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Love Will Prevail

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by Emma Easter

  Love Will Prevail

  Book Five

  The Sisters of Rosefield Series

  Emma Easter

  © 2019 Emma Easter

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

  Table of Contents

  Thank You – Free Bonus

  The Sisters of Rosefield Series

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Also by Emma Easter

  About the Author

  Thank You – Free Bonus

  Thank you for picking up your copy of Love Will Prevail. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  As a token of appreciation, I’d like to offer you a complimentary copy of the prequel to this book series. A Rosefield Christmas is an entertaining short story that tells of a memorable holiday when the sisters were much younger.

  You can get your free gift by going to

  Thanks again, Emma

  The Sisters of Rosefield Series

  Book One: Love Is Enough

  Book Two: Quest For Love

  Book Three: Love Means Everything

  Book Four: Falling In Love

  Book Five: Love Will Prevail

  Book Six: Blessed With Love


  To my sweet baby boy, Joey

  Chapter One

  Audrey smiled when Trisha came into the living room with Ruby in her arms. She stood up from the sofa and quickly grabbed her niece. She hugged her and tickled her until the child began giggling and then laughing out loud. Finally, Audrey sat down, still holding her niece. She caressed Ruby’s soft cheeks and said to Trisha, “Oh, I have missed her so, so much. It feels like I have been away from Rosefield for months instead of just three weeks.”

  Trisha beamed and asked, “When did you arrive?”

  Audrey smoothed down Ruby’s hair and answered, “Just yesterday. Ken had a case that dragged on forever. I didn’t want to come to Rosefield without him, so I decided to wait until the case was over.” She tickled Ruby again and laughed in pleasure as the little girl began to giggle once more.

  “Lee me, Aunt Audee,” Ruby chortled. She tried to wriggle away from Audrey’s grasp, but Audrey held on to her.

  Audrey laughed along with Ruby and then sobered as she remembered her recent argument with Ken. She looked up at Trisha and sighed, feeling suddenly weary.

  “What’s wrong?” Trisha asked.

  Audrey thinned her lips and said, “It’s just that it’s been a while since Ken and I got married and I really want a baby now.” She looked down at Ruby and hugged her tightly before looking up at Trisha again.

  Trisha frowned and asked, “Why don’t you just have a baby, then?”

  “That’s the problem. Ken doesn’t want a child right now. He says we are too busy to have children.” Audrey took a deep breath to keep her emotions in check and continued. “When we got married, he told me we would start having kids whenever I was ready. But when I told him I was ready to start a family, he totally refused to listen. He’s the one keeping us from getting pregnant. I don’t even know when he’ll be ready to have a baby.”

  Trisha smiled sadly and said, “I remember you were the one who didn’t want a baby right away. You told me you would not have one until years after you got married.”

  Audrey sighed loudly. “Now I want a baby. I really, really want to start having kids.”

  Trisha said, “Well, I guess you have to sit down and talk to Ken about it. Maybe he doesn’t really understand how much you want a child. You need to let him know how important it is to you. I’m sure he’ll understand once you speak to him about it.”

  Audrey shook her head. “I doubt he understands how much starting a family means to me. I think he just pretends he doesn’t. I know we are very busy with our jobs, but I want to have a child so badly that I will quit my job if I have to. It’s not like we need the money at all. We kept working after we received the inheritance because we both enjoy our jobs tremendously.”

  Trisha nodded. “I understand that. I could never give up the bookstore even though I don’t need the money, and Frank loves his restaurants.”

  Ruby slipped out of Audrey’s hands and went to her mother.

  Trisha scooped her up into her lap and Audrey felt a sharp pain in her heart. In a way, she blamed herself for Ken’s refusal to have a child. Before they got married and even after they did, she had told him repeatedly that they didn’t need to start having babies until years into the future. But now, after about three years of marriage, Ken still wasn’t ready to have a baby with her. She watched as Ruby wiggled out of her mother’s hands again and pranced around the living room.

  Trisha said, “I’ve never seen you like this, Audrey. You look so dejected. Just like I said, I think you should have a heart-to-heart with Ken. When he knows how much you really want a baby, he’ll give in. He really loves you, you know.”

  “I don’t think so,” Audrey said. “The first time I brought up the topic, he did not even want to listen. He just stared at me as though I was insane and said, ‘We are both flying back and forth from Miami to Rosefield and then to other cities in America because of our jobs. What time do we have to take care of a newborn?’” She pursed her lips. “The second time I brought it up, we had a fight about it. I don’t like fighting with him, Trish. It gets my emotions all out of sync until we make up.”

  Trisha stood up and came to sit beside her. She put her hand around Audrey’s shoulders and drew her closer. She said, “You can’t hide your true emotions from him because you don’t want to fight with him, Audrey. You have to let him know how you really feel.” She sighed and said, “I feel kinda bad.”

  Audrey frowned as she looked at Trisha. “Why? What is it?”

  “Remember I told you that I had big news to share with you when I called?”

  Audrey nodded, still frowning.

  Trisha looked down at the floor and then lifted her eyes again. She started to shake her head and Audrey rolled her eyes. “Stop it, Trisha! What do you want to tell me?”

  “Well…” Trisha didn’t say anything for a minute, and then she gave Audrey a small nervous smile. “I’m pregnant, sis. That’s my big news.”

  Audrey’s jaw dropped. Trisha looked slightly guilty, as though she’d just told Audrey she’d done something really bad, when in actual fact this was really good news. Audrey finally shut her mouth as the news sank in. She screamed and hugged Trisha tightly as joy flooded her heart. “I’m so happy for you! Why would you want to hide this happy news from me?”

  Trisha said, “I’m thrilled about it. Frank and I both are. But seeing you like this,” she stared sadly at Audrey, “wanting to have a baby so much and yet not being able to because of your husband… makes me feel really bad about sharing news of my pregnancy with you.”

  “Well, stop feeling bad! I’m so happy for you. And what does your having a baby right now have to do with Ken’s stubbornness? It’s not your fault you can get pregnant, while I…” She bit her lip as bitterness suddenly gripped her so that she couldn’t finish her sentence.

nbsp; Trisha rubbed her back. “I’m sorry, Audrey.”

  “It’s okay.” She hugged Trisha again, grinned at her, and said, “You know you can smile. Don’t hide your happiness from me just because I want a baby as well.” She chucked Trisha under the chin and beamed. “Come on, Trish. Smile.”

  Trisha’s mouth broke into a huge smile and Audrey nodded at her. Ruby came skipping back to Trisha and climbed onto her lap.

  “So, when did you find out you were pregnant?” Audrey asked.

  “Just a few days ago,” Trisha answered. “I think Frank is the happiest father in the world. I am also the happiest…” Trisha suddenly blinked and then pressed her lips together. “I’m sorry.”

  Audrey rolled her eyes. “Here we go again! Stop apologizing or trying to hide your happiness because of me.”

  Trisha said, “It’s just that I was going on about how Frank is so happy about having this baby,” she put her hand on her belly, “when you just told me Ken doesn’t want to have a child right now.”

  “Just like I told you,” Audrey said, “It’s not your fault or Frank’s that Ken has refused to have a child with me.” She pursed her lips and then said, “I knew he had a stubborn streak when I married him, but this…”

  Trisha rubbed her back comfortingly. “And just like I told you, Audrey, you need to have a long, heartfelt conversation with Ken. I’m pretty sure he’ll see things from your point of view once you explain everything to him.”

  Audrey looked down at the floor and then looked at Trisha again. “I don’t know, Trish,” she said. “You know how Ken is. He’s just like me. Mostly left-brained. I understand exactly where he’s coming from. We are both very busy at this time with our jobs. But if I found out I was pregnant today, I would gladly give up my job, even though I love it so much. I think he feels like having a baby now will make both of us resentful because we will have to cut back on work, or at least one of us will. And he thinks the person who does will end up resenting the other.”

  “Then when does he want to have a child?” Trisha asked.

  Audrey shrugged. “I really don’t know. We haven’t had that conversation yet. Every time I bring up the topic, we always end up fighting. It’s so tiring.”

  Trisha smiled sadly. “Well, the earlier you put away your fear of having a fight with him, the better. You both need to have a very serious conversation and decide jointly on what you need to do about having children. Ken can’t put it off indefinitely.”

  Audrey nodded and changed the subject. They talked about Sienna and Bryan’s baby. They had only seen him during video chats with Sienna. It wasn’t the same as actually seeing him physically and getting to hold him.

  Audrey said, “Ken and I have a joint leave coming up. We haven’t yet decided on where to spend it, but I think we both want to take a holiday somewhere. Probably abroad. I was thinking about going to Peru to see Sienna, but I seriously doubt that Ken would agree to go.”

  Trisha said, “That is a really good idea. And you will get to brush up on your Spanish there as well.”

  “I partly live in Miami where there are many Spanish speaking people, remember.” Audrey chuckled.

  Trisha nodded. “I wish I could also go, but it isn’t possible right now. So, it’s probably another thing to talk to Ken about, though I actually think he will want to go as well. He likes Bryan and he hasn’t seen him for some time. If you guys go, Ken will enjoy the time together with Bryan, I am sure.”

  Audrey thought about it for a short moment and nodded. “I will talk to him.”

  They changed the subject again and talked about random things while they played with Ruby and teased her. After a while, Ruby began to doze off where she sat and Audrey chuckled. Trisha got up and went to put Ruby to bed. She came back to the living room some minutes later and sat next to Audrey again.

  Audrey tilted her head toward Trisha as her mind went to Faizan. She pushed down the sadness that welled up in her heart and said, “I know we all agreed not to talk about it or cry about it again, but I wish Faizan hadn’t gone to Mali. I know that is really selfish of me to say since he went to rescue Zainah, but I miss him so much. It’s been six months since he left and I haven’t stopped missing him. I loved having him at the house whenever Ken and I came to Rosefield.” She sighed wistfully. “I wish he was still here.”

  Trisha thinned her lips as her eyes grew watery. “I know,” she said. “He used to visit me almost every day when he was here, and Ruby loved him. I’ve tried not to think about it anymore, but it’s not so easy. At least, thanks to Ken, we know he’s safe and that he married the love of his life. That’s what is most important.”

  “I know,” Audrey said. “But not being able to even video chat or call him is hard.”

  “That is the hardest part.” Trisha shook her head. “Does Ken have any more info on when we will be able to call him again?”

  “No,” Audrey answered. “He just told me the same thing he said the last time I asked him about it. They don’t want to risk giving away the location of the women’s camp to anyone that might be trying to trace Faizan, so a call will not be possible right now.”

  “And he still can’t come back here, even for a visit?” Trisha asked.

  “He certainly can’t. We’re lucky the government isn’t after him anymore, but one thing he cannot do is come back to the United States.” Trisha wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks and Audrey said, “At least he sounded happy that one time we were able to speak with him and Zainah.”

  Trisha nodded and they changed the topic once more. They chatted about the new friends Audrey was making in Miami and laughed when Trisha told the story of the man who had hit on her at the park the day before, and then slowly backed away when he saw Ruby. “For some reason, it was just so funny to me,” Trisha said, laughing. “One minute, he wouldn’t take no for an answer even after I showed him my wedding ring, and the next, he was making a quick exit when Ruby ran up to me.”

  About half an hour later, the front door opened and Frank walked into the room. Trisha immediately stood up and went to hug him tightly. Audrey smiled as he kissed her as though he hadn’t seen her in ages. For a minute, she forgot about her concerns as she watched them. She’d always known they would be great for each other, even when Trisha had continuously rebuffed Frank’s advances.

  He drew back from Trisha and turned to smile brightly at Audrey. “Hey, Audrey! When did you arrive in Rosefield?”

  Audrey grinned at him. “Just yesterday.”

  “And did Ken come with you?” Frank asked.

  “Yes, he did.” Audrey answered. She asked him about his restaurants and he told her they were all doing well. She looked up at the clock on the wall and saw it was already eleven p.m. “I have to go now. Ken will be wondering if I plan to come back home today.”

  Just as she stood up, her phone rang. She looked at it and, as she’d guessed, it was Ken calling. She answered her phone. “Hey, Ken!”

  “Audrey, it’s getting a little late. Are you on your way back now?”

  “I’m just about to leave Trisha’s house. I’ll be home in no time, babe.” She clicked off her phone and smiled at Trisha and Frank. “I have to go. Ken is a little worried. I don’t know why though, since he knows I’m at your house.”

  “He just misses you,” Trisha said.

  Audrey nodded. “I know. I guess I miss him, too.” She murmured under her breath, “Though I don’t miss the constant quarrels.” Grabbing her purse from the coffee table, she brought out her car keys, kissed Trisha’s cheeks and hugged Frank. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” she said. She went out the door, got into her car, and drove the short distance home. Minutes later, she stepped into the house.

  Ken took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. When he drew back, she chuckled and said, “Okay… that was some kiss! I’m glad to see you too, but what’s up?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve just missed you. I’ve been at home alone all day and I wanted to see
my wife again.”

  “Well, you should have come with me to Trisha’s,” Audrey said.

  “No. You know I had to make some phone calls and do some work here. I would have been no good at Trisha’s as I would constantly have been interrupting every conversation we had to answer numerous phone calls.”

  Audrey tried to bite back the words on the tip of her tongue, knowing it would do more harm than good, but she couldn’t hold it in. She blurted out, “If we had a son or daughter, you might not have been so lonely.”

  Ken looked at her sternly and then backed away. He went to sit on the sofa and looked up at her. “We’ve talked about this again and again, Audrey,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “You know we can’t have a child right now.”

  Audrey came and sat beside him. She put her hand on his shoulder and said, “We really need to talk about this.”

  He turned away from her, but she refused to back down. “I’ve told you before that even if it means quitting my job, I’ll do it if you agree for us to have a child,” she said.

  “Audrey, I can’t…”

  She cut him off. “Please, Ken, just listen! I know you said both of us will not have time right now to take care of a newborn, but just like I’ve said over and over again, I’m ready to quit my job if that’s what it takes. Besides, we can afford to hire a nanny. You know that.”

  Ken stared intently at her for a long moment and finally said, “I know you, Audrey. You love your job very much. Even when you got the large inheritance from your father and we all went on that vacation to Spain, you remember how much you missed your job. You couldn’t wait to get back to work, even though you didn’t have to work anymore. You are still very passionate about your job. And so am I. I don’t think you’ll be very happy if you quit your job. And I certainly won’t quit my job. I know for sure that I would never dream of leaving you alone to take care of the baby while I am mostly away at work.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and said softly, “When we are finally ready to have a baby, I want to be a hands-on dad, and I’m sure you want to be a hands-on mom as well.”


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