His Scarred Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 22)

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His Scarred Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 22) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  In fact, she was starting to grow bored with all the orgasms. No, not bored, hungry for more.

  He would always disappear into the bathroom after he’d made her come multiple times and she’d hear him taking care of himself. Never once did he push her or ask her to do more than she could do. He knew her limits, and he appreciated them, allowing her to set them herself.

  “He’s doing a really good job, Gale. I know what he’s doing and why. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Honey, I do worry about it. You’re all alone out there in the middle of nowhere and I don’t like it.”

  “It’s fine. Really.”

  “It’s not fine,” Gale said. “I think you should come and give the penthouse a try again. I want to keep an eye on you. Protect you.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. I’ve got to go. Bye.”

  She hung up and went into the kitchen. She turned off her cell phone and watched as Drake tossed a salad. “Do you like to cook?”

  “I don’t mind it at all. You?”

  “I don’t mind cooking. I mean, it’s easier than ordering in.”

  He smiled. “I like cooking for you. You’re an easy person to feed.”

  “Is that because I eat a lot?”

  “You do realize I’m going to have to start smacking your ass each time you put yourself down. I don’t like it.”

  “I’m still your boss.”

  “You fired me.” He put his utensils down and advanced toward her. She refused to back up.

  She gasped as he gripped her ass, pulling her close. His cock was once again hard. She hadn’t felt him flaccid at all.

  “You won’t leave.”

  “No. I guess that means I’m your man then, don’t I?”

  “No, if you were my man, you’d fuck me.” She pressed her lips together. She hadn’t meant for that to come out. She didn’t know why she couldn’t control her mouth, but saying it, she meant it.

  He was supposed to fuck her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked. His lips went to her neck and she gasped as he sucked on her pulse.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to think past the building need. Why did her body betray her like this? It was hard to focus on anything with him touching her, kissing her, driving her crazy and wild.

  This was … wow.

  “Ready for what?” she asked, realizing he was waiting for an answer to his question.

  “Ready for my dick to finally take you. To slide between your wet folds and make you mine. Once your virgin pussy is on my cock, I own you,” he said.

  If this was anyone else, she would slap them and tell them to fuck off.

  “Yes,” she said. There was no point in denying or hiding it. She wanted him, and rather than put him off, she was going to take it, and him.

  He leaned back and stared into her eyes. “Okay, then after dinner, I want you to go upstairs, take a nice, long bath, and I don’t want you to come out of the bathroom until I tell you.”


  “You’re going to do exactly as I say.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Is that it?” she asked.

  “It’s nowhere near it.”

  He took her hand, leading her toward the dining room. She sat down at her spot and she looked at the space like she did every single time since he first licked her pussy. She always ate dinner now with her cheeks red and embarrassed.

  “I like this spot,” he said, touching the wood. “I love to see you wet and naked. One day, I want to get you to spend the day walking around naked so you can see how beautiful you are.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I’m not even close to crazy, baby.” He gripped her neck, tilting her head back and kissing her hard. “You’re going to realize just how much you mean to me.” He kissed her again, silencing all protest, her brain nothing more than mush because of his kiss.

  She was finding it harder to be cold toward him. How long could she keep this up?


  Roses were too much, but candlelight, perfect.

  Completely naked, Drake prepared the room for Petra’s first time. He was going to make it magical for her. The sheets were turned down, and he’d changed them for some beautiful silks. The kind that was soft on the body.

  The curtains were drawn, and they were alone. The house was secure as it always was.

  His cock was rock-hard and ready, and he’d also brought with him a tube of lubrication. He wanted to bring her to orgasm with his mouth but then have the additional wetness from the synthetic kind.

  With everything prepared, he did a quick check, and once he was satisfied, he went to the bathroom. Opening the door, he stepped inside.

  Her hair was piled up on her head, each golden blonde lock falling around her face. Her cheeks were red, and the pinched scarring was a little darker on her scarred one. He didn’t mind. Her eye was closed shut. The surgeon had done amazing work on her, though. He’d seen the before and after shots of what that bastard did to her.

  No one would get close to her again. He would do whatever it took to take care of her.

  While he held a towel open, she got to her feet, and he wrapped it around her, pulling her into his arms.

  “I’m nervous,” she said.

  “You don’t have to be, but I get it. I understand. You’re afraid but you don’t have to be.” He stroked her cheek. “Whenever you want me to stop, I’ll stop. You’re the one in control of tonight.”

  “Really, from what I’ve been feeling, you’re the one who’s been in control of everything.”

  “You’re the boss tonight.” He helped her out of the tub and dried her body. He didn’t want the towel between them. Once she was dry, he took her hand and led her back to the room. He’d put on some gentle music and it filled the air around them.

  “I like it,” she said.

  “Good.” He pulled her into his arms, still in no rush to get the deed done. He wanted this to be a memory she treasured.

  When her father came calling, he needed to make sure he had all the ammunition he needed for her to know how he felt. Just coming out and telling her he was in love with her and had been from the first moment he saw her—she wouldn’t believe it.

  He did though. It was why he hadn’t been with any other woman in the last six months.

  One look and he knew Petra belonged to him. He was going to work to make her trust him. For her to see who he really was, and it wasn’t this desperate man who would hurt a woman, lie to her to get what he wanted. He was better than that. She deserved better and he would give it to her.

  As he kissed the top of her head, Petra’s hands moved from his shoulders, down his back, then in front of him, going to his cock.

  She jerked away and he stroked down to her ass then back up, wanting her to be okay.

  She touched his cock again, and this time, she didn’t stop. She circled his dick and slowly started to work up and down his length, taking her time. “Is this okay?” she asked, pulling away from him.

  He wrapped his fingers around hers and started to move at a pace that drove him harder. “Fuck, that feels good.”

  “It does? It doesn’t hurt?”

  “Not even close. You could never hurt me. This feels so good.”

  When she sank to her knees in front of him, he was shocked. “Petra, you don’t need to do that.”

  “I know I don’t need to, but I want to.”

  He picked her up off the floor. “As much as I’d love to have those lips wrapped around my length, we can do it later. For now, I want to feel you wrapped around my dick.”

  He lowered her to the bed, sliding between her thighs.

  “I thought men liked it when women got on their knees in front of them.”

  “I’m not complaining, but tonight is all about you.” He kissed her hard but this time, he didn’t linger. Instead, he trailed kisses down her body once again, licking and sucking at her nipples before going to her pussy.

  He held her ope
n as he worked on her clit, sliding across, around, over, and around again before sucking her into his mouth. He listened to her every moan and gasp. When she came, he didn’t stop. He brought her to the edge of arousal, keeping her there before leaning back and grabbing the lubrication.

  He made sure there was plenty on his dick, getting himself nice and slick. Moving over her, he pushed aside some of her hair she’d placed over her scarred face.

  “You have no reason to hide from me. No reason at all.” With his cock at her entrance, he stared into her eye and slammed in hard and deep. He didn’t go slow. He tore through her virginity, making her his. Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close as she cried out.

  He felt her tight cunt constrict around him. He gritted his teeth, not wanting to hurt her, but also knowing he didn’t have a choice. To be inside her, there was going to be pain.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. So sorry.”

  He kissed her and stroked her body, hoping she would forgive him. He wasn’t wearing a condom because he didn’t want anything between them.

  Slowly, he waited for her to get accustomed to him. After a short time, the pain must have ebbed away. He’d read a woman’s first time was different for all.

  Only when she started to move on his cock did he give her what she wanted. He didn’t fuck her though, he made love to her.

  Chapter Five

  “What are you staring at?” Drake asked.

  “Nothing.” Petra jerked away from the mirror.

  “You’re seeing if you’re different?”

  “No, not at all.” She pressed her lips together as he raised a brow. She didn’t know how he could look so cocky with his arms folded, watching her. “Okay, fine, yes. I was looking.”

  “What do you see?”

  “A loser,” she said.

  He stepped up to her and slapped her ass.


  “I told you I won’t have you putting yourself down anymore. I don’t want to hear that kind of language from your mouth. You’re not a loser.” He wrapped his arms around her and turned her toward the mirror. “You know what I see?”


  “I see a woman who was a virgin last night but this morning, she wants to ride my cock again. If you’re not too sore.”

  “I don’t know what it is you do to me, but I think you need to make it stop.”

  “Why would I stop something that feels so good?” he asked, cupping her cheek and tilting her head to the side so he could kiss her.

  She moaned. “Because I have to fire you.”

  “I’m fired. I’m here strictly in a teaching capacity.”

  “You’re going to teach me?”


  “What?” she asked.

  His hand moved down her body, cupping her breast. He pinched her nipple as his other hand delved between her thighs to touch her pussy. “Everything you need or want to know about fucking. I know you want me. You can hate me all you want, but I felt you last night, Petra. Your pussy squeezed me because she likes me.”

  “My pussy doesn’t have a mind of its own.”

  “Why fight what you want?” He slid a finger inside her and she couldn’t help but look at the mirror to watch. She didn’t look like herself. Drake was filled out with muscle and strength and he held her, his touch gentle and yet setting her on fire with need.

  “Spread those thighs for me. Let me see that pretty pussy. It’s all mine. You know that, right? You can keep trying to fire me but it doesn’t mean you’re going to get rid of me. You want me and every single day, you’re going to crave me. I’m going to give you what you need. You won’t have to go anywhere else. I’ll have everything you need. All you have to do is ask.”

  “Ask you to fuck me? To be on hand as my own personal sex toy?” she asked.

  “Whatever you need.”

  “I don’t believe you.” There was no way a guy like him would ever allow her to treat him like an object. She didn’t trust him. Not after what he’d done, what he intended to do.

  “Try me, Petra, touch me, and see what you get.”

  For only a few seconds, she hesitated. Finally, she grabbed his cock. “Does this mean I get to do everything I want with you?” She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but as she held him and looked into his eyes, she knew she wanted to, wanted him desperately. Not to use him. No, she wanted to feel everything she’d been feeling with him for the past couple of days.

  “Yes. You can have me any way you want me.” He pushed her hair back from her face, cupping her scarred cheek.

  She kept watching him, expecting to see some kind of weakness but instead, he smiled at her as if she … was his everything.

  It was rather disconcerting and certainly not a feeling she was used to.

  Sinking to her knees before him, she looked up at him. She may have locked herself up in a country mansion, but that didn’t mean she didn’t know what she wanted.

  Taking the tip of his already stiffening cock between her lips, she started to suck on him.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah, baby, that feels good. So fucking good. Yes, don’t stop.”

  She took more of him into her mouth, tasting him on her tongue as pre-cum spilled from his tip. She closed her eye, taking more of him to the back of her throat and coming back up.

  Drake wrapped her hair around his fist and started to rock into her mouth. She gripped his legs and looked up at him, seeing him slowly and surely start to lose control to the pleasure she gave him.

  “This feels so good,” he said. “I knew your mouth was designed for sucking cock, baby. When you take it all, swallow me down. I’m going to lick your pussy and have you come all over my face.”

  She already felt an answering pulse.

  “And then, when I’ve gotten you to come multiple times, I’m going to ride you. Fill you with my cum and you’re going to know who you belong to.”

  “I don’t belong to anyone.” She stopped sucking long enough to speak the words.

  He chuckled. “You can fight me all you want, baby. You and I both know that’s not going to happen.”

  She didn’t argue. She wanted her pussy licked and as she got him off, she wished things were different for them. She wished she could trust him. As it was, she wouldn’t ever trust him.

  He helped her father and one day, she would have to get rid of him, even though at that very moment, the thought of letting him go terrified her.

  There was no way she could feel for a man who was willing to use her. She wouldn’t allow herself to believe it. Not once. He’d used her and now, she was going to use him.


  If Petra needed to treat him like a toy for now, to get over the pain of discovering what he’d done, so be it. Drake was willing to do whatever it took to claim her as his own.

  He loved her. He wasn’t backing down. One day, she would see that, and she would know the truth.

  Time. He was a patient guy.

  Staring down at her sleeping face, he smiled. For the past six months, this was what he’d been imagining. Having her in his arms, loving her, taking care of her. Giving her everything she needed. For a long time, it was just to feel loved, taken care of, protected. She deserved it.

  She released a sigh and rolled over. Her eye opened and he smiled down at her.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  He watched as she moved her hair to cover her scar. “Don’t do that. Don’t ever do that when you’re with me.”

  “I don’t want you to see it.”

  “I don’t care. You’re beautiful.”

  “It hurt.”

  “I know it did.” He took her hand, placing it on one of his knife scars. “It makes you feel like you’re burning up. You’re a strong woman.”

  “After it happened, I struggled to sleep at night.”

  “You were on your own.” He knew her father had been expelled from the house by the time she was attacked. In the beginning, he’d believed Petra’s father had been p
art of the attack, but there was no evidence.

  Even when he went to question the man locked up, he said it was simple. The house looked expensive and empty. He didn’t expect there to be a person staying there. She scared him, and he attacked and would have raped and killed her, but she lived. The man in question was never getting out.

  Petra’s father had nothing to do with it. At the time, he’d been too busy living up his money, thinking it was all coming in thick and fast.

  After the attack, her father was nowhere to be seen. Petra had been all on her own. He didn’t know her then, otherwise, Drake would have been there for her, taking care of her.

  “I got this place completely locked up. Cameras everywhere, you know.”

  “You stopped going out,” he said.

  “I did go out, but … I mean, I get it, kids, they can be…”

  “Cruel, horrible assholes?”

  She laughed. “Not that bad.”

  “No, last time I checked, they were not the nicest bunch of humans.”

  “I heard several of them call me a beast. A monster. Hideous. I … their parents apologized, and hoped I was doing well. They’d clearly seen the story in the news, but for me, it was all just too much. I stopped going out. I stayed in and it got easier.”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You shouldn’t listen to kids. They’re evil of the highest order.”

  She giggled.

  “You think I’m laughing. They’re horrible. If you suck at something, rather than show tact, they tell you, point-blank that you suck.”

  She kept on laughing. “I did want kids one day.” She put her hand to her mouth covering it. “Forget that.”

  “No, I’m not going to forget it.”

  “It’s not important.”

  “Wrong. It’s important to me.” He stroked her cheek. “I want kids one day.”

  She shook her head and climbed out of bed. “I need to go.”

  He watched her bend down, grabbing some sweatpants. He climbed out of the bed, not bothering with clothing.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “Somewhere to think.” She pulled out of his arms and he followed her. “Don’t you need to get dressed?”


  “Why are you following me?”


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