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Page 9

by Skye MacKinnon

  We come across more and more human scents. The bridge and inn must be close. I gather my energy, ready to attack and try to take over from my cat. I won't be responsible for her killing humans. I've got the monopoly on that, and I only do it for money. Not for food.

  By the time the bridge comes into view - a large white monstrosity wide enough to let several carts pass next to each other - I'm almost ready. By sitting still and letting her take full control, I've been able to conserve energy. I'm stronger now than when she surprised and overwhelmed me during the battle. I can do this. I just need to wait for a moment when she's distracted.

  Dusk is creeping over the flat landscape. Hopefully, that will keep us from being spotted. A massive panther running across a bridge will draw attention.

  We never make it to the bridge though. A new scent hits our nostrils and my cat stops to sniff the air. It's a familiar scent; no, two of them. We recognise them at the same time. A cat and a wolf. Ryker and Lennox. They're here. I kind of want to cry in relief. They'll stop her from doing something I'll regret.

  My cat's thoughts are easy to read. She's conflicted. Does she want to meet her friends? Or is her hunger more important? I'm glad she considers them friends. I wasn't quite sure about that, not after realising that every time I'd shifted in the past, it was still mostly me in the driving seat. She had control over our body, but I was still able to steer our direction and decisions. Maybe our feelings too, including who we consider friend and foe.

  Let's meet Lennox and Ryker, I tell her but immediately realise my mistake.

  She's a cat. She'll do exactly the opposite of what she's told. I groan in frustration when she continues running towards the bridge rather than follow my mates' scents which sway to the left, away from the river. Stupid cat.

  No catnip for you ever again.

  She doesn't deign me with a reply. I hate her.

  My hunger is increasing. Saliva drips from my mouth while I run towards my dinner. The smell of humans is getting stronger. Fleshy, delicious humans, so full of blood that is just waiting to be lapped up. A few carts are rolling over the bridge. Should I attack the first one I come across or should I go to the house that will be full of humans, their stomachs full with food that I might enjoy too? It's basically like one of the sausages Kat enjoys.

  A noise from my left makes me slow down and look around for threats. Two shapes in the distance. The wind carries their scents to me. Kat's mates. I'd hoped they'd be further away, but they're running towards me. They know I'm here. No, they're not going to take my dinner from me.

  I ignore them and run faster. The bridge is so close. The human scents are getting more distinguishable. A family is on the cart closest to me, two adults and a child. I'll ignore the child; it's not got enough meat on its bones to be a satisfying meal. The adults, however, are large and fatty, the female in particular. If she's not enough, the male will be dessert. He smells older and might not be as tasty. We'll see.

  My stomach growls. Almost there.

  A wolf's howl breaks through the silence. The humans look up and speed up their carts, forcing their horses to run. I growl in irritation. He's done that on purpose. I should punish him for that. Yes, I think I will. My dinner won't get far. I'm faster than any idiot horse. The anticipation will make my feast even more satisfying.

  I turn and run towards the wolf. Ryker is nowhere to be seen but I'm sure he's nearby. Those two males need to be taught a lesson. Never get between a cat and her dinner. My claws shoot from my paws as I think of scratching them. I don't want to kill them, just injure them enough that they'll remember.

  His scent hits me before his claws do. I hesitate. He smells like a friend. Like my mate.

  My hesitation costs me. Within an instant, I'm on the ground and his teeth are pressed tight against my throat. He howls with his jaws around my neck, almost shattering my sensitive eardrums.

  I'm torn. I want to fight him. I don't like being under his control. But his scent...I want to roll in it. Rub against him. Lick him all over. He may be a wolf but he smells like home. All my thoughts about dinner dissolve into thin air.


  The howl is answered by a loud meow in the distance. Ryker is coming. My heart beats even faster.


  Lennox releases his pressure on my throat a little, clearly realising that I'm not about to tear him to pieces. He yelps and his tongue shoots out, stroking my fur.

  Kat stirs deep within me. She wants to feel that touch too. I push her away. This is my moment. It's not just her who's missed them. She may love them, but they're my mates. That's so much more intense than human love.

  A purr breaks from my chest when I smell Ryker. While Lennox is exotic, Ryker is home. He's a cat like me, even though he looks more like a house cat than a panther. We share the same mentality.

  By the time he reaches us, I've turned into a purring mess. Lennox steps back, sensing that it's no longer necessary to keep me restrained. Holy catnip, I'd get myself chained up if it meant being with these two males.

  "Hey," Ryker meows and nuzzles my cheek.


  I don't have words for more than that. My brain is in shock. My heart is about to implode. Suddenly, everything is perfect again. The sun may have disappeared behind the hills in the distance, but to me, it feels like it's shining bright right above us. Warmth spreads through my entire body.

  "Shift," he says and gives me an encouraging nudge. "I want to touch you properly. So does Lennox and he can't understand you like this."

  My purring immediately stops and I growl. I'm not giving way to Kat. If we shift, she'll be in charge. I won't have that.

  "No," I hiss. "I'll stay like this. She's made a mess of things and I'm not going to give her control again."

  "Oh, Kat," he meows softly. His voice is milk with catnip syrup, oh so delicious and sweet. "You're one and the same. You told me once, remember? It sometimes feels like you're a cat and a human trapped in the same body, but you're really the same being. Two sides of your personality. Did they force you to split? What did they do to you?"

  "We're not the same," I growl. "She's weak. She needed to be stopped."

  "You're not weak. You're the strongest woman I know. I don't know what happened to you, but we'll fix it. Just shift and we'll talk properly about it, okay? Gryphon is nearby, together with your sister. We can join them and we'll catch up. There's so much to talk about."

  I'm not in the mood for talking. I want to take him, now. And Lennox. I want to fuck them. Mark them as mine. Make sure they know they're my mates.

  Lennox hasn't been able to follow our conversation, but he seems to realise my distress. He lies on the ground next to me and gently strokes my side with one paw. My purring starts again, out of control.

  Kat nudges me from inside. She wants out. She wants to get naked.

  Are we truly the same? It doesn't feel that way. I dimly remember being part of her, but not anymore. She's locked away and I want to keep her that way. I'm the stronger one. I'm the one with the claws and the muscles. She's a weak, puny human who has to use knives instead of claws. It's pitiful, really.

  Ryker sighs and steps back. His scent is still driving me crazy. I can't have him walk away from me. I need him. Before I can get up and lick him, he shifts. He's become good at it. It's fluid and quick. Like he's done it all his life.

  He's gloriously naked. Even though I found him sexier while he was still a cat, I can't help but appreciate his physique. His chest is chiselled, his abs ready to draw my claws across, his cock...

  Kat is becoming stronger. She's pushing against me. When did she become this strong? It's getting harder to keep her out.

  "Kat, shift. I need to see you."

  His voice is hoarse with need. Mine would be the same but I don't find any words. My mind is in turmoil. Do I shift? Do I stay a cat like I should? It's my natural form. I should have sex like this. It doesn't matter that Lennox is a wolf. He's the right size and he shoul
dn't find it too hard. It's just a case of pushing his cock into me. The species doesn't matter, it's not like I want to become pregnant.


  He's impatient. His cock is hard. He wants me just like I want him.

  I turn to look at Lennox. His eyes are burning with desire. He gives me one last pat on my fur, then gets up to all fours and shifts. Now I have two naked human males to stare at. But still, I'm refusing to shift.

  Kat is throwing a tantrum, shouting all sorts of obscenities at me, but she's not quite strong enough to break through. I'd have to give her permission. And there's no way I'm going to do that. They're mine. She can fuck off and sulk. She's great at sulking. It's always annoyed me.

  "Please," Lennox says. It's the first time I've heard his voice in months and it almost breaks me. Has he always sounded this alluring? Gryphon is the siren, not Lennox, yet it feels like he's wrapped some magic around me with his voice alone.

  My purring betrays me, growing ever louder. They know how much I want them. They're counting on it. They think that if they can tempt me enough, I'm going to shift. But no. I can't. I won't. Kat is too weak to deal with what's to come. She thinks everything will be fine once we get home. I know better. Our enemies won't just give up. They'll come for us. They'll hunt us down no matter where we go. She's not ready to accept that yet and that makes her weak. She needs me to stay in charge. She may not understand that now, but she will once we go into battle again. We'll have to fight soon. There's no way around it. Running won't save us.

  Lennox joins Ryker in presenting his body. He even rubs his cock, as if to taunt me. Evil males. Drool runs down my chin. I don't think I could purr any louder. Why can't they just shift back so I can take them? I won't touch them as humans, that would be icky. I think the only reason I find them sexy now is because Kat's desire is echoing through me. I don't find humans attractive, but she does.

  "Kat, shift," Ryker commands impatiently. "I'm not going to last like this for much longer."

  The hunger in his eyes is all-encompassing.

  I can't resist it.

  I give in and let Kat dive to the surface.

  Goodbye, my mates. Look after her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It's like resurfacing from a lucid dream that I had no control over. I blink at the two men staring at me. Then look down at me. I'm naked, just like they are. It's strange being human again. I stretch my limbs, enjoying the feeling of not having fur. I usually prefer my cat body, but having been forced to be in it for several days at once has made me appreciate my human form. I mean...boobs.

  "Kat," Ryker gasps, and then they're upon me. He claims my mouth while Lennox hugs me from behind, his hands exploring my skin as if it's the first time he's touched me. I lean into their embrace and let go of all the memories, all the worries, everything that's happened. I brush it all away and just focus on the moment. Ryker's taste. Lennox's touch. Their scents that make the air sparkle.

  I can't help but moan at the sensations. I'd be purring, but this deep, sensual moan is almost as good.

  Ryker swipes his tongue against mine while his yellow eyes burn into my soul. I close my eyes. I don't want him to see inside of me. He wouldn't like what he finds in there. I've changed so much since we last saw each other. Let's leave all that for later. Now, I just want to be with them. Become one with them.

  Lennox cups my breasts and squeezes them gently. Again, I moan. I want more. He rolls my nipples between his fingers, elongating them in a way that drives me crazy. And he knows that. He's counting on it. His cock is hard against my back, while Ryker's pushes against my stomach. I reach down, twisting a little so I can embrace both of them. Groans fill the quiet evening air.

  Without breaking the kiss, Ryker pushes a finger into me. I almost come from that alone. And when he gently rubs my clit, I fall apart. I cry out as my legs give out, but they've got me in their arms, holding me, carrying me through the storm and into the next wave. One of them pushes into me while the other touches me all over. I lose track of who does what. I don't care. We're all one, together, three beings turned into one flame of desire. One is missing, stopping us from becoming the bonfire we're meant to be, but I can't focus on that. The moment is what matters.

  "Kat," Lennox groans. I think he's the one inside of me, pushing in with hard and fast strokes. Ryker sucks on my nipples, sending lightning bolts deep into my core. I'm close to coming again. And again.

  We end up on the muddy ground, our skin covered in dirt, but that doesn't matter. We merge, we come together, we groan, we kiss, we love.

  Time becomes meaningless. I don't know how often they make me come. How often they come inside me. How often we kiss.

  It's perfect.

  I feel alive again. Until now, I hadn't realised how much I'd shut off my emotions, but now they're bare. I'm vulnerable but I'm not afraid. I know my mates are there for me. Just like I'll always be there for them.

  The stars are our blanket as we lie on the grass, the guys on either side of me. Our hands are entwined and I have no intention of letting go of them anytime soon. I need their touch, the connection with them. It still doesn't quite feel real. I'd almost given up hope that this moment would ever come. Together again. A family.

  "Gryphon will be pissed," Lennox says into the silence. "I bet he thought he'd be the first."

  "We'll repeat this," I mutter sleepily. "All four of us."

  "I'm looking forward to it. Maybe we can have a bed next time? And a little less mud?"

  I can't help but laugh. It breaks from me, laughter upon laughter, until I'm out of breath and my cheeks are burning.

  "You okay?" Ryker asks, amusement lacing his voice.

  "Never better."

  "Good. That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

  Lennox sighs. "We should probably head back. They'll be worried. We said we'd be back by nightfall."

  "Gryphon and Sophie are in a cottage not far from the Inn you were supposed to meet at," Ryker explains. "We persuaded him to take on babysitting duties since the two of us can cover much more ground."

  "How did you get here?" I ask.

  "Lily phoned us as soon as she heard from you. She told us to stay put until Gryphon got to you, but neither of us listened. Lennox got here two days ago and I only arrived this morning." He chuckles. "We've seen quite a bit of the country in the past few months. Luckily neither of us was too far away."

  "It felt like a lot longer than two days," Lennox sighs. "Gryphon had a vague idea where you were hiding out, but Sophie warned him that it would be too dangerous to seek you out on his own, while human. She wanted to shift and do it herself, but he didn't let her." He smirks. "The two of them have struck up quite the relationship."


  "He's like an uncle to her already. I don't want to say father figure but-"

  "Father figure," Ryker confirms with a grin. "He's got her eating out of his hand and vice versa. The two of them will be trouble, I promise you."

  Interesting. I didn't expect that, but what do I know. Gryphon already has a sister, so it makes sense for him to know how to deal with a young girl, but I didn't think Sophie would easily trust anyone. It almost makes me a little jealous.

  "Are the others still in Attenburgh?" I ask.

  Lennox nods. "Lily and Bethany have been travelling around as well, searching for any whisper of you, but now they're back at home. Benjamin and Caitlin have been holding down the fort. Lady Lara has been helping a lot too. She's been providing us with leads, funds and the chance to travel with some of her employees to save us both time and money. She'll be so glad to hear that you've been found."

  As grateful as I am for her help, being in her debt leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. "I'll pay her back."

  Ryker chuckles. "She told me you'd say that. And she's planning to make you work for it. She's got a whole list of jobs waiting for you once you're back home. Although we've helped her too, done enquiries, delivered letters, that sort of st
uff. We work quite well together."

  It sounds like it. Lady Lara is one shrewd woman. And very intelligent, kind and gorgeous at the same time. I'm glad I've got her on my side. Having her as an enemy would be quite the challenge. I'm kind of looking forward to spending more time with her again. I was taken just when we'd started to get to know each other.

  Lennox sits up and yawns loudly. "We better go. I doubt you'll want to shift again, which means we have quite a walk ahead of us."

  He gets up, meaning I now have a dangling cock in front of my face. All sorts of naughty thoughts spring into my mind, but luckily, I'm still sated. And there's no time, I get that. I'm looking forward to a soft, warm bed, and before that, a long shower. I'll never take those two things for granted. It's strange how quickly I got used to these luxuries. When I grew up in the Pack, a shower consisted of standing under a cold garden hose in the courtyard. Our beds were flea-ridden and dirty. Yes, I've become spoilt. And I love it.

  Together, we walk at a brisk pace towards the bridge. Luckily, no humans are around at this time of night, so we don't get any weird looks for being stark naked. Whenever I look at my two men, temptation grabs hold of me, but I always manage to get a grip.

  Shower. Bed. Gryphon.

  It becomes my mantra.

  On the way, the guys tell me of all the places they visited while looking for me. I haven't even heard of half those towns and villages. In the beginning, they mostly searched on the other side of the country because that's where their leads indicated I was being held.

  "Do you think Lord Delaney planted those rumours?" I ask when Lennox finishes his tale.

  The wolf sucks in a sharp breath. "Lord Delaney? The Lord Delany? Is he the siren who held you?"


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