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Vivid Dream Reality 2

Page 7

by Savannah Maun

  “If I promise to not do anything commercially, I don't think it will be a problem. I'm not quite sure what I am going to tell him though. I could tell him that Tia wants to look at it and see if she can solve the resume issue.” Katie said.

  “You mean that at the moment Tia can only resume on the one machine?”

  “Yes, the worry is that if that headset was stolen or stopped working for any reason, this whole experiment grinds to a halt.”

  “Get me those parts and consider that solved,” Andi promised. “There is one other thing to discuss. I have already stripped the bank accounts of Dr Sinclair and General Pearson, but I don't think that is enough. I had an idea but I need your approval.”

  “This is more like it,” Roni said rubbing her hand together. “What was your idea?”

  “Well. It is amazing what people will put on the internet. I have found this movie of a guy, shall we say, being amorous with a horse.”

  “Eww. That is disgusting. Go on.” Vee said.

  “The person involved has a very similar body shape to the General. It would be easy to make it look like it was the General and then release it on youtube. I could also ensure that it ranks highly and is very visible.”

  “So humiliate him. What do you think Vee?” I asked.

  “He was the guy who ordered our abduction?”

  “Yes. That is another option. I could show the world exactly what he did, but it could hurt you Vee to see what he allowed Dr Sinclair to do. It would horrify your parents as well.”

  “Well he behaved like a horses arse, so maybe it is justice that it looks like he fucked one too,” Roni said. “What about Dr Sinclair?”

  “I think he deserves jail time. I could easily put paedophile images on his computer and alert the authorities. All I would have to do is insert his computer id on a police search of another paedophile to suggest he was distributing images.”

  “That sounds fine,” Vee said. “Where are you getting these images from?”

  There was a pause. “Other paedophiles. Please don't ask more. I will say this, I am helping as much as I can without revealing myself. Some of these paedophiles are highly placed and have a lot of protection.” Andi made the sound of a sigh. “Please get the Elven Nation up and strong, there is much we could do.”

  There was a depressing silence until Roni broke it. “I don't think we are looking at this right. Yes, there is a lot of evil in the world. We already knew that; it is not a surprise. We are being given an opportunity to do something about it. It won't be easy. It requires careful planning and difficult decisions. Nothing that we are not capable of. We can do this. We mustn't dwell on the nastiness. Let's concentrate on the good stuff that we can do while planning to work on the evil later. Tomorrow we are going to make five dreams come true. Katie will have some idea of what that poor woman has been through. A quadriplegic in her twenties. I know what hell a transgender individual has to go through. We are going to make five people so happy. That is what we need to remember. Yes, Andi, please deal with the General and Dr Sinclair, and we will know there is much more for us to do, but we need to see the smiles too.”

  “Thanks, Roni.” We all had a group hug and then separated to get ready for bed. I did feel an almost crushing responsibility, but I had good people to share it with and I had joy in my life.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning the alarm dragged me out of bed again. The Taigoa on the hotel grounds helped focus me and get me moving. Then we were in another rush, finishing off our packing, getting ready for Janice and the boat trip. I did have time to switch on my laptop and show everyone the website and how to alter it by asking Andi for any changes. Katie and Vee put their heads together and put forward their requests for candidates.

  They had divided their initial candidates into three groups, financially rewarding, management and security. Then on top of that the different experiments that we wanted to conduct, amputees, cancer sufferers and a wide range of diseases. For the managerial and security groups, there was an additional question about willingness to relocate and no other close ties. The only real limits on our experiments were related to the ability to use VDR. We then asked Andi to screen the candidates and give her take on them.

  We left all our luggage apart from what we needed for the boat trip, with the hotel reception for us to pick up later and taxied to VDR entertainment for what was probably our last visit with Janice. My passport photo looked very different from how I looked now, but I had documentation and we had checked what we would need at immigration and passport control. Since I was now so well known, there should be no difficulties.

  Vee was complete and didn't need any more checking. My height still needed to increase an inch, but other than that, I was complete. Both Katie and Roni still were very early in their transformations but were noticing some differences. In the time I had been missing with Vee, Roni had her internal silicone sacks removed. She admitted that she was stuffing at the moment, but didn't want to even get breast forms since she knew she would be growing her own shortly. This had altered her clothing choices but was only temporary.

  Katie took the time to speak to Brett and arrange the electronic elements that Andi had requested. We spoke to Janice about our revised plans for her girls and she promised to look after them in our absence.

  We arrived at the yacht with plenty of time, but we were still the last ones to arrive. I was hoping that was showing their enthusiasm. We went to meet them all. First impressions suggested that the New Yorker was an arrogant idiot, but everyone else seemed nice. Janice's two girls had dressed as their male persona, Karl and Larry. I could see why. I would guess Karl was six foot three inches and had broad shoulders with a prominent Adam's apple. Larry was six foot one inch, a bit thinner, but had a mild five O clock shadow and it was first thing in the morning. He also had a very mannish looking face. They looked very uncomfortable and shy.

  Dr Mathews insisted we call her Sharon and passed pretty well. Her movements were stiff and uncomfortable, but she seemed bright and positive. Katherine was the paraplegic and she was strapped into her wheelchair and was trying to portray a positive attitude, her husband in close attendance. He had also brought a nurse to help.

  We managed to get on the yacht early since we were all there, but we wouldn't be able to leave until they had completed all their preparations. We decided to do the explanations while we were waiting. Since I had already done this a couple of times, I set up the phone and asked Andi mentally to record it.

  First I explained that we were going into a VDR game where the storyline allowed us to perform these transformations. I tried to set the scene, with how they would appear, how they should behave and what was going to occur. I would not be there to guide them, but I would send someone to look after them. We would be there for seven days and a priestess who looks exactly like me would determine who was transformed first and when she would be able to do the next one. By the end of the seven days, I expected them all to have a chance to be transformed. The process itself was difficult and they would have to be determined to succeed.

  We then all went through our own experience going through the transformation and this time it was recorded on the phone video, so hopefully, that would be the last time we had to do it in person. It was when we were going through the oaths that you would have to swear, that Ms New York started to protest. She wasn't prepared to swear to obey anyone. For the money, she was paying she shouldn't have to and she should be able to choose what body she gets.

  I made an executive decision. It was not worth risking making Myra angry. Maybe she would decide to stop and then where would we be. Fortunately, the yacht hadn't left yet, so I kindly asked Ms New York to leave. This was met by shock, anger, threats, protest, refusal and finally temper tantrum. Roni walked out to make the phone calls. Her father had accompanied her but wasn't intending to travel on the boat. As soon as I had asked her to leave Roni had phoned him to pick her up. He arrived to witness her lying on th
e floor hitting the ground with her fists and feet whilst keeping up this angry scream.

  He looked at me apologetically. We all left the room to let him deal with the situation and I had to speak to the yacht crew to delay departure until they had left. To prevent something like this happening again, I suggested we add that explanation video to the website. It was probably more information that we wanted to give out, but I think the cat was out of the bag and we needed to move on.

  Katie worried about bad publicity coming from the incident, but Andi promised to release the full video showing that deplorable behaviour if necessary, plus she assured us that she could alter facebook postings if needed. If they wanted to start that fight they wouldn't enjoy the consequences.

  No one else had a problem with any of the process. As I had explained, I didn't consciously choose the path that the story took, we just were taking advantage of the situation that had presented itself. I did say that our belief was that the geas was effective and they would probably struggle to do something dishonourable. There were a lot of unknowns. As yet there were only four people who had been through the process. The suspicion was that because we were copying characters that were also lesbians, that part of the transformation process ended with that result. Our sample size was too small to be sure of anything, but that was the risk you had to be willing to take.

  Katherine's husband Simon asked if he could also be there in the VDR game world. We explained that he would have to explain that he was not there to be transformed. Once they arrived, I would not be dealing with them. It was possible that we might see each other, but it was not likely. If so, they needed to address me as Princess, or the characters would think they were treating me with disrespect.

  Since we had a total of eight headsets, besides Vee, myself, the four transformees and Simon, there was one space left. Katie wanted to come so she could do more training which completed our party. We then had to wait until we hit international waters. It was a beautiful yacht on a calm sunny day, so we just relaxed and enjoyed the trip.

  The girls had insisted that I packed a bikini so that was an experience. All I can say is boys have less to cover up and use a lot more cloth to do it. Still, I was pretty confident in my new body. It helps when your lover constantly reminds you of how attractive you are to her. We hadn't been having much privacy recently, so I was looking forward to Lagbit's world as a chance to reconnect intimately with Vee.

  Roni was not feeling confident at the moment, so she stayed inside and carried on working. Katie was feeling better and better and joined us.

  With GPS they could be pretty confident when we had passed into international waters. Funnily enough, it wasn't as simple as travelling twenty-four miles from land. It also depended on the flag of the ship. After you reach international waters the law of that ship is the law of the country whose flag it's flying. Fortunately, Roni knew that or researched it and our yacht would be flying the British flag.

  Unsurprisingly, they didn't have eight lounge chairs that we could set up together, but they had a lot of cushions, so we covered the floor of a lounge area and managed to get us all lying down, with the exception of Katherine who would remain in her wheelchair. Once everyone was connected and Roni supervised to make sure, then I hit resume.

  Chapter 12

  I awoke in heaven, or, at least that is what it felt like, cuddled up in Vee's arms. Our maids were there urging us into the bathroom. I told Yani about our guests next door and asked for her to organize someone to look after them. I mentioned that one, in particular, was pretty helpless and would need more help than usual.

  We had a sensual wash but didn't allow it to progress further. I didn't want to be late for Taigoa as I needed to talk to mum. Katie met us there. She told us that she was going to be spending time with Ash and Holly, so we didn't need to include her in our plans. She was getting better at the Taigoa form and was being taught the breathing to fit with the different movements now.

  Our sparring was progressing now. Originally, they would make an attack at slow speed and we would do the correct block followed by the next part of the sequence which was usually an attack. Over time they had speeded up the different attacks. Both Vee and I were now able to block their attacks at full speed, so now after their attack, our block and attack back they would block and attack again. It was much more exciting with almost no time to think, you just had to let the body remember what it was supposed to do. If we made a mistake we had to do the correction multiple times to improve our muscle memory.

  It should have been exhausting, but I think elves have more endurance, so it was just good exercise. When we finished I managed to have a chance to speak to mum on the bench again.

  First I gave her a hug, just because I felt like it. I was rewarded by a huge smile.

  “What was that for?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I felt like it. Anyway, I have brought more humans for transformation. One is doing very poorly and can only move her neck. The others are all originally male and would like to be female.”



  “When I lost my bonded, I devoted myself to Lagbit. I needed something to focus on otherwise I think I would have just faded away. Being your mother and hopefully, a grandmother at some not too distant point gives me a new purpose. You bringing me sick or hurt humans to transform is adding to that. My life is so much better now.”

  “I am really glad to hear that. My intention is to bring you lots more. However, I don't know if they can all be helped. I figured the only way to find out, is to bring them here. I don't want you to overdo it though. I won't be returning to my world for a week and there are four humans who wish for us to help them, so there is no rush.”

  “I will start with one a day and have a break when I feel the need.”

  “Perfect. The other thing I wanted to mention is that I am going to try and build an Elven

  Nation in my world. Is it possible you can add to the geas? I was thinking about adding the words 'never betray the Elven Nation in word or deed'. What do you think?”

  “That is wonderful. You are saving our species. Of course, I will add to the oath. But why are you bringing them here if you are worried about that?”

  “It's not that I think they will betray us. To be honest, I don't really know them very well. I think they will be very grateful for what we are doing, but everyone is different, so who knows. If someone behaves disrespectfully, or in some way that indicated that they are unworthy of this gift, please refuse them.”

  We hugged again. “I will have no hesitation in doing so,” she told me. “I will arrange for them to stay with the other priestesses, that way, if they behave badly it will be reported back to me and I can deal with it. You have other concerns, now that you have brought them, I will take responsibility for them.”

  “What concerns do I have?”

  “Have you forgotten? Your lessons start today. After breakfast, your maids will take you to your first tutor.”

  Katie had already left with Ash and Holly, Vee was waiting by going through the Taigoa form again, but stopped and joined us when she realized we had finished. We returned to our room for another wash. I requested a bath this time and received a knowing look in Vee's eyes. We had a proper chance to connect before the water started cooling and we got out and had breakfast.

  For the first three days, we got into a bit of a routine. We were awakened by our maids, washed and dressed ready for Taigoa, then another longer wash which the maids often joined in with, followed by breakfast. We then had lessons until lunchtime which consisted of History, Geography and Culture. The culture aspect was mainly reading a book from the library which was written in Elvish, so we first had to learn how to read and write in Elvish. I had read Lord of the Rings years ago and the writing reminded me of that. A pleasant lunch with Mary and Kayla with mum often but not always present. Mum didn't talk about our guests other than to say it was going well.

  After lunch,
we had a music lesson. I had tried learning how to play the guitar when I was younger, but never devoted the amount of time it required and eventually stopped. We had a choice of instruments, none of them an exact match to what we knew except the guitar. Knowing that the knowledge had to be coming from my mind, I figured the guitar would be a good choice. Vee chose a trumpet equivalent. We had to learn separately and I think they used some kind of magic to keep the noise down to a minimum. The music scoring was the same as in our world, but the music itself was completely different. Or at least, I didn't recognize any of it.

  Then we had druid training. Vee opted to join me and it consisted of travelling through the woods with explanations of everything that we were hearing and seeing. Trying to be more aware of everything going on around us on an almost instinctive level. Then we would find ourselves in a natural beauty spot and we would meditate. I was guided to try and talk to my familiar and Vee was led to a more general meditation.

  We would relax for a while after that and then get ready for dinner with the help of our maids. I had a growing affection for our maids and mine in particular. I'm sure Vee was the same. I found it interesting that it did not diminish my love for Vee, but showed me that my heart could encompass multiple loves. Our activities for the day would end with dancing lessons with Mary and Kayla.


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