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Felix Page 11

by Sonja B

  “You done fucked up now, vato. Y’all just killed two top lieutenants of the Los Diablos!” The other guy barks. “We’ll be coming for you, Snatcher of Souls!”

  “And I will be waiting!” I counter, before shooting him in the heart, then walk away with Adam and Romano by my sides.

  “Well done, son.” He says with pride. I nod my head to him.

  Lorenzo keeps his gun trained on the others, as he backs away. Adam has Felix’s arm draped around his shoulder, as he holds him up. Keirra sobs next to them with her arm around his waist.

  “Felix, how did you know we were here?” I question, as I take him from Adam.

  “I didn’t. When I came to, Monica said you guys left looking for Keirra. I couldn’t lay there knowing he had her, so I remembered the addresses to his clubs, and this was the first one I came to. I guess luck was on my side. Just so you know, your wife is not happy one bit that I left.”

  I laugh. “I’m sure, come, let’s get you home so she can re-examine your hard head ass.”

  Chapter 13


  I lay next to Felix in our bed, as he slept. When we made it back to the house Felix had passed out, so Axl helped Adam take him into the house, then to his room where Monica rechecked his wounds. Granny and Papa cried, as they held me, thanking God their baby made it home safe. Monica was cussing up a storm about Felix not listening to her. She tried to tell him he needed to stay until the meds wore off, but he didn’t listen. My man came for me! Don’t get me wrong, I was very relieved when I saw Axl and the others walk up, but to see Felix show up and take Juan out let me know this man would go through hell to get to me. I love this man more than my heart can hold. I never doubted Felix’s love for me, I knew it was genuine. As much as I tried to keep my feelings for him at bay, I couldn’t hide it no longer when he hemmed me up in the kitchen that night. Felix has shown me what true love really is.

  “Keirra,” Felix murmurs.

  “I’m here baby,” I tell him, as I brush his hair from his brow.

  “Was I dreaming? Did that mother fucker take you from me?”

  I stroke his hair. “No, baby, you weren’t dreaming. He did take me.”

  He tries to rise off the bed, but I place my hand on his chest, pushing him back down. “Relax, baby, don’t you remember you took Juan out?”

  He swallows, before speaking. “I thought I was dreaming. Even in my dreams, I’ll always protect you, Keirra.”

  Tears form in my eyes. “I know you would, baby, I know.”

  “Did he…did he touch you?” Felix asks with such emotion.

  I wipe away my tears, before speaking. “No, baby, he didn’t.”

  When Juan and his people ambushed us on our way out of the restaurant, Juan grabbed me, locking his arms around mine. I tried to use every defense move I learned in Sensei Morind’s class, but none of that shit helped. Juan made me watch, as his brother, Javiar, and another guy attacked Felix. When I tried to look away, Juan gripped my face, making me watch, as they continued their assault of punches and kicks. When he finally called them off him, Felix laid on the ground, bloody and barely breathing from what I could see. I sobbed hysterically, as Juan threw me in the backseat of their car. Seeing Felix covered in blood and not moving had me thinking there was no way he could have survived what they did to him but I said a silent prayer begging God to let him be okay.

  “Did you really think I was going to let you get away from me?! That mother fucker is dead in that fucking ally where we left his ass! I told you, you will always be mine!” He hisses, as he grabs my face and forces a kiss on me. I lock my lips, but when he tries to push his tongue in my mouth, I try to bite that bitch off. He howls out in pain, backhanding me. I taste the blood, as it fills my mouth. What this asshole didn’t know was I was going to fight him with everything in me before I let him touch me again.

  When we made it to the club, Juan jerks me out of my seat. We walk in, going straight to the VIP section. Javiar goes to the DJ booth, grabbing the microphone, and announces they were celebrating Juan bringing his bitch back home. My stomach twists in knots, as more tears fall. I prayed that Felix survived and would come get me from this maniac.

  As they popped bottles and toasted each other, Margo, the bitch Juan had the baby with, saunters over and offers to give him a lap dance. He eagerly accepts, placing a twenty-dollar bill in her g-string, as she begins to gyrate on him. I turn my head in disgust, but Juan snatches my head back in her direction.

  “This is what you need to do to keep your man’s attention on you!” He barks as Margo’s nasty ass has the nerve to look back at me, laughing.

  I tell her, “Bitch don’t laugh, you can have this dirty mother fucker!” Juan shoves my head into the wall behind the couch. “Stupid ass puta!”

  I sat there, ignoring both their asses, as Margo continued to give Juan her not so private dances.

  She kept smiling at me like she won the fucking lottery; Bitch bye. She could have this mother fucker! I didn’t care what the fuck they did, as long as it meant him keeping his hands off me. But then the Gods must have decided to show me favor, as I watched Axl, Adam, and an older gentleman approach the VIP area.

  I didn’t feel sorry for Javiar’s ass after what Axl did to him. He was an asshole and woman beater, just like his brother. And Juan's words were proven to be true when he said, ‘he would die before letting me go’.

  “Baby,” Felix whispers, bringing me back to him.

  I smile, as I scoot closer to him. He lets out a sigh of contentment, as he wraps his arm around my waist. I snuggle into his warm chest but being mindful of his ribs. We lay there in silence, holding each other.

  Caressing his cheek, I say, “I love you, Felix.”

  “I love you too, Keirra.” Felix states, before kissing my lips.

  He tightens his arm around me, as he slowly pulls away from the kiss. We stayed locked in each other arms, until sleep finally took over both of us.

  Chapter 14


  Being cooped up in the house to recover was hell. It was fine at first with Keirra, Monica, and Granny taking care of me, but after two days, I was ready to pull my fucking hair out. Now I know how Keirra felt after being on lockdown for three days. Shit, I couldn’t even last that long.

  Finally having enough of it, I got up and jumped in the shower then threw some clothes on. I needed to lay my eyes on my restaurant. Even though I loved spending time with my family, I missed being there. Nikki, my manager was getting tired of me calling every hour to see how everything was going. Axl thought I should have waited a few more days, but when Romano’s personal doctor showed up shocking the shit out of us, he re-examined my wounds and told Monica she did a good job stitching me up, then gave me the all-clear.

  We were all stunned when Romano himself showed up later that day with Andres Jr. and Calla. Of course, he had Lorenzo and Maxillo with him also. Even though I still didn’t trust his ass, I thanked him for being there with Axl and sending his doctor. He said no thanks was needed. He was trying to show us that he was here for us.

  Ladybug was excited to meet her much younger aunt and uncle, and we were glad they got along so well. Since Granny cooked a big dinner, Axl invited them to stay and eat with us. The surprised look on Romano’s face was priceless.

  When it was time for them to go, Romano pulled Axl, Adam, and me to the side and said when I was fully healed, he wanted to meet with all three of us. Axl told him he would be in touch to set the meeting up. Ladybug made her new ‘Papa’ promised to bring Andres Jr. and Calla by again soon to they could spend more time together.

  That was two weeks ago, and things have slowly gotten back to normal. I officially moved Keirra in with me. She was barely at her house after the first night she stayed with me anyway. She only went there to pick up extra clothes and necessities. There was no greater feeling in the world than to wake up next to my woman.

  We haven’t heard anything regarding Los Diablos, but I�
��m sure it’s only a matter of time before they make their presence know. As a precaution, Axl has put a security detail on Monica and Keirra when they go to work. Ladybug had her own detail too. He wasn’t taking any chances after what happened with Keirra. Adam and I have added extra security to the garage and Salvant’s. Marco and I got together and installed hi-tech security systems at the houses and our business. No one would be able to get close to the buildings without alerts going off to me, Axl and Adam first.

  Keirra, Axl, Monica, and I sat down with Granny and Papa to have a discussion regarding them moving out of their house and into Monica’s old house. I think Granny was ready to move a long time ago, but Papa was trying to hold on to what he worked so hard for. We explained to them that with the crime rate steadily growing in their neighborhood, it wasn’t safe for them. Papa finally gave in, but said they would take over the mortgage payments, but Monica surprised them when she handed over the deed to the house with their names on it. They were so excited, Granny got up and started doing the happy dance. Papa shook our hands and hugged Keirra and Monica. Axl had paid the house off after Monica and Ladybug moved in with us. Back then, Monica was going to give it to Keirra, but I told her that wouldn’t be necessary because eventually, she was going to be living with me. So, once we got Monica’s old furniture out of the house, I hired some movers to pack up Granny and Papa’s stuff and move it into their new house.

  Axl found the girls a new Karate instructor. We wanted to make sure he was on the up and up, so I ran a background check on him, and he’s legit. Mr. Forbes was a tenth-degree black belt who knew his shit. Axl and I sat in on one of his classes and was amazed at his skills. That hack Morind was a cartoon character compared to this guy. The girls have been attending his class and loved it.

  “Shit,” I growl, as I try to tie my tie for the hundredth time. Today was the day we were going to meet with Romano. Axl wanted us to dress accordingly, so he brought us new suits. I didn’t mind wearing it, shit I looked fucking good in this all-black custom-made suit. It was the fucking tie that was giving me the flux.

  Keirra giggles behind me. “Come here, Felix.”

  I turn to face my lady sitting on the bed. I stroll over then stop right in front of her. She grabs the end of the tie and pulls it from around my neck.

  “I think you look better without the tie.” She says, as she stands, then unbuttons the top two buttons of my white dress shirt. She then fixes my collars. “There, much better.”

  “Thank you, baby,” I tell her, pulling her against my body, as she wraps her arms around my neck.

  “You welcome, love. Plus, I can think of other uses for this tie.” She teases, kissing my lips.

  “Hell, yeah,” I moan against her lips, as I smack her ass.

  She giggles harder. “You better get going before Axl comes in here and drags you out.”

  I groan. “Fine, but we’re using that fucking tie tonight!” We both laugh, as we make our way out of the room.



  I was now officially head of the Romano Empire with my brothers by my side. I came to clean house. All the mother fuckers who I knew for sure were loyal to Rocco and Anjelica I sent their asses packing. With the help of Lorenzo, I brought in a new crew of skilled men. These were my men and showed loyalty to me and my brothers. I kept Maxillo on because he proved himself when we were at the club.

  Even though I still had my reservations about Romano, he has been very helpful with the transition. Not only did I inherit multiple businesses, some legit most illegal, but I was also now sitting in the seat of one of the largest crime families in the city. We had ties that spanned across the ocean to Italy. Romano informed me I was going to have to go over there soon so he could introduce me as the new head of the Romano family. This shit was bigger than I thought it was.

  To keep my family safe, I bought a bigger house not too far from Romano. It was well secure with a guard at the gate. Ladybug called it a mansion, I just called it home. There was a nice sized guest house that sat off in the back Adam moved into. I told him he could move in the big house with us because we had rooms galore, and like the old house, they would have their own wings, but he declined, saying he wanted to know what it was like to have his own bachelor pad. Funny thing is he’s hardly there, basically only when he’s sleeping. Either he’s at the garage or at the main house with us.

  Romano finally kicked Anjelica’s grimy ass out. She thought she was going to take the kids and use them as a paycheck, but her plans fell flat when he handed her divorce papers and legal documents showing that he had full custody of Andres Jr. and Calla. He had Maxillo throw her out with just the clothes on her back. She tried to contest the divorce and get the kids back, but her lawyer was no match for Romano’s, especially when he showed the judge pictures of her fucking Rocco and some of the guards.

  I just about got my head ripped off by Nolan when he found out what went down with at The RX.

  “Man, why didn’t you call me?! I told you I’ve been having problems with those Los Diablos pussies for months now! My people and I were on standby, waiting for you to call!” He rants.

  “Look, Nolan, the shit happened so fast all I was thinking about was trying to find Keirra before Felix came to. But since Felix killed that mother fucker and I killed his brother, I’m sure we’ll have a run-in with them again.”

  “Well, you better call my ass the next time…and there will be a next time. Those mother fuckers ain’t gonna let that shit go, Axl. I’ll have some of my men keep their ears open, and if I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks, Nolan. I appreciate that.”

  Nolan kept his word, because a few days later, he called to inform me one of his runners had just left his office with a bit of information. It seems Los Diablos was looking for info on The Snatcher of Souls. Since no one knew exactly who he was, they were coming up empty, but it’s only a matter of time before they figure out that it’s me, and when they come, I’ll be ready for their asses.

  I’m still fighting my demons though, there’s just some things that a man can’t shake. I was working on them with the help of Rakisi. Rakisi was actually one of the men Romano had me train with after he took me.

  When I first moved out of Romano’s house, I was so used to the daily training, or abuse, that I felt like something was missing…a void. After I bought the warehouse and started training Felix and Adam, it did kind of fill the void, but it wasn’t the same.

  Then one day, as I was leaving Romano’s from picking up a hit envelope, I ran into Rakisi. He was the meaner one out of the two, and as much as I hated him for what he put me through, I respected his skills. I asked him if he would continue to train me. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, ‘For a man to seek what you are asking on his own free will after what we did to him makes me wonder if it is really training you want or my death… or perhaps your own.’ I told him I did not wish to kill him; I only wanted him to keep training me. Being used to my training program for so long, I felt lost without it. I could do it on my own, but it wasn’t the same. Anyway, it was the least he could do since he was one of the people who turned me into who I am. He asked for my number and said he’ll think about it. If he decided to take me on, he’d call.

  A week later, an unknown number came up on my phone, it was him. He gave me an address to a location on the outskirts of town and told me to come the next day. I’ve been training with him ever since. Years ago, when Felix asked me where I would disappear to, I was going to train with Rakisi. This is a secret that I have kept from them. I don’t think they would understand that this is what I needed, what the Snatcher of Souls needed. Rakisi’s style of training and torture was what was missing.

  “Axl, do you hear me?” Monica asks, waving her hand in my face.

  “Huh? Oh, sorry, baby, I must have been in deep thought. What were you saying?” I reply, giving her my full attention. She, Ladybug, Felix, Keirra, and I were sitting on the back
patio looking at wedding shit. Honestly, I didn’t care if we had a wedding or not. She was my wife now, but I knew how much she and the girls were excited about having one. Felix looks like he would rather be anyplace else but here looking at floral arrangements. I feel you brother. Adam was the lucky one because he was at the garage working late.

  “She asked what you thought about having doves released after the minister pronounces you man and wife, daddy.” Ladybug chimes in with a toothy grin.

  “I think we better cover our damn heads, that’s what I think.” Felix and I fall out laughing, as the girls give us the evil eye. “I’m just playing baby, if that’s what you want, then that’s what you shall have,” I tell Monica, kissing her temple.

  “Mmmhmm.” She counters, rolling her eyes.

  “Don’t be like that, Monica.” I pout, sticking my bottom lip out.

  “You two are too silly. I think it’ll be romantic.” Keirra says, giggling. She better giggle it up now because Felix was about to pop the question, and he’s already said they weren’t going through all this wedding shit like me and Monica. It was giving him a headache, and it wasn’t even his wedding.

  My phone starts to ring. I grab it off the table, looking at the screen. An unknown telephone number flashes across it. I hit the decline button because I don’t answer unknown calls. Just as I was about to place it back on the table, it starts to ring again.

  “Who is that, baby?” Monica asks, as she flips through a bridal book.

  “I don’t know, it’s an unknown number.”

  “Well, answer it and tell whoever it is to quit calling. It’s probably one of those worrisome ass telemarketing calls. Tell them to take your name off their list.”

  “Hello,” I greet.

  “Hey, hey, Axl. I’m glad you picked up. This is Reese.” His voice sounding rushed and anxious.


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