His Scarred Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 22)

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His Scarred Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 22) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Her father smirked as he looked down at her hand. “That engagement ring is a lie.”

  “Actually, it’s not a lie.”

  She turned to see Drake come out between the trees that lined the driveway. He stood beside her and she caught sight of the folder in his hands.

  “Drake, my boy, you did a wonderful job. I see you got further than any of my other men.”

  Drake snorted. “I didn’t come far. In fact, Petra will be my wife, and I won’t have anything of hers.”

  The smile on her father’s face dropped. “Come again?”

  Drake slid the file through the gate. “Have a look. I signed away all my rights to Petra’s fortune. I will not be allowed an allowance or any access to her funds. My only income is what comes from my company. You can tear up the contract if you wish, but it’s not going to change the fact it’s already signed and sealed away. All legit and confirmed by lawyers.”

  “No!” Her father tore up the contract. “Fucking no.”

  “If you try to hurt her, I’ll come for you,” Drake said. “I have plenty of friends in the police force, and they’re all well aware of your desire for my woman’s money. You’re not going to get it. Your power here is gone. Petra is the one with the power, not you.” He gripped the back of her neck and they walked away.

  She heard her father yelling something, but she ignored him, shocked at Drake for coming to her.


  “How did you know where I was?” she asked.

  Drake kissed her head as they walked into the house.

  “Easy. I wasn’t asleep. I went to the kitchen as I thought you were going to make me breakfast, and you weren’t there. Rather than search every single room, I checked the cameras, saw your dad, and headed out. I wanted to surprise you so rather than make a sound, I stayed out of sight.”

  She grabbed his hand and he looked at her. “You really do mean everything you say, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I do. I won’t lie to you. Now if you ask me if something looks ugly on you, I might tell you if it’s really bad.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  Drake stopped. He held her face and stared into her eye, in fact, both of her eyes. Even with one sealed shut, he looked at her. Really looked at her.

  “You do?”

  “Yes, I love you. I’m … I’m sorry I doubted you. I just, with my dad, with everything.”

  He pressed a finger to her lips. “You don’t have to say another word. Does that mean, yes?”


  “You’ll marry me?”

  “I’m wearing your ring, aren’t I? That’s a big yes. A huge yes.” She giggled.

  “Damn, baby, you know that for the next couple of days I’m going to need you naked and screaming yes for me.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “No, I’m crazy in love with you.” He kissed her hard and deep, and pushed her back against the wall.

  “Drake, what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to make love to my fiancée, then I’m going to fuck her, feed her, and possibly fuck her again.” He ran his hand down to her ass. “How does that sound for the next couple of days?”

  “I like it.”

  “Good, because mix that in with a wedding, a couple of kids, and I think we’re pretty much set for the next fifty years.”


  “I was being hopeful because the truth is, I haven’t got any plans for the rest of my life. How about you?” he asked.

  “No plans at all.”


  Ten years later

  “And you think Mommy is the prettiest woman in the world, don’t you, Daddy?” Emmaline asked.

  Drake laughed and looked over at his wife, the love of his life who’d been part of his world forever. Petra smiled back at him as he looked toward his youngest daughter. They had three children. Daniel, their eldest, playing on the piano while Emmaline asked to be read a book, only she didn’t mean to be read to. She wanted him to tell her about his and her mother’s life together.

  “I do think she’s the most amazing woman in the world. I love her with all my heart and soul.”

  Emmaline laughed as Mabel came to sit with them, their middle child.

  “I love hearing how you and Mom lived and loved together. I think it’s so wonderful and amazing.” She sighed. “I wish one day I will find someone who will love me for me.”

  “You will.”

  “Just be prepared for your father to have a shotgun when that happens. I hear the cookies are baked.”

  Drake watched his wife go. He slid Emmaline from his lap and chased after his woman. She was already putting cookies onto a tray.

  Once she had finished, he wrapped his arms around his wife, kissing her scarred cheek. A couple of doctors had offered plastic surgery to give her a synthetic eye, but Petra had turned them down, and he didn’t want any risky surgery on his woman. He loved her as she was.

  “Happy anniversary, baby,” he said, pulling out a small velvet box.

  “Drake, I thought we said no gifts.”

  “And I saw the gift you left on the bed this morning. The picture was beautiful.” It was a portrait of his entire family. Him, Petra, Daniel, Mabel, and Emmaline, as well as their three cats and two dogs.

  “You said you wanted something in the office, and I hate to disappoint you.”

  “You would never disappoint me.” He cupped her cheek and kissed her hard. “In fact, you’ve always done nothing but make me the happiest man in the world. I love you more than anything.” He kissed her again. “So much.”

  “You’re really happy?”


  “Good, because I’ve got something to tell you.” She took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

  There was no need for words.

  They were going to have another baby. Not that it surprised him. He hadn’t exactly been careful but now, he was really looking forward to his anniversary. His wife pregnant had a huge appetite in the bedroom and he was more than willing to serve.

  The End


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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2020

  Sample Chapter

  “And that’s why we moved here and I know my daddy is very excited. He can’t buy me a pony yet but maybe one day. He did promise he’d buy me a pony and I would really like one. I spend all year being good but I know a pony has to come with like special care so I get it, I do. Do you think I should have a pony?” Katie asked.

  Ann Adams glanced over at her neighbor’s daughter. Katie Bruce had been coming to her house for random visits ever since she moved in a couple of months ago.

  “Do you think you’re ready for a pony?” Ann asked.

  She didn’t know her neighbor’s plight, or his situation. Only the few run-on conversations she had with his daughter. Ann adored the young girl. Katie was a sweet kid, only five, and they’d moved here from the city. No sign of a mom. In fact, Katie never even spoke about her mother. There was nothing.

  As Katie swam the length of the pool, Ann kept an eye on her.

  The young girl had appeared in her bathing suit, and Ann knew without even asking that she’d been watching her from the bedroom window. Their houses were close together. The day she moved in, so had her neighbor, Eli Bruce.

  Tall, sexy, but not handsome in a classic way. From what she saw, he had a stern expre
ssion. Thick arms though. The kind that would make a woman feel safe, protected, warm. Damn it, she didn’t want to spend her time thinking about those arms, but they were already on her mind.

  Every single time she saw him, he stood, arms folded, glare in place, wearing a tight shirt and jeans.

  He did look mouthwatering. In an older, more mature kind of way. She didn’t have a clue how old he was, and the truth was, she didn’t care. Age was just a number.

  “But ponies are cute,” Katie said.

  Ann laughed. “I know, but you forget you have to care for them, don’t you? Clean up after them, muck their stalls out, feed them, make sure they’re happy.”

  “I could do it.”

  “Well, how about a dog? I bet a dog would work.”

  “I don’t want a dog.”

  She chuckled. “I love dogs. When I can, I’m going to adopt one.”

  “You are?”


  “Can I come and pet it? What if it’s vicious and wants to bite me?”

  She adored this kid. “No, it won’t bite you, I promise.” She didn’t believe dogs had it in them to bite anyone.

  “I don’t want a biter.”

  “You won’t get a biter.” Again, another promise.

  The sound of a man clearing his throat drew her attention toward the fence, which was tall, but seeing as he was over six feet, he looked over it easily.

  “Daddy,” Katie said, squealing in excitement. “I can swim, Daddy, look, look.”

  “I can see that, sweetie. I tried to knock on the door,” Eli said, looking at her.

  “Oh, yeah, one second. I didn’t hear you. Katie, out of the pool until I return,” Ann said.

  Without arguing, Katie paddled to the edge of the pool with her and ran to where their drinks were waiting.

  After grabbing a towel, Ann ran it down her body, drying her legs before going for her hair as she walked out to the front door.

  Mr. Sexy was already there, arms folded. “You didn’t have to take her,” he said.

  She stepped back to let him inside. “I don’t mind.”

  “She’s got to learn she’s not always welcome.”

  “I get that, but I honestly don’t mind. She’s a cute kid.”

  “Who really needs to learn boundaries.”

  Ann pressed her lips together. This conversation wasn’t a new one. “I don’t like … sending her away. She’s a lovely kid, Eli.”

  He turned his gaze on her. “Yes, and when you decide to live it up with parties and boyfriends, believe me, she’s going to feel the sting.”

  She glared at him. “I’m not going to do that.”

  “Please, you’re young. What, straight out of college?”

  “And you think every single woman who is out of college should be living it up? Screwing around?” It was on the tip of her tongue to say fucking, but she didn’t. The last thing she wanted was for Katie to hear.

  “Yes, you should. Every person who doesn’t have responsibilities should have fun.”

  “I don’t mind Katie coming around.”

  “I’m the one who is going to deal with the cleanup when you get a life.”

  “Hey, Daddy, did you know Ann is going to get a doggy? I can’t wait for her to get a doggy. It’s not going to be one that bites though. She promised. I love going swimming. Come on, Daddy. She’s going to be grilling later. We love to grill.”

  “Darlin’, I think it’s time we left Ann alone.”

  “But she said it was no trouble. I asked, didn’t I, Ann?” Katie gave her those cute eyes.

  “I don’t mind. I’m grilling later and I’ve got more than I can eat.” She was going to use the food she was grilling for a couple of days, but it was no big deal. She’d always shopped on a budget, and living in this beautiful house, she was more than happy to ration everything in her life.

  She had a mortgage in a beautiful neighborhood, a pool, and a steady job. No complaints from her. All she needed to do was economize. Again, no big deal. She loved being thrifty.

  Stepping around Eli, she headed back out to the pool. There was no way they would be able to continue their conversation with Katie close by to hear it.

  There was no boyfriend or party life for her. During college, she’d learned her lesson. Working on a scholarship, she had nearly been kicked out for her failing grades. Yep, one too many parties, bad scores, and she nearly threw her entire life away. No more. Waking up one day with a tattoo across the base of her back and a killer headache, she’d decided no more.

  Parties were fun and great but for her, they didn’t make friends.

  Katie ran after her, chasing her and taking her hand.

  At first, she was going to pull her hand away but that kind of rejection could hurt for a child. She was so freaking torn, wanting to do the right thing.

  Biting her lip, she looked toward Eli, who shrugged.

  Taking that as a yes, she walked out with Katie, and they were back in the pool. One of the rules she’d made with Katie was under no circumstances was she to swim alone. Whenever she was in her yard alone, no pool. So far, the kid had done as she’d asked.

  Eli entered her backyard and took a seat in one of the chairs.

  Summer was ending and she knew she’d have to pack everything away in her little garden shed until spring. She loved the winter though, and had no problem with the storms or snow about to descend on them.

  “Daddy, look, look, I’m a butterfly.” Katie floated on her back and moved her arms up and down.

  He chuckled, the sound deep and throaty. She loved it but tried not to think of how sexy it really was.

  She floated up on her back, keeping Katie close to her. They held hands for a short time.

  When her stomach started to growl, she knew it was time to get out of the water.

  “Hungry?” she asked, smiling at Katie.


  “Unless your dad wants to join you in the pool, go wash up, and I will get some food ready.” She turned to Eli and if she wasn’t mistaken, he’d been watching her.

  “She’s been in the pool long enough. She knows the rules. Go on, Katie. Go and get cleaned up. Your food will go cold otherwise.”

  Without arguing, Katie joined her as they walked out of the pool.

  After drying her body and hair again on the towel, she walked over to the grill and fired it up. All this time, she was aware of his gaze on her. She had to be mistaken because no guy had ever paid careful attention to her.

  When she stared at his reflection in the door, his gaze was on her, on her ass, and she nearly stumbled.

  Eli, her sexy neighbor, was checking out her ass.

  She hadn’t pulled on her shorts, so he saw every inch of her. She wasn’t slender. Her body was full, curvy, and many considered her overweight. Was she mistaking his look for disgust? No way.

  There was heat in his eyes.

  Did he want her?

  Was he angry at her?

  She didn’t really care because her arousal had already gone up a notch. There was no way for her to cover up now, not without him knowing what she knew.

  Damn it, no wonder she was still a freaking virgin after all this time. She had no idea what to do with a man’s attention.

  She’d be doomed to live her life alone.


  Eli knew he shouldn’t be looking at his neighbor’s curvy ass, but it was right there in front of him. There was simply no way not to look.

  Ann Adams had become the bane of his existence. His daughter seemed adamant in her search for friendship as she was always around her house.

  He didn’t move to this small, quiet little town for nothing. Katie needed structure, security, and he knew the big city would suck up most of his time.

  Being the owner of a large software company, he’d turned into a workaholic while many nannies had helped to raise Katie. He’d didn’t think there was anything wrong with a nanny taking care of a kid, but when said nanny w
anted to fuck the father, or move on with her life, he dealt with the cleanup.

  Katie was an emotional child. She got attached too easily, and when people left, she always took it hard.

  Her feelings for Ann were growing. He saw it.

  Ann was a beautiful young woman. Single. Her whole life ahead of her. His little girl didn’t need to get attached to this woman. He’d kept his distance for a reason.

  She came back carrying two baking dishes with marinated food.

  He watched her back, wondering if her skin was as silky as he imagined. His cock betrayed him, more curious than he wanted to be.

  From the first moment he looked at Ann, he’d wanted her. With all that long, red hair designed to be spread out across his bed, or around his fist as he fucked her hard.

  Yep, he’d had many a lonely night with his hand for company, thinking of Ann instead. She was too young for him though. Twenty-three, he believed she was. He was forty.

  He knew the world and Ann was too young to know anything.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “I’ve got a beer in the fridge if you want one. Go and help yourself.”

  He got to his feet, needing to do something to rid his mind of all the dirty things he wanted to do to her, and that ass.

  College was about exploring, and he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of things she was already used to.

  “Do you want one?”

  “Nah, I don’t drink. Katie mentioned what brand you like and I picked some up for you. I’ll have a soda.”

  He entered her house. It was a nice house, a good size, but he also knew she was clearly struggling for money. She had one sofa, which had been delivered by a thrift store. College was the best and worst experience. Years of amazing challenges, only to be met with a nice fat bill at the end of it.


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