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The Pleasure House

Page 99

by Kitty Thomas

  He may have done it with someone before, but he'd never brought it up with her.

  Damian returned then with a jug of milk and a jar of honey. He poured a generous amount of each into the tub, then left again to take the food back downstairs to the kitchen. When he returned again, he tested the water temperature and turned the water off. Shannon knew what the temperature was just from looking at it. Steam rose off the water.

  “Get in.”

  The tub was huge, and the water was deep when she got in.

  Damian didn't bother with a wash cloth; he just lathered his hands up with the soap and massaged it into her skin. He washed every inch of her, the most innocent parts first. Shannon couldn't help the moan as his hands ran carefully over her.

  She hadn't realized before this moment just how strong his hands and arms were. He wasn't hurting her, but the firmness of his touch, the way he kneaded her muscles, the way the muscles in his hands and arms flexed as he did it, she couldn't help but notice his overpowering maleness. The strength that could easily break her.

  “Get on your hands and knees,” he said.

  There was a flutter of excitement in her stomach as she obeyed that order. He lathered up again, and ran his hands between her legs, stroking her pussy for several moments until she started moving with him, her breathing going deeper with each stroke.

  Damian chuckled. “We're just getting you clean. We aren't even to the fun and games yet. Pace yourself.”

  He lathered up again and then his hands were on her ass, first massaging over her cheeks, then dipping between until he was touching her in the most intimate way she'd ever been touched. Once he'd lathered her, he rinsed her, and rubbed between her cheeks. He repeated this pattern several times. He pressed a finger slowly inside her ass under the water and she gasped at the not entirely unwelcome intrusion.

  “Still just getting you clean,” he said, chuckling again.

  He drained the water out and ordered her out of the tub. Then he brought over a fluffy white towel and started to carefully dry her. When she was dry, he led her back downstairs to the dungeon.

  “Get in the bed and try to relax,” he said.

  She was relaxed. Surprisingly relaxed. Between the warmth of the water and the way he'd touched her, she was feeling a lot less scared about this and a lot more sure he would take good care of her. And she was very very clean right now so she wasn't self-conscious or afraid this would be gross or embarrassing.


  “Hmmm?” he was at the other end of the room, taking things out of a large black box.

  “What if it does hurt? Will you stop?”

  “It won't hurt because I know what I'm doing,” he said. “But hypothetically if you are in pain, I will stop.”

  She let out a long breath. “Okay.”

  Damian returned laden down with objects from the box. “Close your eyes, baby.”

  Shannon closed her eyes and he tied a blindfold around them.

  “I don't want you to look at me or anything in this room or anticipate or make judgments about anything. I just want you to feel. Just focus on the sensory experience, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir,”

  “Lie on your back and spread your legs for me.”

  Shannon did as he asked. She yelped when a tongue was unexpectedly between her legs, laving the tight bundle of nerves, sucking lightly on her clit. Then a finger was inside her, then two, moving in slow circles within her, then pumping, dragging out her wetness until his finger fucking made sounds. His mouth went back to licking and sucking as she arched off the bed, pressing herself hard against his face.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  She heard a buzzing sound, then he slid a vibrating toy, not inside her pussy and not to rest against her clit, but against the tight bud of her asshole. She moaned and squirmed barely able to process this new set of sensations.

  “Holy fuck,” she said, pressing herself harder against the vibrations, wanting him to put it inside her ass, and shocked by her own reaction and desire. Why had nobody ever shown her this?

  “Oh, this is nothing,” Damian said. “I'm just getting started with you.”

  When he'd driven her to near madness he took the toy away and it occurred to her that Damian used anal play in the same way Lindsay used the arousal cream. Then she nearly lost her mind thinking of how she might cope with both of these torments at once.

  A whimper escaped her throat at the thought, and Damian stroked her hip. “You're okay,” he said, misreading the whimper. He flipped her onto her stomach so she was lying on the pillow; then he arranged her so that her ass was in the air. A few moments later, his finger, wet with lube pressed at her back entrance.

  “Relax, let me inside you,” he murmured.

  She took slow deep breaths and relaxed as he pressed inside her past the tight band of muscles and slowly stroked her from the inside. “Good girl,” he said.

  He did this for several minutes, then withdrew. And then something else, hard and metal and wet with lube pressed at her opening. It was a little larger than his finger, but it's smoothness allowed the toy to push inside her with less resistance.

  She gasped at this new exquisite intrusion. Fuck why had she not done this before? After a while he removed the toy as well.

  “No, please... more, more,” she moaned, surprised at her own panic that he might stop this.

  “I'm not done with you yet, don't worry.”

  Her ears perked up at another buzzing sound. It wasn't the same toy as the first. It sounded different. This one was cold and slippery from lube as it slipped inside her ass, and yet again, just a tiny bit larger than the last object he'd used. This realization of how he was working her up, slowly expanding her to eventually accept his cock sent a gush of pulsing wetness between her legs.

  He held the new intruder there, letting it vibrate gently inside her, then there was another buzzing. She turned her head to the sound as if trying to look for the source of it even though the blindfold made that impossible.

  He pressed the second vibrator inside her dripping pussy. Both of the toys were at the lowest possible setting, just a bare hint of a rumble inside her. With achingly slow movements, Damian slid the two toys in and out of her in tandem.

  Shannon writhed and moaned and panted. “Please Sir, please fuck my ass.”

  He laughed. “No, not today. And not this weekend. I will decide when you're ready. Now come for me.”

  Shannon rocked against the toys moving inside her and allowed them to take her over the edge of her pleasure. She screamed out her orgasm, and then Damian turned the toys off and pulled them out of her.

  She collapsed onto her stomach on the bed, spent. But he wasn't quite finished yet. Damian lubed a gently flared plug and seated it inside her ass. She gripped the sheets and moaned as it slipped inside. Then he pulled her against his body, her back to his front and stroked her pussy until she came yet again, her ass clamping down on the plug.

  “Good girl,” he soothed. “Now rest. You need to get used to this sensation.”


  It was Monday morning and Lindsay had just finished up with his first patient. He had an entire hour before his next appointment because of a scheduling conflict. He glanced at the clock on the wall, watching the seconds tick by. They were late. They were supposed to be here at nine o'clock.

  He was about to pick up his phone to call Damian when he heard them laughing as they got off the elevator. He got up and went to stand in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. He caught Damian grabbing her ass in the outer office while she giggled.

  “You're late,” he said.

  Shannon immediately turned serious, and he hated that. He hated that she was nothing but giggles and smiles with Damian and the second she saw him again she'd gone serious. Oh they had their own sort of banter, but it wasn't the same light playfulness. Their history was too heavy for that.

  “I-I'm sorry, Master.”

  She thought she
was in trouble.

  “You're not in trouble. It's not your fault you're late. Damian knew what time to have you here.” He turned to the other man. “Damian? In my office please?”

  Damian pressed a kiss to her throat and brushed past Lindsay into the inner office. Lindsay turned back to Shannon and pointed at a black bag beside the desk.

  “Your clothes are in the bag. Go into the guest bathroom and change. Then there is a stack of folders waiting on your desk to be filed. And reschedule with Lucy. She can't make it today.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said, slipping into her office role, all playfulness evaporated.

  Great. He was the asshole in this scenario.

  He closed the door of his office and went to sit behind the desk. “Well? How did it go?”

  Damian had found the hidden brandy stash and helped himself to a drink. Lindsay decided against ranting about how it wasn't even lunchtime yet. He already felt like the interloper, the old guy coming in between two young people in love.

  Damian took his time sipping the brandy and sat in the chair opposite from Lindsay. “It started rocky but we moved past it quickly.”

  “Rocky, how?” Lindsay asked.

  “She was scared of me.”

  “What did you do to make her scared?” he said, working to keep from raising his voice. Shannon was on the other side of a very thin wall after all. No reason to unsettle her more.

  “Nothing. She just was scared because you weren't there. You really need to explain this situation to her, about the both of us. If you still want to do it,” Damian said.

  “Why wouldn't I want to do it?” Lindsay asked, irritated.

  “You look jealous.”

  Lindsay laughed. “Please. Jealous of you? You may be young and fun but nobody knows her like I know her. No one knows how to train a woman's body like I know how to train it. You're an amateur next to me. And let me disabuse you of your silly notions about all this right now. She doesn't want some fun normal guy who blurs the lines with her. She wants to be owned.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Damian challenged, putting his feet up on Lindsay's polished oak desk, like he was moving right in and taking over.

  “She needs it. She craves it. She will never feel safe or complete if she doesn't have it. I've been a therapist for a long time. I've seen a lot of kinky people in this office. Some things are just ingrained. No matter how healthy or happy the person, some things they just need. So if you fuck this up... if you go too soft with her...”

  “I won't go too soft with her,” he ground out, almost offended. “But I have to build her trust. Lindsay, you didn't see her. The way she panicked and begged me not to hurt her.”

  A hard knot formed in Lindsay's stomach at that. Maybe it had been too soon to leave her with Damian, but after how compliant she'd been at the gallery and the party at his house, it had seemed appropriate to leave them alone... allow space for them to form their own relationship. After all, he'd already had a lot of time alone with her and would continue to have it. She'd need to be able to rely on Damian some day, to transfer all those things she aimed at Lindsay onto someone else.

  “Are you sure you're up for this?” Lindsay asked. “This isn't some kink game. If you undermine her reality...”

  “I'm not undermining it. I'm making her call me Sir like we agreed until she knows what's happening here.”

  Maybe Lindsay should have waited for a different night. Maybe they should have been together, just the three of them in Damian's dungeon, helping her to understand her position between them. Then Damian could have had some time with her, just the two of them. With the rest of the party going on, there hadn't been the opportunity to begin establishing the dynamic they were working toward. And with her still in the dark it just made it that much more complicated.

  “I'm going to tell her,” Lindsay said. “I just need time to figure out how.”

  “You know she'll go for it,” Damian said.

  Lindsay rubbed his temples. Of course she'd go for it. She'd been starved of love and sex and attention for so long that now getting it from two men at once would be like winning the fucking lottery. So if he was so sure she'd easily go for it, why didn't he want to tell her?

  Because then it would be real. Until he laid the terms out for her... until everyone was in agreement it was still just a noble idea for how to protect her long term, a backup plan. It was just him sharing her with someone else on occasion instead of someone else owning a piece of her.

  Lindsay enjoyed sharing. He did. He got off on watching another man take her, while she knew he could offer her to as many men as he deemed appropriate. He liked turning her into his obedient little whore, hungry for every cock he allowed to fill her.

  But sharing ownership was different. Sharing her body was one thing, sharing her soul was another. Even though he knew this was what she needed because she would never survive another master dumping her off like an unwanted stray. He needed to have things already set up for a smooth handover.

  “Some day far in the future when it's only the two of you, would you share her with someone else or keep her to yourself?” Lindsay asked.

  Damian shrugged. “I don't know. But that's a long way off, isn't it?”

  “Yeah.” Well over a decade probably. Maybe two. Maybe more. “We need to spend time with her together soon.”

  Damian nodded. “I think that's a good idea.”

  “When it's the three of us, I call the shots,” Lindsay reminded him.

  “I know. We've established the pecking order. I'm fine with it.”

  “You're not a sub, though,” Lindsay said, doubting Damian could follow direction.

  “No, but I can let you take the lead. It'll be less confusing for her. We don't want her to be confused about loyalties or feel like she's betraying one of us if she wants both of us.”

  Lindsay sighed. “But she had fun this weekend?”

  “Oh, I can guarantee that,” Damian said, with a grin.


  Damian got up and headed for the door. “I expect to see her this weekend. And you too. We can explain the arrangement then, yeah?”

  Lindsay nodded. “I think that would be a good idea. And Damian?” he said, stopping the man.


  “Set up some hidden cameras. I want video from now on of everything you do with her.”

  Damian's brow rose. “Don't trust me now?”

  “I just like to watch. I regret that I wasn't with her in some way this weekend when she was scared. I should at least see it all. I am her primary right now after all.”

  “Oh,” Damian said, before opening the door. “One more thing. Don't fuck her in the ass.”

  Lindsay raised a brow. “Why not?”

  “Because that belongs to me. You get her all week. You get so much with her that I don't get. I want that one thing with her that's special just between us.”

  It was fair. Lindsay didn't have a big drive for anal. Still, he didn't love someone telling him what parts of his own property he was allowed to touch. Then again, sharing something was all about compromise.

  “I'm not going to let you hurt her,” Lindsay said, “So if she doesn't want you to touch her there...”

  “I've already touched her there. I'm already working on her there,” Damian said, a smirk growing on his face.

  Lindsay rose from his chair and took several menacing steps toward the other man. “Damian... if you hurt her...”

  He held his hands up. “I didn't. I wouldn't. I'm easing her in, nice and slow. But she's going to be the best little anal slut. I can already tell by the way she's responding to what I've introduced her to so far.”

  Lindsay relaxed and went back to his desk. “Fine, you can have it. Her ass is officially your territory. Happy?”


  When Damian had gone, Lindsay let out a long slow breath and pressed the intercom button on his phone. “Miss Foster, can I see you in my office please?”

  A moment later, the door opened and Shannon stood there, looking more uncertain than he'd seen her in a long time. Yes, they definitely had to explain things very soon. He motioned for her to come all the way in.

  “Shut the door behind you.”

  She shut the door but still hovered close to it, a wide open gulf between them. Was this where they were after only three nights of her in another man's bed?

  “Were you a dirty whore for me this weekend with Damian? Did you obey him like I asked you to?”

  “Y-yes, Sir.” A flush crept up her neck.

  And now he knew what that flush was about.

  He knew he'd told her to call him Sir at the office. He didn't want her to slip up and call him Master in front of a patient, but having her call him by the lesser title right after coming back from Damian's made him want to punish her even though she hadn't wanted him to leave her to begin with.

  “Come here, kitten,” he said, his voice going more gentle.

  After another moment's hesitation she came to stand beside him. He scooted back from the desk.

  “Sit here on the desk facing me, and spread your legs.”

  Shannon hopped up on his desk, and spread her legs but still looked down at the ground.

  “Hey, look at me,” he said.

  She looked up. “You're not mad, right?”

  “Why would I be mad?”

  “I-I called him Sir at his house and we... did things.”

  Lindsay rolled his chair in closer to her, brushing the hair out of her face. “You did what I told you to do. Damian will be filming it in the future when I can't be there. I want to see everything he does to you.”

  She nodded. He knew she had questions but she didn't ask why she would be going back to Damian's in the future. Lindsay thought she didn't ask because she liked Damian and wanted to go back. She just needed permission to want to.

  “It's okay to want him, to like him,” Lindsay said. “It's even okay someday if you start to love him.”

  Her eyes snapped to his at that, an unspoken question in her gaze. But he distracted her from the discussion he wasn't yet ready to have by slipping his hand between her legs. She wasn't wearing panties, and she was so so very wet.


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