Book Read Free

The Asteroid Belt

Page 2

by Stephen Brandon

Chapter 2 Copied from Journal

  Day 2912 Tuesday

  Trojan 2 calling. Wasn't sure if he had enough fuel to match orbits. Approaching at still over 200 KM per second relative. Could we snag him? He claimed he was still decelerating at 3G. He would be within spitting distance in 7 hours.

  When we trained our radar toward the rear it still took us almost 15 minutes to locate him. Actually the thermal imaging radar spotted him first because his rockets were hotter than the Suns surface. When the computer finished crunching the figures we knew he would slow to our speed about an hour after he passed us, if he had enough fuel. I cross loaded the ships tanks and the engineer cut us free.

  I had 1 engineer and hoses to refuel him. I started accelerating at 2G for 15 minutes and then cut everything off and let the computer crunch rendezvous trajectories and speeds. After 2 more burns we were only 5 km/s faster than he was when he passed us at 19 KM distance. We had matched speed and were only 1 KM off from him when he flamed out. He was only going 20 KM faster relative than the Station, but we were 6487 KM out front.

  I called over and asked him if he had his gas card. His radio transmission was still over half static. From the looks of the ship he had a module 1 surrounded by module 2a coated in gold, 2 module 3's, a module 8, and a module 4. He told us to hold at 1 KM off his side and wait until he jettisoned both useless ends of his ship. As we turned our telescope on the ship we saw a suited figure at the first module 3. There was a ring of small explosions and then the nose of the ship started drifting off. He was then at the junction of module 3 & 8. When he blew that junction some evidently didn't go off because the remaining ship started to bend in the middle. Part of the mating ring on the second module 3 broke and then the engine and fuel sections started drifting.

  My engineer was suited up and out the lock with a cargo net before I could do anything. After they got the net over the end of the broken module 3 they called for me to go the tail of the ship and push it away. Then align myself with the first module 3 for bolting up.

  It only took 45 minutes to align and get the first bolts in place.

  He only had 2 sets of power tools to tighten the bolts.

  I took out water and air to replenish their suits and they were finished in another hour. As soon as they were inside I started maneuvering to get the best angle for deceleration to the station. It took almost 20 hours to return to the station because my ship was handling like a truck with flat front tires and no power steering. As we approached the station I saw that they had built a basket at the airlock. All I had to do was slide the end of the module 3 into the basket so they could tie it down for unloading.

  Frederick had already gotten the unloading crews organized and the food containers moved through the airlock and down the halls to the cafeterias where the cooking crews prepared a ½ ration meal using the fresh food.

  My engineer and I hauled the pilot to the nearest medical room and told them to take care of him because he was ½ dead from heat, excessive acceleration, and had probably picked up enough radiation to make a florescent bulb glow.

  One of the nurses said she wasn't going to do anything until she had some food.

  I then explained that this was the pilot that brought the food from the Belt and if she didn't get her ass in gear the only person that could stop me from spacing her would be Frederick P. Cole, because he would probably do it first. I then went back to my ship and got 6 sets of emergency rations and made thermos of hot coffee. I then returned to the medical room. I poured coffee for each of the workers and then handed them an emergency ration.

  One stepped back and opened her ration and started eating. After about 3 mouthfuls she handed the box to a nurse and took her place working on my pilot.

  I watched them all rotate through 2 ration boxes. As my pilot started relaxing and getting his color back, I looked closer. It was Jun Zhang. I got on the station intercom and asked for Mr. Cole to come by medical room 18 at his convenience.

  Day 2914 Thursday

  All food unloaded and empty modules jettisoned. I docked my ship to the station.

  I remained on the station. Our 2 mining suits were left in the main airlock suit locker room. Both showed hard use and repairs.

  It seemed like everyone wanted to shake my hand. My engineer was lucky, no one saw him.

  Day 2916 Saturday

  People going to the airlock to look at the mining suits were causing to much disruption. After 2 days of that Cole set up regular tours.

  Day 2927 Wednesday

  Luckily it was almost 2 weeks before anyone found out that the pilot of the food ship was in the medical room. Cole had to post a guard at the door to keep out gawkers.

  Day 2933 Tuesday

  Received call from Belt Station requesting trajectory and speed. They then said rendezvous with Trojan 3 would be in 68 days.

  I then informed them that Trojan 2 was a complete loss and the pilot was doing well under medical supervision. They said they would inform his wife.

  Day 3000 Saturday

  Trojan 3 identified itself at 100000 KM and requested docking instructions. Cole called me to the control room and asked me if I could identify the pilot of Trojan 3.

  After listening to the voice I got on the radio and asked how Tim was.

  When she said, Dad is fine, I turned to Frederick with the mike still keyed and told him that he had better get all the emergency crews on station because Sissy was piloting the ship and would probably land hard enough to jar our teeth loose.

  When I released the mike key all we could hear was laughter. Sissy docked 4 hours later as gently as a mother would kiss a baby. When she got to the control room she looked at both of us and then told us we were fired.

  We of course laughed at her until she joined us.

  Day 3207 Wednesday

  We started decelerating toward J4. Then Sissy told us that most of the surviving Board members had tried to assume control of the Belt community and only about 1/3rd of the refugees from the moon supported them. Everyone had been fed and given the Asteroid Belt Crew briefing on paper when they arrived. When they demanded food the next day they were given the choice of accepting the existing rules in the Belt or going their own way. It took 4 days for most of the moon people to capitulate. THE BOARD itself capitulated on day 6. The Earth work station joined before they even made orbit. Somewhere they had gotten a copy of the crew briefing and rules. Their vote was unanimous.

  Now it was time for the Earth Station personnel to make their decision. Frederick made the announcement that every computer terminal in the station would have the Crew briefing and the government rules for anyone to read. All personnel over the age of 16 would have to sign on and read them in the next 4 days. They could then accept or reject them.

  Day 3209 Friday

  We all gathered in the command center and Frederick bought up the vote. 80% had signed on. 78% of those had accepted the Belt government. 1% rejected it and 1% had signed off without voting. After looking at the figures he announced to us, well at least we won't outnumber the Belt citizens now. He handed Sissy and me new ID cards and picked up the intercom mike. Then he announced; 20% of the of the personnel aboard the station have not voted. They need to vote by 1800 local. New ID cards will be issued at the main medical center. Every one will report there within 24 hours to pick up their new card. The new card will contain their medical information and will be their key to computer access. Children under the age of 16 will be brought in by their parents. That is all. He then walked us down to the nearest cafeteria and we had to place our cards on the computer pad before we got in line. The pads looked very much like the ones June had in the Cafeteria back in the Cave. The green LED lit and our orders were processed. After eating he led us to the library. At the door was a keypad. He put his card on the keypad and the door opened. He waived Sissy ahead. As she walked through th
e door there was a red flash of light and an announcement from the door; UNAUTHOIRZED ENTRY, STEP OUT INTO THE HALL AND WAIT, SECURITY HAS BEEN NOTIFIED. She stepped back out and swiped her card. Then when she entered the door said, WELCOME BELT CITIZEN. When we were all inside Frederick told us to try accessing any computer terminal. I sat down and tried to log on. The terminal refused until I laid my ID card on the access pad. Frederick then explained that the system was in effect before to control data access from public areas and keep supply inventories. His computer man had just changed the access programs to work for the new ID cards which were the same except for the picture and logo on the front. After 2400 anyone that tried to log on without a new ID card or access station services would be notified by the computer that they needed to vote and report to the main medical center for a new ID card. The ID cards are constructed under computer control. He had gotten the ID machine out of the Cave when it started to closed down last year and moved it to the Station. Those that vote NO will get a different guest ID card that will allow them only survival services, no computer or non-survival services. All ID cards will have limits determined by their jobs and ages. When we returned to the control center we were told by one of the station officers that voting was up to 96% with only 1.8% voting NO.

  Day 3242 Wednesday

  We arrived J4 location and the station assumed orbit. After a computer link was established, the control center was informed that an immigration detail would dock within the hour.

  This surprised me and when I asked Sissy and Frederick they answered that this was per instructions they had received.

  He then informed me that the Earth Work Station had a 2 duplicates of the ID machine that they had copied and built.

  As the immigration detail entered the station they all pressed their ID's to the panel inside the suit room, this recorded their entry to the station. Doug was the last one through and he gave Sissy a hug and then reported to Frederick. His second question was, what is the new name for the station.

  Frederick just turned to the hall computer terminal and punched up a log on screen. Displayed across the top was FREEDOM STATION ONE log in. Doug looked at me and said that Tim had told him that Frederick would pick something corny like that for the station name.

  The Free Enterprise will be here in about 50 hours and you can get whats left of your ship back.

  Dr. Venu sent over 2 medical personnel and with inoculation equipment to prevent any large scale illness. A young woman stepped up and told us to roll up our sleeves and put our ID's on her portable desk. We got our shots and were automatically logged. After Doug's crew headed out to the nearest cafeteria Doug told us that the inoculation also contained nanobots that would improve our health. Dr. Venu has spent the last 4 years developing them and they worked by reading our DNA and attacking any DNA that didn't match, like cancer cells or viruses. He based the nanobots on the white blood cells. The critical number was around 3 million for an adult and it takes about 72 hours for them to reproduce that many. You will feel tired until then so eat good. I then reminded him that the station was on ½ rations.

  He then told a member of his team to make a ration call and asked where Zhang was. When we got to the med station he gave him a shot and told him to go to the cafeteria and get his immunization as soon as he felt up to it.

  Then we heard the announcement that informed the residents of the station that all personnel were to get their immunizations within 24 hours. No one would be exempted. Immunization stations would be in the main cafeteria.

  When I asked Doug where the Belt government was set up, he replied Wonderland of course. When I requested transportation he informed me that the station was under quarantine for 30 hours after the last immunization was given. After that he'd personally insure that I was given VIP transportation.

  Day 3246 Sunday

  0800 hours - One of the Belt's ships arrived. Artemis informed me that the Belt assembly requested the presence of Sissy, Zhang and me.

  At 1500 hours we were standing in Wonderland in a chamber that was combined from 3 separate living quarters. After the assembly speaker finished reading her speech she presented each of us with a gold medal for unselfish achievement above and beyond any call of duty. Sissy's and mine were solid gold and Zhang's was rimmed with platinum.

  I was also informed that when the Enterprise returned I was to escort the crew in for their awards.

  She then dismissed us so the women present could get back to work easing the government transition with all the new citizens. 5 women were the government for now. Belt population was now 1631 adults and 203 children under the age of 16.

  Day 3247 Monday

  I was called back before the assembly.

  They wanted me to take back over since I was back.

  I declined with the reason that the population had started the assembly and changing back to the previous form of government would hamper their authority in the future. However, I will be available for consultation should the assembly request any information or suggested plan for action. Before we ever left Earth, the men and women in charge, decided the form of government we would wanted to see implemented. I have full confidence in the assembly to make wise decisions using the government we selected to start with.

  Now an unofficial word, I believe that if the assembly confidentially calls any of the prior leaders, men or women, before them to request advice they will cooperate. There is nothing in the government plan stating that the assembly has to make decisions without using the best expertise and experienced personnel for assistance as consultants. No matter what advice is offered, the assembly must make the decision and is responsible for the decision.

  1.Now for my first suggestions. A military be established that is under the direct control of the assembly leader. You will have to select a commander in chief answerable only to the assembly, yet with the authority to act on her own. She should select a chain of command, male and female, to form a cadre to build a military defense force.

  2.The space stations that came from Earth orbit should be directed to have local elections to select a female to represent them, 1 for each station for now. The moon refugees should also be directed to do the same. That should give the assembly 4 more members. You will have to grant waivers for the number of adults for each assembly member and I suggest 10 to 20 years before you start strictly enforcing population requirements for a state. You must interview each selected representative before you approve them to take a seat on the assembly. This will allow you to keep trouble makers out until everyone is familiar and hopefully comfortable with our form of government. Only adult citizens should be allowed to vote or hold office.

  3.The assembly should assign an operational control person for each station and habitat. These will not be the civilian government for the habitats or stations. They will have their own chain of command for maintenance, building, medical, and security. The leader or operational control person, should for now be answerable only an assembly representative. This will prevent the civilian government selected for the station or habitat from doing anything stupid like pulling up stakes and moving if they get irritated with the assembly.

  4.I will offer suggestions to the assembly for a few of the positions if you so desire. I believe that a few of the suggested people will have more knowledge than I do.

  Day 3250 Thursday

  I arrived at Freedom Station One and met Frederick in the main conference room.

  When Sissy and Doug arrived I outlined what I had told the assembly the other day when they wanted me to take back over in the Belt government.

  None of them looked to happy.

  I then reinforced my comments by firmly stating that if we don't get a good government operating now we will just be an unorganized mob when earth gets ready to force us back under their control and we will be their 2nd class citizens, unless they make us outright slaves.
/>   After they acknowledged the truth in my statements I nominated Sissy to be our agitator to get the assembly off its collective butts. After some heated discussions we headed for the cafeteria for lunch. While we were eating Doug was paged. When he came back he told me I was a bigger SOB now than I was the first time he met me.

  I said I didn't give the assembly any names for any positions, I just suggested a few positions that needed to be created.

  Then Frederick got a call to check his e-mail. He punched me in the arm and told us all that he was directed to report to the Assembly chambers within 2 hours.

  Sissy then stated that she was getting off easy because now she didn't have to be an agitator. She'd no sooner finished when a page came over the intercom requesting that she check her e-mail. As she got up Frederick snidely commented that the taxi would leave in 30 minutes. When she returned to the table she commented that the Assembly had put out an all-points notification for some guy named Stephen Brandon to contact the Assembly.

  I looked at Frederick and then stated, personnel lock 9 entry pad must not be connected to the computer because I checked in when I dropped my suit. You might want to have all the lock pads checked on an irregular schedule to prevent unauthorized entry or exit from the station. See you when they catch me, and I headed for lock 9. You know how you get a feeling in an unfamiliar room when you are about to stub your toe, well I got that feeling as I put on my suit. I did a complete check and then a double check of all suit systems and then a manual drain and recharge of the environment system and jet packs. With all systems green I grabbed an emergency air pack from the shelf. It checked out OK. I then finished suiting up and stepped into the airlock. When the pressure reached 0 I rechecked all systems except the jet pack by using them. When they checked OK I opened the outer lock door and headed for Wonderland. When I checked in I was told to report to the Assembly chamber. I grabbed the suit maintenance gal and asked her to check my suit completely because I had a feeling something was going wrong with it, but all the indicators showed green. Also it was probably past due a complete overhaul. Call me when you are done. I will probably be out for a month or more before I get back, so take your time.

  I got to the Assembly chamber door just in time to see Doug and Sissy come around the corner of the hall.

  When asked, I told the Assembly that I could only recommend a few people to positions because I had not worked with everyone. I then indicated that Frederick P. Cole the present commander of Freedom Station One would know more about who could handle the other stations because when in Earth orbit he was in charge of all 3. Doug would probably be best to set up the military cadre. Sissy or June would know more about the moon base personnel and who to select for their operational control person.

  One of the assembly women looked straight at me and said Doug had been selected for another job. She then announced to me that she had been selected as Commander of Military Defense Forces and I was drafted to set up the cadre and organize everything. She expected progress reports every 48 hours. Then I was told to take a seat. As I sat down next to Doug I whispered, I am going to need some assistance and lots of help.

  When they finished questioning Sissy they announced that her report was due in 48 hours and could be e-mailed in provided she was available for justification of any questions they might have.

  Then it was Doug's turn. They just flat told him he was the best person for the job they had for him. He shrugged his shoulders and said yes ma'am. His job was overall security of the Belt government and community reporting directly to the Commander of Military Defense Forces. She then stated that he would be her right arm and Mr Brandon would be her left arm. She expected us to work together but she was in charge. She then called me back up and handed Doug and me cards with very short list of tasks and her personal and Assembly e-mail address. She then thanked us and told us we could go.

  I then raised my hand and informed her that the proper military protocol when a superior officer was done with a lower ranking officer or NCO or enlisted person was to say dismissed.

  She glared at me and then smiled, and then said Dismissed!

  Doug and I did an about face and marched out. When the door closed Doug threw an arm around my shoulder and laughingly said don't teach them to much about the military protocol. We headed for the cafeteria and Doug left word for Sissy to join us.

  The first question I asked Doug after we grabbed a cup of coffee was, did Albert and Karen make it out. I tried to looked hurt when he told me I would suck vacuum before I got my paws on them. I just need them to set up a really secure e-mail system for the assembly and military. Also we will need a new encryption system that can be used in the ships out on patrol and in headquarters. Oh rats, that comes under your job description. From your knowledge of personnel out here who should I talk to about help that knows anything about a defense force.

  Sissy hit my head with her elbow as she came around the table. I asked her if my Cave office staff made it out and where they were.

  She said they were with the moon group.

  What about James and Alice Merryweather or June? I've lost track of them.

  No comment, was her reply.

  OK then who would have a list of all adults in the Belt and their histories. None of us knew so we traded e-mail addressed and I told Doug that we needed secure e-mail yesterday. I then went to my quarters and put in a call to Frederick. I was informed he was called to a secret meeting and I could leave a message.

  I headed back to the Assembly chamber and just walked in and sat down. When they finished with Frederick I motioned him over to where I was seated and asked him to wait. I then stood up and requested the attention of the assembly. When I got their attention I requested that they let me know who had a list of all citizens in the Belt and authorization to access that list.

  I was told it would be added to the list of things they were going to address and I was dismissed.

  I took Frederick by the arm and we left and started to the cafeteria.

  He told me on the way that lock 9 keypad had been used to hack into the stations computer system.

  I told him that Doug was in charge of overall security for the belt government and community. I then told him I needed access to his personnel records for Freedom Station One and I needed to talk to the guy he had in charge of the work station.

  He said come to the station in the morning.

  After we left the cafeteria I went to the commo center and put in a call to the Belt work station. When contact was finally made I was informed that it no longer existed, the stations name was Belt Two. I asked for the boss and was directed to Wanda Hyang. I asked her if she was in charge of the work station when they built the fuel ship. She said no, so I asked her if she and the person in charge when the fuel ship was built would meet with me and Mr. Cole on Freedom Station One in the morning at 0900 hours.

  Day 3251 Friday

  I had just finished checking my e-mail when Wanda walked in with Jill Calhoon at exactly 0900. While we were waiting for Frederick and his guys I asked Wanda how she was and how she got to be in charge of Belt Two. She claimed she got drafted because they needed someone good at scheduling.

  Jill said I drafted her so I could get back to my job.

  I then informed them that I was tasked with setting up a Belt Military Defense Force and I needed both of them.

  They both at the same time said we both have full time jobs.

  I explained that I had Assembly power to draft people to do jobs but I would rather have a patriotic volunteers. What I need is someone to design weapons and a crew to build them. We will need some specialized modules built as soon as I get designs to test. I did not know when the Earth would get it act together, but when they did, they would come swarming out here to put us under their thumb and take away all the freedoms we now enjoyed. I also needed to know who designed the hard she
ll work suits. They would probably be the best person to design a military version. I gave them both my e-mail address and asked for reply a quickly as possible.

  Frederick walked in with Paulette and Brenda. Both looked pissed off.

  I looked at Paulette and Brenda and said I would like both of you to volunteer to join the Belt Military Defense Force. Paulette said OK and Brenda said I can't, I'm pregnant. I said, will you be available for civilian office staff or shall I start looking elsewhere.

  She then demanded that I give her maternity leave.

  My reply was that her maternity leave would be at her desk and if anyone said anything about the baby beside her I'd arrange for them to walk in space without a suit.

  She then volunteered and gave me a hug.

  OK my first task for both of you is to find John Ironstone, Steve Nugget, Artemis Baptise, James Merryweather, Alice Merryweather, June from the cafeteria, James Melbourne, and Jack Jamroz to start with. I need to talk to all of them in person. Frederick will give you any assistance he can from Freedom Station One. I haven't been assigned an office or headquarters yet by the Assembly so you both will have to contact me by radio and e-mail. As soon as I can contact Albert and Karen from Cave commo section we will get some communications security set up. As long a Frederick will let me use this conference room I'll probably be here every few days.

  Fredrick then said you didn't know but both of these young ladies work for me here on the station. I'll let you have them as soon as they can train suitable replacements. Get back to your offices now and I'll be by later and give you access codes for the personnel listing. Once he and I were alone in the room he asked how many others of his people I was going to steal.

  My answer was, I need the best because as you well know we are going to be fighting for our lives. I'm going to need military pilots, preferably ex Air Force and Navy and trainers for everything the Defense Force will get to fight with. Oh and by the way, my hard shell space suit was sabotaged. The only place it's been lately that wasn't under my control was airlock 9 on this station. Somebody knows enough about the suits to place a small charge in a joint and wire it so when that tool was used it would cause explosive decompression.

  Bob walked in and said Hi to Frederick. Doug just found out your space suit was sabotaged so I'm now assigned as your body guard again. The Enterprise is being dissembled and inspected and you have been assigned another with full time crew.

  I raised my hands and said, Frederick now you see some of what I will have to put up with.

  The ship was a nice little ship that consisted of what looked like a module 5, a module 1, a module 2, a module 6, and a module 4. Upon looking closer the module 5 had the same mining tools we had on the fuel ship we took on the rescue mission. It had a crew of 3, a pilot, a navigator/radar operator, and a commo/weapons operator. I could also tell it was put together fast because the 6 hard-shell suits were used and there were unfinished welding marks on the cargo hatch that had been installed opposite the normal personnel airlock.

  I asked where their home base was and the pilot just said classified, however tomorrow there will be a second ship just like this one, and we will have 3 full crews each.

  OK take me to Doug, I'll close my eyes so I won't see where you take me.

  The commo guy said he didn't know where Doug was while tapped on a key on his computer. His screen flashed a few minutes later and he told the pilot to take us to Wonderland.



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