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G-TRAX Devo's-Real People, Real Faith: Samson

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by Ron Fast

Read Judges 16:1-3. You have to understand what an incredible feat of strength it took to carry the city gate. These gates are huge. Not some little wooden gate that we see around people’s yards. They most likely weighed several hundred pounds, even more. We had these kinds of gates in India around old forts. They are huge. They had to be strong enough to keep out intruders and enemies. Samson not only was able to lift it but carried it about 38 miles. His strength was definitely supernatural. Even though Samson was ripped, he had many weaknesses. What do these verses say about his character?

  Many times we are impressed by someone who has incredible talents and we assume that their character is as strong as their abilities. Many times that’s not the case though. It’s really a big mistake to automatically assume that someone who is in the spotlight (Music, Movies, Sports, etc.) also has a strong and moral character. Each of us needs to know how to discern whether or not it’s true if our heroes have strong morals and character.

  Samson plays with fire

  When I was a kid I remember playing with fire. I’m a pyro by nature so I love to play with fire. I remember lighting a candle and then moving my finger through the flame and thinking I was all cool and tough because I didn’t get burned. Sometimes I would see how slow I could move my finger through the flame without getting burned. That’s playing with fire. Of course, a candle has a small flame. It isn’t very hot so there really wasn’t much danger involved. But how many times do we play with fire in our lives that could seriously damage us? Now, I’m not talking about starting a fire and then trying to walk through it. When we mess around with things that are sinful, we are going to get burned. It’s not a matter of “if I get burned” but “I will get burned”. Sometimes we have the attitude that “I can handle it. I’m strong enough to resist”.

  Let’s look at how Samson played with fire and what happened to him as a result. Read Judges 16:4-18. In what ways did Samson play with fire?

  What are some of the things that teens your age do that show they are playing with fire?

  Have you seen your friends play with fire and get burned?

  How did Samson crash and burn?

  What do you think God was trying to teach Samson during the time He crashed and burned?

  Put yourself in Samson’s place after he blew up his life. How would you have felt towards God during this time?

  Samson turns around (Judges 16:23-31)

  After reading this passage, do you think that Samson was bitter towards God for what had happened to him?

  Even though Samson blew up his life because he made bad choices, he still had a heart for God. What was his request (his last request) to God in these verses?

  What does this request say about Samson? (Write down at least two things.)

  So was Samson seeking revenge for his eyes being plucked out or is there something more going on here with the destruction of all the Philistines that were in the temple? Think about it!!


  So What??

  The story of Samson is a great story but there’s more to it than that. God specifically placed stories like this in the Bible for several reasons. Brainstorm for a couple of minutes and write down 4 or 5 reasons stories like this are in the Bible. Make these personal.






  Are you playing with Fire?

  There are many ways that each of us plays with fire, probably on a daily basis. Why do you play with fire? What are some of the reasons that you mess around with sin?

  You don’t have to write down the answer to the next couple of questions but I want you to think about it. What are some of those sins that you play around with, thinking that you aren’t going to get burned?

  Do you see your friends playing with fire? What do you do about it? What should you do about it?


  Ron Fast is the author of G-TRAX Devo's, Biblical devotionals for youth. G-TRAX Devo’s are now available online at in an interactive form with word puzzles, word search, and drop down lists answer formats. He has over 9 years of experience working with Junior High and Middle School students. His personal mission is “to make the Bible relevant to today’s youth”.


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