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Daddies: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

Page 8

by Shanna Handel

  Jet snaps the glass from my hand, putting it back on the tray. “It’s six in the morning. And you don’t have to curtsey.” He takes a glass of water, handing that to me instead.

  “I didn’t really want the champagne anyway,” I sniff, taking a long sip from the ice water.

  He side-eyes me. “Sure you didn’t.”

  We follow the employees into the house, climbing steep stone stairs through two huge doors that climb up almost to the windows of what must be the second story.

  We enter a foyer and I instantly look up. The ceiling is a high, round dome, filled with skylights. The blue sky spreads out above our heads, puffy white clouds dotting it. I stand, mesmerized as Jet and Liam talked in hushed whispers to one another.

  “I’ve got a few things to take care of. I’ll see you later.” Liam leaves us, following Flyboy, eager to begin their work.

  A staff member comes up to Jet and me, asking if they can show us to our rooms.

  Even after experiencing the beauty of the home, I’m still floored when I see the bedroom. It’s like something out of a storybook. A huge four-poster bed sits in the center, dark red covers pulled over it tightly. A fire roars in the huge stone fireplace.

  The mountains lay in the distance, a haze blanketing them.

  Jet stands by the foot of the bed. “There’s clothes in the wardrobe for you. Put on something comfy. You need some proper sleep. Lie down for a while.”

  “I’m too excited to sleep. Have you seen this place?” I ask, twirling around the princess bedroom.

  He says, “Yes, I’ve been here before. You still need some rest. It was a long drive.”

  “You’re such a grouch.”

  He raises a dark brow to me, making me rethink my words.

  “How’d they find clothes for me anyway?”

  “They had over twelve hours to prepare for our arrival. Now get going.” He sits down on the bed, his brow furrowed, fatigue lining his eyes.

  It makes me remember where I am. What I’ve done. What he’s lost.

  I sit down on the bed beside him, smoothing out the covers with my nervous fingers. “I’m sorry, you know. I thought I was the only one at risk. I didn’t think—”

  His sharp words cut off my apology. “No, you didn’t.” He rubs his forehead with his hand.

  I am sorry for the position I’ve put him in, but I’m the victim of a mafia kidnapping. My feathers ruffle. “It wasn’t exactly my choice to be in this situation, you know. It’s actually not my fault when you think about it. I mean, this is a free country. I should be able to write any article I want to—”

  He cuts off my words by grabbing my flailing wrist. His icy eyes lock on mine. “It’s not a free city, princess. You can think whatever you want to, but your thoughts are in Lulu land. In this world, laws are a façade; the good guys are bad guys and the bad guys are in charge. In the real world, it doesn’t matter what you want to do, you have to do as you’re told, or you’re fucked.” He releases my hand. “You’re just lucky Liam and I were willing to get you out of town. To bring you here. And take on our new jobs for the family.”

  What will they be doing now, here on the mountain? “Which are? Security detail?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? You still haven’t learned your lesson about being nosy, have you?”

  He’s right. I got nosy, chose to get wrapped up in the mafia world, knowing the risks, but then I didn’t play by their rules. “I didn’t mind my own business, and now, you and Liam are stuck here.”


  He seems so disappointed at the change in the trajectory of his life, I can feel it in my own chest. He doesn’t want to be here.

  We both had our futures change today, turning down a road we were not anticipating.

  Meekly I rise from the bed and go to the wardrobe. Opening the first drawer, I find it full of casual wear—all in my size. I choose a pair of soft black yoga pants, a light gray hoodie, and clean panties. I change right there in front of him. Not only have I slept with him, he’s now seen me pee.

  The clothes are soft against my skin and they smell like the lavender laundry soap I use at home. Pulling the fabric of the hoodie up to my face, I inhale. It’s the very same soap. “Not only did they buy me clothes, they washed them for me before we arrive.”

  “Bachman staff can do a lot in a short amount of time.” He gives a yawn.

  I crawl up into the bed. It’s high even for me. Someone like Victoria would be having short girl problems right about now. She’d need a step stool to get onto this thing.

  Making my way underneath the covers, my lids grow heavy. The comforter is filled with feathers and makes a delightful crinkling noise when you lift it up. As I snuggle down underneath the bedding, I try to think if I’ve ever been in a bed this cozy.

  I’m only missing one thing.

  I pat the bed beside me. “Come lie down. You look tired.”

  Jet turns over his shoulder, his hair hanging over his eye. “I really shouldn’t.”

  “Just for a few minutes.” His eyes soften. I go one step further in the delivery of my olive branch. “Papa will take care of things.”

  When he hears me say Liam’s special name, there’s a lightening in his shoulders. “He will, won’t he?”

  Biting my lip, I nod. I want him next to me.

  He crawls his long body over the bed, on his stomach, his head falling onto the pillow with a gruff “Umph.” There’s four feet of open space between us.

  Not exactly what I was thinking. I wanted a cuddle.

  Scooting over, I curl up beside him, pressing my body against his warm side. “Mm, you’re warm.”

  I receive a second, “Umph.” He angles a bit toward me, throwing a heavy arm over my torso. And about a minute later, he’s snoring.

  Taking the opportunity given to me, I study his face. Running my fingers under his hair, I push it back to get a better look. He’s got a thin silver scar above his left eyebrow, the one his hair hangs over. I wonder if it’s a coincidence or if he wants it covered up.

  I run my hands through his dark hair. It’s black but in this lighting, there’s a bit of blue in it. It feels like silk as it slides over my skin.

  Why am I suddenly wondering what our babies would look like? His olive complexion with my red hair? Or maybe his beautiful light blue eyes with fiery locks. Or dark hair with my pale skin.

  And Liam and I—those enchanting green eyes matched with my fire-red hair.

  I fall asleep to the cadence of his breaths, dreaming of the pitter patter of little feet.

  When I wake, Jet is gone, but now Liam is on the bed beside me. His back is to mine, but I’m curled up tight against him. He’s a soundless sleeper, his eyelids move a bit as I rise onto my elbow to stare.

  Pushing his golden hair from his face, I stroke his cheek. He’s easily roused, murmuring, “Hey there.” His eyes stay closed, but he reaches an arm behind him, giving my hip a pat.

  “I’ll let you sleep. I just wanted to say one thing.”

  “No, I need to get up anyway.” He turns onto his back, stretching his arms above his head and giving a tiger-like yawn. As he moves, the scent of him reaches me, woodsy and manly. When he opens his eyes, I lose myself in their bright jade hue. “What did you want to say?”

  “I’m sorry. Like, really sorry for getting you into this mess. For making you have to come here.”

  “I told you. You’re worth it.” He stares at my face, as if trying to memorize its lines and curves. Reaching out, he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “There. Now I can see your beautiful face.”

  Heat rises in my cheeks. I look down at the white sheets. “What now?”

  “We wait.”

  “Wait for what?”

  “Rockland wanted you out of town as fast as possible. We took the two recruits we were initiated with, Flyboy and Clark. We sent word to Rockland telling him we had you. He told us to bring you here, and that we had a new mission.”

  “When will you be able to go back?” I hold the question that hangs on my tongue; and what will happen to me when you do?

  A deep voice echoes from the doorway. “Not soon enough.”

  I look up to see Jet, an angry look on his face. How long has he been there?

  “Lay off, man. She feels bad enough as it is,” Liam says.

  “She should,” he growls back. But then his tone softens and he says, “Dinner’s in an hour. You have to wear cocktail attire to the evening meal, house rules. There’s a blue dress in the wardrobe that would look stunning on you.” His gaze holds mine for a moment, then he’s gone.

  I stare at the empty doorway. “That was a surprise. I thought he’d stay mad at me forever.”

  “He’s not mad. He’s worried.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “As we’ve gotten to know you, we’ve grown quite attached to you. When he heard you pulled the trigger on the article, he was mad, yes, but it was because you’d put yourself in harm’s way. He cares for you. We both do.”

  I think of Jet’s angry face in the doorway. “But he doesn’t seem to like it here.”

  “It’s not that. He was just really invested in our project back home. He’d gotten the survival room set up the way he liked it, mimicking the one he used to operate for the government.”

  “And what are you guys responsible for here?” I know he can’t tell me, but I hold out hope of getting some clue of what their new job is, and who those men on the road were.

  “Just a little of this and that. Nothing to worry your pretty self over.” He leans up, kissing me softly on the cheek. “Let’s get ready for dinner.”

  He rises from the bed. I watch the muscles in his back ripple as he walks to the wardrobe. Opening the doors, he pulls a gown down, bringing it to the bed and smoothing it over the covers. “This is the one he wants to see you in. Be ready in an hour.” He turns and leaves.

  Taking a deep breath, I lie in the bed. The door shuts behind him and I exhale. I thought I knew myself well, but it turns out I had no idea who I was. There are two parts to Lulu. One that needs the firm but soft Liam, and the other that needs the gruff, harsh daddy that is Jet.

  I’m starting to care for them both deeply.

  And when I start to fall for someone, I do my best to make that person—or persons—happy. I don’t know how I’m going to do it, but I’m suddenly determined to make sure they get to go back.

  With or without me...

  Dressing for the evening further enhances the fairytale experience. Every type of clothing is available to me, luxurious fabrics with labels I don’t recognize, all in colors that complement my skin tone and hair color.

  The bathroom is the size of my apartment, a stack of fresh towels on the counter. All of my favorite beauty products are there, including my rose bar of soap, as well as some very expensive-looking new ones to try.

  I shower, then blow-dry my hair using a sleek blowout cream that leaves my hair cascading in waves. Choosing carefully, I pick a rich brown eyeshadow and darken my lids. Put several coats of black mascara on my nearly invisible lashes, stroke on a touch of berry shade lip gloss, and I’m ready for the dress.

  The blue gown slides over my curves like water over rocks. I almost gasp at the sight of it in the mirror. It’s breathtaking.

  But when I look closer, I find that the lace on my carefully chosen black panties and strapless bra show through the fine silk.

  Was the color the real reason my daddy chose this dress, or the fact that the only way to do this magnificent garment justice is to wear it completely nude underneath? Slipping off the dress, I remove my undergarments, put the dress back on, and stare at the mirror.

  The outline of my peaked nipples shows through. I angle to the side, looking over my shoulder. The combination of the cut and material of the dress have my ass looking like something off the red carpet. “Damn.”

  “Damn is right. You look amazing.”

  I find Liam standing in the doorway, watching me. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  He wears a black suit, cut perfectly to fit his muscular frame, his hair smoothed back. He holds his arm out to me.

  I take it, smiling. He leads me to the hall, where I find Jet waiting in a deep blue suit that makes his eyes dance, his arm held out to me. “Even prettier than I imagined,” he says gruffly.

  “Thank you.” We walk down the grand marble staircase, one of my arms locked in each of theirs.

  We enter the dining room and find it empty save for six staff dressed in black and ready to serve. Judging by the size of this house, I’d thought there’d be a crowd. “Are we the only ones staying here?”

  Liam says, “Yes. The Duets are on a ski trip in Vale. Bringing you here killed two birds with one stone—they needed someone from the Brotherhood to watch over the place. They’ll be back in two weeks. You’ll meet them then.” He breaks away, going to the left. Jet walks me down the right side of the table. He reaches the end and holds my chair out for me.

  “Thank you, Jet.”

  “You’re welcome.” He slides my chair in under the table, then leans down, his mouth by my ear. My eyes catch Liam’s, who’s seated across from me. I hold his gaze as I listen to the words Jet whispers into my ear. “Now that we are in Archer, princess, you can call us Daddy and Papa whenever you want. And, of course, whenever we tell you to.”

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper.

  “Good girl.” Before he leaves me, he places a gentle kiss on my cheek. The scent of his aftershave reaches me, and his freshly shaven cheek is soft against mine as he pulls away.

  “Some ground rules,” Jet says as he takes his place at the head of the table. “You go nowhere alone. We will take turns working so that one of us can stay with you. You are with Liam or me every minute of the day. Understood?”


  “No contact with the outside world. If you were to get a hold of a phone, you can call no one. The fewer people that know you’re here, the better.”

  “Got it.”

  Liam says, “We’re your guardians full time, for now, and you will obey us. If you break our rules, you’ll be punished.”

  “Severely. Which leads me to my next point. We haven’t discussed your transgression yet.”

  “You mean, writing the article?” I squeak out.

  Jet’s gaze is hard. His hand rests on my knee beneath the table. “Exactly.”

  I have a feeling me not wearing panties is going to save him some time because he is definitely going to be spanking my bare ass at some point tonight. I squirm in my chair. “Um...”

  “Your first lesson in obedience will be tonight. After this meal.” He gives my knee a firm squeeze.

  Liam’s brow narrows. “Our rules keep you safe. Don’t break them.”

  “I’m not planning on it—”

  Jet cuts me off. “Say ‘yes, Daddy’ and ‘yes, Papa.’”

  Swallowing back my pride, I whisper, “Yes, Daddy. Yes, Papa.”

  “Good girl.” He gives me a nod.

  The dishes are served. Tender filet with creamy potatoes. The men start eating. Spreading my napkin over my lap, I pick up my fork, swirling a dollop of potatoes onto it. I take a bite. The food is delicious, but I find myself overwhelmed by the thought of what’s to come and find my appetite leaving me.

  Putting my fork down, I lift the napkin, dabbing at my mouth. “I’m not very hungry.”

  Jet gives me ‘the look.’ The one he’s been giving me frequently since he took me from my work. “Eat.”

  Liam’s rebuke is softer. “You haven’t eaten much today. Have the meat, at least.”

  Grabbing my utensils, I slice a bit between my fork and knife. I suddenly feel irritable and tense. Prickles of nervous energy dot my skin. I take a bite, then let my fork crash onto the plate. “There. Are you happy now?”

  “Sassy.” Jet gives me a cold hard glare. “She needs to be spanked.”

  Liam gives m
e a firm gaze. “I’ll take care of this.” He leaves his chair, coming over to me. He pulls my chair out, gesturing for me to stand.

  “Seriously? I need to be spanked?” Over just a little sass? I sit, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Bad girl. You do need a good spanking. The sooner you learn to obey and speak respectfully, the better off you’ll be.” Leaning down, his mouth finds my ear. “Here in front of the staff, or would you prefer privacy?”

  There’s no way he would punish me in front of all of these people. Is there? “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Have it your way.” Before I can react, Liam has me lifted from my chair by a tug of my arm. Moving the chair beside my seat, he leans me over the edge of the empty expanse of tabletop, bending me at the waist. “Everyone can see how we treat our girl when she’s been naughty.”

  I look around the room, frantic. The employees are standing at attention, pretending not to notice, but they can all see me, hear my punishment. My throat feels thick and I give a desperate look to Jet.

  A smug smile covers his handsome face. “Best to teach you early.”

  “And thoroughly.” Liam’s hand comes down on my ass with a loud slap that echoes through the great dining room.

  The shame spreads as quickly as the wildfire over my ass. I can’t breathe, I can’t speak...

  “Sassy little girls get spanked as soon as their words leave their naughty mouths.” Another spank comes down. Then they begin to rain down faster, Liam’s palm swatting my thinly covered rear. “What do you say to your daddies?”

  The pain steals my focus from the humiliation of being publicly spanked. It’s hurting and I want it to stop. “I’m sorry! Okay? I’ll be polite.”

  Liam says, “That’s not good enough, young lady. Say, ‘sorry, Papa, sorry, Daddy.’ Or the dress comes up.”

  I freeze. To have six strangers witnessing him spank me like a little girl is bad enough. To have them see my bare ass? I learned my lesson when I didn’t do as Papa said in the first place. I should have gotten out of my chair and had this spanking delivered in private. But I was too stubborn and now everyone is getting a show. One I’ll never live down.


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