smug. Rebecca was here, and if I didn’t find her alive, this fucker was going to die in the most painful way possible. I heard William’s footsteps retreat from the window at the same time that Braiden appeared out of nowhere beside me. Dude was a damn ninja, I swear.

  “Third guy just entered through the front door. Second has been taken out and I think that’s all. We do this now. Dillon will be here any minute but I don’t want to wait.” Braiden chanced a glance through the kitchen window then kneeled back down beside me. “They are in the back room, only room with the windows covered. We go through the front. First priority, take out Big Guy, then Levier. And we do it with no harm to the girls, agreed?”

  I nodded, because I really couldn’t find fault in his plan. How exactly we would execute it was a little out of my grasp though. I followed Braiden back around to the front of the building where we glanced through a grimy window to see if anyone occupied the room beyond the door. Empty. Braiden turned the handle on the door and pushed it open. My body tensed, expecting a loud and obnoxious creak on such old hinges, but there was nothing. Braiden glanced my way and indicated he would go first. Expertly, and with far too much stealth and badass-ness than any average Joe should possess, Braiden moved forward into the building, his gun raised and ready to fire. Trying to mimic his movement, I followed. I could hear a female’s voice at the back of the house, but it wasn’t Rebecca. We followed, clearing the rooms we passed, looking for any sign of Big Guy. As we rounded a corner in the small dilapidated shack, we found Big Guy, who was, in fact, fucking huge. He filled the doorway, just standing there, his back to us and hands on his hips. Braiden didn’t hesitate, his gun held steady and high, he fired. Big Guy went down hard and we moved quickly down the hall.

  “Noooooo!” screamed a woman’s voice, still not Rebecca’s. Braiden entered the room first, and I followed behind. The room was large, lit with a bright lantern sitting on a small wooden bedside table. There was a twin bed slumped to one side. Following Braiden’s gaze, I was struck fair in the chest with fear. William Levier stood in the center of the room, Rebecca held firmly to his chest, a gun shoved under her chin. Hanging behind them, looking barely conscious was Emily, her naked body limp like a rag doll. My eyes sought out Rebecca’s, and she watched
me, panic and fear consuming her blue depths.

  “Weapons down or I decorate the ceiling with her pretty little head,” growled William. “And drop the fucking stick, Ms. Donovan.” A metal bar fell from Rebecca’s hand and hit the ground with a resounding twang.

  My finger sat on the trigger of my weapon, trained on William and Rebecca. I glanced over to Braiden looking for clues as to what the ninja had up his sleeve next. Without hesitation, he raised one hand off his gun and withdrew his finger from the trigger, and threw it to the floor. Fuck, not what I had in mind, Braiden. I didn’t drop my weapon, I simply couldn’t. William’s gaze zeroed in on me and he pushed the gun a little harder into the skin under Rebecca’s chin, making her whimper. Closing my eyes briefly and conceding defeat, for now, I lowered my weapon and threw it on the ground. I raised my hands and linked them behind my head in a sign of submission.

  William smirked. “Wise choice, Cole.” He began to pull Rebecca to the doorway.

  I took a few hesitant steps backwards trying to block his only exit, praying I didn’t spook the fucker, causing him to accidentally blow Rebecca’s head off. He seemed a little frantic and twitchy. His plans had obviously been thrown into chaos. He was also a man with a small heroin problem, most likely needing another fix. As he edged around me, his back to the doorway, a shadow in the background caught my eye. Dillon, thank fuck! Never have I ever kissed a man, nor have I ever wanted to, but in that split second, I would’ve laid a wet one on the former GI Joe or perhaps offered him my first born child. I lowered my hands and took a bold step towards William and Rebecca.

  “The only way you’re leaving here with her is if you shoot me, so you had better fucking do it now.” Rebecca’s eyes widened and William paused as if considering his options.

  “I’m not an idiot, Cole, I take the gun off her to shoot you, and he’ll shoot me.” He nodded to Braiden.

  “Kick your weapon under the bed, Braiden, and do the same with your backup.” Braiden did so, pulling the second gun from the back of his cargos, making sure they both slid under the bed. “Now, you mother fucker, you got the balls to shoot me, or do you leave the hard stuff for your daddy to handle?” I heard Emily snicker from behind me and was pleased to hear she was alive. I saw the fire in William’s eyes as his gun shifted and he extended his arm. He was already a good six inches taller than Rebecca, add that to the fact that he now had his body turned slightly to take me out, Dillon had a clear shot—his gun was only a matter of feet from the back of William’s head, he wouldn’t miss. The loud bang that cracked through the stiff, quiet standoff seemed almost surreal. William immediately slumped to the ground, taking Rebecca with him, his brains splattering all over the room. Rebecca screamed as Braiden lunged forward to pull her free from her tormentor. Seeing her body flail so helplessly broke my heart. I mean, seriously broke it, painfully. Agony tore through my chest and shoulder and I glanced down to find a small red stain quickly bleed out into my shirt. Holy shit, he fucking shot me! Rebecca flew across the room, screaming and sobbing as my knees went weak. I wasn’t dying. Well, I didn’t feel like I was dying, but the thought that I’d been shot was making me feel a little woozy. Damn I was a pussy. The room quickly filled with Dillon, Frank, and Jax.

  “Lay down, brother,” Jax commanded and I obeyed without protest. Like I said—pussy.

  “You fucking asshole! You let him shoot you. How could you do that to me?” Rebecca demanded a little hysterically.

  I laughed. “Sorry, Betty Boop, promise I won’t let it happen again.” I winced as Jax pressed something hard against my shoulder and rolled me slightly to check the other side.

  “Clean exit,” he said, to whom exactly I had no idea. I glanced up to see Braiden carefully cutting Emily down.

  “Baby, I’m good. Go check on your sister.” Rebecca’s eyes left mine for a moment as she too watched Braiden tenderly wrap Emily in a blanket. He carried her tiny body closer and knelt down beside us, his movements slow and cautious as if he were carrying a wild animal. Emily was watching Braiden, her eyes big and scared. “He won’t hurt you,” I whispered. She somehow dragged her eyes away from him and looked me over.

  “He shot you,” she breathed, her face beaten in a way that reminded me too much of the night Rebecca was attacked.

  “Just a scratch,” I replied, and at that moment Jax pressed down a little harder on my shoulder. I sucked in a breath. “Fuck me, quit doing that would you!” Jax laughed and I nearly decked him right there and then.

  “Suck it up, princess.” He smirked.

  “I’m sorry.” The room went quiet at Emily’s soft apology. Rebecca scrambled to reach across me and take her sister’s limp hand.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, this wasn’t your fault!” She said it in that stubborn tone of hers that broke no argument. Emily watched her through tired, weary eyes.

  “The moment I walked out of Claymont with a far too big chip on my shoulder, I created this mess. You will never know just how truly ashamed of myself I am for doing that, for bringing this down on you.” Rebecca sucked in a surprised breath. Emily stared back with solemn guilt and shame etched into her features. I knew this wasn’t something that could be erased from Emily’s heart with a few words. This girl had seen evil, she had lived it, tasted it, and inadvertently brought it to her sister’s doorstep.

  “You did everything you could to protect me, that’s why you stopped writing, stopped calling, right?” Rebecca insisted. Emily’s eyes were downcast and she seemed to melt further into Braiden’s embrace, which pretty much amazed me. “You insulted William just now in an attempt to get him to leave me alone. You put yourself in danger to protect me, and he hurt you. This isn’t on you, Em.” Emily’s body seemed to become limp, which freaked Rebecca out more.

  Braiden carefully checked her pulse. “She’s just passed out, Rebecca, which is probably for the best, she’s in a lot of pain.” The look of inconsolable grief on Rebecca’s face was pissing me off. I wanted to hold her, comfort her. Without thought, I reached for her with the arm that just had a bullet put through its shoulder. I groaned when the pain shot through my body.

  “Keep still, you dumb shit,” Jax murmured. Rebecca wacked him on the arm and I gave her my best happy face.

  “Thanks, babe.”

  “Ambulance is five minutes out. Be nice if you boys would stop getting yourselves into these shit-storms,” Frank said quite bluntly from above us.

  “Last shit-storm was all on Jax, Frank. I had nothing to do with that one,” I said with a little too much grouchiness in my voice.

  “And I didn’t get here on time to partake in that one. I did try my best though. Nothing like a good shit-storm to spike up adrenaline levels,” Braiden said thoughtfully.

  “Did he just try and crack a joke?” Jax asked.

  “Not sure. He’s been doing that shit a lot lately and I don’t get it. Maybe he doesn’t have the whole humor thing down yet,” I admitted. Braiden gave us the royal finger before standing with Emily in his arms and walking out of the room. “She’ll be fine, Braiden’s got her.” Rebecca’s worried gaze returned to mine, and one of what I assumed would be many tears escaped.

  “I want to go home,” she admitted.

  Her request melted my heart. Her last step to moving past all of this was her going home.

  “Then let’s get me patched up so I can take you there.”

  Chapter 24


  The last two days moved by like a full blown hurricane. Police interviews, media reports, doctors, nurses—I was bombarded left, right, and center. To top it off I had to spend more time in a hospital than I ever cared to, my eyes wide open, seeing it all. It made me queasy and anxious, but for the two people I loved most in this world, I would do anything. I still needed a time out though, badly! For the last two hours, Ella has been stoically by my side getting on anyone who dared approach me like a rabid dog. I couldn’t help but grin and turned to pat her head as she sat with her nos
e buried in a comic book. She looked like she was twelve damn years old.

  She looked up and smiled at me. “Why are you patting my head?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “You’re a good guard dog, the best.” She snickered as her eyes dropped back to the book. Charlie finally exited the bathroom, dressed in a sexy pair of low rise jeans and a black long sleeved t-shirt. His arm was in a sling, much to his distress. Jax told him only pussies needed a sling, but Dillon assured him that anyone with a gunshot wound to their shoulder needed one. The moment I had seen him go down in Morris’s shack, my world tilted. A world without Charlie Cole in it, was a world I didn’t want to live in. It would have destroyed me if I had to bury someone else I loved. When he had laid there, joking with Jax, and trying to soothe me with blood gushing out of his shoulder, I had broken down. My capacity to deal with what Frank called a shit-storm had reached its toll. I couldn’t go with Charlie in the ambulance because they needed to transport both Emily and Charlie together. Instead I rode with Jax, who explained to me how he had to follow Ella’s ambulance from Frank’s squad car when she had been attacked by her stepfather twelve months ago. He admitted how crazy it had made him and he hadn’t known whether to cry or punch something. He told me it was okay to do either, and I opted for crying. He placed his giant of a hand over mind to offer what support he could. Two days, later the circus that surrounded our ordeal with William Levier and his subsequent death was in full swing. While the media had pounced on the news, Dillon, Braiden, Jax and Charlie all sat on the razor’s edge, concerned about retaliation by the business mogul, Jonas Levier. No one had heard a peep from him though; he hadn’t even made a statement to the media. He was more than tight-lipped, it was as if he had vanished and it was making everyone nervous.

  Emily was healing slowly. She had required more than eighty stitches to cuts spread at different intervals over her entire body. She had three broken ribs and I had a slight measure of understanding about that sort of pain—bruises were excruciating, broken would be intolerable. Her shoulder was dislocated from hanging for so long from that fucking rope and her wrists were bloodied and bruised. A fractured cheek bone and concussion rounded out her list of injuries. What really broke my heart though, she didn’t complain once. She didn’t even look to be in the slightest amount of discomfort, and since she had become lucid, she refused all pain medication. The doctors confirmed Braiden’s story by bringing to our attention the scars on her back. She had been whipped to the point of bloodshed and her entire back was laced with permanent scars. The concern the doctors had at this point though were the scars on her soul. They ran deep and were the sort of scars that never fully healed. I tried to talk to her, but she refused to acknowledge me, her eyes set on the ceiling of her hospital room, her mind quite possibly a million miles from the safe haven of Claymont. I told her I loved her, that I didn’t hold any of this against her, and however horrifying the circumstances of the last month were, they brought her back to me, which I was grateful for. She said nothing. Now as I watched Charlie pack his overnight bag that Jax delivered this morning, I was ready to blow this joint.


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