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Page 15

by Jennifer Loren

  “You’re welcome,” he said sitting down across from me.

  “See you look better already,” I said.

  “I feel better, and I hate to say it, but you were right. It feels good to be out of the house for awhile.”

  “Wow did Sean Grant actually admit that I was right about something?”

  He laughs, “Don’t get used to that.”

  “I wouldn’t dare.” I said as his eyes wander the room. “So how did everything go today?”

  “Good I guess. Your husband showed up today.” He glances over at me with a scowl.

  “You didn’t kill him did you?”

  “No, he was smart enough to stay clear of me.”

  “How does he look? Does he still look like he was run over by a semi … twice?”

  Sean smiles, “I don’t know about twice but at least once.”

  I roll my eyes playfully, “He did deserve it, and I can’t say I miss him.”

  Leaning on the table towards me, his green eyes focus on me, sending amazing sensations through my body, “Why did you marry him?”

  “Ummm, well, he was security I guess.”

  “That’s it? Security? You married him for security?” I nod taking a drink. “No perfect romance that caused you to fall deeply in love?” He said leaning back in his chair and pressing his soft lips to his glass.

  “Me romance, love? You no better than that.” I laugh.

  “You don’t think you could ever fall in love?”

  Looking away from him, “No.”

  “No? So you have never been in love?”

  “I was once,” I said concentrating on my food.

  “And who was this Romeo that swept you off your feet and destroyed the chances for every other man?” He asked smiling.

  “You.” I said erasing his smile instantly. “It’s true, you’re the only one I have ever loved and if that couldn’t work out I can’t imagine that love is all that wonderful. So I chose security.”

  “I don’t think what we had was love, Rebecca.”

  “Then what was it, Sean?”

  “Two people who were desperate to fill holes in their lives.”

  “And what hole was I filling?”I ask sharply.

  “Your overwhelming need to have all the attention on you,” he said. “Don’t get mad.”

  “I’m not mad.” He rolls his eyes at me. “So what we had meant nothing to you at all? Wow Sean, kind of wish we hadn’t come out to dinner now.”

  “Don’t be like that. It meant something, you meant something to me. It tore me up when I caught you and Joel. I even blamed myself for awhile. We had a lot of fun and many great times but at the same time, we fought all the time. And I didn’t have enough time or energy to give you the attention you needed.”

  “Some would have been nice,” I mumbled.

  He sits back with a rugged exhale. “Are we really going to go back down that road?”

  “No, I guess not,” I said picking at my food. “We did have some great times though. Do you remember that night we stayed up all night watching movies?” I smiled at him.

  Laughing suddenly, “Yeah that was a good night,” he said smiling back at me obviously remembering.

  “How many times did we have sex?” I asked carefully.

  “I don’t know, a lot. We had four movies.”

  “I still can’t believe they put the wrong movie in our box and we ended up having sex to that cartoon movie.” Sean laughs aloud suddenly. “Those poor dancing bears are probably scarred for life seeing what we did,” I said laughing with him.

  Sean shakes his head, “They weren’t bears, they were raccoons or something.”

  “Raccoons? You have such a bad memory, they were Koala bears, remember they had an Australian accent?”

  He leans back in his chair laughing freely, “Oh yea.” He said straightening and focusing as he tries to remember. “G’day! Let’s dance,” he mimics while dancing in his seat.

  I spit my drink out laughing. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “I can’t believe you just spit all over our food,” he laughs.

  “Shut up,” I look down at my food glancing up at him whenever I think I might catch his eyes. We continue discussing old times and what we have heard about people we used to know. After Sean paid the bill, we head back home. “You know what we should do?” I said lightly touching his leg as he drives.

  “What’s that?” He asked.

  “Get a movie, make some popcorn, and veg. out talking about old times.”

  He glances over at me with a questioning expression, “A movie?”

  “Of course, and popcorn or I’m not interested.”

  “I think I can manage popcorn and the movie but that’s it.” He looks over smiling at me, sending exhilarating chills through my body. When we get home, I lean against him laughing as we approach the main house. For the first time in a long while, we are spending the entire night together, just the two of us. If all goes well I will spend the night not only in his house but in his bed too. I look up at his smiling eyes anticipating waking up in the morning with them staring at me the same way.

  Sean and I laugh constantly as we prepare for our movie night. Nudging each other, mocking each other’s usual responses until we finally sit down in front of the television. I lower the lights and he starts the movie. The movie is a horror film, something I specifically picked out to give me an excuse for being close to him. I gradually work my way closer and closer, until I am nearly in his lap. I graze his neck with my lips and he doesn’t move. I encourage him to drink more before I begin playing with his hair. Sean relaxes and I move my hand down his chest. Taking a breath, I grab a blanket and wrap myself in it before removing my clothing. He looks down at me with a suspicious expression before I push my hand down his pants and work to get my hand around his dick. He pulls my hand out and scrambles away from me.

  “What are you doing, Rebecca?”

  “Come on Sean, you know you want to. Aren’t you lonely? You know I can make you feel good.” I stand up dropping the blanket and exposing my nude body in front of him. “I know you want me, and all you have to do is take it. We don’t have to tell anyone.” I push him onto his back and crawl down to his rising erection and trail my tongue down his strained zipper. “Let me stick your dick in my mouth, please Sean. I want to taste it so bad.” I grab his hand and pull it to my breasts sliding it down in between my legs before he jerks it away.

  “No, Rebecca.” He says scooting further away from me. Sean grasps his head, and I realize the drug I gave him is beginning to work. “I need to get some air.” He said stumbling to his feet and outside to lean against a wall, struggling to fight the drug.

  Smiling happily, I rush into the bathroom to prepare myself for some great sex, and text Joel that I am about to get pregnant with Sean’s child. I can’t wait to see the look on his mothers face when I have her precious son locked to my side for life. A miracle baby, that’s what I will call it and Sean won’t be able to deny such a miracle for me, not again. I walk out of the bathroom, and see Sean leaning on Ava. What the fuck is she doing home!

  Sean has his hands all over her, which she laughs off until she sees me. “Sean honey, let’s go to bed.” Ava said taking hold of his arm and dragging him away. Oh no she doesn’t, I will have him fuck me right in front of her if I have to. I barely get the idea before Ava suddenly pulls away from him and runs towards their room with Sean chasing after her. Ava stops short of going inside, letting him rip her dress off the moment he reaches her. He follows her down into the big chair outside their room and spreads her legs out wide in front of him. My mind begins to scream for him to stop but I can’t get to him in time. I watch him press his proud dick deep inside of her, closing his eyes and groaning happily. He comes like a champion and she enjoys it not caring who hears her.

  I grab my clothes and return to the guesthouse defeated and angry. I hate her. She has ruined my entire life and I will do everything I
can to ruin hers.

  Chapter 19


  I wake up with a terrible hangover, and shockingly with Ava lying on my chest.

  She wakes smiling at me, “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, when did you get home?” I asked causing her to look at me with a questioning expression.

  Running her fingers through my hair, “Oh baby, you got a little drunk last night and then welcomed me home with a lot of hands and lot of excitement.” She laughs kissing me. “But I am not complaining.” Ava is forgiving of my forgetfulness and is kind enough to let me try and repeat some of our escapades from the night before. And I am so glad she did.


  Having everyone home together again and happy, motivates me even more so to get this movie done. We are playing catch up now, too many last minute rewrites, interruptions, and cast issues - I being one of them. It did not go unnoticed that Joel was roughed up severely. Not to mention, for weeks my knuckles needed to be attended to before filming and now that he is back on set, he avoids me as much as possible. The intensity on set is starting to get to people. We are all ready to be done but today is different. Today Ava is going to be on set with me and even though she is nervous as hell about it, I am excited about having the experience with her. It is simple but something fun to look forward too.

  “Are you ready to go?” I said finding Ava sitting on the edge of our bed looking as if she is going to be sick at any moment. “Baby, are you okay?”

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” she said falling back into bed and breathing forcefully.

  “It’s only your nerves, sweetheart. You’ll feel better once you see how easy it is.”

  “But I would hate to …” She said as I pull her up into my arms.

  “It’s only nerves. I promise they will pass, besides you don’t have any lines.” She starts to argue with me but I stop her quickly. “No lines sweetheart, you simply have to kiss me, which I know for a fact,” I said leaning down to capture her lips in between mine, “you are very good at.” She smiles wide at me. “Come on sexy, let’s go.” As soon as we arrive, Carol runs up with her clipboard and a stressed smile. “Okay sweetheart we have to be on set here soon, so you need to go with Carol here and she will get you where you need to be,” I said kissing her quickly but she pulls me back to her.

  “Please don’t let me look stupid,” Ava whispered in my ear before she lets go and walks off with Carol. I watch her cute ass walk away from me, looking back at me once as she bites her bottom lip.

  “You will be fine,” I mouth to her. The scene is at a worn out motel bar, in South Carolina, where I am supposed to be staying for the night after doing some crazy stunts, an opening for the main act. The crowd is impressed, especially the young girls in the crowd. Girls are going to be everywhere in the bar, just waiting to be noticed but I am supposed to choose only one for the night - Ava. I have to pick her out of pack of admiring girls and kiss her to make sure she is the one I want. Once I decide she is, I take her back to my room. And that’s it. Only a small town stop, impress a group of local girls enough that I can get one to spend the night with me, a supposed routine for my character. It is not suppose to be difficult but my character has yet to become the well-known stunt master as of yet so a local bar is about the best I can get for the time being.

  I arrive on set and walk up on Ethan as he looks at me with concern, “Have you seen Ava?”

  “Not since we first got here, why?” Ethan shakes his head laughing. “What asshole?”

  “You’re going to flip your lid when you see what they have her in,” he said as I look at him nervously.

  “That bad?” I ask.

  “I don’t know if bad is the right word, let’s just say she’s going to be easy to pick out of a crowd.”

  “Wonderful, that should make it interesting,” I said at the same time seeing Joel wave at me. Fucking prick.

  “He sure is being bold today,” Ethan said. “I still don’t know why you didn’t press charges against him.”

  “I told you, I don’t want to force Ava to go through that if she doesn’t want too. It is only her word against his now that the evidence is lost. Besides I enjoyed handling it myself,” I smile wide at Ethan’s stern glare.

  “So I assume that since Ava is back home Rebecca is gone?”I give him a quick glance and try to ignore what I expect is coming next. “No? Sean I don’t understand why you protect her, you know she’s nothing but trouble.”

  “I do not want to have this conversation with you for the fiftieth time. I have grown tired of it. I promise as soon as I can find her some work - outside of this state, then I will scoot her out the door. I just can’t leave her with nothing.” Ethan starts to speak again but I give him a stern look before he huffs and walks away. I feel like I’m on a fucking rollercoaster already today. I look up and see a group of extras come in for the scene and right behind them is my girl, Ava. Damn! She has on some tiny cut off shorts with some extremely high heels and a button down shirt she has tied up in front, showing off her belly button. Her diamond is sparkling, they forgot to ask her to take it out. I shake my head staring at her until she sees me. She looks incredible and I have to adjust myself as she walks towards me. She cautiously tries to balance on her towering heels, tripping as she reaches me. I hide my laughter behind my hand.

  “I look ridiculous don’t I?” She said pitifully.

  “You look hot as hell,” I said looking her up and down. “The heels may be a bit much and I don’t think girls had belly button piercings back then.” She looks down nervously. “Come here,” I said carefully removing the diamond. I caress her stomach with my thumb and send us both to a place we do not need to be right now. She starts to kiss me and Daniel sticks his hand in between us.

  “Hey kids, how about we save that for the camera?” He smiles making his way through us to pass.

  “I just want to get this over with, I can’t believe I agreed to do this,” she said as I reach for her hand and pull her to me.

  I tap the end of her nose lightly until she looks at me, “Don’t worry about it.” Daniel waves his hands at me, stressed out as usual. “Alright let’s go and you can get this over with … having to kiss me. Oh how horrible.” I said smacking her ass, encouraging her before we have to separate. I wait as they touch up my makeup and my clothes, turning my t-shirt’s sleeves just right, messing with my hair, and checking my jeans for one final check.

  My co-star, Carter laughs at me as he watches them fuss over me. “Pretty boy,” he yells at me. I simply wink at him with a smile.

  We all take are places and begin the scene. Everything goes well until one of the girls falls. It was not Ava but by the glaring look that she gives Ava, I assume she had something to do with it. We begin again, and again and again. The retakes begin to mount as everyone becomes on edge and Ava even more so. I take the time to reassure her and the next take begins a little smoother all the way up to me kissing Ava, but she faints. I catch her but barely in time.

  “Ava sweetheart, are you okay?” I said cradling her to my chest.

  “Yes, sorry,” Ava said still dazed. An assistant rushes over with some water.

  “Is she going to be able to do this?” Daniel asked.

  “I’m fine,” she said as I roll my eyes at her usual comment.

  “Ava?” I said.

  “I am. I’m fine, I only needed some water,” she gets up forcing a smile and walks back to her original place.

  Daniel looks at me, “I guess she’s fine,” I said to him.

  Everyone takes their places once again and I glance at Ava one last time while she ignores me.

  “Alright people, let’s try this one more time. Now is everybody good? No one’s thirsty, feeling unstable on their heels, feeling faint or needing to go to the bathroom or something?” Daniel said sarcastically. I eye him and he backs off remembering whose wife he is referring too.

  Scene: TC (Trey Castor)

  I sit at
a table near the bar, drinking, and twirling my bottle cap as I listen to my manager go over the details of our successful night. I can hear the girls giggling as they mention my name and suggesting more than once the things they would like to do to me. I ignore them … mostly. Once I am ready to leave, my curiosity gets the better of me and I have to verify their interest by winking at all of them, sending them into a frenzy. My manager, Olin, rolls his eyes.

  “So TC which one is it going to be tonight?” He asked me as I smile wildly at the giggling girls.

  “I don’t know I might have to try a few out before I find the right one. Or maybe, I will take them all.”

  “Go, before I hate you anymore than I already do,” Olin said waving me off in frustrated disgust.

  I get up from our table and smoothly walk towards the girls and they instantly get up and run over to me. Five girls pawing at me and pushing each other to get closer to me. I eye them all before checking their table again to look for the sixth. I know there were six of them. I search for her and find her sitting away from us on a stool, her gorgeous legs crossed as if she is waiting for me. She takes a drink of her beer and smiles sweetly at me. If she isn’t going to come to me, then I of course, can’t help but want to go to her. I move away from the other girls and walk up to the bar leaning against it ignoring her, making her wait until she can’t stand it any longer. I look her over, before taking hold of her face and pulling her lips to mine. The kiss is deep and suggestive. I pull away from her and she instantly begins to fidget, and bite her bottom lip. She looks up at me still trying to catch her breath. Grabbing her hand, I pull her along with me, winking at my disgusted manager as I take my girl for the evening out the door.

  End Scene: TC (Trey Castor)

  Once the scene is final, I turn to Ava and kiss her, “You were perfect sweetheart.”

  She smiles, “Really?”

  “Really, you were amazing. That kiss was incredible too. I almost forgot who I was.”

  “Well it’s not like I had any lines, it’s pretty easy to only sit there and giggle and stare at you until you kiss me.”


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