Book Read Free


Page 26

by Jennifer Loren

  I pull out my sunglasses as we drive up to the bright lights of the entrance. Joel steps out first, holding his hand out to me as I gracefully exit. Bulbs flash and I smile expectantly as we enter the restaurant. We are seated in one of the restaurants prime spots and order some of their finest wines. Just as Joel had said, it is the ‘who’s who’ of Hollywood here tonight. We drink our wine, toasting to our perfect life while I eye everything, covertly trying to judge possible opportunities to meet the right people for my career.

  “Well, look who’s here,” I look up at the obnoxious smile of Mary Grant.

  Joel and I both sigh. “How are you, Mary?” Joel asked halfheartedly.

  “Oh wonderful, have you met my boyfriend Bobby?” She asked, gesturing to indicate the distinguished gentleman with her.

  “No.” Joel tensed nervously as he nodded at the gentleman.

  “He’s a doctor in Atlanta.”

  “A psychiatric one I hope, for your sake,” I said harshly.

  “Ahhh Rebecca, looking as desperate as always,” she said, smiling her sinister smile that I remember well from when I dated Sean years ago.

  “Ahhh Mary, you look just as old and washed up as always. I bet your sons are proud.” I said with attitude.

  “How sweet of you to ask about my boys.”

  “I didn’t,” I said taking a drink, hoping to make her disappear one way or another.

  “Well, either way you will be happy to know they are both doing wonderfully.”

  I thought I could hear a growl come from Joel. “Really? Please sit and tell us all about it,” Joel mumbled. I assumed he was joking but she sits anyway. “You can let them know we are doing great as well.”

  “Oh really? Rebecca’s corner picking up in business?”

  I snarl at the wicked witch.

  Joel clears his throat, “No, we have a new home in the hills, several expensive cars, and money coming in at will. And please let Sean know, I even grew to have his same affection for German Shepherds. I picked up a puppy this morning, best papers I have ever seen.”

  “Is that so?” Mary asked, still possessing a wicked smile.

  “It certainly is. Let him know he is welcome to come over any time since I am training him to attack on command. I use a picture of Sean as a training reference,” Joel snarled back at her.

  I laugh and catch Mary’s evil glace, “I will be sure to let him know, although he and Ethan have been so busy lately working on their new deal.”

  “A new deal?” Joel asked.

  “Oh yes, it’s going to be huge. They both are so excited about it. It is a huge investment, but well worth the money apparently. A business magazine is expected to interview them both once the deal goes through. ‘Talented and brilliant’ they are calling them both for orchestrating the deal.”

  “You don’t know anything about this so called big investment?” Joel huffed.

  “Not much more than a name… HT Acquisitions, I believe it was. Really doesn’t matter, in a few days they will be in L.A. signing the final paperwork to take it over.”

  “Well good luck to them,” Joel said with a forced smile.

  “Thank you, I will be sure to tell them you said so.”

  “Honestly, I really don’t care,” Joel said.

  “No?” She eyes Joel more seriously. I straighten in my seat. “No, I guess you wouldn’t, considering what you did to Sean.”

  “And what did I do to Sean?” Joel asked with a half a laugh.

  “I know you’re the one that tampered with his breaks and I know your low-class wife harassed my daughter into a miscarriage.”

  Joel leans back in his chair, “Well it sounds like you have it all figured out, Mary.”

  “No, not completely. I am still unsure what your father will do when he finds out what you did.”

  Joel laughs aloud, “No need to worry about that, he was the one encouraging it. Whatever makes him money - Sean doing the jump, Ava naked onscreen, and hell, if Sean had died during the making? Wow, would that increase ticket sales or what? But that’s all … if we had anything to do with any of it.”

  “You really are a family of low-class losers, aren’t you?” Mary asked, pursing her lips.

  Joel angers instantly, getting in her face, “Listen here you old bat, what you think of us is irrelevant to me. Your sons will be constantly chasing my shadow from now on.”

  Her smile increases, “It’s sad that you think so, but no matter. You will be hearing about their huge success when they take control of their new company. And then sweetie, maybe if you beg they will toss some change in your direction after you fail miserably.” Mary and her silent escort get up, smiling as Mary tosses a quarter on the table at us. I eye it before looking back up at her departing figure.

  “I hate her,” I said, gripping my glass harshly.

  “Don’t worry baby, I have all I need to make sure to turn things around on them,” he said as I watch his eyes dance with gratifying determination.


  Within a couple of days, Joel comes home screaming in excitement. I search for the maniac to see what is going on. “There you are, victory my dear!”

  “Victory?” I ask him, searching for more answers to his obvious psychotic episode.

  “I did it! I bought that company right out from under those losers.”

  “You bought … the company Sean and Ethan were after?”

  He picks me up, twirling me around and confirming my question. “Oh, it was so incredible. I wish you could have seen me. I wheeled and dealed like a pro. I wouldn’t let it go until they signed everything over to me. Now if those two fuckups want this company they have to go through me.”

  “Wow, I can’t believe you pulled it off.”

  Joel, finding his favorite drink to celebrate, looks at me in shock. “I can’t believe you would doubt me.”

  “I didn’t doubt you. I didn’t even know what you were up too.”

  His glorious smile is overwhelming as he crashes into the sofa, “It’s going to be so wonderful when those two show up tomorrow. I can’t wait to see their faces when they come face to face with me and I get to tell them they are too late. So sweet, sweeeeeet…!” He yelled.

  “So how much money are we talking about here? I mean, are we really obscenely rich now?” I ask, trying to understand what is really important.

  “Well, not yet. We haven’t earned from the company yet, plus I used everything we had available to buy the company.”

  “You did what?” I snap.

  “Calm down, it will pay off quickly. I was assured that we would make our money back three times over in the first few months.”

  Sighing. “But Joel, why didn’t you go to your father and get a loan or something?”

  “I can’t go to him, I had to do this on my own, he would have taken too long to decide. I only had a few days Rebecca. Besides, once I start bringing in more than he does, he will be even more impressed with me. It’s the biggest day of my life, don’t ruin it.” He grabs my hands pulling me to him. “In fact, let’s celebrate.”

  “Celebrate how?” I asked.

  “Our favorite way to celebrate baby,” He smiles perfectly as he takes out his phone.

  By the time the sun begins to edge up over the horizon the following day, I lay on top of the bed naked and floating freely, while our celebratory drug still lies out across our table. We fucked everywhere and enjoyed the hell out of our night. I can barely hear that annoying puppy bark and cry anymore from his cage.

  I wanted to go all night, but Joel wanted to be ready to go the next morning. He doesn’t want to miss his big moment to show up his adversaries. We didn’t clean up, we didn’t even wipe the white dust off our face, slamming into the bed naked and free of any and all concerns. I slipped away, deep into my own fantasies.

  “Bam! Bam! ... Boom!” I struggle to open my eyes as the loud noises seem to increase towards me.

  “DOWN ON THE GROUND!” Men screamed at me.

nbsp; “What? I stammer, still struggling to comprehend what is going on. I look around at all the people in my bedroom, and before I can say anything else I am pulled out of my bed and thrown to the ground. Joel lies next to me, handcuffed and nose in the floor. “What’s going on?” I screamed.

  “You’re under arrest.”

  “For what?” I ask, still in disbelief.



  I am not sure how much time has passed since I arrived to this gray cell. I am dirty, disgusting, and even worse, I have to wear this stiff, oversized jumpsuit. I am so relieved when I am bailed out. I expected Joel or his father to be waiting for me, but there is no one. I wait for whoever it is, but I finally have to beg for some money for a cab home. When I get there, I have to step over the pieces that they left behind.

  They went through everything, taking our computers and all of our files, they even took the dog. I assumed Joel would be here waiting, or at least be right behind me, but after several hours there is no sign of him. I take a thorough shower before deciding to go to bed, exhausted. When the phone rings I answer it quickly.

  “Rebecca.” Joel said with sigh.

  “Joel! What is going on? Where are you?”

  “I am still in jail, I need you come down here and bail me out.”

  “How am I supposed to do that? They impounded all of our cars, I have …”

  “Just shut up and listen, you need to go to my Dad and get the money.”

  “Do you think he will give it to me?” I asked him, trying to figure out how I will ever approach him with this.

  “He bailed you out didn’t he?”

  “I don’t know who bailed me out.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know? Fuuucckk, I assumed it was him. Well it doesn’t matter you have to get him to bail me out.”

  “Why can’t I just come down there and …”

  “No!” He is silent for a second after screaming. “No, I used all of our savings to buy that company and then most of our ready cash on the drugs.”

  “Joel, what are we going to do? I need a lawyer and I want a good one. I’m not going to jail over this bullshit.”

  “Just get my father!” He yelled, hanging up harshly.

  I prepare myself and make a call to his father. It wasn’t easy and far from pleasant, but at least he agrees to go see Joel with me.

  When we arrive, it is obvious that his father is not going to bail Joel out for some reason. I wait impatiently, feeling stressed with each passing second until they finally call us in and I see Joel come in on the other side of the glass, like a common criminal. Joel’s increasing anger is obvious as he realizes he isn’t getting bailed out. His father picks up the receiver. “Well Joel, this couldn’t be worse timing.” I can hear Joel screaming on the other end. “You can yell at me all you want, but there is nothing I can do. And I mean there is absolutely nothing I can do. The government has seized all my accounts and has charged me with tax evasion, fraud and list of other things. It’s a fucking mess, Joel.” My eyes widen as I watch his father sweat for the first time since I met him. I look over at Joel’s frozen figure for some kind of solution. “Listen son, I came down here to tell you in person, but I have to get the hell out of dodge. I wish I could help you but I have my own problems. I hope it all works out for you, good luck son.” His father hands me the phone and walks out, while my mouth plummets to the ground.

  “What do we do now?” I asked.

  “Check the files on the computer, see what we have. Maybe there is money somewhere?”

  “They took it Joel. They took everything, even the dog!”

  He slams his fists down, “Fine, then sell everything.”

  “Like what?”


  I jump back, Okay, I will get right on it.”

  “And you better get my puppy back, I don’t care how many of those precious shoes of yours you have to sell to do it.”

  “But Joel, I tried, I went with your dad to get him, thinking it would help ease your stress when you got home, but he’s gone already.”


  I nod.

  “How is that possible? They can’t give him away in one day. They need my consent to do that.”

  “I don’t know. They said someone came in with all the right paperwork and made a sizeable donation …” holding my hands out to my side, I try to defend myself, “and then they left with the puppy.”

  “Who came in?”

  “I don’t know Joel!”

  “They didn’t get his name or what he looked like?” I watch his eyes dart from side to side rapidly as his mind struggles for explanation.

  “All they said was that he was a large black man.” Joel’s face freezes. “What?”

  His angered expression intensifies suddenly. “That fucking asshole!” I shake my head as he stands up screaming at me from the other side. I am not able to make out what he is saying before the guards take him away.


  Long horrible day, the second in a row, and I don’t think I can handle much more of this. I walk into my house throwing my things off to the side, not caring that we don’t have anyone to clean up after me. I head straight for the bar to make myself a drink - a huge drink. Mixing hastily, I guzzle down all that I can at once while gathering more to pour.

  “Bad day?” Startled, I look up at the figure resting on my sofa.

  “Who’s that?” I turn on the light and my mouth drops.

  “Nice house, Rebecca.”

  “Get out of my house, Ethan!”

  “Oh, don’t be like that. After all, my brother had you as a guest for some time, surely you can give me a few minutes.”

  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing much,” he comes towards me and makes himself a drink, making me even more nervous. “You know, I was shocked to see your place in such disarray. I would have thought you would have at least cleaned it up by now.” He laughs as he sips his drink. “I guess it is a little overwhelming. You have to give those guys credit, they sure are thorough.”

  “Get to the point, Ethan, and get out!”

  “Okay, calm down. I’m here to make you an offer.” He sits back down, stretching out confidently.

  “What kind of offer?”

  “I guess you could say a get out of jail free card offer.”

  I straighten instantly, “And how is that?”

  “It’s easy. You confess everything you know about Joel and I will help you stay out of jail.”

  “What about Joel?”

  “No. No, I can’t help Joel, he’s done for, trust me.” His confidence sends chills up my spine.

  “So why should I believe that you can help me?”

  “Good question. Well, I don’t know if Sean ever told you much about our father but he handled money for some fairly powerful people. People who would do anything for my father and his family.” Ethan smiles as he relaxes, waiting to see if I will respond, but I stand frozen, unsure of how deep the water is I am swimming in. “You see Rebecca, I, or even Sean for that matter, can find out just about anything we want to know. Legally, of course.”

  “Oh, I am sure,” I snarled as he laughs at me.

  “For instance, let’s say if I wanted to find out how much money you made and if you paid the right amount of taxes on it,” he smiles at me as he watches me carefully. “Or, if money was being made that was never getting reported, money being made fraudulently. With one phone call, I could find all that out and then share it with some well placed friends in the government.”

  My eyes widen instantly, “You are a fucking asshole Ethan!” I throw my glass at him, missing him entirely.

  He laughs, “Wow, and Sean said I would need to explain it to you. I guess you’re not as stupid as he thinks you are. You should be happy. I know how much you like proving him wrong.” I glare at him as I make myself another drink.

  “So tell me, did Joel mess with Sean’s brakes?” His smile imm
ediately disappears.

  “I … I don’t know.”

  “Oh come on Rebecca, you do too. Now don’t screw with me, tell me what you know and I will do what I can to keep you out of jail for this horrible drug charge you’re facing.”

  I close my eyes hard, “No, Joel just bought a huge company, and we will be bringing in plenty of money soon. I don’t need your help.”

  “You mean HT Acquisitions?”

  “That’s the one. You know, the one you and Sean were so desperate to get yourselves.” I cock my head at him in defiance.

  “Neither Sean nor I ever had any interest in HT. We bought one of their acquisitions, which they had to sell since they are going under.”

  “No, your mother said …”

  “My Mother?” Ethan laughed. “Wow, I’m not sure what my mother said, but Sean and I purchased what we wanted days ago, one of the last remaining parts. All that’s left now of HT Acquisitions is … a name. The employees took what they could and the owners cut their losses and moved to Miami.” I eye him, trying to decide if he is telling me the truth. “Basically, all you and Joel own is a name and some old computer equipment, maybe, if the employees didn’t steal them on their way out,” he chuckles.

  I shake my head, hoping it is all a dream, a bad dream. “That can’t be right, they would have told Joel that …”

  “Tell him what? That they weren’t worth what he was offering them? Not likely. Hell, I would have taken what he paid, for the small part Sean and I bought. I still can’t believe he didn’t go to his father first, but I guess Sean was right on that one.” Ethan said, stirring his drink methodically.

  “This was all a setup?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He smiles wide. “Never would I have imagined you guys would have such a victory party. What, the other hundred people couldn’t make it?” His amusement sours my mood even more. Ethan suddenly gets up looking at his watch, “Well it’s getting late and I have an early flight tomorrow. Nice seeing you again Rebecca, I guess we won’t see each other again for what, at least ten years?” He nods at me before making his way towards the door.


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