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The Debutantes of Durango Box Set Books 1-3

Page 12

by Peggy McKenzie

  "Regina, I'm amazed at how much you were able to accomplish in just one afternoon. I would think at this rate, we will have a fully vetted proposal for the town hall meeting. You, my dear, have a brilliant mind for business."

  Regina rose from her chair, empty wine glass in hand, and walked to the liquor buffet.

  Her steps stuttered just a bit and John wondered if she had eaten recently.

  "Regina? Would you like me to order some supper? I heard the cook has prepared a scrumptious Bolognese for the hotel's dining room guests."

  "Perhaps I'm hungry for something else," she replied.

  "If you don't want the beef dish, then how about some roast chicken? The aroma coming from the kitchen earlier made my mouth water," he offered.

  She shook her head no. It was unlike Regina to be so peckish. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well?

  "You tell me what you desire, and I'll see to it that you get it. Anything at all."

  "Anything at all?" Regina set her wine glass down and walked toward him. The look in her eyes punched him in the gut. It seemed they were no longer talking about food.

  Regina walked up to him. Instinctively, he held out his arms and she walked right into them.

  "Regina?" It was the only word he could manage before she stood on tiptoe and pressed her lips against his. For a moment he stood frozen in place, afraid to move for fear of breaking the spell.

  Regina pressed her body against his and he knew he wanted whatever she was willing to give. He pulled her even closer and held her tight. Then he did what he had been dying to do since early this morning. He kissed her back.

  The kiss was soft and tender, making everything below his belt buckle stand up and pay attention. He pushed his rising passion against Regina. He wanted her to know this could lead to something.

  She didn't back away. Instead, she pushed her body even closer as if she wanted to be inside his shirt with him. Skin to skin. He could think of nothing he wanted more.

  "Regina," he whispered against her mouth. If he was dreaming, he never wanted to wake up.

  "John, perhaps we should take this to our bedroom." Regina's soft words whispered against his lips and pushed his passion up another notch. He knew she was right. A member of his staff could come in at any moment.

  "I think that is a wonderful idea," he whispered back, still afraid to break the spell between them.

  Regina stepped out of his arms and held his hand, leading him down the hall to her bed. Their bed.

  The late afternoon shadows of fall cast an amber glow inside the bedroom. He closed the door behind them and allowed her to decide how fast they moved.

  "Please allow me a moment to prepare ...for bed," Regina whispered in the semi-darkness of the curtained room.

  "Regina, are you certain about this?"

  She leaned up and kissed him again. He tried to pull her close, but she stepped back just out of his reach.

  "I'll be right back." She offered a coquettish smile and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  John was stunned at the turn of events. He had wanted this moment for most of his life. Regina was coming to his bed of her own accord and he, needed to make this special for her.

  He pulled at his starched white shirt, nearly ripping all the buttons off the front. No matter, he would just buy another one. Right now, he had more pressing things to worry about than flying buttons and that pressing matter was threatening to compromise his trousers’ closure.

  Candles. He searched for a match and soon had the darkening room bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. Perfect.

  The click of the bathroom doorknob announced the return of his beautiful Regina. Anticipation nearly sent his restraint packing. He took a deep breath to calm his passion. He had to make this special for Regina. Something she would remember for the rest of their lives.

  John watched Regina step into the glow of the candlelit room. She was a vision in her flowing white diaphanous gown. His eyes had no problem tracing the outline of her slender body through yards and yards of the gauzy fabric. She was stunning. And she was his.

  The thought pulled at his conscience. If he and Regina consummated their marriage, then she would be tied to him forever. His guilt cooled his passion. He needed to tell her that their marriage was real. And binding. There would be no annulment if he bedded his beautiful bride.

  She stepped into his arms and kissed him. John dipped his head to give her full access to his mouth. He wanted her desperately. But more than that he wanted her forever.

  Regina needed to know the truth because this was her decision too. She needed to fully understand the consequences of their actions. If she didn't, he would never know if she stayed with him because she chose to, or because the legal bindings of their marriage forced her to.

  John felt every soft curve she pressed against him. Her mouth, soft and sweet against his lips, made rational thought almost impossible. Almost.

  He took a step back and held her away from him. Her confusion was evident in her beautiful dark eyes. He prayed she would understand how much he loved her when she learned the truth about their marriage.

  "Regina. There's something you need to know before we go any—"

  A frantic knock at the door stopped him short.

  “Mr. Kingston, there’s a fire in the kitchen and it is a bad one!”

  Chapter Twelve

  Regina woke the next morning to find herself alone in bed. Disappointment colored the bright sunshine peering through the window curtains. Last night had not gone at all as she had planned.

  Everything was wonderful until that knock on the door notifying John there was a fire in the kitchen. He’d rushed downstairs and didn't return, at least, not that she was aware of.

  After John assured her he would send word if there was anything to worry about, she settled in bed to await his return, but soon the combination of too little food and too much wine lulled her into a deep sleep.

  She just wished the fire's timing had been five minutes later because she was certain John was going to tell her that he loved her before they had been so rudely interrupted.

  She smiled to herself as she remembered the scene when she returned from preparing for bed. John had lit every candle and the room was ablaze in the soft glow of the candlelight. The room held a romantic feel that only intensified when he kissed her.

  And oh my, how he had kissed her. She could still feel the sizzle of his lips against hers. The tickle of his soft beard and mustache scraping against her skin.

  A white-hot bolt of heat seared her core. She knew her feelings for John were more than that of friendship. And if that kiss was any indication, John felt the same way. So, what should she do?

  She rose and padded across the plush carpet. The sun was high in the sky and the streets below teamed with activity. She wondered at the unusual activity and then she remembered. Durango’s town hall meeting was tonight. Mr. Scott would announce John as his new overseer, and she would stand beside him as his wife. She almost wished they weren't pretending to be married—

  A knock at the door scattered her thoughts.

  "Come in." She turned to see Mary entering the room with a tray laden with breakfast.

  "Mary! Are you working here again? I'm so happy to see you." Regina rushed to Mary's side and as soon as the young woman set the tray on the table, Regina pulled her into a heartfelt embrace.

  "Oh, it's so good to see you working again. What happened? When did John let you come back?" Regina bombarded the woman with her questions.

  "Yes, he allowed Charley to stay through the end of this week. He said he felt it only fair that I should be allowed to do the same," Mary explained.

  "Oh, that is such good news." Regina was genuinely happy for the young mother-to-be.

  "And there's more." Mary rushed to close the bedroom door and then returned to pour Regina's coffee into the gold-rimmed porcelain cup. "Mr. Kingston has arranged for Charley and me to get m
arried," the woman gushed.

  "Married? Oh, that is exciting. I'm so happy for you, Mary. Now you and your baby will be cared for." Regina couldn't be happier for the sweet young woman. If not for the circumstances of their birth, Regina could be in this woman's shoes, especially after knowing how it felt to want someone you loved so much.


  Stunned, Regina sat stock still wondering when her feelings for John changed so drastically. She knew they were more than friendship, but she hadn’t considered love.

  "You can't tell anyone. Not just yet." Regina heard Mary say.

  Regina sipped the hot coffee to give her time to refocus her thoughts before she spoke. "Can't tell who about what?"

  Mary grinned from ear to ear. "Mr. Kingston has arranged for me and Charley to get married tonight after the town meeting. Mr. Kingston thought if no one knew when the wedding was, then I wouldn't have to worry about people counting back the months when my baby is born."

  Regina was not surprised at John's gesture of kindness. Not at all. She knew him to be a caring and generous man. She was surprised he hadn't mentioned any of this to her, but then again, he had been called away unexpectedly last night when the fire broke out in the kitchen.

  "Well, I hope I am invited to the wedding," she teased Mary.

  "Of course, you are invited. I'm certain Mr. Kingston was going to tell you, but I think the fire in the kitchen worried everyone.”

  “I’m so happy for you, Mary,” Regina said. “See, I told you Mr. Kingston would be your champion, now didn’t I?”

  “And there’s more. He said he has a new idea and he wants to hire me and Charley as a married couple to work in this new business called care house for young children care? Have you ever heard of such? Charley and I can work together and live together and raise our baby together. I just can’t believe my good fortune.”

  Regina was pleased to see Mary so happy, and to know that John was responsible for all of it made her even happier.

  “Please say you'll join us. It wouldn't be the same without you there, Regina," Mary begged.

  "Of course, I'll come. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Now, you have a lot to do before the big event. I can take care of my own dishes." Regina stood and ushered Mary to the door. "You go on. I'll see you at your wedding."

  Mary curtsied and then hugged Regina. "I'm sorry to be so forward, ma'am. I don't know what came over me."

  Regina hugged the excited young woman back. "Don't you dare apologize for being happy, Mary."

  "Thank you," Mary gushed before leaving Regina alone to think. She was so grateful to John for helping Mary and Charley give their child a secure life, filled with happiness. And knowing they will be helping to bring John’s plans for care house for young children care for working people to fruition did her heart good.

  She smiled to herself as she cleared away the dishes. She was a bit surprised John hadn’t told her about Mary and Charley’s wedding. He was a busy man and he had a lot going on. She was certain it was an oversight on his part because he had to know how happy Regina would be that everything was turning out and the part he played in making the couple’s dreams come true.

  And after the wedding, she and John could get back to where they had left off last night before the untimely interruption. And if his kisses were any indication, she definitely hoped they could pick up exactly where they left off.

  Regina hurried to her dressing room to prepare for the big event. She had to get her hair done and she needed to go by her parent’s house to get some of the things she had left behind. She hoped there wouldn't be a confrontation when she did.

  She didn't know when John would return so she penned a note and left it standing against his pillow on the bed.

  "John, I'm looking forward to playing my part as your wife this evening at the town meeting when your new position is announced. I have a great many things to do today, so I will see you tonight. Your wife, Regina.

  John had hoped to return to Regina as soon as he was satisfied the fire was out, but he ended up working through most the night helping to clean up. Then, he helped set the kitchen to rights so his hotel guests would have a suitable breakfast.

  When he finally returned to his suite mid-morning, Regina was gone and in her place was a note with a curious message. He knew what she meant when she said she would play the part of his wife at tonight's town meeting, but she signed it, your wife, Regina. Not just plain Regina. Was she trying to tell him something? Was she telling him of her true feelings? He couldn’t help but wonder what might have happened between them last night if he hadn't been called away. He’d been thinking about it all night and half the morning.

  He needed a bath. He smelled of burnt grease and charred wood. The fire wasn't as bad as he first thought when he walked into chaos last night. He was glad someone on staff had the foresight to call for the fire wagon when they did. Otherwise, it could have been a lot worse.

  John shucked his dirty white shirt and rang the bell for Harvey. A few minutes later, Harvey appeared in the doorway.

  "Yes, Mr. Kingston?" his manservant asked from the doorway.

  "I could use a hot bath, Harvey. As soon as it can be prepared." John raked his dirty hands through his dirty hair.

  "I'll have the staff draw your bath immediately." The stoic man turned to go, but John stopped him.

  "Harvey, will you see to it my new suit arrives from the tailor before my meeting tonight? I want to look my best."

  "The suit arrived thirty minutes ago, sir. It is hanging in your armoire."

  "Thanks, Harvey. I don't know how I would manage without you."

  Harvey almost smiled and bowed. "Thank you, sir. As always, it is my pleasure." The man turned on his heels and started to leave when he stopped and turned back to John. “You are a true gentleman, sir. I’ve worked for several titled households back in England, and then some of the richest families back East. No one, not one of them, can hold a candle to you, sir. Not one.” Before John could respond to the unexpected praise from his usually stoic butler, Harvey turned and left, leaving John to consider the man’s words. It was the nicest compliment he had ever been given. He appreciated Harvey’s sentiments, but the word gentleman stuck in his gut. He prided himself on the pristine condition of his integrity. When he gave his word, he kept it. But this lie between him and Regina could destroy everything he had ever wanted. And everything he had ever wanted was there at his fingertips waiting for him to grab it.

  He needed to fix this. And he needed to fix it today.

  He was both anxious and excited about the meeting. He wasn't looking forward to another public meeting with Regina's father, but he could handle it. It wasn't his fault the pompous ass was a sore loser. He just hoped the man didn't make a scene and embarrass Regina any further. But knowing her father it was almost certain he would.

  Soon, his bath water was ready, and he wasted no time jumping in. He soaked chin deep in the luxurious suds and tried to relax. He had his speech ready. He had Ben’s approval and support. This appointment could be the beginning of things he had never even dreamed he could achieve, and he had dreamt a lot. And best of all, Regina would be standing by his his wife. Everything was falling into place just as he had hoped.

  A half hour later, the previously hot water was now tepid, so John decided it was time to get moving. It was nearly one o'clock and he had much to do before he left for the town meeting.

  He sent a note to Will, asking him to meet him at his office this afternoon. He wanted to have the marriage certificate for Charley and Mary prepared ahead of time because after the town meeting, he wanted them married. The sooner the better; for the baby’s sake. No need to give the town gossip surrounding the timing of the birth. He also needed to tell Regina the whole truth before she showed up at the wedding and learned that Will was a federal judge with all the powers to wed someone—legally.

  He spent the next three hours in his office going over his accounts for the week. Bus
iness was good. He hoped it continued so he could get the first care house for young children house up and running. He wanted to use it as an example of how progressive Colorado could be for working families with small children, and he could kill two birds with Charley and Mary working at the home. She could cook and wash, Charley could manage the repairs and supervision of the general household. A much better solution than turning them all out on the street to figure it out on their own.

  A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. Will stuck his head inside the office door. “Hey, John. You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, Will. Please come in. I wanted to speak with you about marrying two of my employees. It seems they are ready to start a family and are in need of a marriage certificate.”

  Will stepped in his office and left the door open to the deserted hallway. He took his usual seat in front of John’s desk.

  “I’d be happy to. And I’m glad to see your marriage to Regina is going well, that is if the kiss you two shared the other day is any indication.”

  “Yes, it’s going quite well,” John said, thinking of all they had shared the night before.

  “But you haven’t yet told her truth, have you?” Will’s knowing look said he already knew the answer.

  “No, I was planning on telling her last night, but—”

  “No, John.” Will interrupted. “The longer you wait to tell Regina the marriage is real and not fake as she believes, the greater the likelihood she won’t forgive your deception. Look at the deceit she has had to endure at the hands of her father. You must tell her the truth if you ever want her to trust you again.”

  “I know, Will. If you had let me finish…I was saying, I was planning on telling her last night, but the kitchen caught fire and, I spent the entire night dealing with that disaster. I intend on telling her after the town meeting tonight.”


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