You Look Like a Thing and I Love You
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* The old adage that a monkey writing randomly on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time will eventually produce the entire works of Shakespeare actually pretty accurately describes the “brute force” method of searching for a s
olution to a problem by systematically trying everything. Ideally, using AI to solve the problem is an improvement over this. Ideally.
* The fact that the score is 27–0 at this point rather than 28–0 means that the Cougars might have missed one of their conversion points—a fact that Heliograf fails to mention.
* It also had a tiny bit of long-term memory where it could keep track of information for longer than that sixty five-character window, but that amount of memory was too tiny to store an entire ingredients list. In machine learning terms, that makes this algorithm a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network rather than a plain RNN.
* The category was spelled “deserts” rather than “desserts” in the dataset, so this is how the neural net thinks it’s spelled.
* The Google Translate algorithm is constantly being updated, so these results will change significantly over time.