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Bad Boy (The All American Boy Series)

Page 4

by K. L. Humphreys

  I glance at the clock, it’s a little before eight. He’s usually here by now. “He said he would be. Why don’t you go and check and see if your uncle Brandon’s awake yet?”

  She grins wide, her eyes bright with mischief. She looks so much like her father. “Okay, Mama,” she whispers and starts to tiptoe toward Brandon’s room.

  I yawn, I’m tired. I didn’t really sleep last night. My dreams were filled with Sax and all the pain I felt had come rushing back. I thought sleeping on it would give me a bit of perspective. It didn’t. I’m more confused than I have ever been. I always thought if Sax came back, I’d be able to have distance between us. Have a clean break, that we’d only interact for Sloane’s sake, but it’s not going to happen. I love him and a part of me wants him. But he’s hurt me so much and I’m not sure if I can deal with what’s happened.

  It’s times like these that I really miss my mom, she was always there to listen to me and offer advice. She loved Sax, because Sax loved me. When he left she was disappointed but she always told me that he was a good one, and that he never intended on hurting me.

  I just wish I had some idea of what I should do.

  There’s a knock at the door, and I sigh with relief, Brax is here. I put the pancakes onto the warming plate and move toward the front door. Opening the door, I’m shocked and angry to see that he’s brought Saxon along with him. I raise my brow at Brax, “Seriously?” I shake my head, I can’t believe this.

  “I told you I hadn’t told her Sax, why the hell would you come here?” I’m so angry right now.

  He has the audacity to smile at me.

  “This isn’t something to smile at Sax. We’re talking about a child here. Our fucking child…”

  Before I’m able to chastise him further I’m cut off by Sloane screaming.


  Sax’s eyes widen as Sloane runs at him and throws herself into his arms. Her little arms go around his neck. “You’re home.” She breathes as she hugs him tightly.

  He glances at me and I see the confusion and love in his eyes. “Breakfast,” I mumble not wanting to talk right now, this wasn’t how I wanted to tell her.

  Braxton follows me into the kitchen. I don’t turn around and face him, my tears are falling thick and fast. I’m hurt, angry, and tired.

  “I’m sorry, Bri, as soon as he found out that I was coming here for breakfast he wouldn’t let me leave without him. I tried telling him that it wouldn't be a good idea. He’s a hardheaded son-of-a-bitch,” he grouses. “It’s just him, you know, he sets his mind to something and there’s no stopping him.”

  I turn to face him, tears streaming down my face. “I’m so fucking pissed, Brax. Why is he so damn fucking selfish?”

  “Brax, will you give us a minute?” Sax’s voice is quiet as he asks Braxton to leave. I quickly turn away and swipe my tears. Movement sounds from behind me and it’s followed by Sloane squealing and Brax laughing.

  Arms go around my waist and I tense beneath his touch. “I just keep fucking up with you,” he whispers, his breath hot against my neck. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think.”

  I sigh and pull out of his arms. “It’s done now.” I move away from him. “Breakfast!” I yell and hear Sloane bossing everyone around. “Someone set the table, please?” I ask and Brandon walks into the kitchen. “Will you please set five places?”

  He glares at Saxon as he comes to stand beside me, and I turn to see Sax looking at me, worry etched on his face. “You have some fucking nerve coming here,” Bran sneers at him.

  Sax’s jaw clenches as he continues to stare at me. “I know, but I couldn’t stay away.”

  “No arguing. Not today. Let’s enjoy breakfast,” I tell them both as I start to dish up the pancakes.

  “But Bri…” Bran begins.

  I cut him off. “Today is for Sloane,” I tell them both. “I don’t want anyone upsetting her.”

  I bring the plate into the dining room and see Sloane and Braxton sitting at the table, heads together as they watch something on his phone.

  “Okay, slowpoke, time for you to wash up,” Bran says as he walks into the dining room and sets the table for me.

  “Uncle Bran, I already washed my hands,” she tells him with narrowed eyes.

  He walks over to her and sniffs her hands that she has lifted toward his face. “Okay, slowpoke.”

  She tuts at him, “Did you wash up?”

  He gasps at her and my heart melts. I’m so lucky to have Bran in my life, he and Sloane are so close. “Of course I did.” He sits down next to her and smiles. “Your Mama made pancakes.”

  Sloane’s eyes widen, “She did?”

  I put the plate down onto the table, “I sure did, baby. Now tuck in.”

  I sit down and watch as everyone starts to eat, “Daddy, are you staying now?”

  I freeze and glance up at Saxon, his eyes on our daughter, a beautiful smile on his face. “Yeah, darlin’, I’m staying.”

  Her grin is wide, showing off her baby teeth. “Yay, Mama, daddy’s staying.”

  I return her smile, “I heard baby, it’s great.”

  She nods. “I prayed hard every night for you to come home,” she tells him and my heart breaks a little at her admission.

  Sloane continues to talk, each of us only interacting with her. I’m so happy for her, she’s the happiest I’ve ever seen and her entire face lights up whenever Saxon talks to her.

  “Baby, run and get your shoes on, we’ve got to leave soon,” I tell her and she gets to her feet and runs from the room.

  “Bri…” Sax says and I turn my attention toward him. “She knows me.”

  I frown, “Yeah, Sax, of course she knows you.”

  “You actually told her about me?” The accusation in his voice angers me.

  I get to my feet and I watch as Brandon’s fists ball up. “Yeah, Sax, I told her about you. Why wouldn’t I have? It’s not as though you were a one-night stand. You were my best friend and then you were the love of my life. Just because you hurt me doesn’t mean I’d purposely hurt you.”

  I swallow back the tears. “Why does everyone always assume the worst of me? When have I ever been a bitch?” I turn on my heel and walk away, needing a moment to breathe before I go to my daughter and help her finish getting ready.


  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Braxton growls at me as Bri disappears from view. “You claim that you want her back, but you’re doing a piss poor job of trying to convince her.”

  He’s right, I keep fucking up with her.

  “It came out wrong.” I’m still in shock that she told Sloane about me, she could have hidden me from her, I wouldn’t have blamed her if she had.

  “I don’t like you,” Brandon says, his voice void of emotion. “What you did broke her. I almost lost her and yet, you waltz back in here and think you can click your fingers and get her back. It pisses me off at how fucking stupid you are.”

  “What?” How the hell did he almost lose her?

  “She loves you but she’s scared. She’s terrified that you’re going to hurt her again and you’re just proving her right. She’s doing her best for Sloane and she’s the best fucking mom in the world. She believes that you’re going to try and take Sloane from her.”

  What the fuck? “I would never do that. I want us, all three of us to be a family.”

  “Just like that?” he asks me, not believing a word I’m saying.

  “No, just not like that. Your sister has been the love of my life since I was fucking sixteen. I’ve fucked up and I’m going to make amends.”

  “Bran, I think Lila lied about what happened between them,” Braxton says as he sits forward, his elbows on his knees.

  “Why do you say that?” Brandon asks, looking between the two of us.

  “I don’t remember a fucking thing that happened. She lied about being pregnant, I’m wondering what else she lied about,” I explain.

  “I had a feeling that could have hap
pened,” Bri says softly walking back into the room.

  “You did?” Brandon asks with a confused look on his face.

  She nods. “Yes, but I wasn’t sure. If he was that fucked up, he was either drugged, or it never happened and that’s why he can’t remember.”

  Shit. Drugged, why the hell didn’t I think of that? It makes fucking sense. I’m going to find out what went down that night. No matter what happens, Lila fucking Hart is going down.

  “I’m angry because he woke up in bed naked with another woman and never told me. Had he been man enough to say something, none of this shit would have happened.” She glares at me and I hide my wince.

  She’s right. I fucking panicked waking up next to Lila. I knew that it would be the end of us and that wasn’t something I was willing to happen.

  “Mama you said a bad word,” Sloane says coming up behind her.

  She mouths the word shit. “Sorry, baby. Are you ready?”

  Sloane nods, “Yeah, Mama, are you?”

  “Yeah, come on, let’s get you to school. Say goodbye to everyone,” Bri tells her as she reaches for her purse.

  “Bri?” I call out as she moves toward the door.

  “Slowpoke, where do you think you’re going?” Brandon asks. Sloane rushes over to him and he sweeps her up into a hug.

  “Sax?” Bri says, pulling my eyes from my daughter.

  I walk over to her, needing to be closer. “I want you to know that I’m going to make this right.” She gives me a disbelieving look. “I should have told you about what happened.” I step closer to her, her breath hot against my skin. “I didn’t want to fuck things up between us.” I shake my head at the fucking irony. “I managed to do that anyway. I promise you, Bri, I’m going to make things right.”

  She releases a heavy sigh, “You need the truth, I understand that. I just don’t want to deal with the bullshit that’s going to come from this.” She sounds defeated and I hate it.

  “How can I fix this?” I murmur as I move closer to her, my hand sliding around her waist and I pull her flush against me.

  She doesn’t push me away and I feel ten feet tall. As much as she may hate me, there’s something between us, there always will be. “I’m not sure if you can, Sax,” she whispers. “You broke my trust by not telling me. That hurt more than you actually having sex with her.”

  I rest my forehead against hers. “I know, I fucked up.” I give her a small smile. “I hope you can forgive me.”

  “I do too. Thank you.”

  I frown. “Baby, what are you thanking me for?”

  She glances at Sloane and the most beautiful smile forms on her face. “For wanting our daughter.”

  My jaw clenches at her words. “Don’t ever thank me for that,” I clip out. “Never for fucking that. I love that little girl and had I known about her earlier, I would have been here.”

  “I’ve got to go,” she says softly as she tries to pull out of my arms.

  I tighten my hold around her and give her a chaste kiss before releasing her. I grin as I see the lust in her eyes. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  She blinks away the lust. “Tonight?”

  I nod as my grin turns into a smirk. “Yes, tonight.”

  “Sax, what game are you playing?”

  “I’m not playing a game, baby, I want to spend time with my family. That’s you and Sloane.”

  She bites her lip. “This is going too fast,” she tells me as she wrings her hands together.

  “No it isn’t, if I had my way, we’d be living together. You’d be in my bed and you’d love me.”

  She shakes her head. “You think it’s that easy? God, if only it were that simple.”

  I brush my hand against her cheek. “You love me,” she nods, “and I love you,” I tell her and watch as tears come to her eyes. “We both love our daughter and honestly, Bri, nothing is going to change how I feel about either of you. I’ve loved you every day since I was sixteen and I’ll love you until I fucking die. I’m asking, no fucking begging. Give me another chance? I’m not that stupid eighteen-year-old anymore.”

  “Give me time to think,” she says. “Please, Sax, you’ve just gotten home, it’s happening so quickly and I just need time to think.”

  “Yeah, baby, I can give you time. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying right here by your side.” I bend slightly and brush a kiss against her lips.

  When I pull back, she’s giving me her soft smile and I know that we’re going to be okay.


  After Briar took Sloane to school, Brax and I left for work. Today’s my first day and I’m excited to get started, both Brax and I learned how to repair cars and bikes from our old man, it’s the only good thing he’s done for us.

  Braxton has done well for himself and a twang of jealousy hits me. I’ve fucked up my life and he’s succeeded. I was a damn fool five years ago, if I could, I’d go back and change it all.

  “Fuck, that didn’t take long,” Brax growls as he glares out into the forecourt.

  Turning, my body tightens as I see Lila striding toward me, a fucking smile on her face.

  I take her in, back in high school she was pretty. She had a great rack and she looked after herself. Now, she looks trashy. Her eyes are heavy with makeup, and are filled with lust. She’s wearing a tight top that is open at the front and barely covers her tits. If she were to move suddenly, she’d spill out of her top. She’s in a tight mini skirt and high heels.

  She saunters toward me, that smile growing as she gets closer. “Saxon,” she purrs, no doubt thinking it sounds sexy.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I snarl at her.

  She pouts. “Baby…” she whines.

  I grab the rag from my pocket and wipe the grease off my hands. “I ain’t your baby. What the fuck are you doing here, Lila?”

  She closes the distance between us, her hand reaching up as though she’s about to touch me. I move away from her and glare at her. “That’s not a nice way to talk to the mother of your child.”

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  “Lila, what the hell is wrong with you?” Brax growls as he stalks over to us. “We all know that you lied about that shit.”

  Her lips twist and I see the anger swirling in her eyes, but she quickly covers it “You’re home now though.” She smiles at me. “Maybe we could pick up where we left off.”

  Is this bitch for fucking real?

  “We have nothing to pick up.”

  She tsks, “Really?”

  I’ve had enough of this bullshit. “Cut the crap, Lila, we both know that nothing happened between us.”

  Her eyes narrow on me. “You always were an asshole, Saxon.”

  “Why the fuck did you do it?”

  The facade is over, gone is the smile, in its place is a firm scowl. “That bitch always got whatever she wanted.”

  I stare at her in disbelief. “This is about Bri?”

  She scoffs. “Miss goody-two-shoes.” She shakes her head, “She’s not even pretty. Yet, everyone was panting after her. Even you. You wanted her, you didn’t look at anyone else. What’s so special about her?”

  “She’s the fucking love of my life,” I say through clenched teeth, unable to believe what this bitch is saying. What the hell is wrong with her.

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Now she hates you. It didn’t work as I had planned, but damn, if I still didn’t get what I wanted.”

  “What was it that you wanted?” Brax asks and I’m grateful because I’m close to losing my damn mind.

  “I wanted that bitch to be alone. I wanted Saxon. I wanted them apart and it worked.” The smug smile on her face makes me want to hit her.

  “How exactly did you get your plan to work? I mean, it must have been hard trying to make it look as though you and Sax had sex.” Brax keeps his voice calm and even as though he’s just shooting the shit, but his body is tight and his eyes slightly narrowed. My brother is pissed, not as much as I am,
but pissed.

  “It was easy, some Rohypnol mixed into his beer worked better than I thought. He was out like a light so I was able to undress him.”

  I walk away from her before I do something that’ll have my ass thrown into jail. “You fucking bitch,” I snarl. “You fucking ruined our lives.”

  She smiles. “I know and imagine my surprise when some of the townsfolk started talking. They felt sorry for me, thinking that goody-two-shoes had given you an ultimatum. She became a homewrecker.”

  What the fuck? I turn to Brax and see his eyes narrowed in on Lila.

  “Then she was pregnant and the whole town was abuzz with talk. Everyone had forgotten my indiscretion and was so focused on Briar and her pregnancy.”

  “You’re a fucking bitch. Your lies cost me years with my child,” I snarl. I need to get out of here, get away from her.

  She laughs. “Your child?” She raises an eyebrow. “You sound so certain about that.”

  What the fuck is she getting at?

  “I’d ask Briar how certain she is? I mean, her and Braxton are awfully close. Just how close did they get when you left?”

  “You sink so fucking low,” Braxton grounds out. “Jealousy is an ugly look on you, Lila.”

  She smirks, “Hit a nerve didn’t I?”

  “Go to hell!” he fires back. “You listen to her, you’re a bigger fucking idiot than I thought. She better be gone by the time I return.”

  I watch as he leaves the garage heading toward his car.

  “He’s probably going to see her. They’re very close, Sax, extremely so. Ask anyone in town. I’m not the only one thinking that Sloane is his.”

  “You’ve said your piece, it’s time for you to leave,” I say through clenched teeth.

  Her mouth opens in shock. Did she really think I’d want her?

  “Get gone,” I tell her, not wanting to be around her any longer. I got what I wanted, the bitch lied about everything and fucking drugged me too, I should fucking call the cops on her but she’d lie through her fucking teeth.


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