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The Asteroid Belt

Page 5

by Stephen Brandon

Chapter 4 Attack & Counter

  Day 3702 Monday

  Fuel ship Nimitz on patrol in solar south detected 18 total radar contacts. 6 large and 12 smaller.

  When painted with ruby laser smaller radar contacts veer toward laser source. Tested 3 times an range of about 1 AU.

  Luke request permission to destroy 12 smaller radar contacts from ½ AU distance.

  He sent a message on all frequencies from 660 Hz to 300 MHz warning Earth ships to turn around and return to Earth or we would start destroying their attack fleet. They had 40 hours to comply.

  I then sent Nimitz orders to track them at ½ AU distance for 61 hours and then start with any of the small targets that indicated that they might be missiles.

  Day 3704 Wednesday

  Nimitz reported that 8 small targets had been cut in half before one exploded. There were 19 secondary explosion within a .5 degree arc ahead of the 8th target. One of the 6 large targets also exploded after the secondary explosions. Our weapons master thinks that they have launched small nuclear mines ahead of their fleet.

  After notifying the Commander in Chief I ordered the Alice to the solar south to cooperate in sweeping all of the trajectories the enemy fleet had been on since.

  Nimitz has destroyed all smaller targets and transmitted last warning giving them 24 hours to change orbit or be destroyed. No transmissions were picked up from any of the fleet ships and all were destroyed. There were over a hundred secondary explosions when the large targets were lased.

  Day 3706 Friday

  Appeared before Assembly and requested they authorize construction of 2 extreme range telescopes to place around the Belt to observe Earth and Moon for possible aggressive actions.

  I was then informed that Doug had a crew using the one long range telescope we had. They had observed a lot of activity around a what appeared to be a linear accelerator. Small electromagnetic pulses were also detected prior to fleet launch.

  I immediately went over and took a phone and called Jackal 2 and told them to contact the Enterprise and under my authority to inform them that they were exit the target area under emergency power. After confirmation of receipt of orders they were to contact all ships in fleet to relocate and scan for ballistic projectiles aimed at the belt from the moon.

  I then told the Assembly that I thought that the linear accelerator on the moon had been launching ballistic weapons at anything they thought might be a Belt base or ship location.

  They should arrange for all habits and stations to move NOW. We need to have everything moved to locations that are shielded by large solid bodies from direct observation and trajectories from the moon.

  One council woman said that's impossible.

  I reminded them that Earth had radio telescopes capable of detecting radio signals from the stars. They might be using them to target any radio source in the belt. I needed authorization to launch an attack on the moon to destroy those launchers. They gave me permission to plan the attack only.

  As soon as I got back to Jackal 2 I contacted Gearbox, Amanda, and FS1 and informed them of my suspicions about the moon linear accelerator and its targets. They were to start moving to a new location within the hour and assume radio silence. Any unusual events detected were to be transmitted to my headquarters. Also we would need as many communication laser sets as they could whip up ASAP.

  I then called Doug and requested a meeting away from any station or habitat location.

  Day 3707 Saturday

  Met Doug and told him about my suspicions.

  He agreed and had his monitoring crew transmit all records to my HQ. He also said he would have all his resources relocate.

  Day 3710 Tuesday

  2 habitats hit and holed. 47 casualties.

  Habitat L4 station hit. Population 271. It broke apart. No survivors.

  Frederick stopped rotation of Freedom Station One prior to moving so when it was hit only 73 casualties due to explosive decompression. Repairable structural damage.

  Wonderland hit a glancing blow while moving. 53 injuries.

  Total 391 casualties.

  Day 3711 Wednesday

  Assembly wanted no repeat of this type attack. Message relayed from the Commander in Chief was to destroy any capability on the moon to repeat any attack on the Belt.

  Day 3714 Saturday

  We are flooded with e-mails requesting to join the Belt Defense Force. Each e-mail was given a number. Each e-mail was replied to with the number assigned and all were notified that a technical education was required to join the Belt Defense Force. Also a pilots license would be required for anyone joining as a pilot. We also needed technical workers at the Belt work stations.

  I set up a board consisting of 1 pilot, 1 weapons master, and a worker from Amanda work station to start interviewing and classifying all the people that sent e-mails. Their job as I told them was to see if there was anyone presently qualified and to let everyone else know what the standards were. They were to answer any and all pertinent questions and encourage all applicants to prepare.

  I'm not including the attack plan because civilians reading this journal don't need that kind of information.

  Day 3718 Wednesday

  I was called to the Assembly and promoted and given the official permanent rank of Rear Admiral. Then they gave me the temporary promotion to Fleet Admiral. I was then told that all fighter pilots were to be officially promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Fuel ship pilots were to be promoted to Lieutenant. Space Station commanders were to be promoted to Lieutenant, except for Frederick Cole, he would be promoted to Lieutenant Commander. The weapons masters would be promoted to either ensign or Lieutenant Junior Grade. I would start off all staff as enlisted ranks. This set me back for about the time it took me to get back to my HQ and get hold of Paulette my military secretary.

  I told her about what had happened in the Assembly Chambers and I needed her to get some shoulder boards made up for all the ranks in the quantity I would need. Then I would need her to type up orders promoting all the personnel we presently had. Also get Brenda to help you start a military history labeled Belt Military Defense Force.

  I drafted a memo to the Commander in Chief informing her that the Assembly had forgotten some flight crews out there. We had 6 scouts out watching our borders. They should start out as Ensigns and we had 4 armed mining ships. They should also start as Ensigns. If the Commander in Chief so desired I would forward all request for promotions to her for approval, but might be better if she simply monitored the rank structure.

  Day 3870 Monday

  Still no reply from Earth.

  Re-transmitting battle visuals with audio this time on civilian frequencies.

  Day 3900 Wednesday

  1st fuel ship Nimitz launched their asteroid payload and transmitted on all frequencies 10 times.

  This is from the Belt community government to all Earth and Moon communities and governments. We have been attacked twice. The second attack killed 391 civilians and injured 53. Therefore we are acknowledging a state of war between the Earth Moon system and the Asteroid Belt Community. Therefore we are targeting military use installations on the moon and in orbit around the earth. We only have mining equipment and it is not as accurate or sophisticated as military weapons. We will use what we have to defend our communities. Beware, collateral damage may be severe. We are not targeting anything on planet Earth, but if we miss our targets on the Moon, Earth my be struck by accident.

  Then they set course to rendezvous with mining ships in the belt to refuel and load another suitable asteroid.

  Day 3901 Thursday

  The fuel ship Alice launched next and transmitted the same message 10 times.

  Then set course to rendezvous with mining ships to refuel and reload.

  Day 3903 Friday

  The fuel ship Enterprise launched last and transmitted the same message 10

  Then the Enterprise altered course to rendezvous with fighters near moon.

  Day 4008 Saturday

  Fighter fleet approaching Earth Moon system.

  Earth space stations launched missiles. Both targeted and they flew apart when cut by lasers. Missiles were destroyed or evaded after going ballistic.

  Day 4012 Wednesday

  Major secondary explosions were detected after each asteroid hit the moon. Comment from fighter commander to HQ was “That's some shooting.”

  All radio traffic from the moon ceased, not even a request for aid.

  Day 4013 Thursday

  0100 hours report: Fighter fleet approaching Moon.

  0215 hours report: Three ships launched from surface and were destroyed.

  1500 hours report: 3 linear accelerators were targeted from one end to the other.

  1800 hours report: Two telescope locations were targeted. What appears to be a missile launch site was targeted.

  2115 hours All military targets detected were damaged or destroyed. No damage to ships or personnel. Proceeding to rendezvous point 1.

  Day 4018 Tuesday

  0915 hours: Fighter fleet, one of our weapons masters has detected multiple missiles on ballistic course to intercept us. Are taking evasive action.

  1030 hours: from Fighter fleet, we are targeting all radar contacts. The missiles have changed course to intercept us.

  Day 4019 Wednesday

  Fighter fleet report: 0200 hours One missile slipped through and we lost one fighter with crew. We are all unanimous about returning and slagging the launch site as soon as we locate it.

  HQ to Fighter fleet: Don't worry about the launch site. We have 2 rocks in-route now. You might want to watch the back side of the moon in 288 days. Also there is a scout on a ballistic flyby following the payload impacts. If there are any more launches use all lasers to target launch sites even if in orbit around Earth. You may target any launches from Earth as soon as they clear direct line with Earths atmosphere. Don't shoot down the scout. Transponder frequency 9. He will start transmitting 1 hour after closest Moon approach along with any new targeting information.

  Day 4029 Saturday

  Report from Enterprise: Starting to refuel and resupply fighters. Location, parking orbit Earth L5 point.

  Day 4036 Saturday

  HQ to fighter group: 6 more targets identified, coordinates to follow.

  Go ballistic to rendezvous point 1J.

  Estimated attack date 4320.

  Day 4041 Thursday

  The fuel ships arced into the belt to the rendezvous point. They were met by a handful of mining ships. They had been gathering ice asteroids and stockpiling them.

  When they topping off the mining ships and their fuel tanks were full they selected two of the collected metallic asteroids the miners had gathered. The Alice found one that contained almost 50% radioactive elements. The captain OK'd using it with the provision that the crew would spend most of their time in the new radiation room. Then they sent a burst message to HQ and were assigned their targets and to proceed.

  Day 4045 Monday

  Nimitz starting 2nd launch run. Target 47.

  Day 4046 Tuesday

  Alice starting 2nd launch run. Target 49.

  Day 4187 Wednesday

  The captain of the Nimitz verified the navigators trajectory calculations and finally ordered separation from the asteroid. In his opinion whatever was near target 47 location was in for a big shock 128 days 9 hours and 6 minutes from now. Since there was no atmosphere all the destruction would be caused by the shock-wave transmitted through the underlying rock. His navigator claimed they'll feel this one! To bad it won't bring back my sister and her family.

  Day 4195 Thursday

  The navigator of the Alice verified his calculations and finally notified the captain every thing checked. The captain ordered separation from the asteroid. The navigator requested that they monitor the exact trajectory for 8 hours prior to moving off. In his opinion whatever was near target 49 location was in for a big shock 117 days 20 hours and 15 minutes from now. The impact 15 degrees from the dark side of the terminator line on the waning crescent will be observable from earth. This asteroid contains just enough radioactive isotopes that it may detonate upon impact. If it does then they may see regolith cracks all the way around the moon. The navigator emphasized that they'll definitely feel this one all the way around.

  Day 4197 Saturday

  Alice to Belt HQ: Due to fuel constraints our delta-v is to high for us to return to the refuel point 2. We are proceeding to refuel point 4.

  Day 4312 Tuesday

  One of the weapon masters of the fighter wing spotted the asteroid coming in. He notified the pilots to track them. After a burst transmission the belt HQ acknowledged that it was the one launched from the Alice.

  One hour later the pilots notified all the weapons masters to observe the first. He estimated impact in less than 10 minutes. It hit on the dark side of the terminator. However there was a much brighter flash than they expected. One weapons master claimed that it was a massive low yield nuclear detonation. As they watched the moon acquired an atmosphere of dust and volatiles. Comment from fighter commander to HQ was “That's some rock!, what was in it?”

  All radio traffic from the moon ceased again, not even a request for aid.

  Day 4315 Friday

  The weapon masters having received the orbital data of the next incoming rock and finally spotted it. Everyone tracked it.

  It also hit on the dark side of the terminator. However the dust cloud around the moon obscured the impact.

  Day 4320 Wednesday

  HQ report to all fighters: Impacts noted at target 49 location. No secondary explosion, only 1 air plume indicating breach of environmental support system detected before dust obscured surface. Telescopes located 2 launches and tracking of rockets. One went to station in low earth orbit and other headed straight to moon. Will continue to track.

  Orders to fighters at L5 point: Calculate orbits to L4 after getting us some good radar pictures of the moon. Estimate that it will take about two years before the dust settles enough for visual targeting on the surface.

  Orders to Enterprise: Proceed to L4 point to refuel and resupply fighters when they arrive. Further orders to follow.

  Day 4325 Monday

  Fighter group to HQ: We got radar images of all coordinates designated on flyby. No missiles launched from moon, earth, or low orbit satellite. Earth rocket en-route to moon changed course as soon as we started moving.

  Proceeding to L4. Out

  Day 4328 Thursday

  Nimitz arrived belt refuel point 2. Miners had ice and metallic asteroids ready for 3rd run on moon.

  Day 4334 Wednesday

  Alice arrived belt refuel point 4. Miners had ice and metallic asteroids ready for 3rd run on moon.

  Day 4336 Friday

  Alice and Nimitz ordered to hold location after completion of refueling and rearming. Reason: target determination

  Day 4337 Saturday

  Enterprise to HQ: My direct path the L4 is hazardous. Three spacecraft located in Earth L1 launched missiles and tried to intercept. Going to 1.5 G acceleration to give our weapons master more time to knock down enemy missiles. Used mining tool projectiles to take out most of missiles and ships. Still taking evasive action and using laser.

  Enterprise to fighter group 2036 hours: Will not be able to rendezvous at L4. Suggest you boost to Belt orbit.

  Fighter group commander to Enterprise 2124 hours: Head sun-ward and give us an angle plus last coordinates of missiles. We will concentrate lasers on your tail.

  Enterprise to Fighter group commander 2322 hours: Only 2 missiles left and both within 30000 KM. Am using rotation and remaining laser. If there is a large EMP we will probably need a tow back to the bel

  Day 4338 Sunday

  Bluebird to fighter group 0901 hours: We lost the Enterprise and 2 crew members. Will miss rendezvous. En-route to Belt. Survivors 4.

  Bluebird to HQ 0905 hrs: We lost the Enterprise, Captain and Weapons Master. Will miss L4 rendezvous with fighter group. 4 survivors. Environment and food OK, however will need refueling.

  Day 4339 Monday

  HQ to Nimitz: Intercept fighter group and render all aid.

  HQ to fighter group: Alter course to Belt. Nimitz will contact for fuel and aid rendezvous. Maintain radio silence.

  HQ to Bluebird: Observe radio silence. You will be contacted.

  HQ to Alice: Upon completion of refueling contact Bluebird for rendezvous.

  Day 4500 Monday

  Memo from Assembly: Earth has requested sensation of hostilities. After consulting with several members of the old Board we have decided to refuse.

  Our answer sent to earth was: We declare complete independence. Earth will deal with us as a separate sovereign government equal to any government or group of governments on or off Earth. We will not seek membership in the UN or any Earth organization. Nor will we be coerced into membership in any Earth organization.

  When I got to the Assembly chambers it was a riot. When Doug arrived the Commander in Chief called everyone to order. The nine Assembly members acted like amazons. The presiding chairman pulled the microphone over and reread the Memo. She then said that the decision had been made and transmitted to Earth. The main reasoning behind complete independence was that if we let Earth get a toe in the Belt government we would be their slaves within a decade. That's why we refused to join any Earth organization. The reason we demanded and declared our independence and equality to any government on or off Earth was to tell them that they could not form an Earth Moon government and then demand our subservience. Also it would require that each government that participated in the war sign a peace treaty with our government. This makes it official and Earth must now recognized it officially. Since we can not return to the gravity of earth we must remain in space. We will not allow them to dictate to us as free women and men. We will answer the broadcasters questions for 15 minutes.

  There was stunned silence for about 5 minutes. Then Widow Keefe stood up and stated. “I left Earth to go to the Moon. It turned out to be a colony run by a few old men that just wanted to hold on to their power. I pity those that remained on the moon when we had to evacuate. The hardships there hurt. I lost 2 daughters and their families when the our habitat was hit. If the Earth won't grant, no acknowledge our independence then I think that we should take the fight to them and make them recognized us as free. My grandson has told me about the restrictions put on our fighters about not hitting the Earth itself. Bull shit, hit them and let them know we will be free even if it cost the Earth their civilization. We can pound them back into the stone age and still survive.” With that she sat down and the silence was as deep as space itself. Then the audience started clapping and no other questions were asked.

  Day 4510 Thursday

  Memo from Assembly to Belt Defense and Belt Security forces: Earth has refused to accept our independence. WE ARE STILL AT WAR. PREPARE. Public announcement will be at 2100 hours tonight and transmitted toward earth. Following it will be the speech made by widow Keefe at the Assembly meeting 10 days ago.

  Day 4512 Saturday

  I reported to the Assembly Chambers as requested. As I entered silence fell and everyone turned to look at me. The Assembly President ordered me to the front and picked up a piece of paper and started to read:

  Attention to orders!

  Rear Admiral Stephen Brandon is promoted to the permanent rank of Fleet Admiral effective this day 4512 DFE.

  All the assembly members started clapping and when they stopped she said, “Get the hell out of here and kick ass.”

  Day 4515 Tuesday

  Both families were brought to Wonderland and presented with medals and the condolences of the assembly for their sons that died. Both agreed to allow the recorded proceeding to be broadcast.

  Day 4549 Monday

  New hull fuel ship ready to commission. 3 Engine modules are also in a half shells. Weapons/Mining tools located in 4 half shells. Lasers mounted front and rear of ship in ½ shells. Fuel tanks are new shells. There is also a basket frame capable of support 250 metric tons under 2 G accelerations sticking out the front.

  Commissioning of the new ship will be at your convenience after delivery to Wonderland at 1000 hours.

  It should survive anything except a direct nuclear hit or the laser.

  Everyone that looks at the new ship laughs because it looks like a bunch of balloons tied together, but it will do the job!

  Day 4550 Tuesday

  I sent a memo to the Commander in Chief requesting permission to to attempt to make contact with whoever was in charge with the Earth forces. I wanted to define the rules of this war to prevent the extinction of the human race.

  I also invited her to tour and christen the latest fuel ship at noon. Commissioning ceremony was scheduled for 1400 hours. She sent me a note instructing me on the name.

  Day 4552 Thursday

  Memo to Fleet Admiral Brandon from Commander in Chief and Belt Assembly: You are here by advised and authorized as of date 4552 DFE to make contact with the overall Commander of the Earth military forces. Rules of war should be laid out and approved. Rules of engagement between opposing fleets should also be agreed to if possible. Avoidance of destruction of living habitats should be emphasized. Emphasize that the murder of unarmed civilians should be avoided at all cost. Emphasize that the results of murdering civilians causes a hate and desire for revenge that could have the end result of destruction of not only the Belt Community but Earth.



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