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Page 4

by Jennifer Loren

  “Yes, Ava?” Dillon asked still hopeful.

  “Yes Ava, what?” I bite my lip as Sean walks in with an intimidating approach, glaring at Dillon and his leaning posture.

  “Mr. Grant. Wow, it’s so nice to meet you.” Dillon stupidly holds his hand out to Sean. You can see the tension in Sean’s arm as he grips Dillon’s hand with force and a clear understanding. I sigh as Sean let’s go and Dillon shakes his hand out, behind himself.

  I move between them and face Sean as persuasively as I can. “Honey, Dillon here was just telling me his ideas for the commercials. He is being sweet and helping me take these drinks out to everyone else.” Sean stares at me as he contemplates whether he is going to hurt Dillon any further.

  “Is that all you were talking about?” Sean asks, caressing my arm to verify that I am okay. I give him a stern look against his reluctant stance.

  “Yes sweetheart, what else would we talk about?” I said, kissing him gently before whispering in his ear, “Please let it go, he’s harmless, I promise.” Sean huffs before loosening up his tense arms and pulling me closer to him.

  “We’re going to talk about this later,” he whispered back to me. “Get the drinks.” Sean motioned towards Dillon with a fierce look. I hand Dillon the tray of drinks, helping him position them correctly.

  “Thanks,” Dillon said, flexing his hand to grip the tray.

  “You’re welcome.” I said smiling, which he returns enthusiastically. Rolling my eyes at him, I take hold of Sean’s arm and walk away before the boy gets himself hurt.

  The meeting proceeds without bloodshed. I did not participate, but used a nearby desk to check on some work issues, getting up to make calls in another room when necessary. Dillon follows most of my movements and Sean follows his. I try to ignore the both of them, but decide it best to leave the room, returning only once I hear them leaving. I walk in on Dillon trapped inside the threshold by Sean. Sean doesn’t seem to be snarling, so I hold my place. Sean glances over at me and then back at Dillon, who is about to turn around in my direction. “Don’t you dare turn around.” Sean said to him. I start to get angry, but when Dillon’s eyes twist as far to one side as possible to catch a glimpse of me, I grab my mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Sean glances at me in shock. “What is wrong with you?” He yelled at him.

  “Nothing. Why?” Dillon shrugs.

  “You know what, you’re lucky I like you.” Sean says holding back a smile, so I sit down and relax realizing Dillon isn’t going to die … today anyway.

  “You do?” He said excited and mistakenly relaxing. “You know, I knew you did and you know what? I like you too, Sean. I think we have a lot in common. We both are extremely good looking, we’re both smart, and we both have great taste in women.” Sean looks back at me as if to ask if I can believe what he is hearing.

  “Seriously, did your mother drop you on your head or something?” Sean asked him.

  “Are you kidding? There would be no way I could get my hair to look this good with a dent in my head. Like I was saying, you know I get to Atlanta quite often, maybe I can stop by. What’s your address?”

  “I’m not giving you my address!”

  “Why not?” Sean goes speechless, staring at him in disbelief. “If you want to be my friend Sean, you should at least add me to your Christmas list. It’s what friends do. And make sure you don’t just sign your name, I hate that. Let me know how you’re doing, what’s going on in Sean’s world. Don’t be afraid to open up, I’m here for you buddy.”

  “What?” Sean snaps back.

  “Hey do you ever go to Vegas? Ahhh damn, I bet you could get us into some great places. We have got to do that.”

  “No, we don’t,” Sean says, shaking his head and cautiously stepping away from Dillon.

  “You know, Atlanta could be fun too. I was planning to go to Vegas next week, but sure. Why not? I will come to Atlanta and stay with you instead.”

  “The hell you are!” Sean yells.

  “Hey, I bet you have a pool too. Does Ava swim?” Dillon asked receiving a sharp glare. “Okay, so maybe just us guys then.”

  “Will you shut the fuck up?” Dillon looks at Sean, taken aback by his raised voice. “I said I like you, which means I like your ideas. Not that I want to become your pen pal.” Dillon opens his mouth and Sean begins to shake. “No … be quiet. I have a film to do in Atlanta after I finish the one here. My schedule is going to be tight, so call Ethan, my brother. He handles everything for me. Please make sure you call Ethan. Don’t call me … call Ethan. Got it? Do not ever call me … always call Ethan.”

  “What if …”

  “No. Never call me, always Ethan.” Dillon is barely able to complete a full shrug before Sean pulls him in close by the neck and whispers something to him I can’t hear, and it doesn’t seem pleasant. I can’t see Dillon’s face completely, but he stiffens enough to tell me Sean is not wishing him well. I stomp off to the bedroom so I do not have to hear anything else. I do not want to know what Sean says to make people turn that pale. I lay across the bed, picking up one of my magazines to read when I hear Sean enter the doorway. I raise my magazine up higher in front of my face and Sean laughs. He lays down next to me, waiting for me to notice him. “Ava?” I look at the page opposite him. “Alright, why are you mad?”

  “You were not very nice to Dillon.”

  “I was nicer than I needed to be.” Sean said sternly

  “He’s harmless, Sean.”

  “Harmless? Stupid would be a better adjective for that kid.” I return to my magazine in a huff. “Ava,” he said, touching me softly and tugging on my clothes with the tips of his fingers.

  “No. Not until you tell me what you said to him?”

  He instantly rolls away from me. “I am not doing that.”


  “Because you don’t need to know some things. Just know he won’t be bothering you ever again.”

  “Sean! I handled it fine without being so harsh.”

  “Oh, I heard you handling it. Seemed like you only encouraged him more.”

  “I did not, or at least I wasn’t meaning too.” He glances over at me as I crawl to him. “I couldn’t help but laugh at him, Sean. He is ...”

  “He’s an idiot and he’s going to get his ass kicked badly one day if he’s not careful. If you hadn’t stepped in, I was seriously considering doing it myself.”

  “I know you were. You really need to work on your temper by the way.”

  “I thought I handled it pretty well, after what I heard. He was real lucky I was as calm as I was.” I instantly scan his expression, worried about what he did hear. “Oh Ava! I don’t think I have ever seen a woman so beautiful in my life!” He over dramatizes in a ridiculous voice as he jumps on top of me, grabs me and breathes heavily in my ear. I laugh hysterically, which seems to give him the green light to pursue whatever he wants.

  I grab his hands “What are you doing?”

  “Taking your clothes off.”

  “Sean, I have to go soon.”

  “No, you don’t. Take a later flight,” he kisses me while undressing himself.

  “You know, Dillon had no idea who he was up against.” I move onto his lap, pulling off my shirt and smiling into his waiting eyes. “As easy as it is for me to resist him, you are simply too irresistible for me.”

  “Damn right I am.” Sean said, finding my lips with his.

  Chapter 5


  It’s been months since I have seen him, and my body tingles all over thinking of being in his bed again. I never knew how big my mistake was until he was gone. I thought for sure Joel would be the one to make it big, but how was I to know Joel loves partying more than working? Joel’s father, Butch Castor, is the richest bastard I know and even he has no tolerance for his son’s lack of motivation. I am able to get money out of Butch when he is horny, which is clear when he flies me out for a weekend at his beech house. He never gives me much, but at least I get a vaca
tion out of it. However, ever since that new blond bimbo started working at his office, I can’t even get him on the phone anymore. I thought for sure I was going to be stuck with Joel and be poor for the rest of my life, until surprisingly Joel activated his one still-working brain cell and managed to come up with a decent screenplay. What’s even better, is he thought enough to ask Sean to play the lead. I am on such a high over it all that it doesn’t even bother me that he married that trashy redhead. Besides, after our last dinner together it is clear their marriage is on shaky ground already. If she is hiding anything from him, I am going to make sure to find out what that is, even if I have to extend some nauseating friendliness towards her. Living in their guesthouse for a few months will give me ample access to Sean whenever I please, and plenty of opportunities to make him mine again. It only takes one weak moment to destroy a relationship.

  I am startled out of my daydream when Joel slows the car. “I think this is it.” Joel said softly. I gaze over his home with excitement, nearly exploding from all the mental plans and changes I plan to make to the place once it’s mine. I assume, after his divorce though, we will move back to LA where we belong, so really, this house is insignificant.

  Before we even step near the massive double doors, Ava bounces out to greet us with her obvious, fake charm. She needs to lighten up with that obnoxious sweetness. No one is buying it. “Hi! I am so glad you guys were able to make it in okay,” Ava said, seemingly overjoyed to see us for no reason at all.

  Joel hugs her as I sigh impatiently, “Ava it’s so great to see you. You look wonderful.”

  Pulling down my shades, I peak over the edge to review her pathetic outfit. “Ava, you look … healthy.” Surprisingly, she doesn’t try and hug me too before I walk past her to find a decent spot inside.

  “Thanks Rebecca, so … do … you.”

  “I know. I can’t tell you how many people bother me to say how young I look.” I smiled at her. “And Ava, you don’t look a day over thirty-nine yourself, you sure are handling your age well.”

  “That’s good, because I’m thirty-two, and I believe that’s three years younger than you … or was it four?” I snarl at her snide comment, only to have to watch her become amused by my reaction.

  “Sorry Sean isn’t here to greet you, but he went to meet with his brother about a business deal they are working on,” Ava said while directing Joel to sit.

  “Will his brother be coming tonight?” Joel asked her.

  “No. He and his wife are staying home with the kids. Lillah is staying with them tonight, so she won’t be disturbed by the party.” Ava continues making small talk with Joel while I explore.

  Looking around the room, I find their wedding picture and pick it up to gaze over it. Sean, cradling her in his arms, stares at her as if she is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. I place the picture on a nearby table with no interest in putting it back where it was.

  “Ava, please don’t feel like you have to entertain us. We have plenty to do before the party tonight.” Joel said, eyeing her closely while she bends over to pick up a nearby toy. Ava kindly hands us a key to the guesthouse allowing Joel to move our car around to the back entrance.

  The guesthouse is immaculate. It has a loft bedroom and a small kitchen with a bar, and behind the stairs is what appears to be a studio of sorts. An easel, some work tables and some railings displaying some recent work. One particular piece catches my attention and I move in for a closer look when I feel Joel come up behind me.

  “Ava’s, I imagine. She’s good.”

  I shrug, walking away, “I’ve seen better.”

  Joel suddenly grabs my arm and spins me around to face him. “Rebecca, don’t screw this up for me.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I yell at him as I jerk my arm away from his fierce grip.

  “I am already sick of your attitude. Look, Darling, we both want something here and if everything goes well, we both can get what we want. So let’s try and get through this without killing each other … okay?” He smiles mockingly in my direction.

  I return a similar smile. “Sure dear, whatever you want.”


  Getting ready for the cast party tonight, takes me four hours, but Joel doesn’t seem the least bit impressed with my efforts. “Is that what you’re wearing?” Joel asked, wrinkling his face at me.

  “Yes. Why?”

  “It is supposed to be casual Rebecca. We’re not going to the club.”

  “I know that, but I want to make a good impression,” I said to his instant laughter. Ignoring him, I stretch out my long legs admiring them along with my new shoes. “Sean will love these.” I whisper to myself.

  “Are you ready to go?” Joel asked.

  “Yes. Is it time? I don’t want to be too early?”

  “I’d say it’s close enough,” he said, shaking his head at me.

  The house is all lit up. Servers are already greeting guests with food and drinks. I float down the path towards the main house, preparing to be greeted. Joel introduces me to each person as we approach him or her, but I really do not pay much attention to any of them. My heart begins to race when I see a broad figure on the other side of the draperies. It has to be him. Sure enough, he comes out the door greeting people immediately. He is so handsome, with his dark hair and green eyes. He is wearing dark jeans and a fitted long sleeve shirt, his sleeves pushed up just enough. He hasn’t change a bit. I watch him smile and laugh with a drink in hand, trying not to spill it while he animates his conversation. I nudge Joel, bringing his attention towards Sean and he escorts me to him without hesitation. I reach out to him and press my body to his, taking in his heavenly scent with a kiss below his ear. Sean instantly throws his arm around my shoulders and I nuzzle into place perfectly. “Hey guys. Ava said you made it in okay.”

  “Yes, everything went fine. Thanks, by the way, for putting us up. Once we start getting in some money, we will be out of your way quickly. ” Joel expressed his appreciation again as he gives Sean a quick guy hug, causing him to pull away from me. Joel winks at me knowingly.

  “Oh don’t worry about it. It will be nice to hang out together again while we finish this movie up.” Sean said, lifting his drink to his lips, seemingly already a few drinks ahead of us.

  “So where is Ava?” Joel asked. He couldn’t wait ten seconds to ask about her?

  “She will be out as soon as she finishes going over some things with the caterer. It shouldn’t take her much longer.” As if she heard her name, she suddenly appears, wrapping her arm around his waist. Sean smiles, kissing her as he adjusts to put his arm around her and let her nuzzle in where I once was. She dressed casually in her modest dress and boots. It is chilly but they do have heaters out here, does she really need the boots? She must not think too much of her legs. Joel, apparently trying to annoy me tonight, discreetly looks her over with a nodding smile in my direction.

  We make exhausting small talk until the director comes over, introducing himself as Daniel Kane. An older man and a little strange, but he is one of the best in the industry I have been told, so I make sure to talk to him. “Sean, I had a great idea for an addition to one of the scenes,” Daniel said.

  Sean cocks his eyebrows at him. “Which is?”

  “I think we should have Ava play one of your girls,” Daniel smiles. Is he kidding? Her?

  “That’s a great idea!” Joel chimed in quickly.

  “That would be up to her, of course I would love it,” Sean said, looking down at Ava who is smiling up at him.

  “Ava, this could be really great for the film. Everyone has such a strong curiosity about your relationship, and to get to see you two together on screen would really be something. Besides, you are so beautiful, innocent and absolutely perfect for the part. All you have to do is simply kiss your husband,” Daniel pushed.

  “Tell her everything Daniel, don’t scam my wife now.”

  “No. Really. There isn’t much to it other than that, I me
an, except for the scene we would like to do with you two in bed together, but that would be nothing more than a simple make out scene.”

  “Make out with him in bed? You mean pretend were having sex?” Ava, wide-eyed, leans in to Sean more.

  “Yes, but it will be easy and I am sure your husband will guide you through it.” Daniel continued to push as I huff silently.

  “What if we take the sex scene out and only imply it? Then all you have to do is kiss him” Joel asked.

  Ava hesitates but with Sean whispering something in her ear a smile slowly emerges, “Okay, but only if my husband keeps the promise he just made to me.”

  “This will be great, Ava, and I assure you - you will be wonderful.” Daniel shakes his fists in front of him as if he just won the best pig contest at the state fair. I need a drink. I search for an available bar and grab a bottle on my own, pouring a triple while ignoring the loser in his rented outfit who is trying to take the bottle from me. Returning to the Ava fan club, I become a little hopeful when I realize the conversation seems to have turned tense.

  “Sean, how dangerous is it?” Ava asked.

  “It’s not that bad, there are plenty of safety precautions and stunt people to do the worst part.” Sean explained to her calmly.

  “Actually, Sean, we were hoping that you would do the stunt and do it with little gear to make it more realistic. The precautions would obviously be there, but the best shot for this is with you clearly in it. If you want it, we can do a stunt double, but we prefer you,” Daniel persuaded.

  Sean looks down at Ava, “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know, if it’s something that you feel you need to do then I will support you.” She cowers in his arms giving him a weak smile before kissing his cheek. “Excuse me I need to check on a few things with the caterer.” She walks back into the house with Sean’s eyes following her.

  “Daniel, I am going to have to say ‘no’. I’m not going to risk upsetting Ava over it. It’s not worth it.”

  “Sean, are you sure?” Joel asked.


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