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Mercy's Angels Box Set (Mercy's Angel #1-3)

Page 75

by Kirsty Dallas

  “Stay behind me, Em.” This was more than his dominant voice, this was Braiden in full scale soldier mode. He pushed the door open and gave the open hallway a quick check before pulling me out of the bedroom. I stayed against his back, my hands gripping his shirt. Braiden’s body was rigid, his gun held in two hands, and aimed directly in front of him as he quickly navigated the long hallway. A quick glance in Dillon’s room showed it empty, the bed was still made. Once in the living room, I noticed the shattered glass scattered across tiles below the windows along the front of the house. Braiden spun and aimed his gun at the noise that came from the opposite side of the room. When he realized it was Gabbie, he quickly lifted the muzzle of the gun to the ceiling.

  “We need to go, we’re being attacked,” she said, not seeming to be bothered by the fact Braiden had just pointed his gun at her.

  “Bomber and Drew?” Braiden asked.

  “Covering the front, there are two SUVs, and they’ve blocked the driveway.” Gabbie pulled a backpack on and slid open the sliding glass door that led to Braiden’s backyard.

  “Where’s Dillon?” Braiden asked as we slipped out of the house. The cold night air stung my face as we ran across the backyard. I was only wearing a thin t-shirt and a pair of jeans, the icy cold air immediately blanketed my skin.

  “I’m assuming still out with the blonde real estate bimbo,” whispered Gabbie as she hunched down and moved toward the back of the property. We skirted the small building behind the pool and placed our backs to the timber wall. Braiden pulled a few boards off the fence that didn’t look to be anchored with nails. The space he made was big enough to fit through. Braiden went first, cautious but swift. I followed, and Gabbie behind me. A large open field separated the backs of the houses and the Black Ridge Mountains before us. We kept low and ran the length of never ending fence. When we finally rounded a corner, I noticed a black sedan sitting at the end of a cul-de-sac. When the lights flickered on and off, I glanced to Gabbie, who held the keys in her hand. Braiden pushed me gently into the backseat and took the keys from Gabbie, who climbed into the front passenger seat. As soon as the car was started, I was grateful for the warmth of the heater that Braiden turned to high.

  “Stay down, Em,” Gabbie said as the car moved quickly down the street. When we came to a sudden stop, I panicked, thinking the road might have been blocked off.

  “Just waiting for the rest of the team, Malen’kaya,” Braiden calmly informed me.

  It was only seconds later when the door beside me opened and Bomber threw himself into the car, right on top of me. Drew quickly followed.

  “GO! GO! GO!” Bomber shouted.

  The door slammed shut and Braiden floored it.

  “Sorry, honey,” Bomber murmured, pulling me out from under Drew. Bomber pushed my head back down, and I quickly turned in search of Braiden. He glanced over his shoulder at me.

  “Stay down, Em,” he commanded.

  Bomber’s hand stayed on my back, pressing me down over his thighs. Drew’s scarred face was unreadable as he gripped his gun and watched the streets as we moved out of Braiden’s estate.

  “I don’t see anyone, Boss,” Gabbie finally said.

  With that news, calmness seemed to descend on me. We had gotten away and nobody had been hurt. Suddenly thoughts of the same thing happening to Rebecca filled my mind.

  “B!” I all but screamed, struggling to sit up.

  Bomber kept me firmly in place as Braiden tossed his cell phone over his shoulder to him. He quickly unlocked the screen and pressed a few buttons before raising the phone to his ear.

  “Larz, we’ve been compromised.” I heard Bomber say. He nodded his head, and his eyes silently communicated something with Braiden in the rearview mirror.

  “Is Rebecca and Charlie okay?” I reached up and gripped his arm, trying to get the phone. Bomber easily held me off, taking my hand in a tight yet comforting grip.

  “They’re okay, Em, both of them are fine,” he quickly told me.

  Relief flooded my body and I heard no more as I slumped into the seat. It was more than a little cozy, squished between Drew and Bomber in the sedan, but I was safe. Rebecca was safe. It was going to be okay, for tonight anyway.

  “They were attacked, too, but Larz got Rebecca and Charlie to Carter Constructions, just as we planned. Dillon is in route to them.”

  Bomber still had hold of my hand as he quickly dialed another number. “Parker, status.” Gabbie and Drew were watching the streets like immobile hawks. Braiden was driving like a NASCAR driver, his face eerily calm. “Us too. Rendezvous as planned.” Bomber disconnected the call. “Parker did an early evening patrol of the forest surrounding Jaxon’s home and stumbled across three men, all armed. He took them out and it’s quiet now.”

  “Everyone is safe?” I asked.

  “Everyone is safe, Em,” Bomber answered, giving my hand a little squeeze.

  When the car came to a stop, we piled out, me last. We were in the underground parking lot of Montgomery Security. Braiden took my hand from Bomber and led me to an elevator. The entire team still had their weapons drawn and moved cautiously. In the elevator, Braiden swiped a card and entered a code into an electronic keypad. The elevator moved swiftly upward. It was only a three story building, so the ride was short. When the doors sprung open, we were greeted with a shocked Sam, who was wearing nothing but a pair of flannel pajama bottoms. His hair wet and sticking up at odd angles.

  “Nice pants.” Gabbie grinned as we moved past him.

  “I take it we’ve been compromised?” Sam asked.

  “Baby?” came a woman’s voice from one of the offices. A tall blonde woman wearing a pair of tiny sleep shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top walked into the hall. She was painfully beautiful, but the hungry smile and roaming eyes that settled on Braiden had me immediately hating her.

  Sam reached out and took her hand, pulling her into his arms. “Go back upstairs, Jessica. I’m going to have to work for a bit.” The blonde pouted as she trailed her red clawed fingers over Sam’s chest. Sam pushed his thick rimmed glasses up his nose and gave the woman a quick kiss to the nose. They made an odd couple—Sam with his disheveled mad scientist look, and Jessica the stunning seductress.

  “Already? You promised me office sex.”

  Sam blushed while Bomber laughed loudly and clapped him on the back.

  “Better not be in my office,” Braiden grumbled.

  “Just go back upstairs, Jess, I’ll be up later. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  Jessica put on a good show of pissed off female. She sauntered towards the elevator, scowling, though her eyes perused the other men in the room with far too much interest. She gave me a small smile that I had no problem not returning.

  “Skank,” Gabbie whispered from beside me. That nearly made me smile.

  “Jessica fucking rabbit,” Bomber chuckled. “Dude, how did a geek like you land a playboy bunny like her?” Sam simply shook his head, a slight blush dusting his cheeks.

  Braiden began to fill Sam in on what had happened, while I took a moment to compose myself in the bathroom. The reflection that stared back at me from the mirror over the sink was pale and tired. Fucking Jonas Levier was a constant thorn in my side. Would I ever be truly free of him? And why me? Why the fuck had he taken such a perverse interest in me? Why couldn’t he just move on and leave me in peace? I never did anything but give him the unchallenged submission he demanded, and he threw me away for protecting myself. He didn’t want me anymore—he planned to sell me anyway—so why the fuck was he still in my life? Tiredness quickly disappeared under anger. I was going to kill Jonas. The thought of standing over him with a smile on my face as the life drained from his body sent a shiver through me. He would never harm me or my family again. I would send my former master to the hell he deserved.

  Chapter 24


  Bomber and Drew took the first shift and were positioned on the top of the building with an unobstr
ucted view of the streets around it. Gabbie was getting some shut eye while Sam checked the RFID tag in Emily’s shoulder. The signal was strong, but we were standing right next to her. When we moved to opposite ends of the office block, we were still able to pick up a signal, but it was much fainter. It didn’t sit well with me. The need to lock her away somewhere safe until this situation with Levier was resolved rode me hard. Emily would never forgive me for that though, it would set her healing back. She wanted to finish this, she wanted Jonas’ blood just as much as I did, more than I did. While I needed her to be safe, I also needed to give her this one thing, else it might sit on her shoulders and weigh her down for the rest of her life.

  Her temperament had become subdued since we arrived at the office. She seemed distant and maybe a little angry. Anger was good, it would feed her strength. Sam went to get some shut eye and I pulled Em down beside me, onto the large soft leather couch that sat in the reception area. She came willingly, however she was so tense it was like holding an animal ready to spring into action. With slow methodical strokes, I began running my fingers through her hair, and just as I expected, she relaxed. Soon she was practically purring like a kitten.

  “We’ll finish this soon, Em. Jonas will be out of your life forever.”

  Without warning she swiveled around until her legs were over my lap, her head on my shoulder, and her hand pressed against my chest, right over my beating heart.

  “Then what happens?” she whispered.

  Pulling her back with me, I rested against the couch, my head tipped back to take in the roof above me.

  “Then you get to live your life, anyway you please. No Larz watching over your shoulder twenty-four seven, you can work, you can join a damn knitting circle if you please.”

  She drew little circles on my chest. “I don’t know how to knit.”

  “I think that’s the point of knitting circles, you can learn.”

  “And what about your team? What happens to them?”

  “We have other jobs lined up. They work for Montgomery Security now, so they go where they’re needed. Right now they are needed here, but unfortunately there will always be someone who will need them elsewhere.” I was grateful her legs were bent. It put a small space between her and my dick, otherwise she might feel the evidence of my hunger for her. Just her touch filled my body with an insatiable need. Silence enveloped and I thought maybe she’d dozed off when she finally spoke again, her words whispered loudly in the quiet, dimly lit office.

  “What about you?”

  Pressing my own hand over hers, I pushed her palm against my beating heart.

  “I planned on taking a trip to Cambodia in the New Year. Things are a little busy here though, so I might have to push it back a couple of months.” I hesitated before asking my next question. “Would you like to accompany me?”

  Emily shot straight up and looked right into my eyes. “To Cambodia?” I nodded and suppressed a smile at the shock and awe in her beautiful eyes. It would have been comical if I weren’t so serious. “Are you going to see the child you foster over there?” Another nod. “Would you like me to come?”

  I grinned. What a loaded question. She hit my chest, instantly recognizing my arrogant smirk. “You have a one track mind,” she murmured.

  There was no argument from me. When it came to Emily coming, yes, I only had one thought. Shaking it away, I cleared my throat.

  “Em, I want you wherever I am, always.” Her eyes glistened and a look of hope took over her features. “But I also want you to be free. You’ve been chained to a dominant man for far too long, Em. You might want to try freedom for a while.” The hope in her eyes faded a little. “And I’m probably too old for you.”

  “How old are you?” she asked after a short silence.


  “That’s only six years older than me. You talk as if you are an old man.”

  “Sometimes I feel like an old man.” I shrugged. “That being said, if you want me, I’ll be your old man, Em.”

  Her surprised eyes found mine again before she moved forward and kissed me hard. Her force and demand shocked me a little. It was normally me who initiated our kisses, and it was usually me who came on heavy and strong. I didn’t give her a chance to control the kiss for long though, my need to dominate was an incorrigible force. Pushing her to her back I fucked her mouth with my tongue, just the way I wanted to fuck her pussy. Her shirt made a tearing sound as I ruthlessly tugged it from her body, loving that she was naked beneath it. With a tug her jeans came down her legs, remembering at the last minute to pull her shoes off too. Once I had her naked I pulled my fly down and freed my hard cock.

  “Are you wet for me, Malen’kaya?” One finger ran through her pussy and it came away sopping wet. Needing to taste her, I put my finger into my mouth and sucked her delicious sweetness from it. Kneeling on the carpeted floor, my dick in my hand, with my beautiful, sweet submissive, very naked woman panting before me was pure bliss. Grabbing her waist I tugged her forward, bringing her core right in line with my hungry dick. Up, down, up down I rubbed the head of my cock through her folds before plunging deep inside her. Being inside Em was like coming home. All my worries disappeared under the knowledge she was safe and here with me now. I squeezed her breasts as I pumped into her, loving the soft feel of those small delights in my palms. This wasn’t going to last long; the pressure in my balls was already building swiftly. She just felt too damn good. Her plump lips were parted in desire and I sucked at her lower lip, before trailing wet kisses down her throat and taking one taut nipple into my mouth. The soft moans she whispered were an erotic music filling the quiet space. The thought that someone could walk into the room any minute should have deterred me from taking her like this. The thing was, nothing could stop me from fucking this beauty. This need for her was an unstoppable force of nature. Flicking my finger over her clit helped her find release, and I followed quickly after. Panting for breath, my forehead rested on her chest as our bodies returned to some resemblance of normal. My arms slipped around her back, pulling her flush against my heated body as I held her tight. This sexual encounter can’t have lasted more than five minutes, and though I had never been a fan of quickies, with Em, I was hungry for everything. Fast and furious, long and languorous, sex with Emily was divine. When I told her I was hers, never had more honest words been spoken. It was impossible to own Emily for it was her who held all the power, she owned me. The need for her to accept me was not something I was used to. If a woman wanted me, she got me, whether it was for a moment or longer, I was there. And I took whatever they had to offer without guilt or hesitation. I wanted to be Emily’s; I wanted her to look at me with pride in her eyes, I wanted those thoughtful looks that meant she really was hearing me and taking my words in, I wanted her rare smiles that lit me up from somewhere deep inside, and I wanted her fucking heart. As much as I was hers, I wanted her to be mine.

  “Am I yours, Em?” I was too selfish not to ask.

  “In every way, Mой,” she breathed without any sign of uncertainty. Her words ricocheted around my head before soaking deep into my heart as it fell into a restful rhythm, pleased with her confession. Pulling back so I could see those gentle blue eyes, I kissed her lips hard before resting my forehead against hers.

  “You will always be Emily Donovan to me, as free as a bird to come and go as you wish. But my heart is yours, Malen’kaya, it will always be yours.” I kissed her nose. “I’ll always be a dominant prick, but I won’t ever take your choices away from you, and I won’t ever hurt you. I can promise you that.”

  Her hand cupped my cheek. “And you always keep your promises.”

  Nodding, I withdrew from her body and helped her dress. Her top hadn’t torn, but stretched at one seam, and I made a mental note to buy her another one. Fortunately for me all I had to do was zip up my fly, which I felt bad about for all but a minute, before the memory of her shouting her release brought an arrogant grin to my lips.

  “What’s that about?” Emily pointed to my face and evident smirk.

  “I said I wanted you to come, and you did, loudly.”

  She scrunched up her nose right before a shy smile appeared on her face. Her smiles were undoubtedly created in heaven, absolutely perfect and so rare. Leaning forward I kissed her lips, trying to take that smile right from her and into my heart. When I pulled away, she was breathless. This time my arrogant grin was full and proud, I loved being able to make her lose control so easily.

  “What was that for?” she panted.

  “That smile was so stunning, I just wanted to own it, consume it.” She smiled again and my heart pounded hard at my chest. “Careful, or I’ll be stripping your clothes from you again and we’ll never leave this couch. Are you hungry?” I asked, realizing we skipped lunch and dinner.

  “A little,” Emily confessed.

  The fridge was stocked with fruit and cheese. Making up a small plate of everything I joined Em back on the couch, which I would never be able to look at again without getting a hard-on. Perhaps we needed a new couch. It wouldn’t be appropriate to be sporting wood every time I walked in here. When I picked up a piece of cheese to pop in my mouth, Emily stopped me. She took my wrist and guided my hand to her mouth. Her soft lips took the cheese from my fingers and she sucked on my finger for a moment, her eyes never leaving mine.

  “I’m going to fuck you again if you keep that up, Malen’kaya.”

  She shrugged and took a strawberry, raising it to my mouth. To hell with that, I was feeding my woman. I had never found anything remotely satisfying about feeding a woman, until now. Taking the strawberry from her fingers I placed it at her lips. She bit, causing juice to run down her chin and I swooped in to lick it away. The small giggle that filled my ears caused me to pull away, shock no doubt first and foremost in my expression.


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