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Page 8

by Jennifer Loren

  I follow Sean to bed, holding his hand the whole way until I am safe and warm in his arms.


  Another last minute change on the project and everyone goes crazy. It is supposed to be my day off, but after scrambling to find a babysitter, I manage to make it into work to ease tension before chaos erupts. The only problem is - I was not able to get away from Rebecca. She insisted on coming with me because she doesn’t want to sit at the house alone. Since she has no car, she is dependent on anyone who does. If she had not threatened to burn down my guesthouse after I left, I would have not thought twice about leaving her behind. I walk into the office and everyone seems to have calmed down since I agreed to come in and help.

  “You made it! Thank goodness. I was afraid you were going to change your mind.” Kyle says, giving me a hug as I come in.

  “Hi.” Rebecca says, coming in behind me. She seems anxious to meet my co-workers for the first time.

  My shoulders drop and I give them each a wary smile. “Oh yes, Kyle … Michael … Anna - this is Rebecca.”

  “Nice to meet you, Rebecca.” Michael says genuinely as he sticks out his hand.

  “Please tell me you’re not gay. I could really enjoy getting to know you.” she said. Kyle interjects for his man by holding out his hand and firmly shaking Rebecca’s.

  “I like your outfit, Rebecca,” Anna said.

  Rebecca beams, “Thank you, it’s very expensive.”

  “Oh, well, I would love to get something like it. Where did you get it?” Anna smiled at her with honesty.

  Rebecca laughs joyfully at her. “Oh honey, I don’t think your body is made for clothes like these. Not that you are fat dear, it’s just that not many people can have a body like mine.” Rebecca glances at each of my friends. “Besides you all have such cute little outfits. You must have dug in bins for those all day.”

  Rebecca pats my friends like dogs and proceeds to tour the office on her own.

  Oh, please dear God … don’t let me kill her today.

  Kyle immediately gives me a hard look and shakes his head. “Thanks for introducing us to your friend Ava, she’s a real joy.” he said sarcastically. “Looks like we are going to have to break out the bitch slapper today.” he mumbles back to his office.

  “It’s going to be a long day.” I exhale deeply.

  Chapter 8


  Ava’s office is small, but nice. Not that I would ever tell her that, but I assume Sean helped pay for most of the things in it. I ask her about each item trying to make that point, but she swears that she and Kyle paid for everything.

  Sitting at Ava’s desk, she allows me to play on the internet while she works with the others. I take the opportunity to snoop and see if I can’t find something that she may not want me too. It feels like I’ve spent hours searching, when Ava’s office phone rings. Typically, I wouldn’t dare think to answer it and play Ava’s receptionist, but the name on the ID makes me too curious. “Ava Kelley’s office …” I say with a sincere tone.

  “Yes, Anna - this is Jasper. Tell Ava I will be back in town tonight if she needs to call me. I will try and come in some time tomorrow and meet with her on the details I discussed with the client.”

  “I will do that Jasper, and where can she reach you tonight?” He sighs in annoyance but tells me his number anyway. Hanging up with him, I simply smile.


  Joel wonders what I am up to, but doesn’t care enough to ask when he drops me off in midtown. Dressed perfectly for my plans for the night, I make one call and beg for assistance…assistance for Ava. Jasper arrives quickly and I meet him at the door.

  “Where is Ava?”

  “I’m sorry, Jasper. I confess I tricked you into meeting me. When I found out you were in town, I begged Ava to give me your number. I am such a big fan and …” I hide my bushing smile. “Well, I am in such awe of you.” His ego is instantly stroked and my plan begins easily. He buys me dinner and drinks, then eagerly rushes me to his home. I am shocked to find out he owns a condo in Atlanta and has for months. I could easily seduce him. He is already obviously expecting sex at this point, but I want more than just sex. Slipping an effective drug into Jasper’s drink, I not only have him hard and horny, but crazed. He grabs me forcefully, throwing me to the ground and ripping at my clothes. I encourage it silently so my cell records only what I want it too.

  I encourage Jasper to spank my ass, push me down, pull my hair and say all the dirty things he has always wanted to say to a woman. He fucks me hard, “You like this? I bet you do, you little whore. I like fucking you. I knew as soon as I saw that short dress of yours that I was going to have it on my floor.” He says jerking my head back by my hair. I glance at my cell with … a tear.

  Now all I have to do is edit my video properly before I show it to Ava. Lucky for me, she is home waiting up for Sean when I get back. Ava immediately sighs when she sees me coming. “Oh don’t be that way. I have a surprise for you. I will let you have it, if you do me a favor?” She rolls her eyes and pretends I am not here. “I want to spend some alone time with Sean.” I said, to which she begins shaking her head vehemently. “Doesn’t have to be much, maybe you could suggest a threesome? Or hell, I am willing to share Joel. Maybe we could …”

  Ava instantly turns around, breathing fire, “No! I don’t know why you think it is okay to even suggest such things. Don’t you have any respect for your own husband?” She seethes.

  “Alright, you can’t blame a girl for trying. It might have been fun - you don’t know. But, if not in his bed in real life, then how about on set? Convince Sean that I should have your role. Should be easy for you to do. It’s not as if you wanted it in the first place.”

  “Rebecca, go away. I am in no mood to deal with you today.” She said, shaking her head before starting to walk away.

  I grab her arm forcefully, “Oh, I think you’re going to do exactly what I want for as long as I want.” I pull out my phone and show her my video. “He raped me, and I am going to press charges. He even stupidly recorded it. Luckily, I was able to escape with a copy to prove his guilt. I bet this would be very bad for anyone associated with him, or … for any company he owns or recently bought a major share of. Wouldn’t it … Ava?” Recoiling from me with wide eyes, she begins to tremble, “How much money does he have invested in your little firm exactly? I was kind of shocked when he told me last night. That’s a lot of money Ava and to know that all you wanted to do was retire and be a full time Mommy. Jasper really wants you back, and apparently will do anything to work with you again. Maybe you’re not such a boring lay after all.”

  “Jasper tricked us. We thought we were making a deal with another architect, not him. If I had known it was him, I would have never signed that deal. I only wanted to surprise Sean. We want to have another baby and I want to stay home with them. To be home when he is home. I can’t do that owning so much of the firm. I needed to let it go so they could find someone to help carry the firm after I leave. They wouldn’t sign the deal unless I stayed on through this last project. I didn’t see anything wrong with that. Sean gets so jealous and I didn’t want him to worry. I thought I could finish the project and retire without him ever finding out. Jasper won’t stay here once I am gone anyway.”

  “That is a sad story Ava, too bad for you I don’t care … about you anyway. Either give me what I want or I will take my video and go crying to the police and ruin everything for everyone you know… including Sean.”

  “I will recommend you for the part. You’re right, I don’t care about it. But, after this is all over, I want a video confession that you made it all up. And, I want you to leave here and never come back.”

  I think happily about her agreement for a few seconds, “You have a deal, Ava. But you better make sure I get that part. Oh, and part of this deal is that you never tell Sean about any of this. I don’t need him getting all upset over his wife breaking his heart and ruining my big break.” I hug her stiff postu
re happily. ‘You know, this really is going to be a great movie, especially with me in it.”

  My night is satisfying and more than a little successful. Now all I have to do is wait for Ava to hold up her end of the bargain.


  I wait anxiously for Ava to do as she promised and I know she held up her end when Joel walks in with a scowl. “Bad day, baby?’

  “What did you do?” He says, stomping his way towards me.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  “You know damn well what I am talking about! Ava has decided against doing the movie and highly recommended you take her place. She begged Sean to give you a chance since you two have become such great friends as of late.” Joel stresses with clenched fists.

  “Oh, I never would have thought she would go to so much trouble for me. She really is a sweetheart. I accept of course, but we should do something nice for her. A gift basket of some sort, I think.” I smile happily as I prance away from my glaring husband.

  “You know I needed her on this movie.”

  “I know you said that, but I have no idea why.”

  “Rebecca! I swear…” He cringes, fisting his hands above his head. “Do me a favor and hold off on your scheming and evil ways, now that you have what you want. Give me a little time…”

  “Oh darling, you are so cute when you’re angry. For you I will try to be good, but I can’t make any promises. If you’re nice to me, I might be able to talk Ava into having sex with you. I know you would like that.” He glances my way.

  “Shut up, Rebecca.” He says more calmly, walking upstairs to go enjoy the image I put in his head.

  It is a perfectly beautiful day, so I decide to take advantage and go layout by the pool. With a renewed excitement, I strut around the corner to the pool only to have Ethan jerk me out of my daydream.

  “What the …? Let go of me!” I yell at him.

  “I know you must have done something horrible.” he accused. What are you holding over Ava? Whatever it is, I want you to let it go, now. I want you out of this house and on your way back to New York.”

  I shake my head, huffing as I cross my arms. “Oh Ethan, don’t be ridiculous, you are still such a drama queen.”

  He stomps back on the balls of his feet. “Don’t screw with me Rebecca. I know you, and I of all people know what you’re capable of.” I glance down to study my nails, exaggerating my boredom. “If I were you Rebecca, I would get the hell out of this house and leave my brother and his family alone or…”

  “Or what?” I stand up to him, sending him back on his heels in shock. “What are you going to do Ethan?”

  “I’m going to tell Sean everything,” he said assuredly.

  “I don’t think you are. Even if you had proof, which you don’t, I don’t think you want your precious wife to find out about our little arrangement.”

  “That was before, Abbey.”

  “Was it? As I remember it you were already dating each other.” I said confidently.

  “I have no doubt in my mind that Abbey would believe me over you.” He said as his eyes continue to keep check on our surroundings.

  I smile. “I still have the pictures Ethan. All of them time stamped. You look so good, too …” I take hold of his face reaching in to kiss him but he turns away from me in a huff.

  “That’s history, and Abbey will forgive me.”

  “Maybe, but Sean won’t.” I lean into him, putting my arms around his neck. “Now would he?” I pout.

  “Get off of me.” he says, jerking away from me.

  “Oh Ethan, you have so many little secrets and unfortunately for you, I know all of them.” I said as he shakes his head at me in disgust.

  “I’m warning you Rebecca, tread lightly or I will come after you. I don’t care who hates me in the end. I won’t let you destroy my brother’s life again.”

  “What are you talking about? Sean was happy with me. He would have stayed that way if not for you and … her.”

  “Only in your delusional world. He left early for California to do that movie and stayed long after it was over just to avoid coming home to your pathetic ass. He begged me to get his stuff for him so he wouldn’t have to look at you.” I smack him and he smiles widely in my face. “Watch it Rebecca, you might accidentally show some real human emotion.”

  “Fuck You Ethan.” I snarl at him. “You better go to your wife while you still have her. Otherwise, we might have to test that theory of yours. Will she care or won’t she? Do you really want to risk losing her and those two cute little boys of yours?” I smile as I step around him. “Goodbye Ethan.” I wave as I continue on with my day.

  Chapter 9


  Screaming. SEAN! NO PLEASE! NO!

  I awake abruptly to Ava screaming. “Ava!” I yell and instantly she crumbles into my arms. “What’s wrong?” I ask her, but she won’t stop crying. “Ava, talk to me. What’s wrong?” Her tear filled face pains me as she holds my face. “What Ava?” She buries her head into my chest. “Baby, talk to me please. You’re scaring the hell out of me.”

  “You were gone. I lost you.” she said. “It felt so real, you left me … alone.”

  Taking her into my arms, “It was just a dream Ava, I’m right here.” She holds me desperately and in total fear. I haven’t seen her like this since she was worried about … Spencer.


  I am flying to New York to film some Cancer Society promos. I had not planned to take Ava and Lillah with me, but after last night, I have decided to give Ava an early birthday present. Plans are quickly changed and Randy arrives packed and ready to escort us all with his usual watchful eye.

  “Are you all leaving?” Joel asks as I help Randy pack the car.

  “Yes. I changed my mind at the last minute. Ava seems on edge lately, and I am worried about leaving her alone.”

  “Why is that? Did somebody threaten her?” Joel asks.

  “No. She had a nightmare last night, and I haven’t seen her respond like that since she was worried about Spencer. She has been working so much lately, maybe if I give her a nice vacation she will feel better.”

  “From what you told me about what happened to her, that is probably a good idea. I can’t imagine it would be something she can easily get over. I hope she is going to be okay. Let me know if you need me to do anything.” Joel says with sincerity, making me feel good about our renewed friendship. “Well don’t be gone too long. Otherwise, I will have to dust off my actor persona and take over your part. Hello, I am Sean Grant.” He mocks me with a bright smile.

  “I would say something smartass, but that was actually pretty good.” I say glancing at Randy who nods in agreement.

  “Yeah, well now you know not to test me.” Joel laughs, waving goodbye as he leaves in his own car.


  Lillah clings to me as I carry her into the studio, while Ava leans in at my side holding my hand. This was a better decision than I thought. I love having them here with me. When we walk into the studio, the first thing I see is Dillon already acting the fool. I walk up on him talking to Shane about me, causing me to be more curious about his obnoxious behavior.

  “Oh stop being so uptight Shane. Besides, Sean loves me.” Dillon exclaimed proudly.

  I roll my eyes. The kid needs help. “Who said that, Conrad?” I said, causing the both of them to jump. If Lillah had not have been in my arms, I might have said something more appropriate to him.

  He approaches me with his insufferable smile and his hand out to me. “I’m pretty sure you did.” he said confidently.

  “Well, I think that depends on the day when it comes to you.” I glance at the pretty girl standing next to Dillon, wondering if maybe my wish has come true. Perhaps I will be able to seek revenge on him for hitting on my wife. I shake Shane’s hand as he approaches, but Dillon’s approach towards Ava interrupts me.

  “Ava, you look beautiful as always.” He says, taking her hand and kissing it. Really? Is
he going to start this shit again?

  I pull Ava’s hand away from him before he drools all over it. “Watch it Conrad, I warned you about my wife.”

  Dillon laughs as he turns to introduce the young, blond, Taylor. Damn, I hope he is head over heels for this girl so I can fuck with him. She is sweet, and touches Dillon more times than I can count in the few minutes it takes to introduce her. From the way he smiles at her, I know he is doing his best to impress her. Before I get too excited about seeking revenge on the young Mr. Conrad, he moves towards Lillah.

  “And I don’t know this beautiful girl.” Dillon said, taking Lillah’s little hand and kissing it, causing her to giggle into my shoulder.

  “This is Lillah. Lillah say hello.” I said to her as she smiles at Dillon. Oh no, don’t fall for it Lillah.

  “Hi.” Lillah blushed. I am relieved when she covers her mouth as she says it and buries her face into my shoulder. At least she still needs her Daddy to protect her from scary men who are up to no good.

  “She is adorable.” Dillon said.

  “Thank you, but she is a bit shy until she gets to know you. Then she won’t leave you alone.” I said, trying to get Lillah to stop hiding. “Alright, Daddy needs to get to work. Can you stay with Mommy for a little while?” She shakes her head at me. “Lillah, you can too.” She pushes her bottom lip out as far as it will go and holds onto me tightly. She is preparing to stand her ground with me - I recognize it immediately. She gets that same look Ava does, and as cute as it is, it can at times be inconvenient. “One second. She is like her mother and has a bad stubborn streak. She doesn’t handle not getting her way very well.” I said, glancing at Ava who is not amused.

  “Only because she isn’t used to you telling her ‘no’.” Ava leans across me reaching for Lillah. “Come here, Lillah.” Lillah surrenders to her mother with only a slight whimper. Ava’s smug expression is expected.


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